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Records of Monier-Williams which have a missing literary source.
AdhyR. = आध्यात्म-रामायणम्
Occurs in 3 records of MW
74633 cumbaka m. -maRi Prab. vi , 16 **AdhyR.** i , 1 , 18
78697 jAtiBrazwa mfn. fallen from caste , **AdhyR.** i ,1 , 56 .
89684 daRqavat ind. ( with pra-Ramya , prostrating the body ) in a
straightline , **AdhyR.** Introd. 5.
Du1ta7n3g. = दूताङ्गद
Occurs in 1 records of MW
88087 triBuvanapAladeva m. N. of a prince **Du1ta7n3g.** i , 2 3
GrS3. = ? ग्रहणशान्ति, ग्रहशान्ति, ग्रहशान्तिपद्धति
Occurs in 2 records of MW
163213 mAyoBava n. ( fr. mayoBU ) well-being , gladness , enjoyment ,
163213.1 mAyoBavya n. ( fr. mayoBU ) well-being , gladness , enjoyment
K. = ? Katyayana, Kielhorn
Occurs in 5 records of MW
91535 dAkziRya n. dexterity , skill , officiousness , gallantry ,
kindness, consideration , piety ( with loc. gen. or ifc. ) Hariv.
94509 duScara mfn. d difficult to be performed MBh. Hariv. **K.** Pur.
(( 94514.1 -tva n. ) R. v , 86 , 14 )
94660 duzprApa mfn. hard to attain , inaccessible , remote MBh. **K.**
94661 duzprApaRa mfn. hard to attain , inaccessible , remote MBh.
94663 duzprApya mfn. hard to attain , inaccessible , remote MBh.
KaushBr. = कौशीतकी ब्राह्मणम्
Occurs in 61 records of MW
1175 agnyADAna n. ([ **KaushBr.** ]) (or agny-ADeya ) placing the fire
onthe sacrificial fire-place
5674 anAvraska m. uninjured condition , **KaushBr.**
5768 anita n. not deviating from ( abl. ) , **KaushBr.**
6452 anudfB to make into bundles or chains , **KaushBr.**
6542 anunirvApyA f. N. of a ceremony , **KaushBr.**
7238 anuvazawkf ( 1 kf ) , -karoti ( Pot. -kuryAt ) to make a
secondaryexclamation of vazaw S3Br. AitBr. **KaushBr.** S3a1n3khS3r.
7317 anuvf to cover , **KaushBr.** to surround: Caus. A1. -vArayate ,
tohinder , prevent.
7470 anuzwabDa mfn. ( stamB ) , (used for an etymology) raised ,
8056 antarAkASa m. intermediate place , **KaushBr.**
8073 antaruzya m. ( 5. vas ) , an intermediate resting-place ,
9266 apaDfz -Dfz Roti , to overcome , subdue , **KaushBr.** (
9281 apanata mfn. bent outwards , bulging out S3Br. **KaushBr.**
9283 apanaS to disappear , Imper. -naSya , be off **KaushBr.**
9599 aparihARa or a-parhARa n. the state of not being deprived of
anything, **KaushBr.**
9599.1 aparhARa or a-parihARa n. the state of not being deprived of
anything, **KaushBr.**
9875 apaspf A1. ( impf. 3. pl. -spfRvata ) to extricate from , deliver
from, **KaushBr.** ( 3. pl. -spfRvate/ ) to refresh ([ Gmn. ; to
alienateBR. ]) RV. viii , 2 , 5.
10016 apADA ( Subj. 1. sg. -daDAni ) to take off , loosen from ,
10189 apipaT Caus. -pATayati , to lead upon a path ( acc. ) ,
10512 apracyAvuka mf( A )n. not decaying , **KaushBr.**
10992 abudDa mfn. not seen or noticed , **KaushBr.** R.
11520 aBiDAna n. ( compar. -tara ) **KaushBr.**
11591 aBinata mfn. bent , inclined , **KaushBr.**
11627 aBininartam ind. ( nft ) , so as to accomplish step by step i.e.
repeatingseparately , **KaushBr.** ( aBy-A-gAram .)
11753 aBiparAvad to speak to , address S3Br. **KaushBr.**
11860 aBiprayuj -pra/-yuNkte , to seize , grasp , bring in one's
possessionTS. TBr. **KaushBr.**
12244 aBilap to talk or speak about AitBr. **KaushBr.**
13148 aByagni m. N. of a son of Etas3a etaSa or Aitas3a EtaSa AitBr.
13151 aByagra mf( A )n. quick , **KaushBr.** S3a1n3khS3r.
13390 aByAgAram ind. ( 1. gF ) , so as to call or shout to each other
(atthe different steps of a dance) i.e. repeating separately ,
**KaushBr.**( also aBi-ni-nartam )
13402 aByAcAra m. mishap , an accident , **KaushBr.**
13442 aByAyam P. ( 3. pl. -yacCanti ) to lengthen (as a syllable in
speaking)AitBr. to draw or pull (as the udder in sucking) Ka1t2h. :
A1.( Imper. 2. sg. -yacCasva ) to assume ( to grant Comm. ) VS. iii ,
38: P. ( Subj. 3. pl. -yaman ; ind.p. -ya/tya ) to aim at RV. viii ,
92, 31 S3Br. AitBr. for aBy-A- gam , **KaushBr.**
13557 aByuditA f. N. of the ceremony ( to be performed at the
aByu/dita) , **KaushBr.**
13559 aByuditezwi f. aByudaye zwi , **KaushBr.** S3a1n3khS3r.
13578 aByuddfzwa f. N. of a ceremony , **KaushBr.**
13579 aByuddfzwezwi f. N. of a ceremony (beginning only after the moon
hasbecome visible) , **KaushBr.** S3a1n3khS3r.
13606 aByupanivft to return , be repeated , **KaushBr.**
15721 arci m. ( for aMSa ) N. of one of the twelve A1dityas Aditya s
Comm.on **KaushBr.**
16769 alIkayu m. N. of a Bra1hman Brahman (with the patron.
