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Created March 31, 2019 22:59
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  • Save fuhoi/95a90642338cbdec3066191d54c58647 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fuhoi/95a90642338cbdec3066191d54c58647 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Gridy Configuration File
; Please do not modify this file manually unless you know what you are
; doing.
; Use the system tray menu to configure Gridy - most of the settings
; are accessible through that menu.
; ModifierKey : Hold down this key while dragging a window to snap it.
; Possible Values: None, Shift, Win, Ctrl, Alt
; Default : None
; DisableKey : Hold down this key while dragging to move the window freely, with no snapping.
; Possible Values: None, Shift, Win, Ctrl, Alt
; Default : Shift
; GridSizeX/Y : Sets how fine or coarse the snapping grid is.
; Possible Values: Any number
; Default : 32
; GridSizes : Sets the available levels in the Grid Size menu
; Possible Values: Numbers separated by a comma
; Default : 4,8,16,32,64,128
; ShowWelcomeTip : If 2, will alwaosy show welcome tip, if 1, will show only on the first run, if 0, will not show.
; Possible Values: 0, 1 or 2
; Default : 1
; SnapNonResizables: If True, non resizable windows will be snapped (but not resized).
; If False, non resizable windows will be completely ignored.
; Possible Values: 0 or 1
; Default : 1
; SizeNonResizables: If True, non resizable windows will be resized
; Possible Values: 0 or 1
; Default : 0
; HomeW and HomeW: Sets the default width and height to be used with Win+Home
; (Use Win+Shift+Home to set these values)
; TransLevel : Sets the level of transparency that will be applied to the window when Win+F10 is pressed.
; 255 is completely opaque, 0 is completely transparent.
; Possible Values: 0 to 255
; Default : 180
TransLevel =100
; DisableExitKey : If true, disables the Win+ESC hotkey
; Possible Values: 0 or 1
; Default : 0
DisableExitKey =0
; PresetKeys : Sets the key-set that is used for storing/restoring position
; Possible Values: Numpad, Numbers or F Keys
; Default : Numpad
PresetKeys =F Keys
; EdgeBehavior : Sets how resizing or moving to edges operates
; Possible Values: Ignore (allows resizing and moving past edges)
; : Shrink (shrinks the window so it stays on screen)
; : Block (prevents movement or resizing over edges)
; Default : Block
; Note : This is ignored when multiple monitors are detected
EdgeBehavior =Block
; Hotkeys
; # = Win | + = Shift | ^ = Ctrl | ! = Alt
MoveLeftKey =#!Left
MoveRightKey =#!Right
MoveUpKey =#!Up
MoveDownKey =#!Down
SizeLeftKey =#!+Left
SizeRightKey =#!+Right
SizeUpKey =#!+Up
SizeDownKey =#!+Down
StoreWinSizeKey =#!+Home
RestoreWinSizeKey =#!Home
ToggleAlwaysOnTopKey =#!F12
ToggleAltTabIconKey =#!F11
ToggleTransparencyKey =#!F10
MinimizeAllButMeKey =#!PgDn
PresetStore =#!+
PresetRestore =#!
; Preset positions - X,Y,W,H
; Store with Win+Ctrl+Numpad1-9
; Restore with Win+Numpad1-9
; To use numbers of F keys instead of numpad, right click the system
; tray and see the Preset Keys sub menu.
; To use modifiers different than Win+Ctrl and Win+Alt, see the
; PresetRestore and PresetStore settings in the Hotkeys section.
Position1 =0,0,954,1080
Position2 =916,0,940,1080
Position3 =0,540,940,540
Position4 =916,540,940,540
Position5 =608,300,640,480
Position6 =528,240,800,600
Position7 =416,156,1024,768
Position8 =288,28,1280,1024
Position9 =704,96,352,576
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