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Created December 18, 2018 22:51
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  • Save fsouza/f8fba9869dbd0ee0add12ce1b2897d06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fsouza/f8fba9869dbd0ee0add12ce1b2897d06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/coverage': No such file or directory
Makefile:28: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: [test] Error 1 (ignored)
make test-with-flags TEST_FLAGS='-v -race -covermode atomic -coverprofile $(COVERAGE_DIR)/_$(RAND).txt -bench=. -benchmem -timeout 20m'
make[1]: Entering directory '/code'
SOURCE: file go_bindata github aws_s3 google_cloud_storage godoc_vfs
DATABASE: postgres mysql redshift cassandra spanner cockroachdb clickhouse
go: finding v0.0.0-20180206201540-c2b33e8439af
go: finding v1.3.4
go: finding v0.0.0-20181001143604-e0a95dfd547c
go: finding v1.0.0
go: finding v1.4.0
go: finding v4.2.1+incompatible
go: finding v1.0.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20181004151105-1babbf986f6f
go: finding v0.0.0-20181011144130-49bb7cea24b1
go: finding v0.0.0-20181004005441-af9cb2a35e7f
go: finding v1.39.0
go: finding v1.2.0
go: finding v1.1.1
go: finding v1.15.54
go: finding v1.2.2
go: finding v1.9.0
go: finding v1.3.0
go: finding v1.0.0-rc1
go: finding v1.0.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20181015145326-625cd1887957
go: finding v0.7.3-0.20180221142240-453f2b8b40b9
go: finding v0.0.0-20181011152604-fa43e7bc11ba
go: finding v0.6.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180927180507-b2de0cb4f26d
go: finding v0.4.0
go: finding v1.1.0
go: finding v0.17.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20160611221934-b7ed37b82869
go: finding v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127
go: finding v1.0.0
go: finding v1.39.0
go: finding v0.4.11
go: finding v0.0.0-20181015201034-8919434dde1e
go: finding v1.6.2
go: finding v0.0.0-20171023180738-a3a6125de932
go: finding v0.1.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20180925112736-b09afc3d579e
go: finding v0.28.0
go: finding v0.1.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20150926172116-812a484cc733
go: finding v2.1.0+incompatible
go: finding v1.15.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180712105110-5c3871d89910
go: finding v1.1.1
go: finding v1.1.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20180924164928-221a8d4f7494
go: finding v0.1.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180909124046-d0be0721c37e
go: finding v0.0.0-20181003184128-c57b0facaced
go: finding v0.8.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180314180146-1d60e4601c6f
go: finding v0.0.0-20180709203117-cd690d0c9e24
go: finding v2.1.0+incompatible
go: finding v0.0.0-20180906233101-161cd47e91fd
go: finding v0.30.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180902110319-2566ecd5d999
go: finding v2.1.0+incompatible
go: finding v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973
go: finding v1.1.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20180702182130-06c8688daad7
go: finding v1.14.0
go: finding v1.0.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20180725123919-05ee40e3a273
go: finding v0.3.3
go: finding v1.2.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180828015842-6cd1fcedba52
go: finding v0.3.0
go: finding v1.25.4
go: finding v0.8.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180801064454-c7de2306084e
go: finding v17.0.0+incompatible
go: finding v0.0.0-20180920065004-418d78d0b9a7
go: finding v0.0.0-20180702182130-06c8688daad7
go: finding v3.2.0+incompatible
go: finding v0.0.0-20180925072008-f04abc6bdfa7
go: finding v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be
go: finding v0.0.0-20181012100315-44e29ed5b8a4
go: finding v2.0.0+incompatible
go: finding v0.26.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180830151530-49385e6e1522
go: finding v0.0.0-20180924175601-e93be7f42f9f
go: finding v0.0.0-20180910000450-7ca32eb868bf
go: finding v0.0.0-20180720172123-0dae0957e5fe
go: finding v1.1.0
go: finding v1.0.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8
go: finding v0.0.0-20180924222215-a9235805469b
go: finding v1.1.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20180826012351-8a410e7b638d
go: finding v0.0.0-20180921000521-920bb1beccf7
go: finding v0.0.0-20180222194500-ef6db91d284a
go: finding v0.0.0-20180920025451-e3ad64cb4ed3
go: finding v0.0.0-20160202185014-0b12d6b521d8
go: finding v0.3.4
go: finding v0.0.0-20180831171423-11092d34479b
