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Created June 9, 2022 08:46
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<string name="settings" translatable="false">Settings</string>
<string name="next" translatable="false">Next</string>
<string name="previous" translatable="false">Prev</string>
<string name="skip" translatable="false">Skip</string>
<string name="faq" translatable="false">FAQ</string>
<string name="mac_address" translatable="false">Mac Address:</string>
<string name="channel" translatable="false">Channel:</string>
<string name="vendor" translatable="false">Vendor:</string>
<string name="scan" translatable="false">Scan</string>
<string name="password" translatable="false">Password</string>
<string name="no_password" translatable="false">No password</string>
<string name="password_copy" translatable="false">Password Copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="password_backup" translatable="false">backup password in storage</string>
<string name="password_search" translatable="false">Search</string>
<string name="followonsocials" translatable="false">Follow Social networks</string>
<string name="no_root_permissions_check" translatable="false">To use all functionality of this app, you should to grant root permission.</string>
<string name="no_root_permissions_button" translatable="false">Root</string>
<string name="no_root_permissions" translatable="false">No root permissions</string>
<string name="no_root_access" translatable="false">No root access</string>
<string name="offline" translatable="false">Offline</string>
<string name="give_me_5" translatable="false">Give me 5!</string>
<string name="wifi" translatable="false">Wifi</string>
<string name="general" translatable="false">General</string>
<string name="about" translatable="false">About</string>
<string name="about_facebook" translatable="false">Facebook</string>
<string name="about_instagram" translatable="false">Instagram</string>
<string name="about_telegram" translatable="false">Telegram</string>
<string name="about_weenet" translatable="false">WeeNet - Network Tool</string>
<string name="about_credits" translatable="false">Credits</string>
<string name="about_removeAds" translatable="false">Remove Ads</string>
<string name="general_dark_theme" translatable="false">Dark theme</string>
<string name="general_gpdr" translatable="false">Consent to personalized ads for European users</string>
<string name="generic_error" translatable="false">Ups! Something was wrong.</string>
<string name="hidden_ssid" translatable="false">Hidden ssid</string>
<string name="connect_method" translatable="false">Method</string>
<string name="connect_method_new" translatable="false">New method</string>
<string name="connect_method_old" translatable="false">Old method</string>
<string name="connect_permission" translatable="false">Permission</string>
<string name="connect_permission_root" translatable="false">Root</string>
<string name="connect_permission_no_root" translatable="false">No root</string>
<string name="connect_button_connautomatic">Connect Automatic with try all Pins</string>
<string name="connect_button_experimental" translatable="false">[ROOT] Belkin and Arcadyan Algorithm</string>
<string name="connect_button_bruteforce" translatable="false">Bruteforce</string>
<string name="connect_button_custompin">Custom Pin</string>
<string name="connect_button_manualpin">Manual Pin</string>
<string name="connect_button_nullpin" translatable="false">TRY NULL PIN</string>
<string name="connect_bruteforce_value_0" translatable="false">0 seconds</string>
<string name="connect_bruteforce_value_30" translatable="false">30 seconds</string>
<string name="connect_bruteforce_value_60" translatable="false">60 seconds</string>
<string name="connect_bruteforce_value_120" translatable="false">120 seconds</string>
<string name="arcadyan" translatable="false">Arcadyan</string>
<string name="belkin" translatable="false">Belkin</string>
<string name="condizioniuso">"This app was born to test vulnerability of your router. I'm not responsible for using this app in a wrong way."</string>
<string name="condizioniuso_premium" translatable="false">"THIS APP IS THE FREE AD VERSION OF WIFI WPS WPA TESTER.\n THIS MEAN THAT IT IS THE SAME THAN FREE ONE IN ALL THE FUNCTIONALITIES.\n\nThis app was born to test vulnerability of your router. I'm not responsible for using this app in a wrong way."</string>
<string name="accetto">"Agree"</string>
<string name="connessione">"Try to connect"</string>
<string name="credits" translatable="false">"Thanks to :\n - All the guys that did reverse engineering \n - Stericson (RootShell)\n - Mario Scire' Calabrisotto (Logo)"</string>
<string name="donthavesu">"You don't have superuser permissions"</string>
<string name="nowps">"No WPS enabled"</string>
<string name="nogps">"For android M scan-wifi needs GPS to be enabled. Do you want to enable gps?"</string>
<string name="probabcompatible">"Probably compatible"</string>
