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Last active September 4, 2019 10:18
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S3 incremental Backup using Mojolicious Non-Blocking I/O (concurrent) (Check Script for required modules) supports Amazon and Hitachi S3 storages (no warranty !)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package S3::Backup;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Carp qw(carp croak);
use POSIX qw(strftime ceil floor);
use Fcntl ':mode';
#set utf8 output encoding explicitly
binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)" );
my $mods_mojo = {
q{Mojo::Collection} => ['c'],
q{Mojo::File} => ['path'],
q{Mojo::Log} => [],
q{Mojo::Util} => [ 'decode', 'dumper', 'encode', 'secure_compare', 'url_escape', 'url_unescape' ],
q{Mojo::JSON} => ['decode_json']
my $mods_req = {
q{XML::Simple} => { import => [], minver => '2.20' },
q{HTTP::Request} => { import => [], minver => '6.00' },
q{MIME::Types} => { import => [], minver => '2.09' },
q{Number::Bytes::Human} => { import => ['format_bytes'], minver => '0.09' },
q{IO::Socket::SSL} => { import => [], minver => '2.0.49' },
q{Net::DNS::Native} => { import => [], minver => '0.15' },
q{EV} => { import => [], minver => '4.22' },
q{Net::Amazon::Signature::V4} => { import => [], minver => '0.18' },
q{CryptX} => { import => [], minver => '0.060' },
q{Crypt::Digest::MD5} => { import => [], minver => '0.060' },
q{DateTime::Format::ISO8601} => { import => [], minver => '0.08' }
#check for necessary version dependencies
#perl Version
die( sprintf("Perl version >= 5.20.2 required !\n") ) unless $^V ge 'v5.20.2';
#windows ?
warn( sprintf("Windows officially not supported anymore !\n") ) if $^O eq 'windows';
#Mojolicious Sub Modules
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$mods_mojo} ) {
next if ref $value ne 'ARRAY';
if ( @{$value} ) {
eval qq{use $key qw(@{$value})};
die( sprintf( "Cannot load Mojolicious Submodule: %s\nError: %s", $key, $@ ) ) if $@;
else {
eval qq{use $key};
die( sprintf( "Cannot load Mojolicious Submodule: %s\nError: %s", $key, $@ ) ) if $@;
#third party modules
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$mods_req} ) {
next if ref $value ne 'HASH';
if ( @{ $value->{import} } ) {
next if ref $value->{import} ne 'ARRAY' or !$value->{minver};
eval qq{use $key $value->{minver} qw(@{$value->{import}})};
die( sprintf( "Cannot load Module: %s\nError: %s", $key, $@ ) ) if $@;
else {
eval qq{use $key $value->{minver}};
die( sprintf( "Cannot load Module: %s\nError: %s", $key, $@ ) ) if $@;
#Globals for CARP
$Carp::MaxArgLen = 0;
#args passed via commandline
my @args
= (qw(region endpoint bucket id secret directory list max concurrency timeout debug debug2 log dircfg restore));
has [@args] => sub { };
#UserAgent Object and ua options
has uagent => sub {q{S3Backup Version/1.0}};
has _timeout => sub { shift->timeout // 15 };
has ua => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $timeout = $self->_timeout;
my $uagent = $self->uagent;
#strict cert checking default as of version 7.80 ! (so disabling it) !
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new->request_timeout($timeout)->connect_timeout($timeout)->inactivity_timeout($timeout);
#By default Mojo::UserAgent will now reject all invalid TLS certificates !
$ua->insecure(1) if $Mojolicious::VERSION ge '7.80';
$ua->transactor( Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor->new )->transactor->name($uagent);
start => sub {
my ( $ua, $tx ) = @_;
$self->_p_out( sprintf( "Starting transaction: %s\n", $tx->req->headers->host ) ) if $self->debug;
#general attributes
has url => sub {q{}};
has max_keys => sub {100};
has is_trunc => sub {0};
has marker => sub {q{}};
has service => sub {q{s3}};
has def_endpoint => sub {q{}};
has def_region => sub {q{us-east-1}};
has server_type => sub {q{default}};
has uploader => sub {q{S3-Backup}};
has total => sub {
{ length => 0, objects => 0 }
has max_size => sub {5368709120};
has part_size => sub {8388608};
#Object Collections
has [qw(objects objects_s objects_m objects_r)] => sub { c() };
#Object data
has obj_data => sub { {} };
has max_size => sub {5368709120};
has part_size => sub {8388608};
has shutdown => sub {0};
#for shutdown signal handler, store the uploadid and the object
has c_upload => sub { ( q{}, q{} ) };
#directory config specific
has _dircfg => sub {q{/etc/s3-backup/directories.conf}};
has _dircfg_base => sub {q{/var/shares}};
#logging enabled ?
has _log => sub {0};
#XML Object
has keyAttr => sub {q{}};
has xs => sub {
ForceArray => 0,
KeepRoot => 1,
SuppressEmpty => 1,
KeyAttr => shift->keyAttr
#concurrent non-blocking connections !
has conc => sub {5};
#error Handling
sub _whowasi {
my $self = shift;
( caller(2) )[3];
sub _error {
my ( $self, $msg ) = @_;
? ( $self->_log_to( sprintf( "%s at %s", $msg ? $msg : 'unknown error', $self->_whowasi ) )
and croak( sprintf( "%s at %s\n", $msg ? $msg : 'unknown error', $self->_whowasi ) ) )
: croak( sprintf( "%s at %s\n", $msg ? $msg : 'unknown error', $self->_whowasi ) );
sub _warning {
my ( $self, $msg ) = @_;
? ( $self->_log_to( sprintf( "%s at %s", $msg ? $msg : 'unknown warning', $self->_whowasi ) )
and carp( sprintf( "%s at %s\n", $msg ? $msg : 'unknown warning', $self->_whowasi ) ) )
: carp( sprintf( "%s at %s\n", $msg ? $msg : 'unknown warning', $self->_whowasi ) );
sub _log_to {
my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
return if !$self->_log;
$message =~ s/[\r\n]+//g;
my $path = path( $self->log );
my $dir = $path->dirname;
$dir->make_path( { mode => 0700 } );
chmod( 0600, $path->to_string );
my $log = Mojo::Log->new( path => $path->to_string, level => 'debug' );
$log->debug( sprintf( "%s", $message ) );
return 1;
sub _p_out {
my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
return if !$message;
? $self->_log_to( sprintf( "%s", decode( 'UTF-8', $message ) ) )
: printf( "%s", decode( 'UTF-8', $message ) );
return 1;
#extra debug output
sub _debug {
my ( $self, $msg ) = @_;