go: finding v1.2.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180728063816-88497007e858
go: finding v0.0.0-20170215233205-553a64147049
go: finding v0.2.0
go: finding v0.9.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20171016134553-529a34b1c186
go: finding v0.0.0-20180518054509-2e65f85255db
go: finding v0.0.0-20180108211300-6a051e75936f
go: finding v1.1.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20150617083342-4c7342852e65
go: finding v0.0.0-20170320065105-0bce6a688712
go: finding v0.0.0-20180608152220-f44710a21d00
go: finding v0.0.0-20160723133515-2533cb5b45cc
go: finding v0.0.0-20180504122225-ca4c9f2c1369
go: finding v0.0.0-20170803123110-4ab7c5e190e4
go: finding v1.2.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20160125115350-e80d13ce29ed
go: finding v0.0.0-20180115125044-35e9bbe41f07
go: finding v0.0.0-20160126235308-23def4e6c14b
go: finding v0.0.0-20180724234803-3673e40ba225
=== RUN TestNew
--- PASS: TestNew (0.00s)
=== RUN TestNewWithDatabaseInstance
--- PASS: TestNewWithDatabaseInstance (0.00s)
=== RUN TestNewWithSourceInstance
--- PASS: TestNewWithSourceInstance (0.00s)
=== RUN TestNewWithInstance
--- PASS: TestNewWithInstance (0.00s)
=== RUN TestClose
--- PASS: TestClose (0.00s)
=== RUN TestMigrate
--- PASS: TestMigrate (0.03s)
=== RUN TestMigrateDirty
--- PASS: TestMigrateDirty (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSteps
--- PASS: TestSteps (0.03s)
=== RUN TestStepsDirty
--- PASS: TestStepsDirty (0.00s)
=== RUN TestUpAndDown
--- PASS: TestUpAndDown (0.02s)
=== RUN TestUpDirty
--- PASS: TestUpDirty (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDownDirty
--- PASS: TestDownDirty (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDrop
--- PASS: TestDrop (0.00s)
=== RUN TestVersion
--- PASS: TestVersion (0.00s)
=== RUN TestRun
--- PASS: TestRun (0.00s)
=== RUN TestRunDirty
--- PASS: TestRunDirty (0.00s)
=== RUN TestForce
--- PASS: TestForce (0.00s)
=== RUN TestForceDirty
--- PASS: TestForceDirty (0.00s)
=== RUN TestRead
--- PASS: TestRead (0.07s)
=== RUN TestReadUp
--- PASS: TestReadUp (0.04s)
=== RUN TestReadDown
--- PASS: TestReadDown (0.04s)
=== RUN TestLock
--- PASS: TestLock (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSuintPanicsWithNegativeInput
--- PASS: TestSuintPanicsWithNegativeInput (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSuint
--- PASS: TestSuint (0.00s)
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery
--- PASS: TestFilterCustomQuery (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSourceSchemeFromUrlSuccess
--- PASS: TestSourceSchemeFromUrlSuccess (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSourceSchemeFromUrlFailure
=== RUN TestSourceSchemeFromUrlFailure/Empty
=== RUN TestSourceSchemeFromUrlFailure/NoScheme
--- PASS: TestSourceSchemeFromUrlFailure (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestSourceSchemeFromUrlFailure/Empty (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestSourceSchemeFromUrlFailure/NoScheme (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlSuccess
--- PASS: TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlSuccess (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlFailure
=== RUN TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlFailure/Empty
=== RUN TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlFailure/NoScheme
--- PASS: TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlFailure (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlFailure/Empty (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDatabaseSchemeFromUrlFailure/NoScheme (0.00s)
=== RUN ExampleNewMigration
--- PASS: ExampleNewMigration (0.00s)
=== RUN ExampleNewMigration_nilMigration
--- PASS: ExampleNewMigration_nilMigration (0.00s)
=== RUN ExampleNewMigration_nilVersion
--- PASS: ExampleNewMigration_nilVersion (0.00s)
coverage: 78.5% of statements
ok 1.321s
? [no test files]
=== RUN TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId
=== RUN TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name
=== RUN TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name#01
=== RUN TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name#02
=== RUN TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name#03
--- PASS: TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId (0.01s)
--- PASS: TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name#01 (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name#02 (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGenerateAdvisoryLockId/database_name#03 (0.00s)
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_!
