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Last active January 1, 2016 00:49
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<title>TwitKJ - Rhizomizing your tweets!</title>
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<p><textarea rows="2" cols="30" onfocus="eraseTA(this)" onblur="recoverTA(this)" onkeyup="ShowLength(value)">Tweet here...</textarea></p>
<p><button id="tweet_button">ツイート</button></p>
<p id="counter">0</p>
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<?php echo '<img src="icon.png" class="icon">';?>
<span class="username">TEST</span>‏
<span class="userid">@twkj1</span>
<span class="posttime_ago">1時間</span>
<span class="content">あああああああああああああああああああ <span class="url"><a href=""></a></span> <span class="hashtag"><a href="">#aaaaa</a></span></span>
<div class="tweet">
<?php echo '<img src="icon.png" class="icon">';?>
<span class="username">TEST</span>‏
<span class="userid">@twkj1</span>
<span class="posttime_ago">1時間</span>
<span class="content">あああああああああああああ <span class="url"><a href="phpinfo.php"></a></span> <span class="hashtag"><a href="">#aaaaa</a></span></span>
<div class="tweet">
<?php echo '<img src="icon.png" class="icon">';?>
<span class="username">TEST</span>‏
<span class="userid">@twkj1</span>
<span class="posttime_ago">1時間</span>
<span class="content">ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ</span>
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function ShowLength( str ) {
var counter = document.getElementById("counter");
counter.innerHTML = str.length;
if(str.length > 140){"#990000";
function eraseTA(obj){
if(obj.value == obj.defaultValue) obj.value = "";
function recoverTA(obj){
if(obj.value == "") obj.value = "Tweet here...";
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = "0" ;
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opacity: 0.75,
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cancel: ".hashtag",
helper: "clone",
revert: "invalid"
accept: ".tweet",
tolerance: "pointer",
drop: function(event, ui){
accept: ".tweet",
tolerance: "pointer",
drop: function(event, ui){
cursor: "move",
opacity: 0.75,
cancel: ".url",
cancel: ".hashtag",
helper: "clone",
revert: "valid"
accept: ".tweet",
tolerance: "pointer",
drop: function(event, ui){
function contraction($item){
.css("border","1px solid #666666")
function expantion($item){
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