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Created April 22, 2024 11:40
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import dspy
from dspy.functional import TypedPredictor
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from transitions import Machine
# Load the OpenAI API key from the .env file
# Create a language model using the OpenAI API
llm = dspy.OpenAI(
# Configure the dspy settings to use the language model
class DecisionSignature(dspy.Signature):
input_text = dspy.InputField(desc="The input text to be processed")
rationale = dspy.OutputField(desc="The rationale for the decision")
decision: bool = dspy.OutputField(desc="True if the input text contains the final answer, False otherwise")
class Agent(Machine):
states = ['start', 'thought', 'acted', 'observed', 'concluded']
def __init__(self, llm, objective=None):
super().__init__(states=Agent.states, initial='start')
self.llm = llm
self.objective = objective
self.memory = []
self.add_transition(trigger='think', source='start', dest='thought')
self.add_transition(trigger='act', source='thought', dest='acted')
self.add_transition(trigger='observe', source='acted', dest='observed')
self.add_transition(trigger='decide', source='observed', dest='concluded')
def process_step(self, action, message, next_state):
print(action + "...")
prompt = f"{message}: {self.objective} {' '.join(self.memory)}"
response = self.llm(prompt).pop()
self.state = next_state
def decide(self):
prompt = "Based on your observations, make a decision: " + ' '.join(self.memory)
decision_maker = TypedPredictor(DecisionSignature)
response = decision_maker(input_text=prompt)
if response.decision:
self.state = 'concluded'
final_answer = self.llm(f"What is the final answer to this: {self.objective}, given this: {' '.join(self.memory)}").pop()
print("The final answer is: " + final_answer)
return final_answer
self.memory.append("Decision not reached because " + response.rationale)
self.state = 'start'
def execute(self):
actions = {
'start': (self.process_step, 'Thinking', "Think step by step about how to correctly answer this", 'thought'),
'thought': (self.process_step, 'Acting', "Execute the thinking based on the information you have", 'acted'),
'acted': (self.process_step, 'Observing', "Analyze the results of your actions", 'observed'),
'observed': (self.decide,)
while self.state != 'concluded':
action = actions[self.state]
if len(action) == 4:
action[0](action[1], action[2], action[3])
agent = Agent(llm, objective="What is the double of the sum of Barack Obama and his wife's age in April 2024?")
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