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Last active December 14, 2015 00:09
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Save fsuter/4997023 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fluid view helpers and multiple partials invocation
$output26 = '';
$output26 .= '
// Rendering ViewHelper Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper
$arguments27 = array();
$arguments27['partial'] = 'DmdeMobile/TrainingDetail';
// Rendering Array
$array28 = array();
$array28['formation'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.formation', $renderingContext);
$array28['lieu'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.lieu', $renderingContext);
$array28['conditionsAdmission'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.conditionsAdmission', $renderingContext);
$array28['remarques'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.remarques', $renderingContext);
$arguments27['arguments'] = $array28;
$arguments27['section'] = NULL;
$arguments27['optional'] = false;
$renderChildrenClosure29 = function() use ($renderingContext, $self) {
return NULL;
$viewHelper30 = $self->getViewHelper('$viewHelper30', $renderingContext, 'Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper');
// End of ViewHelper Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper
$output26 .= $viewHelper30->initializeArgumentsAndRender();
$output26 .= '
// Rendering ViewHelper Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper
$arguments31 = array();
$arguments31['partial'] = 'DmdeMobile/TrainingDetail';
// Rendering Array
$array32 = array();
$array32['formation'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.formation2', $renderingContext);
$array32['lieu'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.lieu2', $renderingContext);
$array32['conditionsAdmission'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.conditionsAdmission2', $renderingContext);
$array32['remarques'] = Tx_Fluid_Core_Parser_SyntaxTree_ObjectAccessorNode::getPropertyPath($renderingContext->getTemplateVariableContainer(), 'dmde.remarques2', $renderingContext);
$arguments31['arguments'] = $array32;
$arguments31['section'] = NULL;
$arguments31['optional'] = false;
$renderChildrenClosure33 = function() use ($renderingContext, $self) {
return NULL;
$viewHelper34 = $self->getViewHelper('$viewHelper34', $renderingContext, 'Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper');
// End of ViewHelper Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_RenderViewHelper
$output26 .= $viewHelper34->initializeArgumentsAndRender();
$output26 .= '
return $output26;
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2013 Francois Suter <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('vd_ocosp', '/class/Ocosp/Wiki.php'));
* Wrapper around Ocosp_Wiki class
* = Examples =
* <code title="Simple Loop">
* <vd:wiki parseText="true" parseLinks="false">
* - foo
* - bar
* </vd:wiki>
* </code>
* <output>
* <ul>
* <li>foo</li>
* <li>bar</li>
* </ul>
* </output>
* @author Francois Suter <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tx_vdocosp
class Tx_VdOcosp_ViewHelpers_WikiViewHelper extends Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_ForViewHelper {
* Sorts list of items according to given criteria and loop on them for rendering
* @param boolean $parseText TRUE if text must be parsed (for bullet list structures)
* @param boolean $parseLinks TRUE if text must be parsed for links
* @return string Rendered string
* @api
public function render($parseText = FALSE, $parseLinks = FALSE) {
$parseText = (boolean)$parseText;
$parseLinks = (boolean)$parseLinks;
// Render the content first, to apply transformations to it
$content = $this->renderChildren();
if ($parseLinks) {
$content = Ocosp_Wiki::parseForUrls($content);
if ($parseText) {
$content = Ocosp_Wiki::parseTxt($content);
return nl2br($content);
{namespace vd = Tx_VdOcosp_ViewHelpers}
<f:if condition="{formation}">
<vd:wiki parseText="true">{formation}</vd:wiki>
<f:if condition="{lieu}">
<h5><f:translate key="location" /></h5>
<vd:wiki parseText="true">{lieu}</vd:wiki>
<f:if condition="{conditionsAdmission}">
<h5><f:translate key="enrollment_requirements" /></h5>
<vd:wiki parseText="true">{conditionsAdmission}</vd:wiki>
<f:if condition="{remarques}">
<h5><f:translate key="remarks" /></h5>
<vd:wiki parseText="true">{remarques}</vd:wiki>
{namespace vd = Tx_VdOcosp_ViewHelpers}
<f:layout name="Default" />
This template displays the detail view for a "Des Métiers - Des Ecoles" entry
<f:section name="main">
<vd:wiki parseText="true">{dmde.description}</vd:wiki>
<h4><f:translate key="training" /></h4>
<f:if condition="{dmde.formationDesc}">
<vd:wiki parseText="true">{dmde.formationDesc}</vd:wiki>
<f:if condition="{dmde.formation2}">
<f:render partial="DmdeMobile/TrainingDetail" arguments="{formation: dmde.formation, lieu: dmde.lieu, conditionsAdmission: dmde.conditionsAdmission, remarques: dmde.remarques}" />
<f:render partial="DmdeMobile/TrainingDetail" arguments="{formation: dmde.formation2, lieu: dmde.lieu2, conditionsAdmission: dmde.conditionsAdmission2, remarques: dmde.remarques2}" />
<f:render partial="DmdeMobile/TrainingDetail" arguments="{formation: dmde.formation, lieu: dmde.lieu, conditionsAdmission: dmde.conditionsAdmission, remarques: dmde.remarques}" />
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fsuter commented Feb 21, 2013

What do you mean? A section for each variable? But the conditions are there to assure that there's no output if the variable is empty. So I would still need the conditions even inside each section, right?

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Hi François,
you're extending Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_ForViewHelper instead of AbstractViewHelper – I guess this is your problem as in the cached Template the renderStatic() method of the ForViewHelper will be called.

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fsuter commented Feb 21, 2013

As answered in the ML, copy and paste error. Thanks for spotting it!

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