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Created March 17, 2021 10:20
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import nico
import nico/vec
import strformat
type Object = ref object
color: int
pos: Vec2f
rawPoints: seq[Vec2f]
angle: float32
highlightEdgeIndex: int
highlightVertIndex: int
highlightColor: int
bestSupport: Vec2f
supportDir: Vec2f
mass: float32
vel: Vec2f
avel: float32
type Line = array[2, Vec2f]
type ContactData = object
normal: Vec2f
nPoints: int
points: array[2, Vec2f]
penetration: float32
clipEdge: Line
proc `-`(x: Line): Line =
result[0] = x[1]
result[1] = x[0]
type Plane2D = object
pos: Vec2f
normal: Vec2f
var objs: seq[Object]
var overlapping = false
var overlapAxis: Vec2f
var overlapAmount: float32
var overlapClipEdge: Line
var overlapContactData: ContactData
proc normal(self: Line): Vec2f =
return (self[1] - self[0]).normal()
proc point(self: Object, i: int): Vec2f =
return self.pos + self.rawPoints[i].rotate(self.angle)
proc toPlane(self: Line): Plane2D =
result.pos = self[0]
result.normal = -self.normal()
proc distance(self: Plane2D, p: Vec2f): float32 =
## return signed distance from plane to point
return dot(self.normal, p - self.pos)
iterator points(self: Object): Vec2f =
let pos = self.pos
for p in self.rawPoints:
let rotated = p.rotate(self.angle)
yield pos + rotated
proc edge(self: Object, i: int): Line =
let pos = self.pos
let a = self.rawPoints[wrap(i, self.rawPoints.len)].rotate(self.angle)
let b = self.rawPoints[wrap(i+1,self.rawPoints.len)].rotate(self.angle)
return [pos + a, pos + b]
iterator edges(self: Object): Line =
let pos = self.pos
for i in 1..<self.rawPoints.len:
let a = self.rawPoints[i-1].rotate(self.angle)
let b = self.rawPoints[i].rotate(self.angle)
yield [pos + a, pos + b]
let a = self.rawPoints[self.rawPoints.high].rotate(self.angle)
let b = self.rawPoints[0].rotate(self.angle)
yield [pos + a, pos + b]
proc getAxes(a,b: Object): seq[Vec2f] =
for edge in a.edges:
let axis = edge.normal()
if axis notin result:
for edge in b.edges:
let axis = edge.normal()
if axis notin result:
proc getSupport(self: Object, n: Vec2f): (Vec2f,int) =
var bestProj = -Inf
var i = 0
for p in self.points:
let proj = dot(p, n)
if proj > bestProj:
bestProj = proj
result = (p, i)
proc line(self: Plane2D): Line =
[self.pos, self.pos + self.normal]
proc isLeftOf(p: Vec2f, edge: Line): bool =
## returns true if p is left of edge
let tmp1 = edge[1] - edge[0]
let tmp2 = p - edge[1]
let x = (tmp1.x * tmp2.y) - (tmp1.y * tmp2.x)
if x < 0:
return false
elif x > 0:
return true
# colinear points
return false
proc getIntersect(a,b: Line): Vec2f =
## returns the intersection of two lines
let adir = a[1] - a[0]
let bdir = b[1] - b[0]
let dotPerp = (adir.x * bdir.y) - (adir.y * bdir.x)
if abs(dotPerp) < 0.0001f:
# parallel
let c = b[0] - a[0]
let t = (c.x * bdir.y - c.y * bdir.x) / dotPerp
return a[0] + (t * adir)
proc clip(ln: Line, plane: Line): Line =
# returns ln clipped by plane
result = ln
# get intersection of ln and plane
let i = getIntersect(ln, plane)
let aOK = ln[0].isLeftOf(plane)
