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Created August 20, 2017 22:43
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Python rc stuff
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement
import atexit, os, readline, rlcompleter
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
histfile = os.path.expanduser("~/.python/history")
except IOError:
def isint(n):
return type(n) in (int, long)
# python2 only
from compiler.ast import flatten
except ImportError:
# python3 stuff
from functools import reduce
long = int # py3 has no long type
def flatten(*iterable):
"""hopefully equivalent to python2's compiler.ast.flatten"""
# thanks
import collections
from itertools import chain
for el in chain(*iterable):
if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, str):
for subel in flatten(el):
yield subel
yield el
def gamma(z, x=1.000000000000000174663, p=[5716.400188274341379136,
-14815.30426768413909044, 14291.49277657478554025, -6348.160217641458813289,
1301.608286058321874105, -108.1767053514369634679, 2.605696505611755827729,
-0.7423452510201416151527e-2, 0.5384136432509564062961e-7,
"""Lanczos approximation good to approximately 15 digits of precision.
Supports complex input and output."""
epsilon = 1e-10
def withinepsilon(x):
return abs(x - abs(x)) <= epsilon
from cmath import sin, sqrt, pi, exp
z = complex(z)
# Reflection formula
if z.real < 0.5:
result = pi / (sin(pi * z) * gamma(1 - z, x=x, p=p))
z -= 1
for (i, pval) in enumerate(p):
x += pval / (z + i + 1)
t = z + len(p) - 0.5
result = sqrt(2 * pi) * t**(z + 0.5) * exp(-t) * x
if withinepsilon(result.imag):
return result.real
return result
def binary(n, prefix='0b', length=0, spacer=0):
"drop-in replacement for bin() builtin but accepts additional parameters"
return '{0}{{:{1}>{2}}}'.format(prefix, spacer, length).format(bin(n)[2:])
def gcd(*numbers):
from math import gcd # py3
except ImportError:
from fractions import gcd # requires 2.6+
except ImportError: # for older Python courtesy <>
def gcd(a, b):
if b != 0:
return gcd(b, a % b)
return a
return reduce(gcd, flatten(numbers))
def lcm(*numbers):
def _lcm(a,b):
return (a * b) // gcd(a, b)
return reduce(_lcm, flatten(numbers), 1)
def factorial(n):
if isint(n):
return long(round(gamma(n + 1))) # if we're given an int, return something that looks like an int.
return gamma(n + 1)
def rfactorial(n):
if n >= 0:
return factorial(n)
return ((-1) ** (-n - 1)) / factorial(-n - 1)
except ValueError:
return ((-1) ** (-n - 1 + 0j)) / factorial(-n - 1)
def permutation(n, k, fact=factorial):
if k > n:
return 0
import operator
op = operator.truediv
# if we have integer operators, return an int
if isint(k) and isint(n):
op = operator.ifloordiv
return op(fact(n), fact(n - k))
def de_bruijn(k, n, includetail=True):
'''De Bruijn sequence for alphabet k and subsequences of length n.
You may also pass an integer for k, in which case the alphabet will be range(0,k).
Set the includetail parameter to false if you wish to have a "toroid".'''
