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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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ansible playbook for
# ansible v1.8.2
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
swap_count: 1024
nginx_version: 1.9.1
ngx_cache_purge_version: 2.3
backup_bucket: BACKUP_BUCKET
backup_version: BACKUP_VERSION
- include_vars: vars/aws.yml
- include_vars: vars/db.yml
- include_vars: vars/mackerel.yml
- include_vars: vars/user.yml
# see:
- name: ensure Etc/GMT timezone
copy: content=Etc/GMT dest=/etc/timezone backup=yes
register: timezone
- name: ensure timezone is updated
command: dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
when: timezone.changed
- apt: upgrade=dist update_cache=yes
- group: name=ubuntu state=present
- user: name=ubuntu append=yes groups=ubuntu password={{ user_password }} shell=/bin/bash # password=python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("This is my Password", "$1$SomeSalt$")'
- authorized_key: user=ubuntu key="{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
- name: Install some basic packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- build-essential
- sysv-rc-conf
- git
- gettext
- libpcre3
- libpcre3-dev
- libxml2-dev
- libxslt-dev
- libgd-dev
- libgeoip-dev
- python-boto # for s3 module
- python-mysqldb # for mysql_db module
# swap
- name: Create swap space
command: dd if=/dev/zero of=/extraswap bs=1M count={{ swap_count }}
when: ansible_swaptotal_mb < 1
tags: swap
- name: Make swap
command: mkswap /extraswap
when: ansible_swaptotal_mb < 1
tags: swap
- name: Add to fstab
action: lineinfile dest=/etc/fstab regexp="extraswap" line="/extraswap none swap sw 0 0" state=present
tags: swap
- name: Turn swap on
command: swapon -a
tags: swap
- name: Set swapiness
shell: echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
tags: swap
# ufw
- ufw: state=enabled policy=allow
tags: ufw
- ufw: logging=on
tags: ufw
- ufw: rule=allow name=OpenSSH
tags: ufw
- ufw: rule=limit port=ssh proto=tcp
tags: ufw
- ufw: rule=allow port=80
tags: ufw
# ssh
- template: src=templates/ssh/sshd_config dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config
tags: ssh
- command: service ssh restart
tags: ssh
# mysql
- name: Install mysql packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- mysql-server
- mysql-client
tags: mysql
- name: Be sure mysql is running and enabled
service: name=mysql state=running enabled=yes
tags: mysql
- template: src=templates/mysql/my.cnf dest=/etc/mysql/
tags: mysql
- command: service mysql restart
tags: mysql
# php
- name: Install php packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- php5
- php5-cli
- php5-cgi
- php5-curl
- php5-dbg
- php5-gd
- php5-dev
- php5-json
- php5-mcrypt
- php5-memcache
- php5-memcached
- php5-mysql
- php5-readline
- php5-xmlrpc
tags: php
# nginx
- file: dest=/usr/local/src/nginx state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- name: Download nginx module nginx_ngx_cache_purge
get_url: url={{ ngx_cache_purge_version }}.tar.gz dest=/usr/local/src/nginx mode=0644
tags: nginx
- unarchive: src=/usr/local/src/nginx/ngx_cache_purge-{{ ngx_cache_purge_version }}.tar.gz dest=/usr/local/src/nginx copy=no
tags: nginx
- name: Download nginx
get_url: url={{ nginx_version }}.tar.gz dest=/usr/local/src/nginx mode=0644
tags: nginx
- unarchive: src=/usr/local/src/nginx/nginx-{{ nginx_version }}.tar.gz dest=/usr/local/src/nginx copy=no
tags: nginx
- name: Configure nginx
command: ./configure \
--prefix=/etc/nginx \
--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
--error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log \
--http-client-body-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/body \
--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi \
--http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log \
--http-proxy-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/proxy \
--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/scgi \
--http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/uwsgi \
--lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock \
--pid-path=/var/run/ \
--with-debug \
--with-http_addition_module \
--with-http_dav_module \
--with-http_geoip_module \
--with-http_gzip_static_module \
