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Created January 22, 2009 07:04
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  • Save fuba/50458 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fuba/50458 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sub capture_thumbnails {
my %opt = @_;
my $file = $opt{file} or die;
my $offset = $opt{offset} || 0;
my @stats = stat($file);
my $deflength = 60 * ($stats[7]/120000000);
my $un_reset = $opt{un_reset};
my $newfile = $file;
$newfile =~ s/^.*?([^\/]+)\.ts$/$1/;
my $workdir = $opt{workdir} || '/volumes/sanjou400/friio_cache/'.time;
mkpath $workdir unless (-e $workdir);
my $width = $opt{width} || 640;
my $height = $width * ($opt{frac} || (9/16));
my $n = $opt{number} || 10;
my $time_unit = $opt{time_unit} || (($opt{length} || $deflength) / $n);
my @files;
unless ($un_reset) {
rmtree $workdir;
mkpath $workdir;
my $ffmpeg = $opt{ffmpeg} || 'ffmpeg';
for my $i (1..$n) {
my $filename = "$workdir/${i}.png";
if ($un_reset) {
push @files, $filename if (-e $filename);
my $num = ($i*$time_unit) + $offset;
warn "$ffmpeg -deinterlace -vframes 1 -ss $num -i \"$file\" -s ${width}x${height} -f image2 \"$filename\"";
system("$ffmpeg -deinterlace -vframes 1 -ss $num -i \"$file\" -s ${width}x${height} -f image2 \"$filename\"");
push @files, $filename if (-e $filename);
return undef unless (@files);
my %r = (
workdir => $workdir,
files => \@files,
title => $newfile,
width => $width,
height => $height,
number => $n,
time_unit => $time_unit,
for my $k (keys %r) {
$opt{$k} = $r{$k};
return \%opt;
sub gradation_thumbnail {
my %p = @_;
return '' unless $p{files};
my @files = @{$p{files}};
my $convert = $p{convert} || 'convert';
my $composite = $p{composite} || 'composite';
my $height = $p{height};
my $width = $p{width};
my $workdir = $p{workdir};
my $base = $p{base};
return '' unless @files;
return '' unless $base;
my $unit = 1 / scalar(@files);
my @hue_files;
for my $i (0..$#files) {
my $file = $files[$i];
my $new = $file.'_hue.png';
my $hue_s = ($unit * ($i - 0.5));
my $hue_e = ($unit * ($i + 1.5));
($hue_s, $hue_e) = ($hue_e, $hue_s) if ($hue_s > $hue_e);
$hue_s = 0 if ($hue_s < 0);
$hue_e = 1 if ($hue_e > 1);
my $hue_s_str = sprintf "%.2f", $hue_s;
my $hue_e_str = sprintf "%.2f", $hue_e;
my $color = '(r+g+b)/3';
my $command_hue = "$convert \"$file\" -fx \"(hue>${hue_s_str}&&hue<${hue_e_str})?p:${color}\" \"$new\"";
warn $command_hue;
push @hue_files, $new;
my $files_str = join " ", map {"\"$_\""} @hue_files;
my $mask_file = "${workdir}/mask.png";
my $maskcommand = "$composite $files_str -compose plus \"$mask_file\"";
return '' unless (-e $mask_file);
my @pattern = qw/difference multiply/;
my $p = $pattern[floor(rand(scalar(@pattern)))];
my $result = "${workdir}/result_${p}.png";
my $command = "$composite -compose $p \"$mask_file\" \"$base\" \"$result\"";
return '' unless (-e $result);
return $result;
sub strip_thumbnail_h {
my %p = @_;
return '' unless $p{files};
my @files = @{$p{files}};
my $convert = $p{convert} || 'convert';
my $composite = $p{composite} || 'composite';
my $height = $p{height};
my $width = $p{width};
my $workdir = $p{workdir};
my @strip_files;
my @strip_filter_files;
my $unit = floor($width / scalar(@files));
for my $i (0..$#files) {
my $file = $files[$i];
my $new = $file.'_strip.png';
my $new_prev = $file.'_strip_prev.png';
my $left = $i*$unit;
my $command_strip = "$convert -crop ${unit}x${height}+${left}+0 $file $new";
push @strip_files, $new;
$left -= $unit;
if ($left >= 0) {
$strip_filter_files[$i-1] = $new_prev;
else {
$left = $unit * $#files;
$strip_filter_files[$#files] = $new_prev;
$command_strip = "$convert -crop ${unit}x${height}+${left}+0 $file $new_prev";
my $files_str = join " ", @strip_files;
my $command = "$convert +append $files_str ${workdir}/original.png";
system("$command");# && convert -rotate 270 $target $target");
my $filter_files_str = join " ", @strip_filter_files;
my $filtercommand = "$convert +append $filter_files_str ${workdir}/filter.png";
my @pattern = qw/plus difference multiply bumpmap/;
my $p = $pattern[floor(rand(scalar(@pattern)))];
`$composite -compose $p ${workdir}/filter.png ${workdir}/original.png \"${workdir}/result.png\"`;
return "${workdir}/result.png";
sub strip_thumbnail {
my %p = @_;
return '' unless $p{files};
my @files = @{$p{files}};
my $convert = $p{convert} || 'convert';
my $composite = $p{composite} || 'composite';
my $height = $p{height};
my $width = $p{width};
my $workdir = $p{workdir};
my @strip_files;
my @strip_filter_files;
my $unit = floor($height / scalar(@files));
for my $i (0..$#files) {
my $file = $files[$i];
my $new = $file.'_strip.png';
my $new_prev = $file.'_strip_prev.png';
my $top = $i*$unit;
my $command_strip = "$convert -crop ${width}x${unit}+0+${top} $file $new";
push @strip_files, $new;
$top -= $unit;
if ($top >= 0) {
$strip_filter_files[$i-1] = $new_prev;
else {
$top = $unit * $#files;
$strip_filter_files[$#files] = $new_prev;
$command_strip = "$convert -crop ${width}x${unit}+0+${top} $file $new_prev";
my $files_str = join " ", @strip_files;
my $command = "$convert -append $files_str ${workdir}/original.png";
system("$command");# && convert -rotate 270 $target $target");
my $filter_files_str = join " ", @strip_filter_files;
my $filtercommand = "$convert -append $filter_files_str ${workdir}/filter.png";
my @pattern = qw/plus difference multiply bumpmap/;
my $p = $pattern[floor(rand(scalar(@pattern)))];
`$composite -compose $p ${workdir}/filter.png ${workdir}/original.png \"${workdir}/result.png\"`;
return "${workdir}/result.png";
sub upload_thumbnail {
my $file = shift;
my $param = capture_thumbnails(
file => $file,
width => 1920,
number => 4+int(rand(6)),
$param->{base} = ( int(rand(10)) % 2 ) ? strip_thumbnail(%$param) : strip_thumbnail_h(%$param);
my $result_file = gradation_thumbnail(%$param);
return '' unless (-e $result_file);
my $flickr = Flickr::Upload->new({
key => 'secret',
secret => 'secret',
my $auth_token = 'secret';
warn 'done composite and upload to flickr';
my $photo_id = $flickr->upload(
photo => $result_file,
auth_token => $auth_token,
is_public => 1,
title => $param->{title},
async => 0,
return ''.$photo_id;
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