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_#
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_%
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_&
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_'
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_(
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_)
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_*
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_,
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_:
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_;
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_=
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_?
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_]
=== RUN TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/All_reserved_chars_tested
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars (0.05s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_! (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_# (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_% (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_& (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_' (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_( (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_) (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_* (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_, (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_: (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_; (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_= (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_? (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_] (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserUnencodedReservedURLChars/All_reserved_chars_tested (0.00s)
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_!
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_#
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_%
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_&
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_'
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_(
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_)
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_*
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_,
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_:
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_;
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_=
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_?
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[
=== RUN TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_]
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars (0.03s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_! (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_# (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_% (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_& (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_' (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_( (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_) (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_* (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_, (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_: (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_; (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_= (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_? (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUserEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_] (0.00s)
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_!
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_#
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_%
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_&
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_'
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_(
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_)
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_*
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_,
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_:
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_;
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_=
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_?
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_]
=== RUN TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/All_reserved_chars_tested
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars (0.02s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_! (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_# (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_% (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_& (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_' (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_( (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_) (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_* (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_, (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_: (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_; (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_= (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_? (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_] (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordUnencodedReservedURLChars/All_reserved_chars_tested (0.00s)
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_!
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_#
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_%
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_&
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_'
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_(
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_)
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_*
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_,
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_:
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_;
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_=
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_?
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[
=== RUN TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_]
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars (0.03s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_! (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_# (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_$ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_% (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_& (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_' (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_( (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_) (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_* (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_+ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_, (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_/ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_: (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_; (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_= (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_? (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_@ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_[ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestPasswordEncodedReservedURLChars/reserved_char_] (0.00s)
