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Created October 18, 2009 01:53
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// 正規表現版で実行
getKeywordList1('', 3000).with {
println "${it.size()}件"
it.each { li ->
println "[${li.title}](${li.entryCount}) ${li.url}"
// XmlSlurper版で実行
getKeywordList2('', 3000).with {
println "${it.size()}件"
it.each { li ->
println "[${li.title}](${li.entryCount}) ${li.url}"
/** 正規表現版 */
def getKeywordList1(String word = '', int page = 1) {
def text = new URL("${word}&page=${page}").getText('UTF-8')
def reg = /(?s)<li>.*?<a href="(.+?)" class="keyword">(.+?)<\/a>.*?(?:<span class="entry-count">\((\d+?)\)<\/span>)?.*?<\/li>/
def result = []
text.findAll(reg){ _0, _1, _2, _3 ->
result << [
'url' : '' + _1,
'title' : _2,
'entryCount' : _3 ? _3 : 0
/** XmlSlurper版 */
def getKeywordList2(String word = '', int page = 1) {
def text = new URL("${word}&page=${page}").getText('UTF-8')
text = """<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>
def html = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)
def lists =
def result = []
lists.each { li ->
result << [
'url' : '' + li.a.@href,
'title' : li.a.text(),
'entryCount' : li.span.size() ? li.span.text() : 0
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