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Created September 30, 2011 11:32
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Google Code Jam Japan 2011 練習問題 問題A. 数珠繋ぎ
import Data.Char
splitBy :: (t -> Bool) -> [t] -> [[t]]
splitBy p [] = []
splitBy p xs = x : (splitBy p $ dropWhile p y)
where (x, y) = break p xs
data State = ON | OFF deriving (Show, Eq)
toggle ON = OFF
toggle OFF = ON
next :: State -> [State] -> [State] -- 次の状態を生成する
next ON [] = []
next ON (x:xs) = toggle x : next x xs
next OFF xs = xs -- 通電していなければトグルしない
genNth :: [State] -> Int -> [State] -- N番目の状態を生成する
genNth xs 0 = xs
genNth xs n = genNth (next ON xs) $ n - 1
solve :: Int -> Int -> State -- 地道に解く
solve' :: Int -> Int -> State -- 効率良く解く
solve n k = if and . map (==ON) $ genNth (replicate n OFF) k then ON else OFF
solve' n k = if k `mod` (2^n) == 2^n-1 then ON else OFF
dispose :: Int -> Int -> IO () -- テストケースの数だけ解く
dispose 0 _ = return ()
dispose n m = do
str <- getLine
let n:k:_ = splitBy isSpace str in
putStrLn $ "Case #" ++ show m ++ ": " ++ (show $ solve (read n :: Int) (read k :: Int))
dispose (n - 1) (m + 1)
main = do
n <- getLine
dispose (read n :: Int) 1
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