coverage: 15.6% of statements
ok 1.205s
go: downloading v0.7.3-0.20180221142240-453f2b8b40b9
go: downloading v0.3.3
go: downloading v0.4.0
go: downloading v1.1.1
go: downloading v1.0.1
go: downloading v0.8.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181011144130-49bb7cea24b1
go: downloading v1.0.0-rc1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180720172123-0dae0957e5fe
coverage: 0.7% of statements
ok 1.053s
=== RUN Test
--- PASS: Test (0.01s)
=== RUN TestOpen
--- PASS: TestOpen (0.00s)
=== RUN TestOpenWithRelativePath
--- PASS: TestOpenWithRelativePath (0.01s)
=== RUN TestOpenDefaultsToCurrentDirectory
--- PASS: TestOpenDefaultsToCurrentDirectory (0.01s)
=== RUN TestOpenWithDuplicateVersion
--- PASS: TestOpenWithDuplicateVersion (0.00s)
=== RUN TestClose
--- PASS: TestClose (0.00s)
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkOpen-2 1 1544516800 ns/op 23224856 B/op 38002 allocs/op
BenchmarkNext-2 10000000 139 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
coverage: 85.7% of statements
ok 13.874s
=== RUN Test
--- PASS: Test (0.00s)
=== RUN TestWithInstance
--- PASS: TestWithInstance (0.00s)
=== RUN TestOpen
--- PASS: TestOpen (0.00s)
coverage: 80.6% of statements
ok 1.039s
go: downloading v17.0.0+incompatible
go: downloading v1.0.0
=== RUN Test
--- SKIP: Test (0.00s)
github_test.go:22: test requires .github_test_secrets
coverage: 1.5% of statements
ok 1.050s
go: downloading v1.15.54
go: downloading v1.39.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180206201540-c2b33e8439af
=== RUN Test
--- PASS: Test (0.00s)
coverage: 66.0% of statements
ok 1.054s
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181015145326-625cd1887957
go: downloading v0.30.0
go: downloading v1.3.0
go: downloading v1.6.2
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181003184128-c57b0facaced
go: downloading v1.15.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181004005441-af9cb2a35e7f
go: downloading v1.2.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181011152604-fa43e7bc11ba
go: downloading v0.3.0
go: downloading v2.0.0+incompatible
go: downloading v0.17.0
=== RUN Test
--- PASS: Test (0.09s)
coverage: 66.7% of statements
ok 1.153s
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181015201034-8919434dde1e
=== RUN TestVFS
--- PASS: TestVFS (0.01s)
=== RUN TestOpen
--- PASS: TestOpen (0.00s)
coverage: 82.5% of statements
ok 1.064s
? [no test files]
=== RUN Test
--- PASS: Test (0.00s)
coverage: 84.2% of statements
ok 1.050s
go: downloading v1.0.0
=== RUN Test
=== RUN Test/postgres:10
=== PAUSE Test/postgres:10
=== RUN Test/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE Test/postgres:9.6
=== RUN Test/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE Test/postgres:9.5
=== RUN Test/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE Test/postgres:9.4
=== RUN Test/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE Test/postgres:9.3
=== CONT Test/postgres:9.6
=== CONT Test/postgres:9.4
=== CONT Test/postgres:9.5
=== CONT Test/postgres:10
=== CONT Test/postgres:9.3
--- FAIL: Test (0.01s)
--- FAIL: Test/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/postgres:9.5 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/postgres:9.4 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/postgres:10 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/postgres:9.3 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestMultiStatement
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/postgres:10
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/postgres:10
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.6
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.5
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.4
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/postgres:10
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.6
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.4
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.5
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/postgres:10 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.4 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.5 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/postgres:9.3 (0.02s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestErrorParsing
=== RUN TestErrorParsing/postgres:10
=== PAUSE TestErrorParsing/postgres:10
=== RUN TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.6
=== RUN TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.5
=== RUN TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.4
=== RUN TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestErrorParsing/postgres:10
=== CONT TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.4
=== CONT TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.6
=== CONT TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.5
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing/postgres:10 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.4 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.3 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing/postgres:9.5 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:10
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:10
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.6
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.5
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.4
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.6
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.4
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.5
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:10
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.3
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.4 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.5 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:10 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:9.3 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestWithSchema
=== RUN TestWithSchema/postgres:10
=== PAUSE TestWithSchema/postgres:10
=== RUN TestWithSchema/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE TestWithSchema/postgres:9.6
=== RUN TestWithSchema/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE TestWithSchema/postgres:9.5
=== RUN TestWithSchema/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE TestWithSchema/postgres:9.4
=== RUN TestWithSchema/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE TestWithSchema/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestWithSchema/postgres:10
=== CONT TestWithSchema/postgres:9.4