Va1caspatyavAcaspatya ) , **KaushBr.**
17374 avatsAra m. N. of a man ( descendant of Kas3yapa kaSyapa [
RAnukr.A1s3vS3r. ] and son of Prasravan2a prasravaRa [ **KaushBr.** ])
RV.v , 44 , 10
17518 avaDfta mfn. ascertained , determined , certain , **KaushBr.**
17887 avarArDya n. ifc. ( f( A ). ) the least part , the minimum ,
17910 avaruD P. ( aor. -ruDat ) to obstruct , enclose , contain RV. x
,105 , 1 , ( Inf. -rodDum ) to check , keep back , restrain R. iii , 1
,33 , to expel Kaus3. S3a1n2khS3r. R. ii , 30 , 9 -ruRadDi , to
seclude, put aside , remove S3Br. **KaushBr.** Shad2vBr. to shut in ,
(aor. A1. avA rudDa and Pass. avA roD ) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 64 Sch. to keep
anything( acc. , as one's grief ) locked up ( in one's bosom acc. )
Bhat2t2.( ind.p. -ruDya ) to keep one's self ( AtmAnam ) wrapped up in
one'sself ( Atmani ) BhP. ( impf. avA ruRat ) to confine within ,
besiegeDas3. : A1. -runDe ( for ndDe AV. ; impf. avA runDa TS. ;
ind.p.-ru/Dya ib. ; Ved. Inf. -ru/Dam ib. and -ruDam MaitrS. ) chiefly reach , obtain , gain: P. ( p. f. -runDatI ; anu ruD ) to be
attachedto , like BhP. : Desid.A. -rurutsate , Ved. to wish to obtain
orgain TS. : Intens.P. ( Subj. 2. sg. -roruDas ) to expel from (the
dominion)R. ii , 58 , 20.
18037 avalip P. ( ind. -lipya ) to smear , **KaushBr.** S3a1n3khS3r.
Sus3r.: A1. ( p. -limpamAna ) to smear one's self. BhP.
19342 avyavalambin mfn. unsupported , not sure-footed , **KaushBr.**
20730 asaMpanna mfn. unaccomplished , **KaushBr.** BhP.
20795 asaMmugDa mfn. one who has lost his way , **KaushBr.**
21059 asurI f. a female demon , the wife of an Asura asura ,
**KaushBr.**( AsurI and mahA surI )
21071 asuramAyA f. demoniacal magic AV. iii , 9 , 4 S3Br. **KaushBr.**
21886 ahirbuDnya n. N. of a hymn of the RV. (i , 186 , 5 or vi , 50 ,
14), **KaushBr.**
22671 AgnipAtnIvatI f. ( scil. fc ) the verse containing the words
a/gnepa/tnIr ( i.e. RV. i , 22 , 9 ) , **KaushBr.**
23080 AjAni f. noble birth Comm. on **KaushBr.** xxx , 5.
23084 AjAneyya mfn. of noble birth , **KaushBr.** xxx , 5.
23189 Ajya n. N. of a sort of chant ( Sastra ) connected with the
morningsacrifice AitBr. S3Br. **KaushBr.**
23190 Ajya n. N. of the Su1kta sUkta contained in the aforesaid Sastra
23394 AticCandasa n. ( fr. a/ti-cCandas ) , N. of the last of the six
daysof the Pr2isht2hya pfzWya ceremony MaitrS. **KaushBr.**
23535 AtmanizkrayaRa mfn. ransoming one's self S3Br. xi **KaushBr.**
64760 gADa mf( A )n. ( ifc. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 4 ) offering firm
standing-ground, fordable (as a river) , not very deep , shallow ,
**KaushBr.**ii , 9 Nir. MBh.
73651 citra m. of a Ja1ba1la-gr2ihapati jAbAla-gfhapati ( with the
patr.Gaus3ra1yan2i gOSrAyaRi ) , **KaushBr.** xxiii , 5
171310 yAjYasena m. ( fr. yajYa-sena ) patr. of S3ikhan2d2in SiKaRqin
,**KaushBr.** , ( also ni MBh. )
192065 vArzRivfdDa mfn. vfzRi-vfdDezujAtaH , **KaushBr.** Sch.
205031.1 vfzaSuzma m. ( also read -SuzRa ) N. of a man with the patr.
Va1ta1vatavAtAvata AitBr. **KaushBr.**
Lokapr. = ? लोकप्रकाश, लोकप्रदोपान्वयचन्द्रिकानिदान
Occurs in 5 records of MW
74482 cIrikA f. id. Katha1s. li , lv , lxxi **Lokapr.**
127395 pUjApawwaka n. a deed or document of honour , **Lokapr.**
137855 prasAdapawwaka n. a written edict of favour , **Lokapr.**
152459 BUrja n. a leaf made of birch bark for writing on Ka1ran2d2. ;
awritten deed , document , **Lokapr.** [ cf. Slav. bre7za ; Lith.
be4rzas; Germ. bircha , Birke ; Eng. birch .]
176472 rAjaprasAdapawwaka n. any grant or document granted by royal
favour, royal letters patent , **Lokapr.**
Ratnak. = ? रत्नाकर, रत्नाकरपद्धति, रत्नाकर ठक्कुर, रत्नाकर मिश्र
Occurs in 17 records of MW
66304 guhila m. N. of a prince (descendant of Bappa bappa ) ,
72970 cApotkawa m. N. of a family **Ratnak.**
73294 cAhava N. of a dynasty , **Ratnak.**
73295.1 cAhuvARa m. of a dynasty , **Ratnak.**
73296.1 cAhUARa m. of a dynasty , **Ratnak.**
75171 cOqadeSa m. the Cod2a coqa ( Cola cola ) country , **Ratnak.**
75967 Cindaka m. N. of a race , **Ratnak.**
78926 jAmuna mfn. yAm **Ratnak.**
79141 jAlaMDara m. N. of a people ( tri-garta L. ) Romakas. Ra1jat. iv
,177; viii , 1653 **Ratnak.**
79151 jAlIdeSa m. N. of a country , **Ratnak.**
80280 jotika m. N. of a family , **Ratnak.**
81378 qABI N. of a family , **Ratnak.**
81392 qAhala m. pl. N. of a people ( cedi L. ; sg. their country L. )
81464 qoqa m. N. of a royal family , **Ratnak.**
81466 qoqIyA f. N. of a royal family , **Ratnak.**
85346 tiliNga N. of a country Romakas. **Ratnak.**
86062 turazka ( ruzka ) id. Romakas. **Ratnak.**
S3ambhMa1h. = शम्भुगिरिमाहात्म्य
Occurs in 3 records of MW
84349.1 tArAkza m. of a king of the Nishadhas nizaDa s (uncle of
Dhu1mra7kshaDUmrAkza ) , **S3ambhMa1h.** ii
85590 tIrTagopAla n. N. of a T Ti1rtha4 tIrTa , **S3ambhMa1h.** xvi.