? ( $self->_log_to( sprintf( "\nDebug: %s %s\n", $msg ? $msg : '', $self->_whowasi ) )
and carp( sprintf( "\nDebug: %s %s\n", $msg ? $msg : '', $self->_whowasi ) ) )
: carp( sprintf( "\nDebug: %s %s\n", $msg ? $msg : '', $self->_whowasi ) );
sub _sig {
my $self = shift;
return Net::Amazon::Signature::V4->new( $self->id, $self->secret, $self->region, $self->service );
sub _uri {
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
return if !ref $file or ref $file ne 'Mojo::File';
my $filename = url_escape( $file->basename );
if ( $file->dirname ne q{.} ) {
return sprintf( "/%s/%s", url_escape( $file->dirname, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~/' ), $filename );
else { ( return sprintf( "/%s", $filename ) ); }
sub _host {
my $self = shift;
return sprintf( "%s.%s", $self->bucket, $self->endpoint );
sub _date {
my $self = shift;
return strftime( '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', gmtime );
sub _fspecs {
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
return if !ref $file or ref $file ne 'Mojo::File';
my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks )
= stat( $file->to_string );
my (
$d_dev, $d_ino, $d_mode, $d_nlink, $d_uid, $d_gid, $d_rdev,
$d_size, $d_atime, $d_mtime, $d_ctime, $d_blksize, $d_blocks
) = stat( $file->dirname );
return (
$mtime, sprintf( "%04o", S_IMODE($mode) ),
$uid, $gid, $d_mtime, sprintf( "%04o", S_IMODE($d_mode) ),
$d_uid, $d_gid
sub _type {
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
return if !ref $file or ref $file ne 'Mojo::File';
return MIME::Types->new->mimeTypeOf( $file->to_string ) // q{data};
sub _md5_digest_b64 {
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
eval {
return ( ref $file and ref $file eq 'Mojo::File' )
? Crypt::Digest::MD5->new->addfile( $file->to_string )->b64digest
: Crypt::Digest::MD5->new->add($file)->b64digest;
sub _parts {
my ( $self, $file, $size ) = @_;
return if !ref $file or ref $file ne 'Mojo::File';
my @parts = ();
if ($size) {
push( @parts, $_ ) for ( 1 .. ceil( $size / $self->part_size ) );
else {
my $fsize = int( -s $file->to_string );
push( @parts, $_ ) for ( 1 .. ceil( $fsize / $self->part_size ) );
return @parts;
sub _format_file_meta {
my ( $self, $req, $header, $length ) = @_;
$self->_warning( sprintf("Got false data for formatting output !") ) and return
if ref $header ne 'Mojo::Headers'
or !$header->{headers}
or !$length;
#return if not an object ! Again, HCP bug workaround !
return if $req =~ qr{/$};
( my $req_path ) = $self->_url_unescape($req) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
#fill headers hash with x-amz-meta headers
my $headers = {
map { $_ => $header->{headers}->{$_}->[0] }
grep { $_ =~ q{x-amz} } keys %{ $header->{headers} }
my $obj = $self->obj_data->{ decode( 'UTF-8', $req_path ) };
$obj->{headers} = $headers;
$obj->{length} = format_bytes($length);
$obj->{headers}->{length} = $length;
if ( my $mod_time = $obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-mtime}} ) {
$obj->{ModTime} = DateTime->from_epoch(
epoch => $mod_time,
time_zone => 'local'
)->strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S");
else {
my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime( $obj->{Mtime} );
$obj->{ModTime} = sprintf( "%s %.2d %d %s", $dt->month_abbr, $dt->day, $dt->year, $dt->hms );
$self->_p_out( sprintf( "Object Meta Data: %s\n%s\n", $req_path, dumper $obj) ) if $self->debug;
return 1;
sub _restore_file_meta {
my ( $self, $rel_path ) = @_;
my $abs_path = sprintf( "%s/%s", $self->directory, $rel_path );
my $dir = path($abs_path)->dirname;
my $obj = $self->obj_data->{ decode( 'UTF-8', $rel_path ) };
if ( my $mtime = $obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-mtime}} ) {
utime( $mtime, $mtime, $abs_path ) || $self->_warning( sprintf( "couldn't touch %s: %s", $abs_path, $! ) );
if (
my ( $uid, $gid, $d_uid, $d_gid ) = (
$obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-uid}}, $obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-gid}},
$obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-dir-uid}}, $obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-dir-gid}}
chown( $uid, $gid, $abs_path ) || $self->_warning( sprintf( "couldn't chown file %s: %s", $abs_path, $! ) );
chown( $d_uid, $d_gid, $dir ) || $self->_warning( sprintf( "couldn't chown dir %s: %s", $abs_path, $! ) );
if ( my ( $mode, $d_mode ) = ( $obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-mode}}, $obj->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-dir-mode}} ) )
chmod( oct($mode), $abs_path ) || $self->_warning( sprintf( "couldn't chmod file %s: %s", $abs_path, $! ) );
chmod( oct($d_mode), $dir ) || $self->_warning( sprintf( "couldn't chmod dir %s: %s", $abs_path, $! ) );
return 1;
#workaround for amazons escaping problem ;-)
sub _url_unescape {
my ( $self, $escaped ) = @_;
if ( $self->server_type eq q{amazon} ) {
$escaped =~ s/\+/%20/g;
return url_unescape($escaped);
else { return url_unescape($escaped); }
sub _process_args {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $arg (
( grep( !/^(?:list|max|concurrency|directory|timeout|endpoint|region|debug|log|dircfg|restore)/, @args ) ) )
$self->_error( sprintf( "Missing commandline argument: %s", $arg ) )
if !$self->$arg;
$self->_log(1) if $self->log and path( $self->log )->is_abs;
if ( $self->dircfg ) {
$self->_error( sprintf( "Directory not found: %s", $self->_dircfg ) ) if !-f $self->_dircfg;
$self->_error( sprintf( "Base Directory not found: %s", $self->_dircfg_base ) ) if !-d $self->_dircfg_base;
$self->directory( $self->_dircfg_base );
#store absolute path !
$self->directory( path( $self->directory )->to_abs );
my $endpoint;
? ( $endpoint = $self->endpoint and $self->url(qq{https://$endpoint}) )
: ( $endpoint = $self->def_endpoint
and $self->url(qq{https://$endpoint})
and $self->endpoint( $self->def_endpoint ) );
#misc option settings
$self->max_keys( $self->max ) if ( $self->max and $self->max > 1 );
$self->conc( $self->concurrency )
