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Created July 1, 2014 15:35
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// Project : VST SDK
// Version : 3.6.0
// Category : Examples
// Filename : public.sdk/samples/vst/pitchnames/source/pitchnames.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 12/2010
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
#ifndef __pitchnames__
#define __pitchnames__
#include "public.sdk/source/vst/vsteditcontroller.h"
#include "public.sdk/source/vst/vstaudioeffect.h"
#include "base/source/fstring.h"
#include "base/source/tdictionary.h"
#include "vstgui/plugin-bindings/vst3editor.h"
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
class PitchNamesController : public EditControllerEx1, public VSTGUI::VST3EditorDelegate
tresult PLUGIN_API initialize (FUnknown* context);
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getUnitByBus (MediaType type, BusDirection dir, int32 busIndex, int32 channel, UnitID& unitId /*out*/);
virtual IPlugView* PLUGIN_API createView (FIDString name);
VSTGUI::CView* createCustomView (VSTGUI::UTF8StringPtr name, const VSTGUI::UIAttributes& attributes, VSTGUI::IUIDescription* description, VSTGUI::VST3Editor* editor);
static FUnknown* createInstance(void*) { return (IEditController*)new PitchNamesController (); }
static FUID cid;
TDictionary<int16, String> pitchNames;
class PitchNamesProcessor : public AudioEffect
PitchNamesProcessor ();
tresult PLUGIN_API initialize (FUnknown* context);
tresult PLUGIN_API process (ProcessData& data);
static FUnknown* createInstance(void*) { return (IAudioProcessor*)new PitchNamesProcessor (); }
static FUID cid;
}} // namespaces
1f tttttt: t0
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/\ _| o _ | | ._ o _|_ _
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#include "public.sdk/source/vst/vsteditcontroller.h"
#include "public.sdk/source/vst/vstaudioeffect.h"
#include "base/source/fstring.h"
#include "base/source/tdictionary.h"
#include "vstgui/plugin-bindings/vst3editor.h"
File: SinSynth.cpp
Abstract: SinSynth.h
Version: 1.0.1
========= 中略 =========
Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
#include "SinSynth.h"
static const UInt32 kMaxActiveNotes = 8;
const double twopi = 2.0 * 3.14159265358979;
inline double pow5(double x) { double x2 = x*x; return x2*x2*x; }
#pragma mark SinSynth Methods
AUDIOCOMPONENT_ENTRY(AUMusicDeviceFactory, SinSynth)
static const AudioUnitParameterID kGlobalVolumeParam = 0;
static const CFStringRef kGlobalVolumeName = CFSTR("global volume");
// SinSynth::SinSynth
// This synth has No inputs, One output
SinSynth::SinSynth(AudioUnit inComponentInstance)
: AUMonotimbralInstrumentBase(inComponentInstance, 0, 1)
Globals()->UseIndexedParameters(1); // we're only defining one param
Globals()->SetParameter (kGlobalVolumeParam, 1.0);
// SinSynth::~SinSynth
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
OSStatus SinSynth::Initialize()
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
return noErr;
AUElement* SinSynth::CreateElement( AudioUnitScope scope,
AudioUnitElement element)
switch (scope)
case kAudioUnitScope_Group :
return new SynthGroupElement(this, element, new MidiControls);
case kAudioUnitScope_Part :
return new SynthPartElement(this, element);
default :
return AUBase::CreateElement(scope, element);
OSStatus SinSynth::GetParameterInfo( AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
AudioUnitParameterInfo & outParameterInfo)
if (inParameterID != kGlobalVolumeParam) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
if (inScope != kAudioUnitScope_Global) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope;
outParameterInfo.flags = SetAudioUnitParameterDisplayType (0, kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot);
outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable;
outParameterInfo.flags += kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable;
AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kGlobalVolumeName, false);
outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain;
outParameterInfo.minValue = 0;
outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0;
outParameterInfo.defaultValue = 1.0;
return noErr;
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
void TestNote::Release(UInt32 inFrame)
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
void TestNote::FastRelease(UInt32 inFrame) // voice is being stolen.
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
void TestNote::Kill(UInt32 inFrame) // voice is being stolen.