--with-http_image_filter_module \
--with-http_realip_module \
--with-http_stub_status_module \
--with-http_ssl_module \
--with-http_sub_module \
--with-http_xslt_module \
--with-ipv6 \
--with-sha1=/usr/include/openssl \
--with-md5=/usr/include/openssl \
--with-mail --with-mail_ssl_module \
--add-module=/usr/local/src/nginx/ngx_cache_purge-{{ ngx_cache_purge_version }}
chdir: /usr/local/src/nginx/nginx-{{ nginx_version }}
tags: nginx
- name: Make nginx
command: make
chdir: /usr/local/src/nginx/nginx-{{ nginx_version }}
tags: nginx
- name: Install nginx
command: make install
chdir: /usr/local/src/nginx/nginx-{{ nginx_version }}
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/var/log/nginx/ state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/var/log/nginx/ state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/var/log/nginx/ state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/var/log/nginx/ state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled state=directory recurse=yes
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/var/cache/nginx state=directory recurse=yes owner=www-data group=www-data
tags: nginx
- file: dest=/var/lib/nginx state=directory recurse=yes owner=www-data group=www-data
tags: nginx
- template: src=templates/nginx/nginx.conf dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
tags: nginx
- template: src=templates/nginx/fastcgi_params dest=/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
tags: nginx
# sites
- template: src=templates/nginx/sites-available/ dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available/
tags: nginx
- file: src=/etc/nginx/sites-available/ dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ state=link
tags: nginx
# www
- file: dest=/usr/local/src/www state=directory recurse=yes
tags: www
- file: dest=/var/www state=directory recurse=yes
tags: www
- s3: mode=get
aws_access_key={{ aws_access_key }}
aws_secret_key={{ aws_secret_key }}
bucket={{ backup_bucket }}
object=/services/{{ backup_version }}.tar.gz
dest=/usr/local/src/www/{{ backup_version }}.tar.gz
tags: www
- unarchive: src=/usr/local/src/www/{{ backup_version }}.tar.gz dest=/var/www copy=no owner=www-data group=www-data
tags: www
# db
- file: dest=/usr/local/src/db state=directory recurse=yes
tags: db
# wp
- s3: mode=get
aws_access_key={{ aws_access_key }}
aws_secret_key={{ aws_secret_key }}
bucket={{ backup_bucket }}
object=/services/{{ backup_version }}.sql.gz
dest=/usr/local/src/db/wp.{{ backup_version }}.sql.gz
tags: db
- mysql_user: name={{ wp_db_user }} password={{ wp_db_password }} priv={{ wp_db_name }}.*:ALL state=present
tags: db
- mysql_db: name={{ wp_db_name }} state=present collation=utf8_general_ci encoding=utf8
register: wp_db_created
tags: db
- mysql_db: state=import name={{ wp_db_name }} target=/usr/local/src/db/wp.{{ backup_version }}.sql.gz
when: wp_db_created.changed
tags: db
# supervisor
- name: Install supervisor packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- supervisor
tags: supervisor
- name: Be sure supervisor is running and enabled
service: name=supervisor state=running enabled=yes
tags: supervisor
- template: src=templates/supervisor/supervisord.conf dest=/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
tags: supervisor
# programs
- template: src=templates/supervisor/conf.d/nginx.conf dest=/etc/supervisor/conf.d/nginx.conf
tags: supervisor
- template: src=templates/supervisor/conf.d/php-fastcgi.conf dest=/etc/supervisor/conf.d/php-fastcgi.conf
tags: supervisor
- command: service supervisor restart
tags: supervisor
# memcached
- name: Install memcached packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- memcached
tags: memcached
- name: Be sure memcached is running and enabled
service: name=memcached state=running enabled=yes
tags: memcached
# mackerel
- get_url: url= dest=/usr/local/src/ mode=0755
tags: mackerel
- command: /usr/local/src/
tags: mackerel
- name: Install mackerel packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- mackerel-agent
- mackerel-agent-plugins
tags: mackerel
- template: src=templates/mackerel-agent/mackerel-agent.conf dest=/etc/mackerel-agent/
tags: mackerel
- command: service mackerel-agent restart
tags: mackerel
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