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Created November 15, 2012 17:22
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  • Save fuho/4079908 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fuho/4079908 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds user interface to edit how Django documentation page is displayed.
//Copyright (C) 2012 fuho -
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* for more details. */
//TODO: Rewrite the code, maek it cleaner.
//TODO: Fix the flickering
//TODO: Mouse middle button cotnrol (some event handling written already)
//TODO: Turn it into an extension, preferably usning the same source for both.
//DONE: Stop UI from covering up content in the corner.
//DONE: Animate index to it's original position when window position reaches the top.
var css = "",
// CSS definitions
css += ".ui-sortable-helper { background-color: rgba(9, 46, 32, 0.8);} \n";
css += ".ui-sortable-placeholder { float:left; background-color: rgba(9, 46, 32, 0.8);} \n";
css += "#ui-control-panel {position: fixed; top:20px; left: 140px; background-color: #092E20; padding: 10px; } \n";
css += ".ui-control-panel-cornered {\n";
css += " -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;\n";
css += " -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;\n";
css += " border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;\n";
css += " top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important;";
css += " opacity: 0.05; \n";
css += " transition: opacity 2s linear;\n";
css += " -webkit-transition: opacity 2s linear;\n";
css += " -moz-transition: opacity 2s linear;\n";
css += " -o-transition: opacity 2s linear;\n";
css += " }\n";
css += ".ui-control-panel-cornered:hover {\n";
css += " opacity: 1; \n";
css += " transition: opacity 0.2s linear;\n";
css += " -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;\n";
css += " -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;\n";
css += " -o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;\n";
css += " }\n";
css += "#content-main { overflow:hidden;} \n";
css += "#content-related { overflow:hidden; position:relative;} \n";
css += "#content-related ul{ border-left: 1px dashed #00631C} \n";
css += "#text-help {margin-left:10px; font-family:'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace, font-size: 20px;}";
css += ".ui-mouse-target {\n";
css += " position: absolute; width:50px; height:50px; margin: -25px 0 0 -25px;\n";
css += " -webkit-border-radius: 25px;\n";
css += " -moz-border-radius: 25px;\n";
css += " border-radius: 25px;\n";
css += " background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);\n";
css += " }\n";
css += "\n";
// Html for injected user interface control panel
html +='<div id="ui-control-panel">'
html +='<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-index"/><label id="toggle-index-label" for="toggle-index" title="Also try dragging the index to <br/> whichever side you prefer." >Toggle Index</label>'
html +='<div id="content-ratio" style="display:inline-block; width:120px; margin:0 10px 0 10px;"></div>'
//html +='<span id="text-help">You can drag the index left or right.</span>'
html +='</div>'
function go () {
$(document.head).append('<style type="text/css">' + css + '</style>');
var div_column_wrap = $("#columnwrap").sortable({
placeholder : "ui-sortable-placeholder",
forcePlaceholderSize : true,
cancel : "#content-main"
body = $("body"),
content = $("#content-main"),
index = $("#content-related"),
ui = $("#ui-control-panel"),
ui_original_top = ui.css("top"),
ui_original_left = ui.css("left"),
ui_offset_flag = false,
current_ratio = 70,
slider_ratio = $("#content-ratio").slider({
range : "min",
min : 35,
max : 100,
value : current_ratio,
step : 5,
change : changeContentRatio,
slide : changeContentRatio
btn_toggle_index = $("#toggle-index").button()
.click(function(){ toggle_index();}),
i_min = index.offset().top,
il = index.offset().left,
i_max = index.parent().innerHeight() +index.parent().offset().top,
wt_old = window.pageYOffset,
dir_old = 0;
function toggle_index(){
if(":hidden")) {
current_ratio = slider_ratio.slider('option', 'value');