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
OSStatus TestNote::Render(UInt64 inAbsoluteSampleFrame, UInt32 inNumFrames, AudioBufferList** inBufferList, UInt32 inOutBusCount)
float *left, *right;
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
float globalVol = GetGlobalParameter(kGlobalVolumeParam);
// TestNote only writes into the first bus regardless of what is handed to us.
const int bus0 = 0;
int numChans = inBufferList[bus0]->mNumberBuffers;
if (numChans > 2) return -1;
left = (float*)inBufferList[bus0]->mBuffers[0].mData;
right = numChans == 2 ? (float*)inBufferList[bus0]->mBuffers[1].mData : 0;
double sampleRate = SampleRate();
double freq = Frequency() * (twopi/sampleRate);
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
switch (GetState())
case kNoteState_Attacked :
case kNoteState_Sostenutoed :
case kNoteState_ReleasedButSostenutoed :
case kNoteState_ReleasedButSustained :
for (UInt32 frame=0; frame<inNumFrames; ++frame)
if (amp < maxamp) amp += up_slope;
float out = pow5(sin(phase)) * amp * globalVol;
phase += freq;
if (phase > twopi) phase -= twopi;
left[frame] += out;
if (right) right[frame] += out;
case kNoteState_Released :
UInt32 endFrame = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (UInt32 frame=0; frame<inNumFrames; ++frame)
if (amp > 0.0) amp += dn_slope;
else if (endFrame == 0xFFFFFFFF) endFrame = frame;
float out = pow5(sin(phase)) * amp * globalVol;
phase += freq;
left[frame] += out;
if (right) right[frame] += out;
if (endFrame != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
case kNoteState_FastReleased :
UInt32 endFrame = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (UInt32 frame=0; frame<inNumFrames; ++frame)
if (amp > 0.0) amp += fast_dn_slope;
else if (endFrame == 0xFFFFFFFF) endFrame = frame;
float out = pow5(sin(phase)) * amp * globalVol;
phase += freq;
left[frame] += out;
if (right) right[frame] += out;
if (endFrame != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
/* ========= 中略 ========= */
default :
return noErr;
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include "MusicDeviceBase.h"
#include "LockFreeFIFO.h"
#include "SynthEvent.h"
#include "SynthNote.h"
#include "SynthElement.h"
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include "MusicDeviceBase.h"
#include "LockFreeFIFO.h"
#include "SynthEvent.h"
#include "SynthNote.h"
#include "SynthElement.h"
|-- AUElementCreator
| |-- ComponentBase
|--> AUBase -- AUScope -- AUElement
| |
| |----- AUOElement
| | |
| | |--- AUInputElement
| | |
| | |--- AUOutputElement
|-- AUOutputBase |
| |--- SynthElement
| |
| |--- SynthPartElement
| |
| |--- SynthGroupElement
| |--- SynthNoteList ...
| |--- SynthNote ...
|-- AUEffectBase -- AUKernelBase ...
| |
| | AUMIDIBase
| | | |
| | | |
| | | --_
| |---|----- AUMIDIEffectBase
| |
| |--_
|------------ MusicDeviceBase
|-- [[AUInstrumentBase]]
|-- AUMonotimbralInstrumentBase
|-- AUMultitimbralIntrumentBase
|-- AUElementCreator
| |-- ComponentBase
|--> AUBase -- AUScope -- AUElement
| |
| |----- AUOElement
| | |
| | |--- AUInputElement
| | |
| | |--- AUOutputElement
|-- AUOutputBase |
| |--- SynthElement
| |
| |--- SynthPartElement
| |
| |--- SynthGroupElement
| |--- SynthNoteList ...
| |--- SynthNote ...
|-- AUEffectBase -- AUKernelBase ...