if ($self->concurrency
and $self->concurrency > 5
and $self->concurrency < 100 );
"Max keys lower than concurrency level makes no sense ! %d:%d",
$self->max_keys, $self->concurrency // 0
) if $self->max_keys < $self->conc;
$self->_timeout( $self->timeout )
if ( $self->timeout and $self->timeout >= 1 );
#region validation
my $region;
? ( $region = $self->region )
: ( $region = $self->def_region and $self->region( $self->def_region ) );
#region check. valid: ^[a-z0-9\-]+$
$self->_error( sprintf( "Region invalid: %s Allowed characters:^[a-z0-9-]", $region ) )
if $region !~ /^[a-z0-9\-]+$/;
#test connection and redirect if needed to !
my $promise = $self->_test_connection_promise;
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
$self->server_type(q{amazon}) if $result->headers->server and $result->headers->server =~ q{AmazonS3};
$self->_check_redirect($tx) if $result->is_redirect;
$self->_check_redirect($tx) if $result->code == 400;
if ( $result->code == 403 ) {
$self->_error( sprintf( "Authentication failed: %d %s", $tx->error->{code}, $tx->error->{message} ) );
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
if ( $self->list ) {
sprintf( "\nSize: %s\t\t\tObjects: %d\n", format_bytes( $self->total->{length} ), $self->total->{objects} )
elsif ( $self->restore ) {
$self->_error( sprintf("Either supply a directory or a directory config (dircfg)") ) if !$self->directory;
$self->_error( sprintf( "Destination directory: %s not existing", $self->directory ) )
if !-d $self->directory;
chdir( $self->directory );
sprintf( "\nSize: %s\t\t\tObjects: %d\n", format_bytes( $self->total->{length} ), $self->total->{objects} )
else {
$self->_error( sprintf("Either supply a directory or a directory config (dircfg)") ) if !$self->directory;
$self->_error( sprintf( "Source directory: %s not existing", $self->directory ) )
if !-d $self->directory;
chdir( $self->directory );
sprintf( "\nSize: %s\t\t\tObjects: %d\n", format_bytes( $self->total->{length} ), $self->total->{objects} )
#we need to make promises! ;-)
sub _do_request_promise {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $tx = $self->ua->build_tx( $req->method => sprintf( "%s%s", $self->url, $req->uri->as_string ) );
foreach my $hdr_name ( $req->headers->header_field_names ) {
next if ( secure_compare( $hdr_name, q{Content-Length} )
or secure_compare( $hdr_name, q{User-Agent} ) );
foreach my $hdr ( $req->headers->header($hdr_name) ) {
#fix: some headers can have trailing \0 if not provided bugfree.
#Remove it anyway !!!
$tx->req->headers->append( $hdr_name => $hdr );
#disable gzip encoding !
$tx->req->body( $req->content ) if $req->content;
#return Mojo::Promise object
return $self->ua->start_p($tx);
sub _check_redirect {
my ( $self, $tx ) = @_;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( secure_compare( $result->code, 301 )
or secure_compare( $result->code, 307 ) )
#Server: AmazonS3
#x-amz-bucket-region: eu-west-1
if ( $self->server_type eq q{amazon}
and ( my $region = $result->headers->every_header('x-amz-bucket-region')->[0] ) )
#to be sure that we're connected to amazon S3 process the required headers !
return 1;
elsif ( secure_compare( $result->code, 400 )
and ( my $ref = $self->keyAttr(q{Error})->xs->XMLin( $result->body ) ) )
if ( $ref->{Error}->{Message}
=~ /^(?:The authorization header is malformed; the region '\S+' is wrong; expecting '\S+')$/ig )
my $region = $ref->{Error}->{Region}
// $self->_error( sprintf("Cannot determine region information. S3 Host ?") );
return 1;
else { return 0 }
else { return 0 }
sub _get_object_list_promise {
my $self = shift;
my $bucket = $self->bucket;
my $max_keys = $self->max_keys;
my @objects = ();
my $marker = $self->marker // '';
my $req;
my ( $total, $total_length ) = int(0);
if ( $self->server_type eq 'amazon' ) {
if ($marker) {
$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => qq{/?list-type=2&prefix=&max-keys=$max_keys&continuation-token=$marker} );
else { $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => qq{/?list-type=2&prefix=&max-keys=$max_keys} ); }
else {
if ($marker) {
$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => qq{/$bucket?prefix=&max-keys=$max_keys&marker=$marker} );
else { $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => qq{/$bucket?prefix=&max-keys=$max_keys} ); }
$self->server_type eq 'amazon'
? $req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host )
: $req->header( 'Host' => $self->endpoint );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
my $promise = $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( my $res = $result->is_success ) {
my $ref = eval { $self->keyAttr(q{ListBucketResult})->xs->XMLin( $result->body ); };
$self->_error( sprintf( "ListBucket: Cannot decode answer: %s", $@ ) )
if $@;
if ( secure_compare( ref $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{Contents}, q{ARRAY} ) ) {
foreach my $key ( keys @{ $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{Contents} } ) {
my $obj = $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{Contents}->[$key];
my $obj_key = $obj->{Key};
push( @objects, encode( 'UTF-8', $obj_key ) );
$self->obj_data->{$obj_key}->{Mtime} = $obj->{LastModified}
if $obj_key !~ qr{/$};
elsif ( $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{Contents}
and secure_compare( ref $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{Contents}, q{HASH} ) )
my $obj = $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{Contents};
my $obj_key = $obj->{Key};
push( @objects, encode( 'UTF-8', $obj_key ) );
$self->obj_data->{$obj_key}->{Mtime} = $obj->{LastModified}
if $obj_key !~ qr{/$};
if ( $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{IsTruncated} and $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{IsTruncated} =~ qr/true/i )
if ( $self->server_type eq 'amazon' ) {
$self->marker( url_escape( $ref->{ListBucketResult}->{NextContinuationToken} ) );
else { $self->marker( $objects[$#objects] ); }
else {
my $err = $result->is_error;