let bOK = ln[1].isLeftOf(plane)
if not aOK and not bOK:
# both on wrong side of plane
result[0] = i
result[1] = i
elif not aOK:
result[0] = i
result[1] = ln[1]
elif not bOK:
result[0] = ln[0]
result[1] = i
proc clipRemove(ln: Line, plane: Line): seq[Vec2f] =
# returns points of ln, removing anything behind plane
# get intersection of ln and plane
let aOK = ln[0].isLeftOf(plane)
if aOK:
let bOK = ln[1].isLeftOf(plane)
if bOK:
proc getContactData(a,b: Object, collisionNormal: Vec2f, penetration: float32): ContactData =
## returns the indices of the significant edges on A and B
let vertA = a.getSupport(collisionNormal)
let vertB = b.getSupport(-collisionNormal)
var bestAEdgeDot: float32 = -Inf
var bestAEdge: int = -1
var bestBEdgeDot: float32 = -Inf
var bestBEdge: int = -1
var i = 0
for edge in a.edges:
if vertA[0] in edge:
let d = dot(edge.normal, collisionNormal)
if abs(d) > bestAEdgeDot:
bestAEdgeDot = abs(d)
bestAEdge = i
var i = 0
for edge in b.edges:
if vertB[0] in edge:
let d = dot(edge.normal, -collisionNormal)
if abs(d) > bestBEdgeDot:
bestBEdgeDot = abs(d)
bestBEdge = i
a.highlightVertIndex = vertA[1]
b.highlightVertIndex = vertB[1]
a.highlightEdgeIndex = bestAEdge
b.highlightEdgeIndex = bestBEdge
var reference,incident: Line
var refAdjacentA: Line
var refAdjacentB: Line
var flipped = false
if bestAEdgeDot < bestBEdgeDot:
reference = a.edge(bestAEdge)
refAdjacentA = a.edge(bestAEdge-1)
refAdjacentB = a.edge(bestAEdge+1)
a.highlightColor = 12
incident = b.edge(bestBEdge)
b.highlightColor = 8
reference = b.edge(bestBEdge)
refAdjacentA = b.edge(bestBEdge-1)
refAdjacentB = b.edge(bestBEdge+1)
b.highlightColor = 12
incident = a.edge(bestAEdge)
a.highlightColor = 8
flipped = true
## We now clip the incident with all the adjacent faces of the reference. This is done by taking the
## adjacent faces normal and any vertex that it contains to produce a plane equation.
if flipped:
incident = incident.clip(refAdjacentA)
incident = incident.clip(refAdjacentB)
incident = incident.clip(refAdjacentA)
incident = incident.clip(refAdjacentB)
result.clipEdge = incident
# final clipping, remove points behind reference
if incident[0].isLeftOf(reference):
result.points[result.nPoints] = incident[0]
result.nPoints += 1
if incident[1].isLeftOf(reference):
result.points[result.nPoints] = incident[1]
result.nPoints += 1
proc sat(a,b: Object): (bool,Vec2f,float32) =
## return true if objects are overlapping, if overlapping returns the axis of min overlap
var axisOfMinOverlap: Vec2f
var minOverlap: float32 = Inf
for axis in getAxes(a,b):
var amin = Inf
var bmin = Inf
var amax = -Inf
var bmax = -Inf
# project each edge against the current axis
for edge in a.edges:
for p in edge:
var v = dot(p,axis)
if v < amin:
amin = v
if v > amax:
amax = v
for edge in b.edges:
for p in edge:
var v = dot(p,axis)
if v < bmin:
bmin = v
if v > bmax:
bmax = v
if bmin > amax or amin > bmax:
# found axis of separation, we can exit early
result[0] = false
var overlap = 0f
if amax > bmin:
overlap = abs(bmin - amax)
elif bmax > amin:
overlap = abs(amin - bmax)
if abs(overlap) < abs(minOverlap):