=== CONT TestWithSchema/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestWithSchema/postgres:9.6
=== CONT TestWithSchema/postgres:9.5
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema/postgres:9.4 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema/postgres:10 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema/postgres:9.3 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema/postgres:9.5 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestParallelSchema
=== RUN TestParallelSchema/postgres:10
=== PAUSE TestParallelSchema/postgres:10
=== RUN TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.6
=== RUN TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.5
=== RUN TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.4
=== RUN TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.6
=== CONT TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.4
=== CONT TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.5
=== CONT TestParallelSchema/postgres:10
--- FAIL: TestParallelSchema (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.4 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.3 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.5 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestParallelSchema/postgres:10 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestParallelSchema/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestWithInstance
--- PASS: TestWithInstance (0.00s)
=== RUN TestPostgres_Lock
=== RUN TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:10
=== PAUSE TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:10
=== RUN TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.6
=== PAUSE TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.6
=== RUN TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.5
=== PAUSE TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.5
=== RUN TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.4
=== PAUSE TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.4
=== RUN TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.3
=== PAUSE TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.6
=== CONT TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.3
=== CONT TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.4
=== CONT TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.5
=== CONT TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:10
--- FAIL: TestPostgres_Lock (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.3 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.3
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.4 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.4
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:9.5 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:9.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestPostgres_Lock/postgres:10 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-nonascii
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos (0.06s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\r\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\n\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\n\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\nFROM foo\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\r\nFROM foo\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\nFRÖM foo\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖM foo\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\n\nFROM foo\n\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFROM foo\r\n\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\n\nFRÖM foo\n\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFRÖM foo\r\n\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\r\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\n\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\n\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\r\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
postgres_test.go:330: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-ascii (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
coverage: 11.9% of statements
exit status 1
FAIL 0.288s
go: downloading v1.4.0
=== RUN Test
=== RUN Test/mysql:8
=== PAUSE Test/mysql:8
=== RUN Test/mysql:5.7
=== PAUSE Test/mysql:5.7
=== RUN Test/mysql:5.6
=== PAUSE Test/mysql:5.6
=== RUN Test/mysql:5.5
=== PAUSE Test/mysql:5.5
=== CONT Test/mysql:5.6
=== CONT Test/mysql:5.7
=== CONT Test/mysql:5.5
=== CONT Test/mysql:8
--- FAIL: Test (0.01s)
--- FAIL: Test/mysql:5.7 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:5.7
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/mysql:5.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:5.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/mysql:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/mysql:5.5 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:5.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestLockWorks
=== RUN TestLockWorks/mysql:8
=== PAUSE TestLockWorks/mysql:8
=== RUN TestLockWorks/mysql:5.7
=== PAUSE TestLockWorks/mysql:5.7
=== RUN TestLockWorks/mysql:5.6
=== PAUSE TestLockWorks/mysql:5.6
=== RUN TestLockWorks/mysql:5.5
=== PAUSE TestLockWorks/mysql:5.5
=== CONT TestLockWorks/mysql:8
=== CONT TestLockWorks/mysql:5.6
=== CONT TestLockWorks/mysql:5.7
=== CONT TestLockWorks/mysql:5.5
--- FAIL: TestLockWorks (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestLockWorks/mysql:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestLockWorks/mysql:5.6 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:5.6
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestLockWorks/mysql:5.7 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:5.7
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: TestLockWorks/mysql:5.5 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image mysql:5.5
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/no_user/password
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/only_user
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/only_user_-_with_encoded_:
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/only_user_-_with_encoded_@
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password_-_user_with_encoded_@
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password_-_password_with_encoded_:
=== RUN TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password_-_password_with_encoded_@
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig (0.01s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/no_user/password (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/only_user (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/only_user_-_with_encoded_: (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/only_user_-_with_encoded_@ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password_-_user_with_encoded_@ (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password_-_password_with_encoded_: (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestURLToMySQLConfig/user/password_-_password_with_encoded_@ (0.00s)
coverage: 6.0% of statements