my $ref = eval { $self->keyAttr(q{Error})->xs->XMLin( $result->body ) };
"Bucket: %s ListBucket response: %s", $self->bucket, $ref ? dumper $ref : ''
)if $err;
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
$self->is_trunc(0) and $self->_get_object_list_promise if $self->is_trunc;
#weed out directories ! Bug in HCP, where directories falsly listed as object keys
my @objects_rem = ( map {$_} grep { $_ !~ qr{/$} } @objects );
$self->total->{objects} += ( $#objects_rem + 1 );
push( @{ $self->objects }, @objects_rem );
sub _get_object_detail_promise {
my $self = shift;
while ( @{ $self->objects } ) {
my @promises = map $self->_get_object_head_promise( $self->objects ), ( 1 .. $self->conc );
sub {
my @promises_sub = @_;
foreach my $promise_sub (@promises_sub) {
my $tx = $promise_sub->[0];
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( $result->is_success ) {
my $content_length = int( $result->headers->content_length );
$self->total->{length} += $content_length;
#format self->obj_data
my $req_path = $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string;
$self->_format_file_meta( $req_path, $result->headers, $content_length );
( my $rel_path ) = $self->_url_unescape($req_path) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
my $cur_obj = $self->obj_data->{ decode( 'UTF-8', $rel_path ) };
$self->_p_out( sprintf( "%s %s\t%s\n", $cur_obj->{ModTime}, $cur_obj->{length}, $rel_path ) );
elsif ( $result->is_error ) {
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Cannot get object details: %s", $result->message ) );
else { $self->_warning( sprintf("Cannot get object details: Unknow Error") ); }
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
sub {
$self->_debug( sprintf( "get_object_head_promise: %d promises done\n", $self->conc ) ) if $self->debug;
sub _test_connection_promise {
my $self = shift;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => q{/} );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _get_object_head_promise {
my ( $self, $objects ) = @_;
my $object = shift @{$objects};
return if !defined $object;
my $escaped = url_escape( $object, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~/' );
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => qq{/$escaped} );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _initiate_multipart_upload {
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
return if !defined $file;
#file specs
my ( $mtime, $mode, $uid, $gid, $d_mtime, $d_mode, $d_uid, $d_gid ) = $self->_fspecs($file);
my $uri = $self->_uri($file);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => qq{$uri?uploads} );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Content-Type' => $self->_type($file) );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Uploader' => $self->uploader );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Mtime' => $d_mtime );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Uid' => $d_uid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Gid' => $d_gid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Mode' => $d_mode );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Mtime' => $mtime );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Uid' => $uid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Gid' => $gid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Mode' => $mode );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Digest' => $self->_md5_digest_b64($file) );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Acl' => q{bucket-owner-full-control} );
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _upload_multipart_promise {
my ( $self, $parts, $uploadid, $file ) = @_;
my $part_num = shift @{$parts};
if !defined $part_num
or !ref $file
or ref $file ne 'Mojo::File'
or !defined $uploadid;
my $buffer;
my $offset = ( $self->part_size * ( $part_num - 1 ) );
my $handle = $file->open('r+');
my $uri = $self->_uri($file);
seek( $handle, $offset, 0 );
read( $handle, $buffer, $self->part_size );
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( PUT => qq{$uri?partNumber=$part_num&uploadId=$uploadid} );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Content-Length' => length($buffer) );
$req->header( 'Content-MD5' => $self->_md5_digest_b64($buffer) );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
$req->header( 'X-Part' => $part_num );
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _complete_multipart_upload_promise {
my ( $self, $uploadid, $xml, $file ) = @_;
if !defined $uploadid
or !defined $xml
or !ref $file
or ref $file ne 'Mojo::File';
my $uri = $self->_uri($file);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => qq{$uri?uploadId=$uploadid} );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Content-Length' => length($xml) );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _abort_multipart_upload_promise {
my ( $self, $uploadid, $file ) = @_;
return if !defined $uploadid or !defined $file;
my $uri = $self->_uri($file);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( DELETE => qq{$uri?uploadId=$uploadid} );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _abort_multipart_upload {
my ( $self, $uploadid, $object ) = @_;
return if !$uploadid or !$object;
my $abort_promise = $self->_abort_multipart_upload_promise( $uploadid, $object );
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( my $res = $result->is_success ) {
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Cancelled upload id: %s for file: %s", $uploadid, $object->to_string ) );
else {
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Failed upload id: %s for file: %s", $uploadid, $object->to_string ) );
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
)->finally( sub { undef @{ $self->c_upload }; exit(1); } )->wait;
sub _upload_single_object_promise {
my ( $self, $files ) = @_;
my $file = shift @{$files};
return if !defined $file;
my $body = $file->slurp;
my $digest = $self->_md5_digest_b64($body);
#file specs
