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Created February 6, 2018 10:17
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Wraps retrofit reactive calls so that retrofit errors can be traced back to client code that invoked the operation
class RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory private constructor(private val original: RxJava2CallAdapterFactory) : CallAdapter.Factory() {
override fun get(returnType: Type, annotations: Array<Annotation>, retrofit: Retrofit): CallAdapter<*, *>? =
original.get(returnType, annotations, retrofit)?.let {
RxCallAdapterWrapper(it as CallAdapter<Any, Any>)
private class RxCallAdapterWrapper(private val wrapped: CallAdapter<Any, Any>) : CallAdapter<Any, Any> by wrapped {
override fun adapt(call: Call<Any>): Any {
val adaptedCall = wrapped.adapt(call)
return when (adaptedCall) {
is Completable -> adaptedCall.dropBreadcrumb()
is Single<*> -> adaptedCall.dropBreadcrumb()
is Maybe<*> -> adaptedCall.dropBreadcrumb()
is Flowable<*> -> adaptedCall.dropBreadcrumb()
is Observable<*> -> adaptedCall.dropBreadcrumb()
else -> throw RuntimeException("Observable Type not supported")
companion object {
fun create(original: RxJava2CallAdapterFactory): CallAdapter.Factory =
fun Completable.dropBreadcrumb(): Completable {
val breadcrumb = BreadcrumbException()
return this.onErrorResumeNext { error: Throwable ->
throw CompositeException(error, breadcrumb)
fun <T> Single<T>.dropBreadcrumb(): Single<T> {
val breadcrumb = BreadcrumbException()
return this.onErrorResumeNext { error: Throwable ->
throw CompositeException(error, breadcrumb)
fun <T> Maybe<T>.dropBreadcrumb(): Maybe<T> {
val breadcrumb = BreadcrumbException()
return this.onErrorResumeNext { error: Throwable ->
throw CompositeException(error, breadcrumb)
fun <T> Flowable<T>.dropBreadcrumb(): Flowable<T> {
val breadcrumb = BreadcrumbException()
return this.onErrorResumeNext { error: Throwable ->
throw CompositeException(error, breadcrumb)
fun <T> Observable<T>.dropBreadcrumb(): Observable<T> {
val breadcrumb = BreadcrumbException()
return this.onErrorResumeNext { error: Throwable ->
throw CompositeException(error, breadcrumb)
// see:
class BreadcrumbException : Exception()
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