<string name="probabnotcompatible">"Probably NOT compatible"</string>
<string name="startnoroot">"starting connection without root..."</string>
<string name="startroot" translatable="false">"starting connection with root..."</string>
<string name="gotolink" translatable="false">"OFFICIAL ANDROID DEV EXPLANATION"</string>
<string name="downloadWeenet" translatable="false">"Download WeeNet!"</string>
<string name="norootfromP" translatable="false">"Unfortunately, Google has deprecated WPS from Android Pie (9.0) for 'security reasons'. Then, you must root your device if you want to connect via WPS."</string>
<string name="weenet_str" translatable="false">"Who's stealing my Wi-Fi?\nWhat's my network speed?\nHow can I increase my Wi-Fi range?\n\n For all of this and more\nTry WeeNet!"</string>
<string name="enablingwifi">"Enabling Wifi Interface"</string>
<string name="close">"Close"</string>
<string name="inser_mac">"Insert Mac"</string>
<string name="inser_mac_hint">"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"</string>
<string name="sessionfound">"Previous Session Found"</string>
<string name="wpslocked" translatable="false">"It looks like Wps is Locked"</string>
<string name="unknownreason">"Unknown reason, maybe you're too far from AP. Retrying last PIN"</string>
<string name="processcancelled">"Process Cancelled"</string>
<string name="iswrong">" is wrong"</string>
<string name="success">"Success!!"</string>
<string name="error" translatable="false">"Error!!"</string>
<string name="suggestbrute">"From now, i suggested the BruteForce Mode"</string>
<string name="delaybrute">"Delay each PIN (in Seconds)"</string>
<string name="insertpin">"Insert pin (8 or numbers and letters)"</string>
<string name="insertpin_hint" translatable="false">"12345678"</string>
<string name="sessiondeleted">"Previous session was successfully deleted"</string>
<string name="nosessionfound">"There is no previous session"</string>
<string name="deletesession">"Delete previous session"</string>
<!-- Strings related to Settings -->
<string name="wpsfilter">"WPS Filter"</string>
<string name="wpsfiltercontent">"Show only networks with WPS enabled"</string>
<string name="autoscancontent">"Enable Automatic Network Scanning"</string>
<string name="autoscan">"Enable AutoScan"</string>
<string name="autoscaninterval">"Auto Scan Interval (in seconds)"</string>
<string name="sortby">"Sort Networks by"</string>
<string name="fbpage">"Follow Facebook official page!"</string>
<string name="igpage" translatable="false">"Follow Instagram official page!"</string>
<string name="telegramch">"Follow Telegram official channel!"</string>
<string name="weenetapp" translatable="false">"Find who's stealing your Wi-Fi!"</string>
<string name="creditscontent">"Every person that contributed to this app"</string>
<string name="removeadscontent" translatable="false">"Remove advertisements to enjoy a better experience with the app!"</string>
<!-- -->
<string name="startbrute">"Start Bruteforce"</string>
<string name="selectpin">"Select Pins"</string>
<string name="mustgps">"You have to grant GPS permission to Wps Wpa tester for Wi-Fi scanning."</string>
<string name="bssidcopied">"bssid Copied to clipboard"</string>
<string name="svdon">"Saved on "</string>
<string name="pincopied">"pin Copied to clipboard"</string>
<string name="cpon">"Copy to clipboard"</string>
<string name="pwdcopied">"Password Copied to clipboard"</string>
<string name="auth1">"Are you authorized to test "</string>
<string name="auth2">"? App was born for educational purposes only and not for testing on unauthorized Networks.You are the only one responsible of misuse of this App "</string>
<string name="yourap">"Your Access Point ("</string>
<string name="yourap2">")is vulnerable, then you MUST disable the WPS in the main page of Access Point"</string>
<string name="trytaken">"Try to take Serial number..."</string>
<string name="sntaken">"Serial Number successfully taken"</string>
<string name="apnotcompatible">"Access Point is not compatible with this Algorithm"</string>
<string name="failretry">"Failed, retry..."</string>
<string name="selinux">"Your ROM has problem with New Method connection (SElinux). Trying to connect with No Root Method "</string>
<string name="failtoconn">"Failed to connect with "</string>
<string name="wpstimeout">"WPS-TIMEOUT \n Retrying Last PIN "</string>
<string name="maybelock">"Maybe WPS is locked, try old method from beginning "</string>
<string name="gpdr_privacy_policy" translatable="false">Privacy Policy</string>
<!-- TUTORIAL -->
<string name="tutorial_title_1" translatable="false">What WPS WPA TESTER does?</string>