# see FKM algorithm
_ = int(k)
alphabet = list(map(str, range(k)))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
alphabet = k
k = len(k)
a = [0] * k * n
sequence = []
def db(t, p):
if t > n:
if n % p == 0:
sequence.extend(a[1:p + 1])
a[t] = a[t - p]
db(t + 1, p)
for j in range(a[t - p] + 1, k):
a[t] = j
db(t + 1, t)
db(1, 1)
if includetail:
sequence += sequence[0:n-1]
return "".join(str(alphabet[i]) for i in sequence)
def binomial(z, w, fact=factorial):
"""return binominal coefficients for (z, w)"""
# TODO: some kind of up-front bounds checking? Not sure what the rules are exactly
if 0 >= w and isint(w): # w is a negative integer
return 0
elif 0 >= z and isint(z): # z is a negative integer
if isint(w): # w is an integer
return ((-1) ** w) * fact(w - z - 1) / (fact(w) * fact(-z - 1))
return float("inf")
else: # z is not a negative integer
if isint(z) and isint(w):
return int(round(gamma(z + 1)/(gamma(w + 1) * gamma(z - w + 1))))
return gamma(z + 1)/(gamma(w + 1) * gamma(z - w + 1))
def multinomial(*arr, **kwargs):
"computer multinomial coefficients; use fact keyword argument to specify factorial function"
fact = kwargs.setdefault('fact', factorial)
accum = 0
result = 1
for k in flatten(arr):
accum += k
result *= binomial(accum, k, fact)
return result
def factor(n, naive=False):
"given an integer, return an array of its prime factors"
if not isint(n):
raise TypeError("factorization is only defined for integers")
if n < 0:
raise ValueError("can't factorize negative numbers")
# cheat and bust out GNU factor, if available
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
factor_path = find_executable('factor')
from subprocess import check_output
except ImportError:
naive = True
if factor_path and not naive:
from re import split
return [int(factor) for factor in split(":| ", check_output([factor_path, str(n)]).decode(encoding="ascii").strip())[2:]]
# # cool idea from which yields all factors
# return reduce(list.__add__, ([i, n//i] for i in range(1, int(n**0.5) + 1) if n % i == 0))
from math import floor
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return []
res = []
for i in range(2, int(floor(sqrt(n) + 1))):
while n % i == 0:
n //= i
if n != 1: # unusual numbers
return res
def log(n, base=10):
"return log, complex if necessary; base 10 default"
from math import log
if complex == type(n) or n < 0:
from cmath import log
return log(n)/log(base)
from math import log
return log(n)/log(base)
def lg(n):
"return log base 2, complex if necessary"
return log(n, base=2)
def ln(n):
"return natural log, complex if necessary"
from math import e
return log(n, base=e)
def sqrt(n):
"not quite a drop-in for math.sqrt; handles complex numbers by default"
if complex == type(n) or ((type(n) == float or isint(n)) and n < 0):
from cmath import sqrt
return sqrt(n)
elif type(n) in (float, int, long):
from math import sqrt
return sqrt(n)
raise ValueError
def geomean(*arr):
from operator import truediv, mul
arr = list(flatten(arr))
return reduce(mul, arr) ** truediv(1, len(arr))
# credit Beazley
def gen_open(filenames):
for name in filenames:
if name.endswith(".gz"):
import gzip
elif name.endswith(".bz2"):
import bz2
yield bz2.BZ2File(name)
elif name.endswith(".xz") or name.endswith(".lz"):
import lzip
yield open(name)
atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile)
del histfile, os
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert(binomial(8,4) == 70)
assert(de_bruijn(range(1,9,2), 3) == '111311511713313513715315515717317517733353373553573753775557577711')
assert(de_bruijn(2, 2) == '00110')
assert(de_bruijn(2, 3) == '0001011100')
assert(de_bruijn(2, 4) == '0000100110101111000')
assert(de_bruijn(5, 3) == '0001002003004011012013014021022023024031032033034041042043044111211311412212312413213313414214314422232242332342432443334344400')
assert(de_bruijn(6, 2) == '0010203040511213141522324253343544550')
assert(de_bruijn("abcd", 2) == 'aabacadbbcbdccdda')
assert(binomial(20,4) == 4845)
assert(multinomial(4,4,4,4,4) == 305540235000)
assert(multinomial(4,[4,4],(4,4)) == 305540235000)
assert(sqrt(-1) == 0+1j)
assert(round(binomial(-10.2,3),3) == -232.288)
assert(round(binomial(36,10.2)) == 305061085)
assert(factor(6189814107) == [3, 3, 347, 457, 4337])
assert(factor(6189814107, naive=True) == [3, 3, 347, 457, 4337])
assert(permutation(8,4) == 1680)
assert(round(permutation(8.5,4.2),7) == 3132.8466772)
assert(sqrt(1+1j) == 1.09868411346781+0.45508986056222733j)
assert(lg(1024) == 10.0)
assert(ln(10) == 2.3025850929940459)
assert(log(10) == 1.0)
assert(round(log(1+1j).real, 13) == 0.150514997832)
assert(lg(129510957-62897158194442687j).imag ==-2.266180067942957)
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