| |
| | AUMIDIBase
| | | |
| | | |
| | | --_
| |---|----- AUMIDIEffectBase
| |
| |--_
|------------ MusicDeviceBase
|-- [[AUInstrumentBase]]
|-- AUMonotimbralInstrumentBase
|-- AUMultitimbralIntrumentBase
include "vsteditcontroller";
include "vstaudioeffect";
include "base -> source -> fstring";
include "base -> source -> tdictionary";
include "vstgui -> vst3editor";
// Project : VST SDK
// Version : 3.6.0
// Category : Examples
// Filename : public.sdk/samples/vst/pitchnames/source/pitchnames.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 12/2010
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
#include "pitchnames.h"
#include "pitchnamesdatabrowsersource.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/base/ustring.h"
using namespace VSTGUI;
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
tresult PLUGIN_API PitchNamesController::initialize (FUnknown* context)
tresult result = EditControllerEx1::initialize (context);
if (result == kResultOk)
addUnit (new Unit (String ("Root"), kRootUnitId, kNoParentUnitId));
addUnit (new Unit (String ("Channel 0"), kChannel0UnitId, kRootUnitId, kProgramList0ID));
addUnit (new Unit (String ("Channel 1"), kChannel1UnitId, kRootUnitId, kProgramList1ID));
ProgramListWithPitchNames* list = new ProgramListWithPitchNames (String ("ProgramList 0"), kProgramList0ID, kChannel0UnitId);
list->addProgram (String ("Init 1"));
list->setPitchName (0, 0, String ("Channel 0 First Item"));
addProgramList (list);
parameters.addParameter (list->getParameter ());
list = new ProgramListWithPitchNames (String ("ProgramList 1"), kProgramList1ID, kChannel1UnitId);
list->addProgram (String ("Init 1"));
list->setPitchName (0, 0, String ("Channel 1 First Item"));
addProgramList (list);
parameters.addParameter (list->getParameter ());
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
IPlugView* PLUGIN_API PitchNamesController::createView (FIDString name)
if (ConstString (name) == ViewType::kEditor)
return new VST3Editor (this, "PitchNamesEditor", "pitchnames.uidesc");
return 0;
CView* PitchNamesController::createCustomView (UTF8StringPtr name, const UIAttributes& attributes, IUIDescription* description, VST3Editor* editor)
if (ConstString (name) == "PitchNamesDataBrowser")
IDataBrowser* dataSource = new PitchNamesDataBrowserSource (this, kChannel0UnitId);
return new CDataBrowser (CRect (0, 0, 100, 100), 0, dataSource, CDataBrowser::kDrawRowLines|CDataBrowser::kDrawColumnLines|CDataBrowser::kDrawHeader|CDataBrowser::kVerticalScrollbar);
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
/* ============ */
/* === 中略 === */
/* ============ */
tresult PLUGIN_API PitchNamesProcessor::initialize (FUnknown* context)
tresult result = AudioEffect::initialize (context);
if (result == kResultOk)
addAudioOutput (USTRING("Audio Output"), SpeakerArr::kStereo);
addEventInput (USTRING("Event Input"), 2);
addEventInput (USTRING("Event Input"), 1);
return result;
tresult PLUGIN_API PitchNamesProcessor::process (ProcessData& data)
if (data.numSamples && data.numOutputs)
for (int32 i = 0; i < data.outputs[0].numChannels; i++)
memset (data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[i], 0, data.numSamples * sizeof (float));
data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = 0x3;
return kResultOk;
}} // namespaces
tresult PLUGIN_API PitchNamesProcessor::process (ProcessData& data)
if (data.numSamples && data.numOutputs)
for (int32 i = 0; i < data.outputs[0].numChannels; i++)
memset (data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[i], 0, data.numSamples * sizeof (float));
data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = 0x3;
return kResultOk;
memset (data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[i], 0, data.numSamples * sizeof (float));
*buf = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[i];
ch = 0;
n = data.numSamples * sizeof (float);
*buf = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[i];
ch = 0;
n = data.numSamples * sizeof (float);
ls /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/
# Components/ HAL/ MAS/ VST/ VST3/
File: SinSynth.h
Abstract: SinSynth.h
Version: 1.0.1
======== 中略 ==========
Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "AUInstrumentBase.h"
#include "SinSynthVersion.h"
static const UInt32 kNumNotes = 12;
struct TestNote : public SynthNote
virtual ~TestNote() {}
virtual bool Attack(const MusicDeviceNoteParams &inParams)
/* ======== 中略 ========== */
double sampleRate = SampleRate();
phase = 0.;
amp = 0.;
maxamp = 0.4 * pow(inParams.mVelocity/127., 3.);
up_slope = maxamp / (0.1 * sampleRate);
dn_slope = -maxamp / (0.9 * sampleRate);
fast_dn_slope = -maxamp / (0.005 * sampleRate);
return true;
virtual void Kill(UInt32 inFrame); // voice is being stolen.
virtual void Release(UInt32 inFrame);
virtual void FastRelease(UInt32 inFrame);
virtual Float32 Amplitude() { return amp; } // used for finding quietest note for voice stealing.