my ( $mtime, $mode, $uid, $gid, $d_mtime, $d_mode, $d_uid, $d_gid ) = $self->_fspecs($file);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( PUT => $self->_uri($file) );
$req->header( 'Content-Length' => int( -s $file->to_string ) );
$req->header( 'Content-MD5' => $digest );
$req->header( 'Content-Type' => $self->_type($file) );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Uploader' => $self->uploader );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Mtime' => $d_mtime );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Uid' => $d_uid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Gid' => $d_gid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Dir-Mode' => $d_mode );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Mtime' => $mtime );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Uid' => $uid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Gid' => $gid );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Mode' => $mode );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Meta-Digest' => $digest );
$req->header( 'X-Amz-Acl' => q{bucket-owner-full-control} );
#sign request;
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _get_single_object_promise {
my ( $self, $files ) = @_;
my $file = shift @{$files};
return if !defined $file;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => url_escape( encode( 'UTF-8', qq{/$file} ), '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~/' ) );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
#sign request;
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _get_range_object_promise {
my ( $self, $parts, $size, $file ) = @_;
my $part_num = shift @{$parts};
return if !defined $part_num;
my $parts_all = ceil( $size / $self->part_size );
my $range;
my $part_size = $self->part_size;
my $offset = ( $part_size * ( $part_num - 1 ) );
if ( $offset == 0 ) {
$range = sprintf( "%d-%d", 0, $part_size );
elsif ( $part_num == $parts_all ) {
my $rest = $size % $part_size;
$range = sprintf( "%d-%d", ( $size - $rest ) + 1, $size );
else { $range = sprintf( "%d-%d", $offset + 1, $offset + $part_size ); }
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => url_escape( encode( 'UTF-8', qq{/$file} ), '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~/' ) );
$req->header( 'Host' => $self->_host );
$req->header( 'Date' => $self->_date );
$req->header( q{X-Part} => $part_num );
$req->header( 'Range' => qq{bytes=$range} );
#sign request;
return $self->_do_request_promise($req);
sub _check_file_digests_promise {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->restore and $self->obj_data ) {
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{ $self->obj_data } ) {
my $r_digest = $value->{headers}->{q{x-amz-meta-digest}} // '';
my $l_digest = $self->_md5_digest_b64( path($key) ) // '';
push( @{ $self->objects }, $key ) if !secure_compare( $r_digest, $l_digest );
else {
my @objects = ();
push( @objects, @{ $self->objects } );
return if !@objects;
while (@objects) {
my @promises = map $self->_get_object_head_promise( \@objects ), ( 1 .. $self->conc );
sub {
my @promises_sub = @_;
foreach my $promise_sub (@promises_sub) {
my $tx = $promise_sub->[0];
my $result = $tx->result;
( my $file ) = $self->_url_unescape( $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string ) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
if ( -f $file ) {
my $digest_local = $self->_md5_digest_b64( path($file) );
my $digest_remote = $result->headers->every_header(q{x-amz-meta-Digest})->[0] // q{};
push( @{ $self->objects_r }, path($file) )
if !secure_compare( $digest_local, $digest_remote );
$self->_debug( sprintf( "local <=> remote digest match. File: %s\n", $file ) )
if $self->debug
and secure_compare( $digest_local, $digest_remote );
else { push( @{ $self->objects_r }, path($file) ); }
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
sub _backup_dir_promise {
my $self = shift;
chdir( $self->directory );
#read dircfg of use the -d option supplied !
if ( $self->dircfg ) {
my $dirs = decode_json( path( $self->_dircfg )->slurp )->{directories};
$self->_error( sprintf( "Cannot read config file: %s\n", $self->_dircfg ) )
if !ref $dirs
or ref $dirs ne 'ARRAY';
my $collection = c( @{$dirs} );
sub {
my ( $key, $value ) = @_;
my $re_string = $self->_dircfg_base;
my ( undef, $rel_dir ) = $key =~ /^($re_string\/)(.*)$/;
if ( -d $rel_dir ) {
push( @{ $self->objects }, path( encode( 'UTF-8', $rel_dir ) )->list_tree->each );
else { push( @{ $self->objects }, path(q{.})->list_tree->each ); }
#check for remaining objects by comparing local and remote digest !
#empty objects collection.
# objects_r will hold the objects remaining after comparison !
undef @{ $self->objects };
$self->objects_s( $self->objects_r->map( sub { return $_ if int( -s $_ ) <= $self->part_size; } )->compact );
sub {
return $_
if int( -s $_ ) > $self->part_size
and int( -s $_ ) <= $self->max_size;
#empty objects collection.
# objects_single(multi) will hold the objects remaining after mapping !
undef @{ $self->objects_r };
"\nTo backup: %d | single part files: %d | multi part files: %d
$self->objects_s->size + $self->objects_m->size,
$self->objects_s->size, $self->objects_m->size
if ( $self->objects_s->size ) {
while ( @{ $self->objects_s } ) {
#undef single objects if signal QUIT,INT,TERM has been received !!!
undef @{ $self->objects_s } and return if ( $self->shutdown );
my @promises = map $self->_upload_single_object_promise( $self->objects_s ), ( 1 .. $self->conc );
sub {
my @promises_sub = @_;
foreach my $promise_sub (@promises_sub) {
my $tx = $promise_sub->[0];
( my $req_path ) = $self->_url_unescape( $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string ) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( $result->is_success ) {
my $size = $tx->req->headers->content_length;
$self->total->{length} += $size;
$self->total->{objects} += 1;
"file: %s size: %s Rescode: %s\n",
$req_path, format_bytes($size), $result->code
else {
