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Created May 22, 2018 19:09
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How to read files from Amazon AWS S3 line by line
import boto3
import argparse
import elasticsearch
from io import TextIOWrapper
from gzip import GzipFile
import csv
fact_key = "/2018/05/15/mycsv_files"
BUCKET = 'csv_data'
print(f'Reading files at {fact_key}')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='S3 Reader')
parser.add_argument('token', type=str, help='6 digit mfa token', default='', nargs='?')
args = parser.parse_args()
token = args.token
if token:
# if supplied, the MFA token will authenticate thought API
sts_client = boto3.client('sts')
print('Assuming Role...')
# From the response that contains the assumed role, get the temporary
# credentials that can be used to make subsequent API calls
assumedRoleObject = sts_client.assume_role(
credentials = assumedRoleObject['Credentials']
# Use the temporary credentials that AssumeRole returns to make a
# connection to Amazon S3
s3 = boto3.client(
aws_access_key_id = credentials['AccessKeyId'],
aws_secret_access_key = credentials['SecretAccessKey'],
aws_session_token = credentials['SessionToken'],
# Not token supplied, so runs with current user
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
# for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
# print(
def process_file(key):
print(f'processing key {key}')
count = 0
response = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET, Key=key)
gzipped = GzipFile(None, 'rb', fileobj=response['Body'])
data = TextIOWrapper(gzipped)
input_csv = csv.reader(data, delimiter=';', quotechar='"')
for line in input_csv:
if count % 1000000 == 0:
if count < 10:
count += 1
print(f'Processed {count:,} lines')
# Read all files from bucket/key
response = s3.list_objects(Bucket=BUCKET, Prefix=fact_key)
for row in response['Contents']:
file_key = row['Key']
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