<string name="tutorial_body_1" translatable="false">WPS WPA Tester is an app that tests the vulnerabilities of your wireless access point. It does this by exploiting the vulnerabilities of the WPS PIN.\nThe app then connects via the WPS protocol, which is different from WEP WPA / WPA2.\nThe app does this by calculating—using different algorithms—the possible PINs through the Wireless MAC address of the Access Point.\nSome algorithms also need the serial number of the Access Point.\nUnfortunately, these are only available on devices with root permissions (superuser permissions).\nThe app then allows you to understand if your Wi-Fi Access Point is vulnerable to the WPS protocol or not.\nIf your Access Point has WPS active, we recommend disabling it. Read the instruction manual of your Access Point to understand how to disable the WPS.</string>
<string name="tutorial_title_2" translatable="false">What is the WPS?</string>
<string name="tutorial_body_2" translatable="false">WPS (Wi-Fi Protect Setup) is a protocol created to facilitate device connection to a Wi-Fi access point. So, instead of using the WEP/WPA/WPA2 passphrase (e.g. password123), you can enter an 8-digit PIN (usually located under your Wi-Fi access point) on the device that wants to connect to the Access Point. You can find more information on the WPS on Wikipedia.</string>
<string name="tutorial_title_3" translatable="false">What is root (superuser permissions)?</string>
<string name="tutorial_body_3" translatable="false">"“Rooting” a device means users of smartphones or tablets with the Android operating system obtain superuser permissions to read system files otherwise impossible to read for security reasons.
\n\nWPS WPA TESTER, uses root permissions for three reasons:
\n1. Make a WPS connection using the wpa_cli (required for devices with Android versions below version 5 and optional for Android versions 5 and above)
\n2. Read the saved Wi-Fi passwords
\n3. Improve the “bruteforce” feature to allow you to try a maximum of only 11,000 PINs compared to maximum of 10 ^ 7 without root permissions.</string>
<string name="tutorial_title_4" translatable="false">How can I test my Access Point?</string>
<string name="tutorial_body_4" translatable="false">After the app has scanned nearby Wi-Fi networks, the networks will be split into:
\n- Likely compatible networks (green)
\n- Unlikely compatible networks (yellow)
\n- Non-compatible networks (red)
\n\nThe non-compatible networks have the WPS protocol disabled so they are invulnerable to the app and you can not try to connect via WPS WPA TESTER.
\n\nTo attempt to connect via the WPS PIN protocol, select the desired Access Point on which you have permission to test WPS PINs.
\n\nA screen will appear with different connection modes:
\n- Automatic connection by testing all PINs. This is the easiest way to test all the PINs calculated using the default algorithms and PINs taken from a database inside the app.
\n- [ROOT] Belkin and Arcadyn Algorithm. This mode allows you to connect to two specific Access Points through two algorithms that need the serial number. Here, the root is necessary because of the serial number.
\n- Bruteforce. This mode randomly tests all possible PINs. It is possible to impose a delay between PINS in order to prevent the access point from going into WPS LOCKED. If you have root permissions you will only need to try a maximum of 11,000 PIN combinations. Otherwise, you will need to try a maximum of 10 ^ 7.
\n- PIN Custom. This mode allows you to test a Custom PIN.
\n- PIN Manuals. This mode allows you to choose the PIN to be tested from those calculated with the algorithms and those present on the database inside the app.</string>
<string name="tutorial_title_5" translatable="false">Difference between New method and Old method</string>
<string name="tutorial_body_5" translatable="false">The New method, unlike the Old method, is faster as also allows you to:
\n- Understand if the WPS is Locked
\n- Understand if the tested WPS PIN is wrong
\n- Switch to the other PIN ONLY after having actually received a response from the Wi-Fi Access Point
\n\nSometimes on some devices, however, it is not completely compatible. Therefore, you may prefer to use the Old method.</string>
<string name="tutorial_title_6" translatable="false">Errors</string>
<string name="tutorial_body_6" translatable="false">- WPS Locked: The Wi-Fi Access Point—for security reasons—does not allow the entry of other WPS PINs. You can try to test the PINs after some time or you can restart the Access Point manually.
\n- WPS TIMEOUT: The access point does not give you any answer and the PIN has not been tested. This error can occur if the Access Point is too far from you or if the Access Point is in the lock state but does not communicate it to you.
\n- WRONG PIN: The PIN that tested the application is incorrect.
\n- SELinux: This is an error that can appear with root mode. In this case, the application will change from the New method to the Old method. You can solve the problem by setting SELinux in permissive mode. (I do not recommend it due to security problems). For more information on SELinux check Wikipedia.
<string name="exit_app" translatable="false">Do you want to quit the app?</string>
<string name="wep_message" translatable="false">WEP is setted:\n\nWired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption key does not change with every packet that is transmitted, so a hacker can listen in and gather enough packets to decipher the encryption key.</string>
