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Created October 18, 2015 23:16
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Notes re
1. 264155 hemakUWya -> hemakUwya : OK (MW print error- probably PW transcription err)
2. 263103.1 himAlayAsutA -> himAlayasutA : OK typo also pArvati -> pArvatI
329. 261236 hariSmasAru -> hariSmaSAru : OK typo
327. 258139 svaruh -> NO CHANGE
326. 258655 svayamBUkzetramAhAtmya -> NO CHANGE
325. 258629 svayamprasIrRa -> svayampraSIrRa : OK ? print error (Zaaf2 sIrRa==SIrRa
In Adv. Search, 'sIrRa' only twice, SIrRa many times. praSIrRa a word,
not prasIrRa
324. 256130 sTUlaSAwI -> NO CHANGE
324a. 256127 sTUlaSAwa -> add defn.:<c>thick_or_coarse_cloth</c> <ls>L.</ls>
324b. 256128 sTUlaSAwaka -> add defn.
323. 251393 sUpesARa -> sUpeSARa : OK print error
322. 248480 sumadaMsu -> sumadaMSu : OK print, factual error ?
321. 240508 sahasrakalasABizekaprayoga -> sahasrakalaSABizekaprayoga: OK typo
315. 232371 saprasAva -> saprasava : OK typo
315a. 232372 saprasAva -> saprasava : OK typo
315b. 232372.1 saprasAvatva -> saprasavatva : OK typo
314 231084 sanAjUr -> sanAjur : OK print error. Rigveda ref is 'sanAjurA'
313 230494 satrAsAh -> NO CHANGE
312 229985 satyaraTA -> NO CHANGE
310 225066 zaqaMsa -> zaqaMSa : OK print error. Note aMsa = aMSa in MW
310a 225066 zaqaMsa -> zaqaMSa : OK print error.
310b 225067.1 zaqaMsatA -> zaqaMSatA : OK print error.
309 216255 SAvAsOca -> SAvASOca: OK print error. ASOca and aSOca are words (impurity) See WIL derivation
308 214092 SalalIpisaNga -> SalalIpiSaNga : OK print error. Note VCP has pisaNga as alternate for piSanGa
307 213746.1 SaratparvaSasin -> SaratparvaSaSin : OK print error
306 213250 SamBUnATa -> NO CHANGE : SaMBUnATa m vs M, false positive, orthography
305 215610 SAmbava -> NO CHANGE : SaMBava - false positive
304 211750 SaWI -> NO CHANGE: SawI -> wrong reading, variant
303 211500 SaNkukarResvara -> SaNkukarReSvara : OK Print error
303a 211501 SaNkukarResvara -> SaNkukarReSvara : OK Print error
302 210392 vyomamAYjara -> vyomamaYjara : OK typo (OCR) (not print error)
301 196015 vividvAs -> vividvas : OK print error (or maybe OCR). Accent, not long A. Confirm via 3 vid.
300 199104 viraktiratnAvalI -> viraktiratnAvali: typo
299 viBUtvasamarTana -> viButvasamarTana : ? From a list view, there is
inconsistency as to whether the compounds are made with viBu or with viBU:
198463 viBU-kratu
198463 viBU-tA
198463 viBU-tva-samarTana
198469 viBU-mat
198470 viBU-mat
198471 viBU-varman
There is also inconsistency in viBu (just one L) and viBU (all the entries)
Given than MW has a separate 'viBU' in comp. for viBu with -dAvan, -mat,
-vasu, He probably meant all the ones listed above to be formed with
So my suggestion is to change those indicated above.
This agrees with Marcis suggestions (298, 297, 299) and adds
corrections to viBU-mat, viBU-varman
Note that MW also has, under the separate viBU in comp. viBUmat and this
will remain.
296 196156 vidUragamana -> NO CHANGE : vidurAgamana - false positive
295 196146 viduh -> NO CHANGE : viduH - orthography issues
294 196679 viDI -> NO CHANGE: vidi - false positive
293 193894.1 vikAsaBft I -> NO CHANGE: vikASaBft - orthography issues ?
vi-kAsa and vi-kASa have different etymologies, from different
roots kAs (to cough) or kas (to burst)? and kAS (to be visible).
292 188350 vallisUraRa -> NO CHANGE: valliSUraRa - MW orthography variant. In sUraRa he refers to "also written śūr°".
291 188323 vallABeSvara -> vallaBeSvara : OK OCR - vallābheśvara has no other quotes other than MW clones online, but
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