91036 daSASvameDa n. the Ti1rtha tIrTa of the 10 horse-sacrifices ,
iii, 5084 Reva1Kh. ccviii and cclvii Ka1s3i1Kh. lii **S3ambhMa1h.** v
S3rS. = श्रौतसूत्र
Occurs in 741 records of MW
4436.1 aDizavaRaPalaka n. du. N. of two boards used in pressing the
Somasoma , **S3rS.**
4776.1 aDvaryupaTa m. the path on which the Adhvaryu aDvaryu priest
walksup to the fire, **S3rS.**
7671.1 anuhoma m. after-oblation, **S3rS.**
16659.2 alavaRASin mfn. not eating salt food, **S3rS.**
19917.2 aSvadvAdaSa mf( A )n. pl. (eleven cows and) a h orse as the
29467.1 izu m. du. (also) N. of two Visht2utis vizwuti s , **S3rS.**
36107.1 upasadDoma m. (for - homa ) the oblation of the Upasad upasad
37995.2 UpA f. a kind of Nidhana niDana , **S3rS.**
38617.31 ftvigASis f. a wish or prayer uttered by the officiating
68679.1 grahAntarukTya n. a partic. Eka7ha ekAha , **S3rS.**
91811 dArzadvata n. ( fr. dfzadvatI ) N. of a Sattra sattra ,
92694 dIkzaRa n. consecrating one's self or causing one's self to be
consecrated, consecration , initiation **S3rS.** MBh.
92698 dIkzaRIyA f. ( Vait. ) yezwi f. the sacrifice of consecration or
initiationBr. **S3rS.**
92700 dIkzA f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony ,
undertakingreligious observances for a partic. purpose and the
observancesthemselves AV. VS. Br. **S3rS.**
92728 dIkzita mf( I GopBr. i , 5 , 24 )n. consecrated , initiated into
(dat. loc. instr. , or comp. ) AV. TS. Br. **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
94702 dURAsa mfn. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
94753 duzwa mfn. guilty , culpable **S3rS.** Mn. Ya1jn5. Sus3r. MBh.
95230 dftikuRqatapaScit n. ( only citAm ayana n. ) N. of a Sattra
95232 dftivAtavata n. ( only vator ayana n. ) , N. of a Sattra sattra
96607 deSIya mfn. peculiar or belonging to or inhabiting a country ,
provincial, native ( esp. ifc. e.g. mAgaDa- a native of Magadha magaDa
,**S3rS.** )
96765 dEDizavya m. ( fr. diDizU ) prob. the son of a woman by her
secondhusband **S3rS.**
96785 dErGaSravasa mf( I )n. relating to Di1rgha-s3ravas dIrGa-Sravas
97028 doza m. offence , transgression , guilt , crime ( acc. with f or
laB, to incur guilt ) , **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
97360 dyumna n. splendour , glory , majesty , power , strength RV. AV.
**S3rS.**MBh. i , 6406
97468 dyUta n. ( m. only MBh. ii , 2119 ; Pa1n2. 2-4 , 31 ) play ,
gaming, gambling ( esp. with dice , but also with any inanimate
object).AV. **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
98162.45 dvAtriMSadrAtra n. ( sc. sattra ) a sacrifice lasting 32 days
98187 dvAviMSatirAtra n. ( sc. sattra ) a sacrifice lasting 22 days
98248 dvAdaSarca ( Sa + rica/ ) mfn. containing 12 verses **S3rS.**
98393 dvArya mfn. belonging to or being at a door Gr2S. **S3rS.**
98426 dviguRa ( or dvi/-g ) mfn. double , twofold , of 2 kinds S3Br.
98485 dvidevata mfn. relating or belonging to 2 deities , **S3rS.**
98641 dvirAtra m. a period or festival of that length AV. **S3rS.**
98723 dviSUla mfn. 2-pronged , forked **S3rS.**
99188 dvyaha m. such a festival or ceremony S3Br. **S3rS.**
101240 DizRya m. ( f( A ). only RV. iv , 3 , 6 ; n. MBh. i , 7944 ) a
sortof subordinate or side-altar ( generally a heap of earth covered
withsand on which the fire is placed , and of which 8 are enumerated ,
viz.besides the AgnIDrIya [in the A1gni1dhra AgnIDra ] those in the
Sadassadas [ see s.v. ] belonging to the hotf , the mEtrA-varuRa or
pra-Sastf, the brAhmaRAcCaMsin , the potf , nezwf and acCA-vAka ; and
themArjAlIya ) Br. **S3rS.** ( kxpta- )
101251 DizRyavat mfn. having a Dhishn2ya DizRya or side-altar ,
102020 DenudakziRa mfn. (sacrifice) whereat a cow is given as a fee
102386 DrOva mf( I )n. being in the ladle called Dhruva1 DruvA ( with
orm. scil. Ajya ) , **S3rS.**
103888 namrA f. N. of 2 verses addressed to Agni agni **S3rS.**
104669 navarAtra m. a period of 9 days. AitBr. **S3rS.**
104700 navasaptadaSa m. N. of an Atira1tra atirAtra **S3rS.**
104899 nAkasad m. N. of 9 Eka7has ekA ha s **S3rS.**
105555 nAnAbIja n. pl. v various kinds of grain **S3rS.**
105741 nAmagrahaRa n. ( **S3rS.** Mn. Ka1v. ) id.
107800 niHsfp P. -sa/rpati , to sneak or steal away **S3rS.** to start
,set out on a journey R.