<string name="tkip_message" translatable="false">TKIP is setted:\n\nTKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) is vulnerable to attack like Beck-Tews and Ohigashi-Morii. An attacker could decrypt small portions of data.</string>
<string name="open_network_message" translatable="false">This network is open:\n\nAn attacker could attempt a Man in the Middle attack to sniff packets.</string>
<string name="wps_network_message" translatable="false">WPS is enabled:\n\nWPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is unsafe. An attacker could find WPS Pin and can retreive your network key! </string>
<string name="notverifiedinstallation" translatable="false">You must download app from market store</string>
<string name="install" translatable="false">Install</string>
<string name="intro_text_1" translatable="false">Welcome to WIFI WPS WPA TESTER</string>
<string name="intro_text_2" translatable="false">Terms and Conditions</string>
<string name="intro_text_3" translatable="false">Helps you to make your Wi-Fi safer</string>
<string name="intro_desc_1" translatable="false">WIFI WPS WPA TESTER helps you to understand, fix and test the vulnerability of your Wi-Fi Access Point for educational purpose. It also gives you several details of your network and its speed.</string>
<string name="intro_desc_2" translatable="false">Helps you to know if your Wi-Fi is vulnerable to common attacks</string>
<string name="intro_desc_3" translatable="false">Helps you to make your Wi-Fi safer</string>
<string name="intro_button_next" translatable="false">Next</string>
<string name="intro_button_start" translatable="false">Start</string>
<string name="no_nets" translatable="false">No nearby networks were found. \n\nCheck that you don\'t have the Wi-Fi hotspot turned on.</string>
<string name="speed_test" translatable="false">Speed Test</string>
<string name="check_vulnerabilities" translatable="false">Check Vulnerabilities</string>
<string name="networks_nearby" translatable="false">Networks Nearby</string>
<string name="my_network" translatable="false">My Network</string>
<string name="scan_menu_more" translatable="false">More Options</string>
<string name="password_saved" translatable="false">Show passwords saved</string>
<string name="password_saved_title" translatable="false">Passwords saved</string>
<string name="password_load" translatable="false">Loading passwords saved</string>
<string name="password_none" translatable="false">No passwords saved</string>
<string name="offline_pin_calc" translatable="false">Offline WPS Pin calculator</string>
<string name="scanning" translatable="false">Scanning Wi-Fi...</string>
<string name="scanning_cancel" translatable="false">Cancel</string>
<string name="more_info" translatable="false">More info</string>
<string name="remove_ads" translatable="false">Remove Ads</string>
<string name="copy_bssid" translatable="false">Copy BSSID</string>
<string name="bssid_copied" formatted="true" translatable="false">%s BSSID copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="location_permission" translatable="false">Location Permission</string>
<string name="location_permission_desc" translatable="false">Your Android version requires Location Permission to perform a Wi-Fi scan</string>
<string name="location_permission_grant" translatable="false">Grant Permission</string>
<string name="location_enable" translatable="false">GPS is Disabled</string>
<string name="location_enable_desc" translatable="false">Your Android version requires GPS enabled to perform a Wi-Fi scan</string>
<string name="location_enable_grant" translatable="false">Enable GPS</string>
<string name="detail_latency_loading" translatable="false">Calculating...</string>
<string name="detail_vendor" translatable="false">Vendor</string>
<string name="detail_mac" translatable="false">Mac Address</string>
<string name="detail_link_speed" translatable="false">Link Speed</string>
<string name="detail_latency" translatable="false">Latency</string>
<string name="detail_latency_to_gw" translatable="false">Latency to Gateway</string>
<string name="detail_latency_to_server" translatable="false">Latency to Server</string>
<string name="detail_distance" translatable="false">Distance</string>
<string name="detail_signal" translatable="false">Signal Level</string>
<string name="detail_crypt" translatable="false">Cryptography</string>
<string name="st_internet" translatable="false">Internet</string>
<string name="ret_server" translatable="false">Retrieving Server</string>
<string name="ret_server_no" translatable="false">Connection to server failed</string>
<string name="calc_download" translatable="false">Calculating download speed</string>
<string name="download_speed" translatable="false">Download</string>
<string name="calc_upload" translatable="false">Calculating upload speed</string>
