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Created August 1, 2014 14:21
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KMP Algorithm in haskell
data State = Null
| Node String State State
valid :: State -> Bool
valid state = case state of
Null -> undefined
Node string _ _ -> null string
match :: String -> String -> [Int]
match pattern = map fst . filter (valid . snd) . scanl step (0, root)
step (length, state) token = (length + 1, op state token)
op state token = case state of
Null -> root
Node [] left _ -> op left token
Node (x:xs) left right -> if x /= token
then op left token
else right
root = build Null pattern
build left pattern = case pattern of
[] -> Node [] left Null
x:xs -> Node pattern left (build (op left x) xs)
main = do
pattern <- getLine
text <- getLine
print $ match pattern text
-- print $ match "bab" "bababbab"
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