108026 nigad P. -gadati , ( aor. ny-agadIt Bhat2t2. ) , to recite ,
proclaim, announce , declare , tell , speak **S3rS.** MBh. R. to speak
to, address ( acc. ) , to say anything ( acc. ) to ( acc. ) Ka1v. to
enumerate, cite , quote Sus3r. to call ( esp. Pass. -gadyate , to be
calledor named ) MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. : Caus. -gAdayati , to cause to
reciteS3a1n3khS3r. : Intens. -jAgadyate , (with pass. meaning) to
assertfirmly or repeatedly Sarvad.
108027 nigada m. reciting , audible recitation , a prayer or
sacrificialformula recited aloud Br. **S3rS.**
108043 nigama m. insertion ( esp. of the name of a deity into a
liturgicalformula) **S3rS.**
108060 nigamasTAna n. place of insertion ( above ) **S3rS.**
108341 nitya mf( A )n. ordinary , usual , invariable , fixed ,
necessary, obligatory ( opp. to kAmya , nEmittika ) Br. **S3rS.** Mn.
(with samAsa m. a compound the meaning of which is not expressed by
itsmembers when not compounded Pa1n2. 2-1 , 3 Sch. ; with svarita m.
jAtya, the independent Svarita svarita TPra1t. ii , 8 )
108528 nidarSana n. instance , example , illustration **S3rS.** Mn.
MBh.Ka1v. ( ( 108533.1 -tva n. ) Naish. ; ( 108533.2 nA rTam ind. )
forinstance MBh. )
109292 niras P. A1. -asyati , te , ( inf. asitum MBh. ; aor. -AsTat
Bhat2t2.) . to cast out , throw or drive away , expel , remove ,
banishfrom ( abl. ) S3Br. **S3rS.** Mn. MBh. to ward off , keep away
MBh.Ka1v. to strip off ( also A1. ) Pa1n2. 1-3 , 29 Va1rtt. 3 Pat. to
stretchout ( hastO , also A1. ) Vop. to reject , refuse , decline (as
asuitor , an offer , ) Sa1h. to destroy , annihilate Ya1jn5. MBh. Hit.
109470 nirUh P. A1. -Uhati , te , ( inf. ni/r-UhitavE/ S3Br. ind.p.
-uhyaib. ; Pass. pr. p. uhyamAna Ka1tyS3r. ), to push or draw out ,
putaside or apart , remove AV. S3Br. **S3rS.** : Caus. -Uhayati , to
causeto draw out or purge Sus3r. 3.
109769 nirmanTya mfn. to be (or being) stirred or churned or excited
byfriction (as fire) TS. **S3rS.**
110275 nivid f. N. of partic. sentences or short formularies inserted
ina liturgy and containing epithets or short invocations of the gods
AV.VS. Br. **S3rS.**
110280 nividDAnIya mfn. -DAna mfn. **S3rS.**
110421 nivftti f. ceasing , cessation , disappearance **S3rS.** Up.
110796 nizkakaRWa mf( I )n. -grIva AitBr. **S3rS.** MBh.
111187 nihava m. invocation , calling Br. **S3rS.** ChUp.
112181 nedizWin mfn. very near , very nearly related Ta1n2d2Br.
112289 nezwf m. ( prob. fr. nI aor. stem nez ; but Pa1n2. 3-2 , 135
Va1rtt.2 ) one of the chief officiating priests at a Soma soma
sacrifice, he who leads forward the wife of the sacrificer and
preparesthe Sura1 surA ( Tvasht2r2i tvazwf so called RV. i , 15 , 3 )
RV.Br. **S3rS.**
112511 nEtanDava m. sg. and pl. N. of a place on the Sarasvati1
sarasvatITa1n2d2Br. **S3rS.**
112570 nEvAra mfn. ( fr. nIvAra ) consisting in or made of wild rice
(asfood) TS. TBr. **S3rS.**
112989 nyUNKa m. the insertion of the sound o (in different places
withdifference of quantity and accentuation) in the recitation of
hymnsBr. **S3rS.** ( Pa1n2. 1-2 , 34 Sch. )
112993 nyUNKaya Nom. P. yati , to insert the Nyu1n3kha nyUNKa Br.
**S3rS.**A1. ( nyU/NKayate ) to growl (as a hungry animal) RV. x , 94
113214 pakzas n. the wing of an army , S3a1n3khBr. a half or any
113537.1 paYcakapAla m. ( with or , sc. puro-dASa ) an oblation so
offeredS3Br. **S3rS.**
113848 paYcarAtra m. N. of an Ahi1na ahIna ( 1. a/h ) which lasts 5
daysTa1n2d2Br. **S3rS.**
113853 paYcarAtraka m. N. of an Ahi1na ahIna ( 1. a/h ) which lasts 5
daysTa1n2d2Br. **S3rS.**
113951 paYcaSAradIya m. N. of a Pan5ca7ha paYcA ha representing 5
yearsBr. **S3rS.**
114014.1 paYcahotf m. ( sc. mantra ) N. of a partic. formula in which
5deities are named (as Hotr2i hotf , Adhvaryu aDvaryu ) Br. **S3rS.**
114115 paYcAha m. a Soma soma oblation with 5 Sutya1 sutyA days Br.
115077 patnIsaMyAja m. pl. the 4 A1jya Ajya oblations (offered to Soma
soma, Tvasht2r2i tvazwf , the wives of the gods , and Agni agni
Gr2iha-patigfha-pati ) Br. **S3rS.**
115119 paTikft mfn. making a way or road , preparing a w way RV. AV.
115179 pattas ind. from or at the feet RV. Br. **S3rS.** ( also
-tata/sAV. vi , 131 , 1 )
115914 payas n. N. of a Sa1man sAman **S3rS.**
115946 payasyA f. coagulated m milk , curds (made by mixing sour with
hotsweet m milk) TS. Br. **S3rS.**
116371 parArTa m. dependent on something else ( ( 116373.1 -tA f. ) (
116373.2-tva n. ) ) **S3rS.** Sa1m2khyak. Tarkas.