<string name="upload_speed" translatable="false">Upload</string>
<string name="speed_test_error_no_wifi" translatable="false">You are not connected with Wi-Fi</string>
<string name="speed_test_no_gw" translatable="false">No Gateway</string>
<string name="speed_test_speed_placeholder" translatable="false">-- Mbps</string>
<string name="speed_test_weenet_download" translatable="false">Download WeeNet</string>
<string name="speed_test_weenet" translatable="false">If you want to perform cellular data Speed Test and get a complete network analysis you can use our Network Utility Tool called WeeNet</string>
<string name="loading_vul" translatable="false">Checking vulnerabilities...</string>
<string name="loading_vul_wait" translatable="false">Waiting for check results...</string>
<string name="vul_wps" translatable="false">This access point is potentially vulnerable (check details below)</string>
<string name="vul_wpa" translatable="false">This access point is safe</string>
<string name="vul_wep" translatable="false">This access point is potentially vulnerable to WEP vulnerability (check details below)</string>
<string name="vul_tkip" translatable="false">This access point is potentially vulnerable to TKIP vulnerability (check details below)</string>
<string name="use_wpa23" translatable="false">How to solve?\nGo to your gateway page and set encryption to WPA2-AES or WPA3</string>
<string name="method_connected" formatted="true" translatable="false">Connected to \n%s\nWe suggest to disable WPS pin on this AP</string>
<string name="method_testing" formatted="true" translatable="false">Testing \n%s</string>
<string name="method_pwd_found" formatted="true" translatable="false">Password for %s is:\n %s</string>
<string name="method_test_pin_hint" translatable="false">Insert PIN</string>
<string name="method_test_pin_helper" translatable="false">PIN must be 8 characters long</string>
<string name="method_test" translatable="false">Methods to check WPS PIN vulnerability</string>
<string name="wpamethod_test" translatable="false">Do you want to test WPA vulnerability?</string>
<string name="continueanyway" translatable="false">Continue anyway</string>
<string name="gotodesktop" translatable="false">Try Desktop app (Recommended)</string>
<string name="textdesktop" translatable="false">From Android 9(Pie) and above, there is no possibility to connect via WPS PIN. We suggest to try the desktop app in order to test vulnerability of your Access Point.</string>
<string name="method_try_again_custom" translatable="false">Try different pins</string>
<string name="method_desktop" translatable="false">Desktop App</string>
<string name="wpa_calculator" translatable="false">Try Wpa Calculator</string>
<string name="method_pin_auto" translatable="false">Try all PINs</string>
<string name="method_pin_custom" translatable="false">Try Custom Pin</string>
<string name="method_bruteforce" translatable="false">Bruteforce</string>
<string name="method_belkin_arcadian" translatable="false">Belkin / Arcadyan</string>
<string name="method_pixie_dust" translatable="false">Pixie Dust</string>
<string name="desktop_app_step_1" translatable="false">Step 1</string>
<string name="desktop_app_step_2" translatable="false">Step 2</string>
<string name="desktop_app_step_3" translatable="false">Step 3</string>
<string name="desktop_app_or" translatable="false">or</string>
<string name="desktop_app_download_premium" translatable="false">Download Premium</string>
<string name="desktop_app_start_auto" translatable="false">Start Automatically</string>
<string name="desktop_app_start_custom" translatable="false">Start with Custom Pin</string>
<string name="desktop_app_insert_ip" translatable="false">Insert an IPv4 \n(or leave empty for auto IP retrieving)</string>
<string name="desktop_app_insert_ip_hint" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="desktop_app_insert_pin" translatable="false">Insert PIN \n(MUST be 8 characters long)</string>
<string name="desktop_app_insert_pin_hint" translatable="false">01234567</string>
<string name="change_method" translatable="false">AP seems to be not vulnerable, retrying... </string>
<string name="selinux_bruteforce" translatable="false">Your ROM has problem with New Method connection (SElinux).</string>
<string name="copy_password" translatable="false">Copy password</string>
<string name="privacy_link" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="privacy_link_premium" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="dot_separator" translatable="false">·</string>
<string name="more_info_weenet" translatable="false">For more info you can use our Network Utility Tool called WeeNet</string>
<string name="settings_theme" translatable="false">Theme dark</string>
<string name="settings_auth" translatable="false">Show Auth before testing Networks</string>
<string name="settings_app" translatable="false">App</string>
<string name="settings_ads" translatable="false">Ads</string>
<string name="settings_gdpr" translatable="false">GDPR</string>
