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Last active April 23, 2021 00:18
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Non-blocking exception catching context manager with step skipping and lightweight logging and reporting capabilities.
"""Non-blocking exception catching context manager with step skipping and
lightweight logging and reporting capabilities.
2021 - Andras Fulop @fulibacsi"""
import json
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
class SkipWithBlock(Exception):
"""Custom Exception for skipping code block execution."""
class StateFailed(Exception):
"""General exception for FAILSTATE fails."""
"""Non-blocking exception catcher context manager with step skipping
and lightweight logging and reporting capabilities.
External logger is also supported, in case no external logger is set, print
statements and warning.warn calls will be used. External logger can be set
at any point.
Example usage:
state = FAILSTATE(['case1', 'case2', 'case3'])
with state('case1'):
>>> executed normally
with state('case2'):
>>> exception and traceback printed to stdout
with state('case3'):
>>> warning that the code block is skipped
>>> {'case1': 'true',
>>> 'case2': 'false',
>>> 'case3': 'null',
>>> 'success': 'false'}
def __init__(self, steps, logger=None):
"""Initialize the context manager.
steps: iterable
Name of the steps / code blocks to keep track
logger: logging object (default: None)
External logger to use
self.FAILSTATE = False
self.steps = {step: None for step in steps}
def __call__(self, step):
"""Prepares context manager to work on a predifined step / code block.
Raises error if step name is not from the predefined step list.
step: str
One of the predefined step name
if self.FAILSTATE:
self.log_warning("Skipping execution as previous entries "
"have already failed.")
if step not in self.steps:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid step name {step}! "
f"Available steps are: "
self.actual_step = step
return self
def __enter__(self):
"""Preparing environment for execution.
Code block skipping is set up here with a special exception class
raised by a tracing function and captured specifically in __exit__.
More details on the block skipping:
if self.FAILSTATE:
sys.settrace(lambda *args, **keys: None)
frame = sys._getframe(1)
frame.f_trace = self.trace
return self
def trace(self, frame, event, arg):
"""Special tracing function to raise the SkipWithBlock exception."""
raise SkipWithBlock()
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, tb):
"""Wrapping up code block execution, updating success/fail state."""
# Handling successful state
if exception_type is None:
self.steps[self.actual_step] = True
# Handling block skipping
elif issubclass(exception_type, SkipWithBlock):
# Managing failed state
elif exception_type is not None:
self.FAILSTATE = True
self.steps[self.actual_step] = False
formatted_tb = '\n'.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
self.log_error(f"Execution failed with the following error: "
# suppress any raised exception
return True
def reset(self):
"""Reset to initial state."""
self.FAILSTATE = False
self.steps = {step: None for step in self.steps}
def set_logger(self, logger=None):
"""Setting up logger to use.
In case the logger is not set, built-in print and warnings.warn calls
will be used.
logger: logging object or None (default: None)
Logger object to use
self.logger = logger
self.log_info = print if logger is None else
self.log_warning = warnings.warn if logger is None else logger.warning
self.log_error = warnings.warn if logger is None else logger.error
def generate_report(self):
"""Generate report about the current state.
A json string is generated from the results with a final success value.
The values in the json string are:
- success: 'true'
- failed: 'false'
- skipped / not executed: 'null'
report: str
JSON string containing the run results
self.steps['success'] = not self.FAILSTATE
return json.dumps(self.steps)
def log_results(self, logger=None):
"""Log the run results one-by-one with the provided logger.
If no logger was set previously and a logger is specified during the
call, set it as the logger before the actual result logging.
The logger argument to replace the default logger is presented here
in case the logger object was not available during the initialization
of the object.
logger: logging object or None (default: None)
The logging object to set before logging,
if not set, use the actual logger
if self.logger is None and logger is not None:
for step, success in self.steps.items():
if success is False:
self.log_error(f"Check {step} failed.")
elif success is None:
self.log_warning(f"Check {step} skipped.")
self.log_info(f"Check {step} succeeded.")
def raise_for_failure(self):
"""Raise an exception with failed step count."""
if self.FAILSTATE:
n_fails = sum(1 for step in self.steps.values() if step is False)
n_steps = len(self.steps)
percentage = n_fails / n_steps
raise StateFailed(f"{percentage:4.0%} ({n_fails} / {n_steps})"
f" steps failed.")
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