if ( my $error = $self->keyAttr(q{Error})->xs->XMLin( $result->body )->{Error} ) {
my $err_msg = sprintf( "Code: %s Message: %s", $error->{Code}, $error->{Message} );
sprintf( "Failed to upload object: %s Reason: %s", $req_path, dumper $err_msg ) );
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
sub {
$self->_debug( sprintf( "_backup_single_part_promise: %d promises done", $self->conc ) )
if $self->debug;
if ( $self->objects_m->size ) {
while ( @{ $self->objects_m } ) {
my $object = shift @{ $self->objects_m };
last if not defined $object;
my $init_failed = 0;
my $promise = $self->_initiate_multipart_upload($object);
my $size = int( -s $object->to_string );
my $uploadid;
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( $result->is_success ) {
( my $req_path ) = $self->_url_unescape( $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string ) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
my $size = int( -s $object->to_string );
$self->total->{length} += $size;
$self->total->{objects} += 1;
if ( my $ref = $self->keyAttr(q{InitiateMultipartUploadResult})->xs->XMLin( $result->body ) ) {
$uploadid = $ref->{InitiateMultipartUploadResult}->{UploadId} // q{};
"file: %s size: %s Rescode: %s ID: %s (init)\n",
$req_path, format_bytes($size), $result->code, $uploadid
else { $init_failed = 1 }
else {
$init_failed = 1;
if ( my $error = $self->keyAttr(q{Error})->xs->XMLin( $result->body )->{Error} ) {
"Multipart init failed:
File: %s Code: %s Message: %s BucketName: %s",
$object->to_string, $error->{Code},
$error->{Message}, $error->{BucketName}
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
sub {
$self->_debug( sprintf( "_initiate_multi_part_promise: %s promises done\n", $object->to_string ) )
if $self->debug;
if ($init_failed) { $self->_abort_multipart_upload( $uploadid, $object ); }
else {
my @parts = $self->_parts($object);
my $complete = {};
my ( $upload_failed, $complete_failed );
while (@parts) {
#store uploadid and object in case of signal handler triggers shutdown !
$self->c_upload( $uploadid, $object );
#undef parts objects if signal QUIT,INT,TERM has been received !!!
if ( $self->shutdown ) {
undef @parts;
undef @{ $self->objects_m };
$self->_abort_multipart_upload( $uploadid, $object );
my @promises = map $self->_upload_multipart_promise( \@parts, $uploadid, $object ),
( 1 .. $self->conc );
sub {
my @promises_sub = @_;
foreach my $promise_sub (@promises_sub) {
my $tx = $promise_sub->[0];
my $result = $tx->result;
my $headers_req = $tx->req->headers->to_hash;
my $headers_res = $result->headers->to_hash;
if ( $result->is_success ) {
( my $req_path )
= $self->_url_unescape( $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string ) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
my $size = $headers_req->{q{Content-Length}};
my $part_now = $headers_req->{q{X-Part}};
my $etag = $headers_res->{ETag};
= $part_now;
$complete->{CompleteMultipartUpload}->{Part}->[$part_now]->{ETag}->[1] = $etag;
"file: %s size: %s Rescode: %s Part: %d Etag: %s\n",
$req_path, format_bytes($size), $result->code, $part_now, $etag
else {
"Failed upload part %d for file: %s",
$upload_failed = 1;
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
if ($upload_failed) { $self->_abort_multipart_upload( $uploadid, $object ); }
else {
my $complete_promise = $self->_complete_multipart_upload_promise( $uploadid,
$self->keyAttr(q{CompleteMultipartUpload})->xs->XMLout($complete), $object );
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( my $res = $result->is_success ) {
if ( my $ref
= $self->keyAttr(q{CompleteMultipartUploadResult})->xs->XMLin( $result->body ) )
my $xml = $ref->{CompleteMultipartUploadResult};
"file: %s Rescode: %s ID: %s (complete)\n",
$object->to_string, $result->code, $uploadid
$self->_debug( sprintf( "(complete multipart) XML:\n%s", dumper $ref) )
if $self->debug;
else {
$complete_failed = 1;
if ( my $error = $self->keyAttr(q{Error})->xs->XMLin( $result->body )->{Error} ) {
my $err_msg = sprintf( "Code: %s Message: %s", $error->{Code}, $error->{Message} );
"Failed upload object: %s Reason: %s",
$object->to_string, dumper $err_msg
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
$self->_abort_multipart_upload( $uploadid, $object ) if $complete_failed;
sub _restore_object_promise {
my $self = shift;
$self->objects->map( sub { return $_ if $self->obj_data->{$_}->{headers}->{length} <= $self->part_size; } )
->compact );
sub {
return $_
if $self->obj_data->{$_}->{headers}->{length} > $self->part_size
and $self->obj_data->{$_}->{headers}->{length} <= $self->max_size;
#empty objects collection.
# $self->objects_single(multi) will hold the objects remaining after mapping !
undef @{ $self->objects };
$self->total->{length} = 0;
$self->total->{objects} = 0;
$self->_p_out("\n\n----------Downloading Objects----------\n\n")
if $self->objects_s->size or $self->objects_m->size;
if ( $self->objects_s->size ) {
while ( @{ $self->objects_s } ) {
#undef single objects if signal QUIT,INT,TERM has been received !!!
undef @{ $self->objects_s } and return if ( $self->shutdown );
my @promises = map $self->_get_single_object_promise( $self->objects_s ), ( 1 .. $self->conc );
sub {
my @promises_sub = @_;
foreach my $promise_sub (@promises_sub) {
my $tx = $promise_sub->[0];
( my $req_path ) = $self->_url_unescape( $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string ) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ( $result->is_success ) {
my $size = $result->headers->content_length;
$self->total->{length} += $size;
$self->total->{objects} += 1;
my $abs_path = sprintf( "%s/%s", $self->directory, $req_path );
$self->_warning( sprintf( "File %s already exists and will be overwritten !", $abs_path ) )
if -f $abs_path;
->dirname->make_path->tap( sub { path($abs_path)->spurt( $result->body ); } );
#change the mtime of the file by examining the headers stored in $self->obj_data
"file: %s size: %s Rescode: %s\n",
$req_path, format_bytes($size), $result->code
else {