<string name="settings_gdpr_personalized" translatable="false">You are seeing personalized Ads</string>
<string name="settings_gdpr_non_personalized" translatable="false">You are seeing non personalized Ads</string>
<string name="consent_text" translatable="false">We care about your privacy and data security. \n\nWe keep this app free by showing ads.
\n\nCan we continue to use your data to tailor ads for you?
\n\nYou can change your choice anytime for this app inside the Settings page.
\n\nOur partners will collect data and use a unique identifier on your device to show you ads.</string>
<string name="consent_text_partners" translatable="false" formatted="true">Learn how GDPR for EU, WPS WPA Tester and our %d partners collect and use data.</string>
<string name="settings_social" translatable="false">Follow me!</string>
<string name="settings_social_telegram" translatable="false">Telegram</string>
<string name="settings_social_instagram" translatable="false">Instagram</string>
<string name="settings_social_instagramCEO" translatable="false">Instagram Alessandro Sangiorgi (CEO)</string>
<string name="settings_social_facebook" translatable="false">Facebook</string>
<string name="settings_credits" translatable="false">Credits</string>
<string name="settings_credits_thanks" translatable="false">WIFI WPS WPA TESTER is owned and developed by Sangiorgi Srl. A special credit to Mirko Dimartino that has designed the UI of the app.</string>
<string name="settings_credits_thanks_2" translatable="false">Special thanks to Mario Scire\' Calabrisotto (Logo), Stericson (RootShell) and all the guys who did reverse engineering.</string>
<string name="settings_more_apps" translatable="false">Recommended apps</string>
<string name="pin_not_found" translatable="false">WPS Pin not Found. Access Point is not compatible</string>
<string name="failed_not_vulenrable" translatable="false">Failed. Maybe this AP is not vulnerable</string>
<string name="need_root" translatable="false">This method needs root permission</string>
<string name="need_less_nine_root" translatable="false">This method is available just for Android version less than 9 or device with root permissions</string>
<string name="about_premium" translatable="false">Premium</string>
<string name="about_premium_desc" translatable="false">Download the premium version, it is the SAME than free, but without advertisements</string>
<string name="gpdr_accept" translatable="false">Yes, continue to see relevant ads</string>
<string name="gpdr_decline" translatable="false">No, see ads that are less relevant</string>
<string name="gpdr_buy_premium" translatable="false">REMOVE ADS</string>
<string name="privacypolicy">"And for use this app, you are agree with the privacy policy terms reachable with the button below"</string>
<string name="consenttext" translatable="false">"We care about your privacy and data security. \n\nWe keep this app free by showing ads. \n\nCan we continue to use your data to tailor ads for you? \n\nYou can change your choice anytime for this app inside the Settings page. \n\nOur partner will collect data and use a unique identifier on your device to show you ads. \n\nIf you want to learn more about privacy policy, tap to the button below."</string>
<string name="step1desktop">"Visit from your personal computer for more information "</string>
<string name="step2desktop" translatable="false">"If you want to try this feature click on button below to show video ad</string>
<string name="step3desktop">"Press button below to start!</string>
<string name="watch_video_ads_to_unlock_this_feature" translatable="false">Watch Video Ads to unlock this feature</string>
<string name="noads_accept" translatable="false">Yes, I want to remove advertisements</string>
<string name="noads_decline" translatable="false">No, I want to see ads</string>
<string name="noads_description" translatable="false">To maintain the app free of use, we use advertising.\nYou have the opportunity to enjoy a better experience with the app by paying a small amount to remove all the advertisements</string>
<string name="turnonwifi" translatable="false">"Please turn wifi ON and try again"</string>
<string name="turnoffwifi" translatable="false">"Please turn wifi OFF and try again"</string>
<string name="youneedroot" translatable="false">"You need ROOT to view saved passwords"</string>
<string name="pinmustbeeight" translatable="false">"PIN must be 8 chars long!"</string>
<string name="nowgotostepthree" translatable="false">"Now you can go to STEP 3!"</string>
<string name="musttpassfromtwo" translatable="false">"You must pass Step 2 first"</string>
<string name="mustcreatehotspot" translatable="false">"You must create your own hotspot first!"</string>
<string name="nodeviceconnected" translatable="false">"No devices connected to your hotspot"</string>
<string name="justonedevice" translatable="false">"You have to connect to your hotspot only ONE device!"</string>
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mo3iz commented Jun 9, 2022

