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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Solution for Google Code Jam "Dijkstra" problem (
module Dijkstra where
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Q = String
data Dijkstra = Dijkstra Int [Q] deriving Show
main = do
t <- getLine
contents <- getContents
let problems = (parse $ lines contents)
mapM_ (putStrLn . presentCase) (zip [1..] . solveAll $ problems)
parse :: [String] -> [Dijkstra]
parse [] = []
parse (nx:l:xs) = (dijk nx l) : (parse xs)
dijk nx l = let (_, x) = span isDigit nx
in Dijkstra (read x) (map (\c -> [c]) l)
presentCase :: (Int, Bool) -> String
presentCase (i, result) = "Case #" ++ show i ++ ": " ++ presentResult result
presentResult :: Bool -> String
presentResult True = "YES"
presentResult False = "NO"
solveAll :: [Dijkstra] -> [Bool]
solveAll = map solve
solve :: Dijkstra -> Bool
solve (Dijkstra x l) = let
n = length l
xl = take (myMod x n) . cycle $ l
lValue = reduceQ l
xlValue = powQ lValue x
reducesCorrectly = do
iBreakIndex <- reduceQLeft xl "i"
kBreakIndex <- reduceQRight xl "k"
return ((kBreakIndex + iBreakIndex) < (n * x))
xlValue == "-1" &&
case reducesCorrectly of
Just True -> True
_ -> False
reduceQ :: [Q] -> Q
reduceQ = foldl1 multQ
reduceQTarget q' multF i res acc y =
if res == Nothing
m = multF acc y
if m == q'
then (i + 1, Just (i + 1), m)
else (i + 1, Nothing, m)
else (i + 1, res, acc)
reduceQLeft :: [Q] -> Q -> Maybe Int
reduceQLeft l q' = let (_, result, _) = foldl f (0, Nothing, "1") $ l in result
f = \(i, res, acc) y -> reduceQTarget q' multQ i res acc y
reduceQRight :: [Q] -> Q -> Maybe Int
reduceQRight l q' = let (_, result, _) = foldr f (0, Nothing, "1") $ l in result
f = \y (i, res, acc) -> reduceQTarget q' (flip multQ) i res acc y
powQ :: Q -> Int -> Q
powQ x e = powQ' (e `mod` 4)
powQ' 0 = "1"
powQ' 1 = x
powQ' e = multQ x $ powQ' (e - 1)
multQ :: Q -> Q -> Q
multQ x y = let
neg = (negQ x) `xor` (negQ y)
case M.lookup (absQ x) q >>= M.lookup (absQ y) of
Nothing -> error $ "Invalid Q " ++ x ++ " " ++ y
Just z -> if neg then flipQ z else z
myMod :: Int -> Int -> Int
myMod x n = min (x * n) (n * 4)
xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor True p = not p
xor False p = p
absQ :: Q -> Q
absQ x = [last x]
flipQ :: Q -> Q
flipQ ('-':q') = q'
flipQ q' = '-':q'
negQ :: Q -> Bool
negQ q' = head q' == '-'
q :: Map Q (Map Q Q)
q = M.fromList [("1", M.fromList [("1", "1"), ("i", "i"), ("j", "j"), ("k", "k")]),
("i", M.fromList [("1", "i"), ("i", "-1"), ("j", "k"), ("k", "-j")]),
("j", M.fromList [("1", "j"), ("i", "-k"), ("j", "-1"), ("k", "i")]),
("k", M.fromList [("1", "k"), ("i", "j"), ("j", "-i"), ("k", "-1")])]
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