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Humanist Iranian calendar, numbering the years since the foundation of the first Iranian civilisation
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
* Humanist Iranian Calendar is an implementation of the Iranian calendar whose numbering system
* starts with the foundation of the ancient city Susa of Iran, marking the spark of civilisation
* in this land.
* <p>
* The exact number is 4395 BC (a calibrated radio-carbon date), 5016 year before Hijrah. In order
* to make it easy 16 is subtracted from it. So it only needs to add "5" to the first digit of the
* previous calendar:
* Humanist Iranian year = 5000 + Islamic Iranian year (e.g. 1401 -> 6401)
* <p>
* For more information:
* <a href="">Susa - Wikipedia</a>
public class HumanistIranianCalendar extends Calendar {
private static final int[][] MONTH_COUNT = {
//len len2 st
{31, 31, 0}, // Farvardin
{31, 31, 31}, // Ordibehesht
{31, 31, 62}, // Khordad
{31, 31, 93}, // Tir
{31, 31, 124}, // Mordad
{31, 31, 155}, // Shahrivar
{30, 30, 186}, // Mehr
{30, 30, 216}, // Aban
{30, 30, 246}, // Azar
{30, 30, 276}, // Dey
{30, 30, 306}, // Bahman
{29, 30, 336} // Esfand
// len length of month
// len2 length of month in a leap year
// st days in year before start of month
private static final int EPOCH = 122108;
public HumanistIranianCalendar() {
this(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
public HumanistIranianCalendar(TimeZone zone) {
this(zone, ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
public HumanistIranianCalendar(Locale aLocale) {
this(TimeZone.getDefault(), aLocale);
public HumanistIranianCalendar(ULocale locale) {
this(TimeZone.getDefault(), locale);
public HumanistIranianCalendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale) {
super(zone, aLocale);
public HumanistIranianCalendar(TimeZone zone, ULocale locale) {
super(zone, locale);
public HumanistIranianCalendar(Date date) {
super(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
public HumanistIranianCalendar(int year, int month, int date) {
super(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
this.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
this.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
this.set(Calendar.DATE, date);
public HumanistIranianCalendar(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second) {
super(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
this.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
this.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
this.set(Calendar.DATE, date);
this.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
this.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
this.set(Calendar.SECOND, second);
private static final int[][] LIMITS = {
// Minimum Greatest Least Maximum
// Minimum Maximum
{/* */0,/* */0,/* */0,/* */0}, // ERA
{-5000000, -5000000, 5000000, 5000000}, // YEAR
{/* */0,/* */0,/* */11,/* */11}, // MONTH
{/* */1,/* */1,/* */52,/* */53}, // WEEK_OF_YEAR
{/* */}, // WEEK_OF_MONTH
{/* */1,/* */1,/* */29,/* */31}, // DAY_OF_MONTH
{/* */1,/* */1,/* */365,/* */366}, // DAY_OF_YEAR
{/* */}, // DAY_OF_WEEK
{/* */-1,/* */-1,/* */5,/* */5}, // DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
{/* */}, // AM_PM
{/* */}, // HOUR
{/* */}, // HOUR_OF_DAY
{/* */}, // MINUTE
{/* */}, // SECOND
{/* */}, // MILLISECOND
{/* */}, // ZONE_OFFSET
{/* */}, // DST_OFFSET
{-5000000, -5000000, 5000000, 5000000}, // YEAR_WOY
{/* */}, // DOW_LOCAL
{-5000000, -5000000, 5000000, 5000000}, // EXTENDED_YEAR
{/* */}, // JULIAN_DAY
protected int handleGetLimit(int field, int limitType) {
return LIMITS[field][limitType];
// Determine whether a year is a leap year in the calendar
private static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
int[] remainder = new int[1];
floorDivide(25 * year + 11, 33, remainder);
return remainder[0] < 8;
// Return the number of days in the given year
protected int handleGetYearLength(int extendedYear) {
return isLeapYear(extendedYear) ? 366 : 365;
// Return the length (in days) of the given month.
protected int handleGetMonthLength(int extendedYear, int month) {
// If the month is out of range, adjust it into range, and
// modify the extended year value accordingly.
if (month < 0 || month > 11) {
int[] rem = new int[1];
extendedYear += floorDivide(month, 12, rem);
month = rem[0];
return MONTH_COUNT[month][isLeapYear(extendedYear) ? 1 : 0];
// Return JD of start of given month/year
protected int handleComputeMonthStart(int eYear, int month, boolean useMonth) {
// If the month is out of range, adjust it into range, and
// modify the extended year value accordingly.
if (month < 0 || month > 11) {
int[] rem = new int[1];
eYear += floorDivide(month, 12, rem);
month = rem[0];
int julianDay = EPOCH - 1 + 365 * (eYear - 1) + floorDivide(8 * eYear + 21, 33);
if (month != 0) julianDay += MONTH_COUNT[month][2];
return julianDay;
protected int handleGetExtendedYear() {
return internalGet((newerField(EXTENDED_YEAR, YEAR) == EXTENDED_YEAR)
? EXTENDED_YEAR : YEAR, 1);// default to year 1;
protected void handleComputeFields(int julianDay) {
int year, month, dayOfMonth, dayOfYear;
long daysSinceEpoch = julianDay - EPOCH;
year = 1 + (int) floorDivide(33 * daysSinceEpoch + 3, 12053);
long farvardin1 = 365L * (year - 1L) + floorDivide(8L * year + 21, 33L);
dayOfYear = (int) (daysSinceEpoch - farvardin1); // 0-based
if (dayOfYear < 216) // compute 0-based month
month = dayOfYear / 31;
else month = (dayOfYear - 6) / 30;
dayOfMonth = dayOfYear - MONTH_COUNT[month][2] + 1;
++dayOfYear; // Make it 1-based now
internalSet(ERA, 0);
internalSet(YEAR, year);
internalSet(EXTENDED_YEAR, year);
internalSet(MONTH, month);
internalSet(DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);
internalSet(DAY_OF_YEAR, dayOfYear);
public String getType() {
return "humanist_iranian";
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