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Created March 5, 2021 15:13
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Warp route test
use warp::{Filter, Rejection};
use warp::generic::Either;
fn other_routes() -> impl Filter<Error = Rejection, Extract = (Either<(Either<(String,), (String,)>,), (String,)>,)> + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static {
// GET /hi
let hi = warp::get().and(warp::path("hi").map(|| "Hello, World!".to_string()));
// GET /hello/from/warp
let hello_from_warp = warp::get().and(warp::path!("hello" / "from" / "warp").map(|| "Hello from warp!".to_string()));
// GET /sum/:u32/:u32
let sum = warp::get().and(warp::path!("sum" / u32 / u32).map(|a, b| format!("{} + {} = {}", a, b, a + b)));
async fn main() {
// GET /
let hello_world = warp::path::end().map(|| "Hello, World at root!");
let routes = warp::get().and(hello_world)
warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030)).await;
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