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Last active March 15, 2021 04:47
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nico separating axis theorem collision check
import nico
import nico/vec
type Object = ref object
color: int
pos: Vec2f
points: seq[Vec2f]
rotation: float32
var objs: seq[Object]
var overlapping = false
var overlapAxis: Vec2f
var overlapAmount: float32
var separate = false
iterator edges(self: Object): (Vec2f,Vec2f) =
let pos = self.pos
for i in 1..<self.points.len:
let a = self.points[i-1].rotate(self.rotation)
let b = self.points[i].rotate(self.rotation)
yield (pos + a, pos + b)
let a = self.points[self.points.high].rotate(self.rotation)
let b = self.points[0].rotate(self.rotation)
yield (pos + a, pos + b)
proc getAxes(a,b: Object): seq[Vec2f] =
for edge in a.edges:
let axis = (edge[1] - edge[0]).perpendicular().normalized
if axis notin result:
for edge in b.edges:
let axis = (edge[1] - edge[0]).perpendicular().normalized
if axis notin result:
proc sat(a,b: Object): (bool,Vec2f,float32) =
## return true if objects are overlapping, if overlapping returns the axis of min overlap
var axisOfMinOverlap: Vec2f
var minOverlap: float32 = Inf
for axis in getAxes(a,b):
var amin = Inf
var bmin = Inf
var amax = -Inf
var bmax = -Inf
# project each edge against the current axis
for edge in a.edges:
for p in [edge[0],edge[1]]:
var v = dot(p,axis)
if v < amin:
amin = v
if v > amax:
amax = v
for edge in b.edges:
for p in [edge[0],edge[1]]:
var v = dot(p,axis)
if v < bmin:
bmin = v
if v > bmax:
bmax = v
if bmin > amax or amin > bmax:
# found axis of separation, we can exit early
result[0] = false
var overlap = 0f
if amax > bmin:
overlap = abs(bmin - amax)
elif bmax > amin:
overlap = abs(amin - bmax)
if abs(overlap) < abs(minOverlap):
minOverlap = overlap
axisOfMinOverlap = axis
return (true, axisOfMinOverlap, minOverlap)
proc draw(self: Object) =
for edge in self.edges:
line(edge[0], edge[1])
proc gameInit() =
# we want a fixed sized screen with perfect square pixels
# create the window
objs = @[]
objs.add(Object(color: 6, pos: vec2f(64,64), points: @[vec2f(-16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, 16f), vec2f(-16f, 16f)]))
objs.add(Object(color: 5, pos: vec2f(82,64), points: @[vec2f(-32f, -16f), vec2f(16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, 16f), vec2f(-16f, 16f)]))
proc gameUpdate(dt: float32) =
objs[0].rotation += 0.5f * dt
let (mx,my) = mouse()
if mousebtn(0):
objs[1].pos = vec2f(mx,my)
if btnp(pcA):
separate = not separate
let hit = sat(objs[0], objs[1])
overlapping = hit[0]
overlapAxis = hit[1]
overlapAmount = hit[2]
if overlapping and separate:
# push them apart
objs[0].pos += overlapAxis * (overlapAmount * -0.5f)
objs[1].pos += overlapAxis * (overlapAmount * 0.5f)
proc gameDraw() =
for obj in objs:
if overlapping:
print("overlapping", 4, 4)
if overlapping:
line(objs[0].pos, objs[0].pos - overlapAxis * overlapAmount)
# initialization
nico.init("nico", "sat")
# start, say which functions to use for init, update and draw, gameUpdate, gameDraw)
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