exit status 1
FAIL 0.115s
=== RUN Test
=== RUN Test/postgres:8
=== PAUSE Test/postgres:8
=== CONT Test/postgres:8
--- FAIL: Test (0.00s)
--- FAIL: Test/postgres:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestMultiStatement
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/postgres:8
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/postgres:8
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/postgres:8
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/postgres:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestErrorParsing
=== RUN TestErrorParsing/postgres:8
=== PAUSE TestErrorParsing/postgres:8
=== CONT TestErrorParsing/postgres:8
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestErrorParsing/postgres:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:8
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:8
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:8
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/postgres:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestWithSchema
=== RUN TestWithSchema/postgres:8
=== PAUSE TestWithSchema/postgres:8
=== CONT TestWithSchema/postgres:8
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestWithSchema/postgres:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestWithInstance
--- PASS: TestWithInstance (0.00s)
=== RUN TestRedshift_Lock
=== RUN TestRedshift_Lock/postgres:8
=== PAUSE TestRedshift_Lock/postgres:8
=== CONT TestRedshift_Lock/postgres:8
--- FAIL: TestRedshift_Lock (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestRedshift_Lock/postgres:8 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image postgres:8
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-ascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-nonascii
=== RUN Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-nonascii
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos (0.06s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\r\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc0/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 15, want 2:6, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\n\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\n\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc1/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 16, want 3:6, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\nFROM foo\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\r\nFROM foo\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\nFRÖM foo\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc2/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 25, want 3:7, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖM foo\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\n\nFROM foo\n\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFROM foo\r\n\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\n\nFRÖM foo\n\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc3/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 27, want 5:7, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFRÖM foo\r\n\r\nWHERE x"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4 (0.02s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\r\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/lf-nonascii (0.01s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc4/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 10, want 2:1, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\n\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFROMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\n\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc5/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 11, want 3:1, "SELECT *\r\n\r\nFRÖMM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6 (0.01s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\r\nFROM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc6/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
redshift_test.go:283: pos 17, want 2:8, "SELECT *\r\nFRÖM foo"
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-ascii (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-ascii (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/lf-nonascii (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_computeLineFromPos/tc7/crlf-nonascii (0.00s)
coverage: 13.0% of statements
exit status 1
FAIL 0.149s
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181012100315-44e29ed5b8a4
go: downloading v0.9.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180518054509-2e65f85255db
go: downloading v0.0.0-20160125115350-e80d13ce29ed
=== RUN Test
=== RUN Test/cassandra:3.0.10
=== PAUSE Test/cassandra:3.0.10
=== RUN Test/cassandra:3.0
=== PAUSE Test/cassandra:3.0
=== CONT Test/cassandra:3.0.10
=== CONT Test/cassandra:3.0
--- FAIL: Test (0.01s)
--- FAIL: Test/cassandra:3.0.10 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image cassandra:3.0.10
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
--- FAIL: Test/cassandra:3.0 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image cassandra:3.0
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
coverage: 1.7% of statements
exit status 1
FAIL 0.055s
=== RUN Test
--- SKIP: Test (0.00s)
spanner_test.go:18: SPANNER_DATABASE not set, skipping test.
coverage: 1.9% of statements
ok 1.040s
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181001143604-e0a95dfd547c
go: downloading v3.2.0+incompatible
=== RUN Test
=== RUN Test/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
=== PAUSE Test/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
=== CONT Test/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
--- FAIL: Test (0.01s)
--- FAIL: Test/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestMultiStatement
=== RUN TestMultiStatement/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
=== PAUSE TestMultiStatement/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
=== CONT TestMultiStatement/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestMultiStatement/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2 (0.00s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery
=== RUN TestFilterCustomQuery/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
=== PAUSE TestFilterCustomQuery/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
=== CONT TestFilterCustomQuery/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestFilterCustomQuery/cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2 (0.01s)
<autogenerated>:1: Docker: Pull image cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0.2
testing.go:76: Cannot view logs for a nil *DockerContainer
testing.go:44: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
coverage: 2.8% of statements
exit status 1
FAIL 0.115s
? [no test files]
Makefile:36: recipe for target 'test-with-flags' failed
make[1]: *** [test-with-flags] Error 123
make[1]: Leaving directory '/code'
Makefile:28: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 2
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