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Created May 30, 2014 06:17
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PREFIX booth: <>
PREFIX cinii: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dc11: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX kaken: <>
PREFIX rns: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX prism: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?booth ?boothTitle ?boothResearcherName
?author a kaken:Researcher ;
foaf:lastName "武田"@ja ;
foaf:firstName "英明"@ja ;
foaf:knows{1,4} ?coauthor .
FILTER (?author != ?coauthor)
?boothResearcher owl:sameAs ?coauthor ;
foaf:name ?boothResearcherName .
?booth dc:creator ?boothResearcher ; rdfs:label ?boothTitle .
FILTER (lang(?boothTitle) = 'ja')
FILTER(lang(?boothResearcherName) = 'ja')
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