virtual OSStatus Render(UInt64 inAbsoluteSampleFrame, UInt32 inNumFrames, AudioBufferList** inBufferList, UInt32 inOutBusCount);
double phase, amp, maxamp;
double up_slope, dn_slope, fast_dn_slope;
class SinSynth : public AUMonotimbralInstrumentBase
SinSynth(AudioUnit inComponentInstance);
virtual ~SinSynth();
virtual OSStatus Initialize();
virtual void Cleanup();
virtual OSStatus Version() { return kSinSynthVersion; }
virtual AUElement* CreateElement( AudioUnitScope scope,
AudioUnitElement element);
virtual OSStatus GetParameterInfo( AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
AudioUnitParameterInfo & outParameterInfo);
MidiControls* GetControls( MusicDeviceGroupID inChannel)
SynthGroupElement *group = GetElForGroupID(inChannel);
return (MidiControls *) group->GetMIDIControlHandler();
TestNote mTestNotes[kNumNotes];
ls /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/
# Components/ HAL/ MAS/ VST/ VST3/
File: AUInstrumentBase.h
Abstract: Part of CoreAudio Utility Classes
Version: 1.0.4
=========== 中略 ===========
Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __AUInstrumentBase__
#define __AUInstrumentBase__
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include "MusicDeviceBase.h"
#include "LockFreeFIFO.h"
#include "SynthEvent.h"
#include "SynthNote.h"
#include "SynthElement.h"
typedef LockFreeFIFOWithFree<SynthEvent> SynthEventQueue;
class AUInstrumentBase : public MusicDeviceBase
/* =========== 中略 =========== */
virtual OSStatus Initialize();
/*! @method Parts */
AUScope & Parts() { return mPartScope; }
/*! @method GetPart */
AUElement * GetPart( AudioUnitElement inElement)
return mPartScope.SafeGetElement(inElement);
virtual AUScope * GetScopeExtended (AudioUnitScope inScope);
virtual AUElement * CreateElement( AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement);
virtual void CreateExtendedElements();
virtual void Cleanup();
/* =========== 中略 =========== */
virtual OSStatus Render( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inNumberFrames);
virtual OSStatus StartNote( MusicDeviceInstrumentID inInstrument,
MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID,
NoteInstanceID * outNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame,
const MusicDeviceNoteParams &inParams);
virtual OSStatus StopNote( MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID,
NoteInstanceID inNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame);
/* =========== 中略 =========== */
void SetNotes(UInt32 inNumNotes, UInt32 inMaxActiveNotes, SynthNote* inNotes, UInt32 inNoteSize);
void PerformEvents( const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp);
OSStatus SendPedalEvent(MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID, UInt32 inEventType, UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame);
virtual SynthNote* VoiceStealing(UInt32 inFrame, bool inKillIt);
UInt32 MaxActiveNotes() const { return mMaxActiveNotes; }
UInt32 NumActiveNotes() const { return mNumActiveNotes; }
void IncNumActiveNotes() { ++mNumActiveNotes; }
void DecNumActiveNotes() { --mNumActiveNotes; }
UInt32 CountActiveNotes();
SynthPartElement * GetPartElement (AudioUnitElement inPartElement);
// this call throws if there's no assigned element for the group ID
virtual SynthGroupElement * GetElForGroupID (MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID);
virtual SynthGroupElement * GetElForNoteID (NoteInstanceID inNoteID);
SInt64 mAbsoluteSampleFrame;
SInt32 mNoteIDCounter;
SynthEventQueue mEventQueue;
UInt32 mNumNotes;
UInt32 mNumActiveNotes;
UInt32 mMaxActiveNotes;
SynthNote* mNotes;
SynthNoteList mFreeNotes;
UInt32 mNoteSize;
AUScope mPartScope;
const UInt32 mInitNumPartEls;
class AUMonotimbralInstrumentBase : public AUInstrumentBase
AudioComponentInstance inInstance,
UInt32 numInputs,
UInt32 numOutputs,
UInt32 numGroups = 16,
UInt32 numParts = 1);
virtual OSStatus RealTimeStartNote( SynthGroupElement *inGroup,
NoteInstanceID inNoteInstanceID,
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame,
const MusicDeviceNoteParams &inParams);
// this is a work in progress! The mono-timbral one is finished though!
class AUMultitimbralInstrumentBase : public AUInstrumentBase
AudioComponentInstance inInstance,
UInt32 numInputs,
UInt32 numOutputs,
UInt32 numGroups,
UInt32 numParts);
virtual OSStatus GetPropertyInfo( AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
UInt32 & outDataSize,
Boolean & outWritable);
virtual OSStatus GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
void * outData);
virtual OSStatus SetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
const void * inData,
UInt32 inDataSize);
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