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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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# _ _ __
# __ _ __ _ _ __| |__ (_)/ _|_ _
# / _` |/ _` | '__| '_ \| | |_| | | |
#| (_| | (_| | | | |_) | | _| |_| |
# \__, |\__,_|_| |_.__/|_|_| \__, |
# |___/ |___/
# Give it a filename to an image and it will turn it into zooming
# garb.
# By Paul Ford in a moment of weakness
convert -scale 600 $FILE f_000.$SUFFIX ;
convert -quality 5% -gravity Center -scale 400 -extent 150% -modulate 100,0,100 f_000.$SUFFIX f_001.$SUFFIX;
convert -quality 10% -gravity Center -scale 450 -extent 133% -modulate 100,40,100 f_000.$SUFFIX f_002.$SUFFIX;
convert -quality 20% -gravity Center -scale 500 -extent 120% -modulate 100,80,100 f_000.$SUFFIX f_003.$SUFFIX;
convert -modulate 100,200,100 f_000.$SUFFIX f_004.$SUFFIX;
convert -quality 60% -modulate 100,80,150 f_000.$SUFFIX f_005.$SUFFIX;
COLORS="-colors 16 +dither -posterize 16"
convert -loop 0 \
$COLORS -delay $DELAY f_001.$SUFFIX f_002.$SUFFIX f_003.$SUFFIX \
$COLORS -delay $FAST f_004.$SUFFIX f_005.$SUFFIX f_004.$SUFFIX f_005.$SUFFIX \
$COLORS -delay $DELAY f_004.$SUFFIX f_005.$SUFFIX \
$COLORS -delay $LONG_PAUSE f_004.$SUFFIX \
$COLORS -delay $DELAY f_003.$SUFFIX f_002.$SUFFIX \
rm f_00*.$SUFFIX;
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