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Created April 17, 2015 02:26
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fuzzyalpha program
Apr 14, 2015 for VEI - applied to faultfinder
Attempt to get spelling change suggestions for Sanskrit.
Usage: python26 vei-only-notrxx-page.txt fuzzyalpha.txt ../../../../../awork/sanhw1/sanhw1.txt ../../veihw2.txt
2nd usage
python26 vei-nonverbs1.txt fuzzyalpha1.txt ../../../../../awork/sanhw1/sanhw1.txt ../../veihw2.txt
input.txt is a list of headwords, one per line, in slp1 transliteration
Note: This is specialized to vei-only-notrxx-ff.txt
fuzzyalpha.txt is the output file name
Hard-coded inputs:
path to sanhw1.txt
path to veihw2.txt
Note: input.txt lines can also have the form:
hw:other junk
import re
import sys
import levenshtein
import string
tranto = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"
trantable = string.maketrans(tranfrom,tranto)
def slp_cmp(a,b):
a1 = string.translate(a,trantable)
b1 = string.translate(b,trantable)
return cmp(a1,b1)
class Sanhw(object):
def __init__(self,line):
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
self.line =line
self.n = None # subscript . Filled in later
self.dicts = re.split(',',self.dictstr)
self.len = len(self.key) # Feb 3, 2015, used by suggest_v3
def __repr__(self):
return "Sanhw[%s]"%self.line
class Sanhws(object):
def __init__(self,filename='../../../../awork/sanhw1/sanhw1.txt'):
with open(filename,'r') as f:
# the 'if (not...) clause is to skip ':AP90' in sanhw1.txt
self.sanhws = [Sanhw(x) for x in f if (not x.startswith(':'))]
self.sanhwsd = {}
for sanhw in self.sanhws:
self.sanhwsd[sanhw.key] = sanhw
class Dicthw(object):
def __init__(self,line):
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
self.line =line
self.n = None # subscript . Filled in later
def __repr__(self):
return self.line
class Dicthws(object):
def __init__(self,filename):
with open(filename,'r') as f:
self.dicthws = [Dicthw(x) for x in f]
def old_suggest_v3(w,sanhws,m=2,skipexact=True):
# Assume first letter of 'w' is correct.
# For efficiency, consider only sanhws that start with same letter
# Do not return exact match
w0 = w[0]
hws=[x for x in sanhws if x.key[0] == w0]
#print "%s headwords start with %s" %(len(hws),w0)
nearlist=[] # list of hws whose levenshtein distance from w is <=
low = 99
for hw in hws:
if (w == hw.key) and skipexact:
if d == -1:
if (d < low): # update low distance
low = d
# include ones only = low
ans = [x[1] for x in nearlist if x[0] == low]
#s = sorted(nearlist,key=lambda(x):x[0]) # sort by d
return ans
def suggest_v3(w,sanhws,m=2,skipexact=True):
# modified to screen further by length of word
# Assume first letter of 'w' is correct.
# For efficiency, consider only sanhws that start with same letter
# Do not return exact match
w0 = w[0]
hws=[x for x in sanhws if x.key[0] == w0]
# Feb 3, 2015
lw = len(w)
hws = [x for x in hws if (abs(x.len - lw) < m)] #? < m or > m ?
#print "%s headwords start with %s" %(len(hws),w0)
nearlist=[] # list of hws whose levenshtein distance from w is <=
low = 99
for hw in hws:
if (w == hw.key) and skipexact:
if d == -1:
if (d < low): # update low distance
low = d
# include ones only = low
ans = [x[1] for x in nearlist if x[0] == low]
#s = sorted(nearlist,key=lambda(x):x[0]) # sort by d
return ans
def process_alphaerr(i,dicthws,sanhws,sanhwsd,fout,n,pagecol):
f = fout
hw = dicthws[i].hw
#f.write('%03d %s %s !< %s\n' %(n,case,dicthws[i-1].line,dicthws[i].line))
suggestions = suggest_v3(hw,sanhws,6)
print "dbg: hw %s has %s suggestions" %(hw,len(suggestions))
#print i,len(dicthws),hw
hw0 = dicthws[i-1].hw
hw1 = dicthws[i+1].hw
ordered=[[],[]] # yes/no
for suggestion in suggestions:
hwsuggest = suggestion.key
if (slp_cmp(hw0,hwsuggest) < 0) and (slp_cmp(hwsuggest,hw1) < 0):
f.write('%03d %s\n'%(n,hw0))
out=[', '.join(ordered[0]),','.join(ordered[1])] #Apr 14, 2015 comma-space
f.write('%03d %s -> %s (%s)\n' %(n,hw,out[0],out[1]))
f.write('%03d %s\n'%(n,hw1))
pagelink = page_link(pagecol) # 4th line requested by Dhaval
hwlink = headword_link(hw)
out = '%03d headword %s --- page %s' % (n,hwlink,pagelink)
f.write('%s\n' % out)
f.write('\n') # extra blank line
return 0
def page_link(volpage):
""" return 'href' string for link to scanned image for VEI for page 'page'
d = "VEI"
y = "2014"
base = ""
url = "%s/%sScan/%s/web/webtc/servepdf.php" %(base,d,y)
#(page,col) = re.split('-',volpage) #
#pageparm = page
pageparm = volpage
parms = "page=%s" % pageparm
href = "%s?%s" % (url,parms)
ans = "<a target='_VEIpage' href='%s'>%s</a>" %(href,volpage)
return ans
def headword_link(hw):
""" return 'href' string for link to basic display for pwg for headword hw
Use this form, which GitHub accepts, so that link opens in same
tab always
d = "VEI"
y = "2014"
base = ""
url = "%s/%sScan/%s/web/webtc/indexcaller.php" %(base,d,y)
parms = "input=slp1&output=deva&key=%s" % hw
href = "%s?%s" % (url,parms)
ans = "<a target='_VEIword' href='%s'>%s</a>" %(href,hw)
return ans
def main():
filename = sys.argv[1]
fileout = sys.argv[2]
file_sanhw1 = sys.argv[3] #'../../../../awork/sanhw1/sanhw1.txt'
file_dicthw2 = sys.argv[4] # '../dicthw2.txt'
# initialize from sanhw1.txt
c = Sanhws(file_sanhw1)
sanhws = c.sanhws
sanhwsd = c.sanhwsd
# initialize from dicthw2.txt
c = Dicthws(file_dicthw2)
dicthws = c.dicthws
# dictionary for dicthws:
# Associate to each dicthws.hw
# info message
dicthwsd = {}
ndicthws = len(dicthws)
for i in xrange(0,ndicthws):
dicthw = dicthws[i]
hw = dicthw.hw
if hw not in dicthwsd:
dicthwsd[hw] = []
print "%s records from %s" %(len(dicthws),file_dicthw2)
print "%s records from %s" %(len(sanhws),file_sanhw1)
f = open(filename,'r')
fout = open(fileout,'w')
# process dicthws line by line, looking for alphabetical misorderings
nline = 0
mline = 10 # for debug
mline = 1000000 # for production.
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
# akznA:007-2
parts = re.split(r':',line)
(hw,volpage) = parts # Apr 14, 2015
#hw = parts[0]
#hw = parts[1] # chksort1.txt, angya
nline = nline + 1
if nline > mline:
print "exiting after ",nline
if hw not in dicthwsd:
print "word %s not a headword" % hw
idicts = dicthwsd[hw]
for idict in idicts:
dicthw = dicthws[idict]
if __name__=="__main__":
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