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Djemchik commented Jun 9, 2022

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Thanks guys @Djemchik @mo3iz

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pcoloc commented Jun 9, 2022

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Thank you @pcoloc !

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pcoloc commented Jun 11, 2022

I thing that the translation to Spanish is finished.

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Thank you so much @pcoloc . Do you want to be on app credits ?

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pcoloc commented Jun 11, 2022

Thank you so much @pcoloc . Do you want to be on app credits ?

Okay, Whatever you want, no problem :)

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how do I create a fork of this gist
I will do Indian translation
Should the translation be in hindi font or English font but in hindi
like money = paisa or पैसा

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@bhavinnor1 thank you so much!

I would like to have the font as Indian people like most!

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I want to share with you the translation of applications and programs into Arabic

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lucky2431 commented Jun 16, 2022

Algeria, how can I help!

Thanks for your help. You have just to translate all the english string to your language!


    <string name="justonedevice" translatable="false">"You have to connect to your hotspot only ONE device!"</string>

it will be in italian for example

    <string name="justonedevice" translatable="false">"Devi connettere al tuo hotspot solo UN dispositivo!"</string>

You can create your own gists and then share the link here in the comments!

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@lucky2431 thanks for your translation!!!

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@bhavinnor1 thank you so much!

I would like to have the font as Indian people like most!

how do I create a fork of this gist? idk how to create a fork of a gist

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Hi I can translate in Gujarati

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