The space requirements for CKMS quantiles were evaluated by adding the following test to CKMSQuantilesTest
in client_java.
public void testBlog() {
Random random = new Random(0);
Quantile q05 = new Quantile(0.5, 0.01);
Quantile q95 = new Quantile(0.95, 0.005);
Quantile q99 = new Quantile(0.99, 0.001);
dump(random, 1000, q95);
dump(random, 10*1000, q95);
dump(random, 100*1000, q95);
dump(random, 1000*1000, q95);
dump(random, 10*1000*1000, q95);
dump(random, 100*1000*1000, q95);
dump(random, 1000, q95, q99);
dump(random, 10*1000, q95, q99);
dump(random, 100*1000, q95, q99);
dump(random, 1000*1000, q95, q99);
dump(random, 10*1000*1000, q95, q99);
dump(random, 100*1000*1000, q95, q99);
dump(random, 1000, q05, q95, q99);
dump(random, 10*1000, q05, q95, q99);
dump(random, 100*1000, q05, q95, q99);
dump(random, 1000*1000, q05, q95, q99);
dump(random, 10*1000*1000, q05, q95, q99);
dump(random, 100*1000*1000, q05, q95, q99);
private void dump(Random random, int n, Quantile... qs) {
for (Quantile q : qs) {
System.out.print(" " + q.quantile);
System.out.print(" " + n + ": ");
CKMSQuantiles ckms = new CKMSQuantiles(qs);
List<Double> input = shuffledValues(n, random);
for (double value : input) {
System.out.println(ckms.samples.size() + " of " + ckms.n);
Note that as of today the implementation is still in the ckms
branch but it will be merged soon.