116647 paraspA m. a protector , protecting RV. TBr. **S3rS.**
116702.34 parokzapfzWa m. a partic. Pr2isht2hya pfzWya **S3rS.**
116810.1 parAka m. N. of a Tri-ra1tra tri-rAtra Br. **S3rS.**
116991 parAsic P. -siYcati ( aor. -asicat ; Pass. -sicyate aor. -aseci
), to pour or throw away , cast aside , remove RV. TS. AV. S3Br.
117068 parikarmin m. an assistant , servant , slave **S3rS.** Sus3r.
117120 parikrI A1. -krIRIte ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 18 ; really more frequent
inP. e.g. impf. -akrIRam AV. ; Pot. -krIRIyAt S3a1n3khS3r. ; ind.p.
-krIyaGobh. ) , to purchase , buy , barter , gain , acquire AV. S3Br.
La1t2y.Gobh. ( with instr. or dat. of the price e.g. Satena , or
SatAya, to buy for a hundred Pa1n2. 1-4 , 44 ) to hire , engage for
stipulatedwages S3Br. **S3rS.** to recompense , reward ( only p. A1.
-krIRAna) Bhat2t2.
117126 parikrI m. N. of an Eka1ha ekAha **S3rS.**
117246 parigE P. -gAyati , to go about singing , sing or celebrate
everywhereTS. S3Br. **S3rS.** to proclaim aloud ( esp. Pass. -gIyate )
117337 pariGarmya m. a vessel for preparing any hot sacrificial
117602 pariRayana n. the act of leading round ( prec. ) , marrying ,
118348 pariyaj P. -yajati ( aor. 2. sg. pary-a/yAs ) , to obtain or
procureby sacrificing RV. ix , 82 , 5 to sacrifice or worship before
orafter another , to perform a secondary or accompanying rite Br.
118740 parivyayaRa n. winding round , covering S3Br. **S3rS.**
118742 parivyayaRIya mfn. relating to wrapping round or binding on
118833 pariSri P. -Srayati ( ind.p. -Sritya ; Ved. inf.
pa/ri-SrayitavE/) , to surround , encircle , fence , enclose TS. Br.
**S3rS.**: Pass. -SrIyasva , be surrounded or surround thyself VS.
xxxvii, 13.
118880 parizecana n. pouring over , sprinkling **S3rS.** Var. Sus3r.
119162 pariharaRa n. moving or taking round **S3rS.**
119216 parIRah f. N. of a place on the Saras-vati1 saras-vatI Br.
119291 paryAya m. a regularly recurring series or formula ( esp. in
theAti-ra1tra ati-rAtra ceremony) Br. **S3rS.** ( ( 119302.2 -tva n. )
119741 paryAsa m. end , conclusion (N. of partic. concluding strophes
incertain hymns) Br. **S3rS.**
119855 paryukz P. A1. -ukzati , te ( ind.p. -ukzya ) , to sprinkle
119879 paryupaviS P. -viSati , to sit down round or near ( acc. )
120051 parvan n. ( esp. ) the Ca1turma1sya cAturmAsya festival ,
120164 palya n. a sack for corn (prob. containing a certain measure)
120260 palpUlita mfn. washed , tanned **S3rS.** Baudh.
120409 pavamAna m. N. of partic. Stotras stotra s sung by the Sa1ma-ga
sAma-gaat the Jyotisht2oma jyotizwoma sacrifice ( they are called
successivelyat the 3 Savanas savana s bahizpavamA na , mADyaMdina and
tftIyaor ArBava ) TS. Br. **S3rS.** ( RTL. 368 )
120447 pavitra m. N. of a partic. Soma soma -sacrifice belonging to
theRa1jasu1ya rAjasUya Ta1n2d2Br. Sch. **S3rS.**
120544 paSukarman n. the act of offering the victim , sacrifice
120551 paSugaRa m. a group of sacrificial animal , **S3rS.** ,
120561 paSutantra n. -kalpa **S3rS.**
120573 paSudevatA f. the deity to whom the victim is offered **S3rS.**
120610 paSupuroqASa m. the cake offered at an animal sacrifice S3Br.
120779 pazWOhI f. a heifer four years old , any young cow VS. Br.
120807 pAtra m. or n. a measure of capacity (= 1 A1d2haka AQaka ) AV.
121042 pAka m. ( 2. pac ; ifc. f( I ). ) cooking , baking , roasting ,
boiling(trans. and intrans.) **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
121385 pAWa m. the text of a book , **S3rS.** MBh.
121818 pAtnIvata mfn. belonging to Agni agni patnI-vat ( s.v. ) VS.
TS.Br. **S3rS.**
121836 pATas n. a spot , place RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
121868 pAda m. a foot as a measure (= 12 An3gulas aNgula s ) S3Br.
121875 pAda m. a verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular
stanza)Br. **S3rS.** Pra1t.
121971 pAdamAtra n. the measure or distance of a foot , **S3rS.**
122108 pAdin mfn. claiming or receiving a fourth part **S3rS.** Mn.
viii, 210
122130 pAdya mf( A )n. relating or belonging to the foot Br. **S3rS.**
(n. with or sc. udaka , water used for washing the feet ib. )
122736 pAriplava mf( A )n. ( pA/ri- ) , moving in a circle , N. of
partic.legends recited at the As3va-medha aSva-meDa and repeated at
certainintervals throughout the year S3Br. **S3rS.** Ba1dar.
123106 pArzWika mfn. being after the manner of the Pr2isht2hya pfzWya
(Shad2-aha zaq-aha ) **S3rS.**
123260 pAvakavat mfn. N. of a partic. Agni agni AitBr. **S3rS.**
123369 pASuka mf( I )n. relating to cattle ( esp. to the sacrificial
animal)**S3rS.** ( Pan , iv , 3 , 72 ) .
123506 picCorA f. a pipe , flute **S3rS.**
124088 pitfmeDa m. oblation made to the P Pitr2is pitf s **S3rS.** Mn.
125050.1 puMvat ind. like or in or with the masculine gender **S3rS.**
125683 punarADeya n. renewing or replacing the consecrated fire TS.
