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Created December 4, 2018 06:06
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  • Graphs and graph traversal

    • BFS
      • Applying directed/undirected graph
      • Distances (number of hops from origin to node), predecessors, layers, and BFS tree
    • DFS
      • Applying to DFS to a directed/undirected graph
      • Time stamps (discovered, finished), predecessors, DFS tree
    • O(n + m) time for graph with n vertices and m edges for both DFS and BFS
  • Strongly connected components

    • Means that every vertex can be reached (there is some directed path that exists) from every other vertex in the strongly connected group
    • Using DFS O(n + m)
      • Apply DFS to graph, build stack based on finish times.
      • Construct transpose
      • Apply DFS to transpose graph in order of stack (DECREASING finish time of first DFS)
  • Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm

    • Graph given by adjacency list
    • At each vertex: distance, predecessor (parent)
    • Initialization, build min heap O(n)
    • While heap is not empty, and t is not deleted -> Repeat O(n) times
      • extract min O(log n)
      • Relaxation on each adjacent vertex to extracted vertex -> m number of edges so O(m) * O(log n) (decrease key) = O(m log n)
    • Total O((m + n) log n) time with binary heap
    • Total O(m + (n log n)) time with Fibonacci heap
  • Dynamic programming

    • Similar to divide and conquer but different
      • Divide into overlapping instances, do not redo work — check if we have solved an instance already before solving
    • Longest Common Subsequence
      • O(n * m) worst-case time complexity
      • Work in rows top to bottom
        • A[i] = B[j]? LCS[i,j] = Diagonal up left + 1
        • Else, LCS[i,j] = max(top or left square)
        • Arrow points to where the value came from
    • Matrix Chain Multiplication
      • O(n^3) worst-case time complexity
      • s = the k of the element right before the break
  • Hash tables

    • Assume n elements and n slots
    • Collision Resolution
      • Open addressing: Next open slot, guaranteed n <= m
        • Insertion O(n)
        • Search O(m)
        • Deletion O(m)
      • Chaining -> linked list in each slot, n could be much larger than m possibly
        • Insertion O(1)
        • Search O(n)
        • Deletion O(n)
      • As long as your hash function is good, you can expect close to O(1) time for all operations since you should have minimal collisions
    • Hash functions
      • Division method
        • hash(k) = k mod m
        • m is a prime number not close to a power of 2 (for exapmle 97)
      • Multiplication method
        • A in (0,1), m is a power of 2
        • hash(k) = floor(m * ((k * A) mod 1))
  • Various sorting algorithms and sorting lower bound -> Omega(n log(n))

    • Algorithm, best case, average case, worst case
    • Insertion O(n), O(n^2), O(n^2)
    • Quicksort O(n log n), O(n log n), O(n^2)
    • Mergesort O(n log n), O(n log n), O(n log n)
    • Heapsort O(n log n), O(n log n), O(n log n)
    • Applications
      • Finding smallest element
      • Finding k-th smallest element
      • Finding k smallest elements
      • Finding k-th largest element
      • Finding k largest elements
  • Heap data structure

    • BuildHeap O(n)
    • Everything else O(log n)
    • Applications
      • Computing shortest paths
      • Can be used in sorting
      • Can be used in finding k-th smallest/largest
      • Can be used in finding k smallest/largest
  • Linear time selection

    • Median of medians method
      • Divide into groups of m elements
      • Find median of each group using a sorting algorithm
      • Recursively use select to find median of medians
      • Partition original search based on median of medians
      • Recursively call select on the side of partitioning in which the desired element may lie
    • Divide and conquer approach
    • Partition element is median of medians
    • Running time O(n)
    • Applications
      • Make quick sort worst case O(n log n) instead of O(n^2)
      • Find k-th smallest/largest element
      • Find k smallest/largest element
      • Find weighted median
  • Disjoint sets

    • Array object, tree view
    • Union by rank (attach smaller rank to larger rank), find with path compression (set parent up tree when finding)
    • Worst case running time of m operations with n elements is O(m * alpha(m, n)) where alpha = inv Ackermann function, in practice is ~= 4 for any reasonable number of operations
  • Binary search trees

    • Insertion, search, deletion
    • Predecessor, successor, min, max
    • O(n) worst-case time complexity because not balanced
    • Can be used for sorting, possibly (in-order traversal)
  • Red-black trees

    • Same operations
    • O(log n) worst-case time complexity because balance is guaranteed
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