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Created March 8, 2014 22:41
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Editor拡張でショートカットキーをカスタマイズ ref:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Reflection;
public class UnityKeyRemapEditor : EditorWindow
// オブジェクトの共通Openコマンド
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Open &o")]
static void KeyRemapOpen()
foreach (var aObj in Selection.objects)
var aObjPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(aObj);
if (Regex.IsMatch(aObjPath, @"^.*\.unity")) { EditorApplication.OpenScene(aObjPath); }
if (Regex.IsMatch(aObjPath, @"^.*\.cs")) { AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(aObj); }
if (Regex.IsMatch(aObjPath, @"^.*\.prefab"))
// ゲームオブジェクト作成
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/CreateGameObject &g")]
static void KeyRemapCreateGameObject() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("GameObject/Create Empty"); }
// ゲームオブジェクトの削除
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Delete &h")]
static void KeyRemapDelete()
foreach (var aObj in Selection.objects)
GameObject aGameObject = aObj as GameObject;
if (aGameObject) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(aGameObject); }
// ゲームオブジェクトの有効、無効
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/ActiveToggle &t")]
static void KeyRemapActiveToggle()
foreach (var aObj in Selection.objects)
GameObject aGameObject = aObj as GameObject;
if (aGameObject) { aGameObject.SetActive(!aGameObject.activeSelf); }
// PrefabのApply
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/PrefabApply &a")]
static void KeyRemapPrefabApply() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("GameObject/Apply Changes To Prefab"); }
// コンソール出力のクリア
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/ClearConsoleLogs &c")]
private static void ClearConsoleLogs()
var type = Types.GetType("UnityEditorInternal.LogEntries", "UnityEditor");
var info = type.GetMethod("Clear", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
info.Invoke(null, new object[0]);
// 再インポート
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Reimport &r")]
static void KeyRemapReimport() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Assets/Reimport"); }
// フォーカス変更
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Scene #&s")]
static void KeyRemapScene() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Scene"); }
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Scene #&g")]
static void KeyRemapGame() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Game"); }
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Inspector #&i")]
static void KeyRemapInspector() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Inspector"); }
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Hierarchy #&h")]
static void KeyRemapHierarchy() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Hierarchy"); }
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Project #&p")]
static void KeyRemapProject() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Project"); }
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Animation #&a")]
static void KeyRemapAnimation() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Animation"); }
[MenuItem("KeyRemap/Console #&c")]
static void KeyRemapConsole() { CommonExecuteMenuItem("Window/Console"); }
static void CommonExecuteMenuItem(string iStr)
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