if ( my $error = $self->keyAttr(q{Error})->xs->XMLin( $result->body )->{Error} ) {
my $err_msg = sprintf( "Code: %s Message: %s", $error->{Code}, $error->{Message} );
sprintf( "Failed to get object: %s Reason: %s", $req_path, dumper $err_msg ) );
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
sub {
$self->_debug( sprintf( "_get_single_object_promise: %d promises done", $self->conc ) )
if $self->debug;
if ( $self->objects_m->size ) {
while ( @{ $self->objects_m } ) {
my $object = shift @{ $self->objects_m };
last if not defined $object;
my $size = $self->obj_data->{$object}->{headers}->{length};
my @parts = $self->_parts( path($object), $size );
my $abs_path = sprintf( "%s/%s", $self->directory, $object );
if ( -f $abs_path ) {
$self->_warning( sprintf( "File %s already exists and will be overwritten !", $abs_path ) );
eval { unlink $abs_path };
if ($!) {
$self->_warning( sprintf( "unlink of file %s failed.Omitting file Error: %s", $abs_path, $! ) );
#undef multi objects if signal QUIT,INT,TERM has been received !!!
undef @{ $self->objects_m } and return if ( $self->shutdown );
while (@parts) {
#undef parts objects if signal QUIT,INT,TERM has been received !!!
if ( $self->shutdown ) {
unlink($abs_path) if ( -f $abs_path );
undef @parts;
my @promises = map $self->_get_range_object_promise( \@parts, $size, $object ), ( 1 .. $self->conc );
sub {
my @promises_sub = @_;
foreach my $promise_sub (@promises_sub) {
my $tx = $promise_sub->[0];
my $result = $tx->result;
my $headers_req = $tx->req->headers->to_hash;
my $headers_res = $result->headers->to_hash;
if ( $result->is_success ) {
( my $req_path )
= $self->_url_unescape( $tx->req->url->to_abs->path->to_string ) =~ /^\/(.*)$/;
my $size = $headers_res->{q{Content-Length}};
my $part_now = $headers_req->{q{X-Part}};
$self->total->{length} += $size;
"file: %s size: %s Rescode: %s Part: %d\n",
$req_path, format_bytes($size), $result->code, $part_now
my $handle = path($abs_path)->open( O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND );
syswrite( $handle, $result->body );
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Cannot write part file %s. Error: %s", $abs_path, $! ) )
if $!;
else {
"Failed get part %d for file: %s", $headers_req->{q{X-Part}}, qq{$object}
sub {
$self->_debug( sprintf( "_get_multi_object_promise: %d promises done", $self->conc ) )
if $self->debug;
sub {
my $err = shift;
$self->_warning( sprintf( "Connection Error: %s", $err ) );
$self->total->{objects} += 1;
$self->_restore_file_meta( encode( 'UTF-8', $object ) );
sub start {
my $self = shift;
# Cleanup when receiving signals INT,TERM or QUIT !
$SIG{$_} = sub {
$self->_warning("\n\nStopping gracefully !\nPlease wait for cleanup !\n\n");
for qw(INT QUIT TERM);
#debugging (see MOJO_IOLOOP_DEBUG and MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG for details).
if ( $self->debug2 ) {
#Client Agent debug as of version 7.83
#Client Agent debug as of version < 7.83
require Mojolicious;
die( sprintf("Mojolicious version >= 7.52 required !!!\n") ) unless $Mojolicious::VERSION ge '7.52';
else {
require Mojolicious;
die( sprintf("Mojolicious version >= 7.52 required !!!\n") ) unless $Mojolicious::VERSION ge '7.52';
$0 = q{S3Backup};
package main;
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default no_ignore_case);
use Pod::Usage;
my $opts = {};
qw(list|l help|h man|m bucket|b=s region|r=s endpoint|e=s id|i=s secret|s=s),
qw( directory|d=s max|x=i concurrency|c=i timeout|t=i debug debug2 log=s dircfg restore)
or pod2usage( -exitval => 'NOEXIT' )
and exit(1);
!%{$opts} && pod2usage( -exitval => 'NOEXIT' ) and exit(1);
$opts->{man} && pod2usage( -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2 ) and exit(1);
$opts->{help} && pod2usage( -exitval => 'NOEXIT' ) and exit(1);
=head1 NAME
B<> [I<options>...]
-m,--man extensive manual
-h,--help display this help and exit
-l,--list list S3 objects recursively
-b,--bucket S3 bucket to use
-r,--region S3 region to use e.g us-east-1
-e,--endpoint endpoint hostname
-i,--id secret access id
-s,--secret secret access key
-d,--directory directory to upload recursively
-x,--max max keys/request (defaults to 100)
-c,--concurrency max concurrent requests. (max. 100)
-t,--timeout Mojo::UserAgent timeout parameters
amazon usually needs more then 2s !
--debug debugging output. Metadata.
--debug2 debugging output incuding IOLoop and UserAgent
--log=logfile log output to file. (absolute path !)
--dircfg enable directory config lookup.
--restore restore objects
destination directory taken from -d argument !
existing files will be overwritten.
modification time will be gathered by using
the mtime meta header !
Small Module to backup data to a S3 compatible service (non-blocking);
It uses x-amz-meta to add the file modification time and digest to the object.
Later backups will only sync changed files using the md5 digest as comparator !
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
show help
=item B<-l>, B<--list>
List all S3 object referred by the bucket
=item B<-b>, B<--bucket>
S3 bucket name
=item B<-r>, B<--region>
region for the S3 connection. B<form: [a-z0-9-]>
=item B<-e>, B<--endpoint>
fully qualified domain name of the host connecting to. (without bucket or protocol)
protocol will always be HTTPS !
=item B<-i>, B<--id>
S3 access key id. (check the AWS IAM security credentials)
=item B<-s>, B<--secret>
S3 secret access key. (check the AWS IAM security credentials)
=item B<-t>, B<--timeout>
set connection timeout parameters for the ua object.
Don't set too low, since amazon is quite busy sometimes, thus
output and backup can be incomplete !!!
Default: 15s !
To backup the directory /home/upload/test directory to S3
B< -b bucket -i id -s secret -d /home/upload/test>
To list all object in the S3 bucket
B< ./ -l -b bucket -i id -s secret key>
Copyright (c) 2018 by Franz Skale. All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
S<Franz Skale E<lt>franz.skale@citycom-austria.comE<gt>>,
=head1 HISTORY
2018-05-07 initial release
Copy link

