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Created April 20, 2010 07:40
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See for a longer description. This script reads search terms from the# command-line and creates a playlist widget, which is then automatically
# posted to Posterous. There is one command line option '-l' which allows you
# to specify the limit to the number of songs returned (the max according to
# is 32.)
require LWP::UserAgent;
require HTML::Parser;
use URI;
use Getopt::Std;
use XML::Simple;
my @creds;
open (CREDS, "creds.txt") || die "fill in your creds.txt.";
while (my $line = <CREDS>){
push(@creds, $line);}
$creds[0] =~ s/\n//;
$creds[1] =~ s/\n//;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $request;
foreach my $n (@ARGV) {$request .= $n . " ";}
$request =~ s/ $//;
print $request;
my $url = URI->new( "$request" );
if ($opt_l) { $url->query_form( 'limit' => $opt_l);}
my $string ='';
my @songinfo = split(/\n/, $ua->get($url)->decoded_content);
#For some reason, the tinysong api returns the last two results without a new li
#ne separator. This is certainly a bug, and will probably be fixed eventually.
#In the meantime, these next three lines take care of the problem.
my @lastTwoElementsFix = split(/;http/, pop(@songinfo));
$lastTwoElementsFix[1] = "http" . $lastTwoElementsFix[1];
push(@songinfo, @lastTwoElementsFix);
foreach my $line (@songinfo) {
my @temp=split(/; /, $line);
$string .= $temp[1] . ",";
$string =~ s/,$//;
print $string;
my $htmlresults = qq~ <object width="400" height="400"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value=";songIDs=$string&amp;style=metal&amp;p=0" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" width="400" height="400" flashvars=";songIDs=$string&amp;style=metal&amp;p=0"></embed>~;
my $posturl = URI->new( "");
$posturl->query_form( # And here the form data pairs:
'site_id' => 1251953,
'autopost' => 1,
'title' => "Playlist results for '$request'",
'body' => $htmlresults,
my $data = XMLin($ua->get($posturl)->content);
print $data;
my $posterousurl = $data->{post}->{url};
print $posterousurl . "\n";
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