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Last active June 10, 2020 17:21
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- Create Security Profiles
- Wireless -> Security Profiles
- Create wireless interface
- Wireless -> Interfaces -> add Virtual AP
- name: wlan2
- SSID: my_custom_ssid
- Master Interface: wlan
- Assign an IP Pool and Address
-  IP -> Address > +
- Address:
- Network:
- Interface: wlan2
- IP -> DHCP Server > DHCP Setup
- DHCP Server Interface: wlan2
- DHCP Address Space:
- Gateway for DHCP Network:
- Address to give out:
- DNS Servers
- Lease time: 1d 00:00:00
- IP -> Firewall -> NAT > +
- Src Address:
- Out Interface: ether1-gateway
- Action: masquerade
user management
- add user
system > user > users > +
- name
- group: full, read, write
- password
- add group
system > user > groups
- name
- policies (permisions)
- see connected users:
system > user > active users
- disable services (ftp, ssh, telnet, ...)
ip -> services
- set router name
system > identity
- set router time using ntp
- install ntp package only if you need to be ntp server
system -> packages
- setup ntp client
system -> ntp client
- check enabled
- set ntp server ip address
- set time zone (optional)
system -> clock > time
- why time is important: log, queue, firewall rules
- backup
- types: binary backup, configuration export
- binary backup
- contains everything (including passwords, mac addresses, ip)
- is usefull when you want to restore exatly same device
- is not suitable to backup configurations
- how to backup?
files > backup
or you can do it using terminal
new terminal > /system backup save name=myBackup
- how to restore?
files > choose an item > restore > reboot router
- export files
- full or part of configurations
- exported file is an script
- it doesn't contain user/pass informations
- compact/verbose: verbose mode contains default configurations
- how to backup:
- new terminal >
- full backup: /export compact file=myConfigs
- partial: /ip address export file=myIpConfig
- hint: press tab twice to see available options
- how to restore:
- new terminal > /import myBackup
- routing
- works in layer 3 osi model
- we need to connect subnets with routing
> ip > route
- flags: X=disabled, A=active, D=dynamic, C=connected, S=static
- order of routes doesnt matter
- the routes which matches destination (and routing-mark if specified) will be choosen
- the rows in routing table which does not contain route-mark construct the 'main routing table'
- if two routes matches, the route with more specific 'cidr' will be selected
- if two routes with equal 'cidr' matches, the one with lower 'distance'
- create default route
- destination:
- gateway:
- gateway can be:
- an interface: if source and destination are directly connected
- an ip address: if there exist one or more router(s) between source and destination
- a route can have multiple gateways (called ECMP: equal cost multiple path)
- a route with interface gateway will be activated if the interface is running
- a route with ip-addres gateway will be activated if the ip is accessible using an active route in main routing table
- for each route can specify 'Pref. Source'. it's usefull for packets which are generated in router itself
- RIB (routing information base): all of the routes in routing table
- FIB (forwarding inforamtion base): all of the routes for an 'ip prefix' in routing table which are active
- routes that will NEVER be activated:
- with distance=255
- with gateway equal to the same router ip address
- if another route with lower distance exist (for a destination and with a reachable gateway)
** Bridge **
- Bridging is a forwarding in layer 2
- which forwards frames
- works with mac address
- routing is forwarding in layer 3
- which forwards packets
- works with ip addresses
- bridging is used to connect two segments
- switch is a hardware which does multiport bridge
- how to bridge two interface?
- create a bridge interface
> interface > + > bridge
- choose a name, e.g. bridge1
- connect interfaces to the bridge (do this for all interfaces, e.g. ether1, ether2, ether3, wlan1)
> bridge > ports > +
- choose interface, e.g. ether1
- choose bridge, e.g. bridge1
- when you bridge some interfaces, they will become slave interfaces of the master interface 'bridge'
- bridge advantages: monitorig all frames and ports
- bridge disadvantage: more cpu consumption (because software does bridging for us)
- some services run only on an interface (instead of on the whole router)
- e.g. DHCP serve, hotspot, pppoe server,
- they can not be ran on slave interfaces and must be ran on master interface (bridge interface)
- (R)STP: detects loops in the switch
- by default is activated on bridge interfaces
- deactive some link(s) to prevent loop and keep them as auxiliary links
> interfaces > double-click bridge interface > STP
- protocol mode: none, stp, rstp
Connect to router (for the first time):
- connect computer to the router using cable
- using winbox
- neighbours tab > click refresh > click on mac address > enter user/pass (admin, [empty]), click connect
- using web interface
- set an ip address in default range of mikrotik router (
- e.g.
- is the router itself
- open browser and browse
Connect Router to internet
- set ip address of the router
- connect to router
- using cable connect your laptop to ether1 of router
- turn off all the other laptop interfaces (e.g. wireless)
- create connection using winbox and mac address of router
- set ip address
> ip > addresses > +
- address:
- network:
- interface: ether1
- close winbox and connect again to router through ip address of router
- always avoid using mac address for connecting to the router, just use it when there is no other way
- connecting through mac is not safe and sometime your configuration is not saved
- create address for wireless
> ip > addresses > +
- address:
- network:
- interface: wlan1
- hint: if the color of above 'address' is red, you need to activate wlan1
- setup wirelesss
> wireless > interfaces > wlan1
- mode: station
- click enable
- click scan
- choose an SSID to connect
- click connect
- add default route
> ip > routes > +
- dst address:
- gateway: (is the next router ip address)
- now the router has internet access (check it by ping but your laptop has not
- add a nat rule so that your laptop has internet access too
> ip > firewall > nat > +
> general
- chain: srcnat
- src address:
> action
- action: src-nat
- to:
- now your laptop has internet access using ip address but not domain name (e.g.
- setup dns server
> ip > dns >
- servers:
- check 'allow remote requests' to be cache dns
- in your laptop set dns server to the router ip address
- now your laptop browser can open
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