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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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MongoDB Query Document in Haskell(WIP)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module MongoDB.QueryDocument where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set
import Prelude hiding (map)
import qualified Prelude
-- | Value in Query Document
type Value = String
type ArrayValue = [Value]
-- | Pair embedded in Query Document
data Pair = ExactMatch (String, String) |
ArrayExactMatch (String, [String]) |
In (String, Set String) |
Lt (String, String)
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- | Query Document
data Document = Empty |
Pair Pair |
And (Set Document) |
Or (Set Document)
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- Instances for exact match targets
class ExactMatchable a where
exactMatch :: String -> a -> Pair
instance ExactMatchable Value where
exactMatch k v = ExactMatch (k, v)
instance ExactMatchable ArrayValue where
exactMatch k vs = ArrayExactMatch (k, vs)
class Escape a where
escape :: a -> a
instance Escape Value where
escape xs = "\"" ++ inner xs ++ "\""
inner [] = []
inner ('"':xs) = "\\\"" ++ xs
inner (x :xs) = x:inner xs
instance Escape ArrayValue where
escape = escape
-- | Document is a monoid
instance Monoid Document where
mempty = Empty
Empty `mappend` Empty = Empty
Empty `mappend` x = x
x@(Pair _) `mappend` y@(Pair _) = And $ fromList [x, y]
x@(Pair _) `mappend` (And ys) = And $ x `insert` ys
x@(Pair _) `mappend` y@(Or _) = And $ fromList [x, y]
And xs `mappend` And ys = And $ xs `union` ys
Or xs `mappend` Or ys = Or $ xs `union` ys
x@(And _) `mappend` y@(Or _) = And $ fromList [x, y]
x `mappend` y = y `mappend` x
-- | Render Document to a query
render :: Document -> String
render Empty = ""
render (Pair (ExactMatch (k,v))) = "{" ++ k ++ ": " ++ escape v ++ "}"
render (Pair (ArrayExactMatch (k,vs))) = "{" ++ k ++ ": " ++ "[ " ++ concatPairs (escape vs) ++ " ] }"
render (Pair (Lt (k,v))) = "{" ++ k ++ ": { $lt: " ++ escape v ++ " } }"
render (Pair (In (k,vs))) = "{" ++ k ++ ": " ++ "{ $in: [" ++ concatPairs (escape $ toList vs) ++ " ] } }"
render (And xs) = "[" ++ concatPairs (toList $ map render xs) ++ "]"
render (Or xs) = "{$or: [ " ++ concatPairs (toList $ map render xs) ++ " ] }"
-- |
concatPairs :: [String] -> String
concatPairs = intercalate ", "
-- | Disjunction of documents
(<||>) :: Document -> Document -> Document
Empty <||> y = y
x <||> Empty = x
x <||> y = Or $ fromList [x, y]
infixr 7 <||>
-- | Conjunction of documents
(<&&>) :: Document -> Document -> Document
(<&&>) = mappend
infixr 7 <&&>
-- | Builder of exact match document
(==>) :: ExactMatchable a => String -> a -> Document
x ==> y = Pair $ exactMatch x y
infixr 8 ==>
-- | Builder of $in document
in' :: String -> [String] -> Document
x `in'` ys = Pair $ In (x, fromList ys)
-- | Builder of $lt document
lt :: String -> String -> Document
x `lt` y = Pair $ Lt (x, y)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let a = "a" ==> "1"
b = "b" ==> "2" <||> "b" ==> "0"
c = "c" ==> "3" <&&> "d" ==> "foo\"bar"
d = "d" `in'` [ "3", "4", "5", "6"]
e = "e" `lt` "8"
f = "c" ==> ["3", "5", "7"]
g = Empty <||> Empty <||> a
putStrLn $ render $ (a <&&> b) <&&> c
putStrLn $ render $ a <&&> (b <&&> c)
putStrLn $ render $ d <&&> e
putStrLn $ render $ f <&&> a
putStrLn $ render $ b <||> f
putStrLn $ render $ g <&&> a
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$ runhaskell QueryDocument.hs
[{$or: [ {b: "0"}, {b: "2"} ] }, {a: "1"}, {c: "3"}, {d: "foo\"bar"}]
[[{c: "3"}, {d: "foo\"bar"}], {$or: [ {b: "0"}, {b: "2"} ] }, {a: "1"}]
[{d: { $in: ["3", "4", "5", "6" ] } }, {e: { $lt: "8" } }]
[{a: "1"}, {c: [ "3", "5", "7" ] }]
{$or: [ {$or: [ {b: "0"}, {b: "2"} ] }, {c: [ "3", "5", "7" ] } ] }
[{a: "1"}]

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