125708 punarukta n. repetition , useless repetition , tautology
**S3rS.**MBh. Ka1v.
126012 purARaveda m. knowledge of the things or events of the past
126274 purIzapada n. N. of partic. passages inserted (to fill up) in
therecitation of the Maha1na1mni1 mahAnAmnI verses Br. **S3rS.**
126564 puruzAkfti f. the figure of a man **S3rS.**
126956 puzwimat mfn. containing the word puzwi or any other derivative
of2. puz S3Br. **S3rS.**
127535 pUtIka m. a species of plant serving as a substitute for the
Somasoma plant ( often explained by rohiza , perhaps [Guilandina]
[Bonduc]) TS. Br. **S3rS.** Sus3r.
128721 pfSni mfn. ( Un2. iv , 52 ) variegated , dappled , piebald ,
speckled, spotted (said esp. of cows , serpents , frogs ) RV. AV. Br.
128769 pfzatI f. a dappled cow or mare (applied to the animals ridden
bythe Maruts marut s ) RV. VS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
128827 pfzWa n. N. of partic. arrangement of Sa1mans sAman s (employed
atthe midday libation and formed from the Ratham2tara raTaMtara ,
Br2ihatbfhat , Vairu1pa vErUpa , Vaira1ja vErAja , S3a1kvara SAkvara ,
andRaivata rEvata S S3a1kvara SAkvara ) TS. Br. **S3rS.**
128882 pfzWastotra n. N. of a partic. arrangement of Sa1mans sAman s (
pfzWa) Br. **S3rS.**
128904 pfzWyastoma m. N. of 6 Eka7has ekA ha s or of a period of 6
sacrificialdays ( above ) **S3rS.**
129161 pEtudArava mfn. relating to or derived from the tree
Pi1tu-da1rupItu-dAru Br. **S3rS.**
129300 potf po/tf or potf , m. Purifier , N. of one of the 16
officiatingpriests at a sacrifice ( the assistant of the Bra1hman
Brahman; yajYasya SoDayiwri Sa1y. ) RV. Br. **S3rS.** Hariv.
129396 pORqarIka m. a kind of Soma soma sacrifice lasting 11 days
129471 pOnarADeyika mf( I )n. relating to the rite of replacing or
renewingthe sacrificial fire **S3rS.**
129552 pOrumIQa n. N. of a Sa1man sAman **S3rS.**
129553 pOrumI|a n. N. of a Sa1man sAman **S3rS.**
129577 pOruzameDika ( pO/r ) mfn. relating or belonging to a human
129720 pOzRa mf( I )n. ( fr. pUzan ) belonging or relating or sacred
toPu1shan pUzan VS. TS. Br. **S3rS.**
129758 prauga mn. -Sastra RV. VS. Br. **S3rS.**
130027 prakfti f. nature , character , constitution , temper ,
dispositionMBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. ( ibc. and ( 130048.1 tyA ind. ) by
nature, naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. **S3rS.** Mn. )
130028 prakfti f. fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule
(esp. in ritual) **S3rS.**
130048.1 prakftyA ( ind. , prakfti (130027)), by nature , naturally ,
unalterably, properly Pra1t. **S3rS.** Mn.
130276 prakzal P. -kzAlayati , to wash off , wash away , rinse S3Br.
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh. to cleanse , purify MBh. : Caus. A1. -kzAlApayate (
Pot.yIta ) , to have anything (as one's feet) washed A1s3vGr2.
130470 pragrah P. A1. -gfhRAti , RIte , to hold or stretch forth ,
holdAV. to offer , present S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r. to seize , grasp , take
holdof , take **S3rS.** MBh. to accept , receive S3ak. Var. to draw up
,tighten (reins) , stop (horses) S3ak. to befriend , favour , further
,promote MBh. Hariv. R. to keep separated or isolated ( below ) :
Caus.( inf. -grAhitum ) to receive , accept MBh.
130610 pracaraRa n. proceeding with , beginning , undertaking
130839 prajanana n. generative energy , semen TS. TBr. **S3rS.**
130855.1 prajAtA f. a woman who has borne a child **S3rS.** MBh. (
130856 prajAti ( pra/- ) f. generating or generative power ,
generation, production , bringing forth , delivery Br. **S3rS.** BhP.
130885.58 prajApatihfdaya n. P Praja1-pati prajA-pati 's heart , N. of
aSa1man sAman **S3rS.** ( also prajA/pater-hf/d S3Br. TS. )
131234 praRayana n. bringing forwards , conducting , conveying ,
fetching**S3rS.** MBh.
131243 praRayanIya mfn. used in bringing or fetching (as wood employed
incarrying the sacred fire) **S3rS.**
131266.28 praRItA f. pl. ( scil. Apas ) water fetched on the morning
ofa festival for sacrificial uses , holy water S3Br. **S3rS.**
131283 praRu ( nu ) P. A1. -navati , te , to roar , bellow , sound ,
reverberateRV. AV. P. -ROti , to make a humming or droning sound (
esp.) to utter the syllable om Br. ChUp. **S3rS.**
131413 pratikAmam ind. according to wish , at will RV. **S3rS.**
131779 pratiloma mf( A )n. low , vile S3Br. RPra1t. **S3rS.**
132211 pratigF P. A1. -gfRAti , -gfRIte , to invoke , salute ( acc. )
RV.( with dat. ; Pa1n2. 1-4 , 41 Sch. ) to respond in recitation or
chanting( also with prati-garam ) ib. TS. Br. **S3rS.** to agree with
(dat. ) Vop.
132221 pratigraha m. receiving , accepting , acceptance of gifts ( as
thepeculiar prerogative of Bra1hmans Brahmans ; IW. 237 ; 262 ) S3Br.
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh. ( grahaM- kf , to receive presents Mn. )
132395 pratiduh n. ( nom Duk ; gen. instr. also Duzas , zA ) fresh
milk, milk still warm AV. TS. MaitrS. Br. **S3rS.**
132451 pratiniDA P. -daDAti , to put in the place of another ,
substitute**S3rS.** S3am2k. to order , command MBh. to slight ,
132455 pratiniDi m. a substitute , representative , proxy , surety
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh.
132541 pratipad f. an introductory verse or stanza Br. **S3rS.**
132683 pratiprasTAtf m. ( sTA ) N. of a priest who assists the
AdhvaryuaDvaryu TS. Br. **S3rS.**
132850 pratimantr P. -mantrayati , to call out or reply to **S3rS.**
toconsecrate with sacred texts MBh.