slider_ratio.slider('option', 'value', 100).slider("disable");
slider_ratio.slider('option', 'value', current_ratio).slider("enable");
function glue_ui(){
// Glue UI to the corner when user scrolls
if( window.pageYOffset && ! ui_offset_flag){
ui_offset_flag = true;
//and unglue when he reaches the top again
else if (! window.pageYOffset && ui_offset_flag){
ui_offset_flag = false;
function move_index(){
// Keep index at hand (visible in viewport)
var wt = window.pageYOffset,
it = index.offset().top,
wh = window.innerHeight,
ih = index.innerHeight(),
wb = wt + wh,
ib = it + ih,
w_gt_i = wh > ih ? true : false,
delta = wt - wt_old,
dir = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1
up = delta < 0 ? true :false,
down = delta > 0 ? true :false,
anim_t = 0,
easing = "easeOutSine";
if(wt < i_min){
{top: 0},
//setting top (smaller and pushing down or bigger and pulling up )
else if( ((wt > it) && (wb > ib) && w_gt_i)
|| ((wt < it) && (wb < ib)) && !w_gt_i){
index.offset({ top: wt < i_min ? i_min : wt });
/* animating option below. pulls too much attention from documentation
// if i_max visible then otherwise caluclate normally
{ top: wt < i_min ? 0 : wt - i_min },
//setting bottom (smaller and pushing up or bigger and pulling down )
else if( ((wt < it) && (wb < ib) && w_gt_i)
|| ((wt > it) && (wb > ib)) && !w_gt_i){
index.offset({ top: wb > i_max ? i_max - ih : wb - ih });
// if i_max visible then otherwise caluclate normally
{ top: wb > i_max ? i_max - (ih + i_min) : wb - (ih +i_min)},
function changeContentRatio(event,ui){
content.css("width", ui.value + "%");
index.css("width", (100 - ui.value) + "%");
//if content width changed recalculate index max bottom position!
i_max = index.parent().innerHeight() +index.parent().offset().top;
function ui_mouse_control(e){
var start_x =e.pageX,
start_y = e.pageY,
start_offsetX =e.offsetX,
start_offsetY =e.offsetY,
element = undefined,
state = undefined;
function start_drag(){
state = "DRAGGING";
element = $(document.createElement("div"))
.offset({top: start_y, left: start_x});
console.log("start drag");
function exec_drag(e){
element.stop(true, true);
var h = window.innerHeight,
dy = start_offsetY - e.offsetY;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: window.pageYOffset + dy}, 1);
function stop_drag(e){
delete state;
console.log("stop drag");
if(e.which == 2 && typeof state == "undefined" ){
'mousemove.injectdocsui' : exec_drag,
'mouseup.injectdocsui' : stop_drag
$(document).on('mousedown.injectdocsui', ui_mouse_control);
//trigger scroll (in case of script run while scrolled in midpage)
window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset+1);
window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset-1);
window.injectDocsUIenabled = true;
function check_jQuery () {
if (typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined') {
window.setTimeout(check_jQuery, 100);
if (typeof window.jQuery.ui == 'undefined') {
$(document.head).append('<script type="text/javascript" src=""/>');
$(document.head).append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />');
function check_jQuery_ui () {
if (typeof window.jQuery.ui == 'undefined') {
window.setTimeout(check_jQuery_ui, 100);
} else {
if (typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined') {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "";
if (! window.injectDocsUIenabled ) {check_jQuery();}
Copy link

fuho commented Nov 17, 2012

Improve Django Documentation UI

Get the bookmarklet here and drag it to your bookmarks bar. Next time you are browsing Django Documentation click on that bookmark.

Yes I do realize it's one extra unnecessary step, but GitHub won't let me post links with javascript in them , probably for the better :)

If you want to check it out now, try this page with short index, or check out this one with longer index section.

The link that GitHub wouldn't let me post:

<a href="javascript:(function(){var script=document.createElement('script');script.type='text/javascript';script.src='';document.head.appendChild(script);})()">AddUI</a>

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