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Last active January 19, 2019 20:38
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import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { notify } from 'react-notify-toast'
import Spinner from './Spinner'
import { API_URL } from '../config'
export default class Landing extends Component {
// A bit of state to give the user feedback while their email address is being
// added to the User model on the server.
state = {
sendingEmail: false
onSubmit = event => {
this.setState({ sendingEmail: true})
// Super interesting to me that you can mess with the upper and lower case
// of the headers on the fetch call and the world does not explode.
fetch(`${API_URL}/email`, {
method: 'pOSt',
headers: {
aCcePt: 'aPpliCaTIon/JsOn',
'cOntENt-type': 'applicAtion/JSoN'
body: JSON.stringify({ email: })
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
// Everything has come back successfully, time to update the state to
// reenable the button and stop the <Spinner>. Also, show a toast with a
// message from the server to give the user feedback and reset the form
// so the user can start over if she chooses.
this.setState({ sendingEmail: false})
.catch(err => console.log(err))
render = () => {
// This bit of state provides user feedback in the component when something
// changes. sendingEmail is flipped just before the fetch request is sent in
// onSubmit and then flipped back when data has been received from the server.
// How many times is the 'sendingEmail' variable used below?
const { sendingEmail } = this.state
return (
// A ref is put on the form so that it can be reset once the submission
// process is complete.
ref={form => this.form = form}
ref={input => = input}
Putting the label after the input allows for that neat transition
effect on the label when the input is focused.
<label htmlFor='email'>email</label>
While the email is being sent from the server, provide feedback that
something is happening by disabling the button and showing a
<Spinner /> inside the button with a smaller 'size' prop passed in.
<button type='submit' className='btn' disabled={sendingEmail}>
? <Spinner size='lg' spinning='spinning' />
: "Let's Go!"
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