133203 pratizic ( sic ) P. -ziYcati to pour upon , mix together TS.
**S3rS.**( -siYcati ) , to besprinkle or moisten in return BhP.
133219 pratizeDa m. prohibition , refusal , denial **S3rS.** Nir.
133527 pratihartf m. N. of one of the 16 priests (the assistant of the
Udga1tr2iudgAtf ) Br. **S3rS.**
133531 pratihAra m. N. of partic. syllables in the Sa1man sAman hymns
(with which the Pratihartr2i pratihartf begins to join in singing ,
generallyat the beginning of the last Pada pada of a stanza ; also
pratI-hAV. S3a1n3khBr. ) Br. **S3rS.**
133556 pratihrAsa m. ( hras ) abbreviation , abridgment , **S3rS.**
133843 pratyakzaBakza m. real eating **S3rS.**
133885 pratyaYc m. westward , to the west of ( abl. ) **S3rS.** MBh.
134091 pratyavavaroha m. a descending series Br. **S3rS.**
134092 pratyavarohaRa n. avarUQi **S3rS.**
134094 pratyavarohaRIya m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha sacrifice forming
partof the Va1japeya vAjapeya **S3rS.**
134182 pratyAcakz A1. -cazwe , to refuse , decline , reject , repulse
(with acc. of pers. or thing ) **S3rS.** MBh. Ka1v. to answer , refute
,oppose in argument MW.
134255 pratyASrAvaRa n. ( S3Br. **S3rS.** ) the ej ejaculatory r
response( a partic. sacrificial formula ).
134281 pratyAhf P. -harati , to draw in or back S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. to
withdraw(the senses from worldly objects) Pur. to replace , fetch or
bringback , recover **S3rS.** MBh. Ka1v. to rearrange , restore R. to
takeup again , continue (a business , sacrifice ) MBh. Hariv. to
report, relate MBh. to utter (a speech) , cry MW. to withdraw (what
hasbeen created) , destroy Hariv. Pur. w.r. for pra-vyA-hf MBh.
134331 pratyutTAyuka mfn. rising respectfully ( a-pratyutT ) GopBr.
**S3rS.**( v.l. yika ).
134440 pratyUh P. A1. -Uhati , te ( ind.p. -uhya Naish. ) , to push
back, strip off RV. S3Br. **S3rS.** to bring back , recover BhP. to
wardoff , keep away AV. S3Br. ChUp. to interrupt Mn. Naish. to offer ,
134704 pradeSa m. ( ifc. f( A ). ) pointing out , showing , indication
,direction , decision , determination Nir. **S3rS.**
134722 pradeSinI f. the forefinger (or the corresponding toe)
134761 pradAvya m. ( with agni ) id. TS. S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.**
135788 pramA A1. -mimIte ( Ved. inf. pra-me/ ; Pass. -mIyate ) , to
measure, mete out , estimate AV. **S3rS.** MBh. to form , create ,
makeready , arrange RV. MBh. to form a correct notion of ( acc. ) ,
understand, know MaitrUp. Hariv. Hit. : Caus. -mApayati , to cause
correctknowledge , afford proof or authority MW. 1.
136171 prayat A1. -yatate , to be active or effective TBr. ( ep. also
P.ti ) to strive , endeavour , exert one's self , devote or apply
one'sself to ( loc. dat. acc. , arTe , arTam , hetos , or inf. )
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh.
136314 prayoga m. undertaking , beginning , commencement S3Br.
136322 prayoga m. utterance , pronunciation , recitation , delivery
**S3rS.**RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
136812 pravalha m. a riddle , enigma **S3rS.**
136813 pravalhikA f. id. ( N. of AV. xx , 133 ) Br. **S3rS.**
136850 pravah P. -vahati , ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 81 ) , to carry forwards ,
drawor drag on wards RV. AitBr. **S3rS.** R. (Page691,2) to carry off
inflowing , wash away RV. A1s3vGr2. R. to lead or bring to ( acc. )
MBh.Bhat2t2. to bear Bhat2t2. to exhibit , show , utter BhP. ( A1. )
todrive onwards RV. to flow along Katha1s. Ra1jat. to rush , blow (as
wind)MBh. : Caus. -vAhayati , to cause to go away , send off , dismiss cause to swim away ( Pass. , to be washed away ) Ma1rkP. set in motion or on foot Hariv. R.
137182 pravara m. an invocation of Agni agni at the beginning of a
sacrifice, a series of ancestors (so called because Agni agni is
invitedto bear the oblations to the gods as he did for the
sacrificer'sprogenitors , the names of the 4 10 5 most nearly
connectedwith the ancient R2ishis fzi s being then added) Br.
137196 pravftahoma m. an oblation offered on the appointment of a
priest, **S3rS.**
137204 pravargya m. a ceremony introductory to the Soma soma sacrifice
(at which fresh milk is poured into a heated vessel called , mahA-vIra
orGarma , or into boiling ghee ) Br. **S3rS.** MBh.
137208 pravargyavat mfn. ( gya/- .) connected with the Pravargya
pravargyaceremony S3Br. **S3rS.**
137400 pravyADa m. id. , the distance of the flight of an arrow S3Br.
TBr.(Page694,3) **S3rS.**
137409 pravraj P. -vrajati , to go forth , proceed , depart from (
abl.) , set out for , go to ( acc. loc. or dat. ) S3Br. Up. Gr2S3rS. leave home and wander forth as an ascetic mendicant **S3rS.**
Mn.MBh. (with Jainas jEna s ) to become a monk HParis3. : Caus.
-vrAjayati( w.r. -vraj ) , to send into exile , banish from ( abl. )
MBh.R. to compel any one to wander forth as an ascetic mendicant or to
becomea monk MBh. HParis3.
137775 prasaNga m. occurrence of a possibility , contingency , case ,
event**S3rS.** Mn. S3am2k. Pa1n2. Sch. ( e.g. ecaH pluta-prasaNge , in
theevent of a diphthong being prolated )
137946 prasahvan mfn. overpowering , defeating Br. **S3rS.**
138014 prasava m. ( for 2. and 3. (p. 698 , col. 1) ) the pressing out
(Soma soma juice) RV. **S3rS.**
138018 prasuta mfn. ( pra/- ) pressed or pressing continuously TS.