minOverlap = overlap
axisOfMinOverlap = axis
return (true, axisOfMinOverlap, minOverlap)
proc addTorque(self: Object, torque: float32) =
self.avel += torque / self.mass
proc addForceAtPos(self: Object, force: Vec2f, point: Vec2f) =
self.vel += force / self.mass
self.addTorque(cross(point - self.pos, force))
proc update(self: Object, dt: float32) =
self.angle += self.avel * dt
self.pos += self.vel * dt
self.avel *= 0.9f
self.vel *= 0.999f
proc draw(self: Object) =
var i = 0
for edge in self.edges:
#if self.highlightEdgeIndex == i:
# setColor(self.highlightColor)
line(edge[0], edge[1])
line(self.pos, self.pos + self.angle.angleToVec(10f))
line(self.pos, self.pos + self.vel)
#if self.highlightVertIndex >= 0:
# setColor(self.highlightColor)
# let p = self.point(self.highlightVertIndex)
# circfill(p.x, p.y, 2)
proc gameInit() =
# we want a fixed sized screen with perfect square pixels
# create the window
objs = @[]
objs.add(Object(color: 6, mass: 1f, pos: vec2f(20,64), rawPoints: @[vec2f(-16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, 16f), vec2f(-16f, 16f)]))
objs.add(Object(color: 5, mass: 3f, pos: vec2f(82,64), rawPoints: @[vec2f(-32f, -16f), vec2f(16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, 16f), vec2f(-16f, 16f)]))
objs.add(Object(color: 5, mass: 8f, pos: vec2f(0,100), rawPoints: @[vec2f(-32f, -16f), vec2f(16f, -16f), vec2f(16f, 16f), vec2f(-16f, 16f)]))
proc gameUpdate(dt: float32) =
if btnp(pcStart):
if btn(pcLeft):
objs[0].addTorque(-30f * dt)
if btn(pcRight):
objs[0].addTorque(30f * dt)
if btn(pcUp):
objs[0].vel += objs[0].angle.angleToVec(36f) * dt
if btn(pcDown):
objs[0].vel -= objs[0].angle.angleToVec(36f) * dt
for s in 0..<4:
for obj in objs:
obj.update(dt * 0.25f)
obj.highlightVertIndex = -1
obj.highlightEdgeIndex = -1
for i in 0..<objs.len-1:
for j in i+1..<objs.len:
let hit = sat(objs[i], objs[j])
if hit[0]:
let cd = getContactData(objs[i], objs[j], hit[1], hit[2])
# push them apart
objs[i].pos -= hit[1] * (hit[2] * 0.5f)
objs[j].pos += hit[1] * (hit[2] * 0.5f)
if cd.nPoints == 1:
objs[i].addForceAtPos(-hit[1] * hit[2] * 0.5f, cd.points[0])
objs[j].addForceAtPos( hit[1] * hit[2] * 0.5f, cd.points[0])
elif cd.nPoints == 2:
objs[i].addForceAtPos(-hit[1] * hit[2] * 0.25f, cd.points[0])
objs[i].addForceAtPos(-hit[1] * hit[2] * 0.25f, cd.points[1])
objs[j].addForceAtPos( hit[1] * hit[2] * 0.25f, cd.points[0])
objs[j].addForceAtPos( hit[1] * hit[2] * 0.25f, cd.points[1])
proc gameDraw() =
for i,obj in objs:
if i == 0:
print("A", obj.pos.x - 2, obj.pos.y - 4)
elif i == 1:
print("B", obj.pos.x - 2, obj.pos.y - 4)
if overlapping:
print("overlapping", 4, 4)
if overlapping:
line(objs[0].pos, objs[0].pos - overlapAxis * overlapAmount)
line(overlapContactData.clipEdge[0], overlapContactData.clipEdge[1])
for i in 0..<overlapContactData.nPoints:
circfill(overlapContactData.points[i].x, overlapContactData.points[i].y, 3)
# initialization
nico.init("nico", "simplePhysics")
# start, say which functions to use for init, update and draw, gameUpdate, gameDraw)
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