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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Project Euler 511 残骸
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
newtype Zp = Z Int deriving (Show, Eq)
modulo :: Int
modulo = 10 ^ 9
z :: Int -> Zp
z a | a >= 0 = Z a'
| otherwise = Z (modulo - a')
where a' = a `rem` modulo
instance Num Zp where
abs = undefined
signum = undefined
fromInteger = z . fromInteger
negate (Z a) = z (-a)
(Z a) + (Z b) = z (a + b)
(Z a) * (Z b) = z (a - b)
newtype Poly a = Poly { unPoly :: Vector a } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Num a => Num (Poly a) where
abs = undefined
signum = undefined
fromInteger = undefined
negate = Poly . negate . unPoly
a + b = Poly $ V.zipWith (+) (unPoly a') (unPoly b')
where (a', b') = align a b
a * b = multiply a' b'
where (a', b') = align a b
align :: (Num a) => Poly a -> Poly a -> (Poly a, Poly a)
align a b
| offset < 0 = (Poly . (V.++ padding) $ a', b)
| otherwise = (a, Poly . (V.++ padding) $ b')
where a' = unPoly a
b' = unPoly b
offset = V.length a' - V.length b'
padding = V.replicate (abs offset) 0
degree :: Poly a -> Int
degree = V.length . unPoly
lift :: (Num a) => Int -> Poly a -> Poly a
lift n p = Poly . ((V.replicate n 0) V.++) . unPoly $ p
multiply :: (Num a) => Poly a -> Poly a -> Poly a
multiply a b
| n' == 1 = Poly $ V.zipWith (*) (unPoly a) (unPoly b)
| otherwise = p00 + (lift n p01) + (lift (n * 2) p11)
where n' = degree a
n = n' `quot` 2
divide p = let (a, b) = V.splitAt n . unPoly $ p
in (Poly a, Poly b)
(a0, a1) = divide a
(b0, b1) = divide b
p00 = a0 `multiply` b0
p11 = a1 `multiply` b1
p01 = ((a0 + a1) `multiply` (b0 + b1)) - p00 - p11
main :: IO ()
main = print $ (p [1..4000]) * (p [1..4000])
where p = (Poly . V.fromList) :: [Int] -> Poly Int
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