fskale commented Jun 6, 2019

To test, you have to install dependecies:

cpan MIME::Types XML::Simple HTTP::Request Number::Bytes::Human IO::Socket::SSL Net::DNS::Native EV Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 CryptX Crypt::Digest::MD5 DateTime::Format::ISO8601 Mojolicious


cpanm MIME::Types XML::Simple HTTP::Request Number::Bytes::Human IO::Socket::SSL Net::DNS::Native EV Net::Amazon::Signature:V4 CryptX Crypt::Digest::MD5 DateTime::Format::ISO8601 Mojolicious

Be sure to have build-essesntials and ssl-development libs installed !

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fskale commented Jun 6, 2019

Directory Config is JSON encoded (for cron jobs).

   "directories" : [

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fskale commented Jun 6, 2019

Example backup of one directory w/o config file:

./  -i xxxxxxxx -s xxxxxxxxxxx -b test-bucket -d /Users/test/temp/testdir/

To backup: 1 | single part files: 0 | multi part files: 1


file: testfile size: 100M Rescode: 200 ID: B.XsPXtbX.BQY7Z6mGp4isebBFmglKs8qlZdXRjQmz10n0Haz.iySQFdWtym2e4urzSaUYf_SBklV4XyaSWI1fQL8zyHcP6OuMcjbAu90ICQKrRFqhQLUSD0SIph7vry (init)
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 1 Etag: "ade6c6b603a1d6acd4b07c906a6ab95e"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 2 Etag: "703e6741ebd62796cc771512a8bd6385"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 3 Etag: "33d9380d23ab85362be8d660f190cdd8"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 4 Etag: "ec4186135bfee93e6b079ef37b438867"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 5 Etag: "b82057a90983d07ef59fef3c3b479729"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 6 Etag: "64c6a853ebbc80bd528d6b8d4d6a1841"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 7 Etag: "3759cff400843cc25dae45d370245189"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 8 Etag: "fe500f4023d66bc4e425ee575e6e0f46"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 9 Etag: "9d0d4906091db8c345bd643cde3d6035"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 10 Etag: "0d5eeb400270f7974754b9c47186045a"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 11 Etag: "23826d7ca8f468433bf932efceb8ccdd"
file: testfile size: 8.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 12 Etag: "19f152fa23257bc39ca0e7ff56b47265"
file: testfile size: 4.0M Rescode: 200 Part: 13 Etag: "efc6bbad1eb7c630e6ceaef2882e219a"
file: testfile Rescode: 200 ID: B.XsPXtbX.BQY7Z6mGp4isebBFmglKs8qlZdXRjQmz10n0Haz.iySQFdWtym2e4urzSaUYf_SBklV4XyaSWI1fQL8zyHcP6OuMcjbAu90ICQKrRFqhQLUSD0SIph7vry (complete)

Size: 100M			Objects: 1

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fskale commented Jun 6, 2019

List bucket:

./  -l -i xxxxxx -s xxxxxx -b test-bucket

Jun 06 2019 13:26:56 100M	testfile

Size: 100M			Objects: 1

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fskale commented Jun 6, 2019

Restore to the current directory:

./ -i xxxxxxxxxxx -s xxxxxxxxxxx -b test-bucket --restore $PWD
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.3M	DSC_0102.JPG
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.9M	IMAG0709.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.1M	IMAG0713.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.1M	IMG_0167.JPG
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.1M	IMG_20161109_111803.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.4M	IMG_20170118_125518.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.1M	IMG_20170503_114716.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.9M	IMG_20170505_111151.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.5M	IMG_20170509_100954.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.7M	IMG_20170510_135422.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.1M	IMG_20170511_113929.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.0M	IMG_20170512_115304.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.2M	IMG_20170522_130551.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 555K	IMG_20170522_130615_823.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 2.8M	IMG_20170522_130859.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 721K	IMG_20170530_110734_884.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 626K	IMG_20170622_105903_741.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 3.8M	IMG_20170822_120458.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 548K	IMG_20170830_120441_570.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 6.8M	test1.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 6.1K	test2.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 56K	image002.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 12K	test3.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 17K	test4.jpg
Jun 06 2019 14:09:30 378K	test5.jpg

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file: test5.jpg size: 378K Rescode: 200

Size: 53M			Objects: 25

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