138024 prasU P. -suvati , -sOti , ( Impv. -suhi with v.l. -sUhi
Ka1tyS3r.) , to set in motion , rouse to activity , urge , incite ,
impel, bid , command RV. AV. Br. to allow , give up to , deliver AV.
Br.**S3rS.** to hurl , throw , Bhat2t2. Sch.
138160 prasfta m. ( also n. L. ) a handful (as a measure = 2 Palas
palas ) S3Br. ( also -mAtra n. ) **S3rS.** Sus3r.
138182 prasfp P. -sarpati , to creep up to , glide into ( acc. ) RV.
VS.Br. **S3rS.** to advance , proceed , move towards ( acc. ) Vait. stream or break forth MBh. S3is3. : to set in (as darkness) spread , extend , be diffused S3atr. Uttarar. to set to
work, act , proceed in a certain way Ka1m. Katha1s. to advance ,
138185 prasarpaka m. an assistant who is under the superintendence of
theR2itvij ftvij or a mere spectator at a sacrifice ( so designated
fromentering the Sadas sadas ; prec. ) **S3rS.**
138284 prastotf m. N. of the assistant of the Udga1tr2i udgAtf (who
chantsthe Prasta1va prastAva ) Br. **S3rS.** MBh.
138374 prasTita mfn. set forth , prepared , ready (as sacrifice) RV.
138384 prasTitayAjyA f. a verse pronounced on offering the Prasthita
prasTitavessels , **S3rS.** ( ( 138384.1 -homa m. ) the oblation
connectedwith it Vait. )
138462 prasravaRa n. ( also with plAkza n. ) N. of a place where the
Sarasvati1sarasvatI takes its rise **S3rS.** MBh. Ra1jat.
138573 prajahita mfn. ( irreg. fr. the pres. stem ) quitted ,
abandonedRV. viii , 1 , 13 ( applied to a fire that has been abandoned
Ta1n2d2Br.**S3rS.** )
138777 prAkASa m. a metallic mirror (others a kind of ornament ) Br.
138796 prAgATika mfn. derived from Praga1tha pragATa **S3rS.**
139011 prAsravaRa m. ( with plakza ) the source of the Sarasvati1
sarasvatIor the place where the S Sarasvati1 reappears Ta1n2d2Br.
139031 prAkAra m. ( fr. prA for pra and 1. krI ; Pa1n2. 6-3 , 122
Va1rtt.1 Pat. ) a wall , enclosure , fence , rampart ( esp. a
surroundingwall elevated on a mound of earth ; ifc. f( A ). )
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh.
139200 prAk ind. ( La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. ) before ( in place or in order
ortime ; as prep. with abl. [ Pa1n2. 2-1 , 11 12 ] , rarely with gen.
;also in comp. with its subst. Pa1n2. ib. ) **S3rS.** Up. MBh.
139200.1 prAN ind. ( La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. ) before ( in place or in order
ortime ; as prep. with abl. [ Pa1n2. 2-1 , 11 12 ] , rarely with gen.
;also in comp. with its subst. Pa1n2. ib. ) **S3rS.** Up. MBh.
139502 prARa m. a vital organ vital air ( 3 in number , viz. prA Ra ,
apAna and vyAna AitBr. TUp. Sus3r. ; usually 5 , viz. the preceding
withsam-Ana and , ud-Ana S3Br. MBh. Sus3r. MWB. 242 ; or with the
othervital organs 6 S3Br. ; or 7 AV. Br. Mun2d2Up. ; or 9 AV. TS. Br.
;or 10 S3Br. ; pl. the 5 organs of vitality or sensation , viz. prA Ra
,vAc , cakzus , Srotra , manas , collectively ChUp. ii , 7 , i ; or =
nose, mouth , eyes and ears GopBr. **S3rS.** Mn. iv , 143 )
139609 prARaBakza m. feeding only on breath or air ( -prA Sanin )
139781 prAtaranuvAka m. morning recitation , the hymn with which the
Pra1tah2-savanaprAtaH-savana begins Br. **S3rS.**
139791 prAtarAhuti f. m morning oblation (the second half of the daily
Agni-hotraagni-hotra sacrifice) Br. **S3rS.**
139803 prAtardoha m. id. or m morning milking **S3rS.**
139832 prAtaHsavanika mfn. relating to the m morning libation of Soma
139832.1 prAtaHsavanIya mfn. relating to the m morning libation of
Somasoma **S3rS.**
140154 prAyaRIya m. ( scil. yAga or karma-viSeza or atirAtra ) the
introductorylibation or the first day of a Soma soma sacrifice Br.
140183 prAyeRa ind. mostly , generally , as a rule **S3rS.** Mn. R.
140345 prASitra n. the portion of Havis havis eaten by the Brahman
brahmanat a sacrifice TS. S3Br. **S3rS.** ( ( 140347.01 -vat ind. )
140371 prAsa m. casting , throwing Br. **S3rS.**
140380 prAsana n. throwing forth or away or down , throwing , casting
140539.1 priyaDAman mfn. ( s sacrificial of the A1dityas Aditya s )
141031 preNKa mfn. a swing , a sort of hammock or swinging-cot Br.
**S3rS.**BhP. Sus3r. ( m. du. the two posts between which a swing
movesA1past. ; id. [ with nakulasya vAma-devasya ] and sg. [ with
marutAm] N. of Sa1mans sAman s A1rshBr. ; ( 141034.1 Ka-Palaka n. )
theboard or seat in a swing S3a1n3khS3r. ; ( 141034.2 Ke NKana n. )
swingingBhP. )
141406 plakza m. ( with prAsravaRa ) -prasravaRa Ta1n2d2Br. **S3rS.**
141415 plakzaprasravaRa n. ( **S3rS.** ) source and king of the
fig-tree, N. of the place where the Sarasvati1 sarasvatI rises.
141431 plAkza ( with prasravaRa ) n. N. of the place where the
Sarasvati1sarasvatI rises , **S3rS.**
141468 plu cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 62 ; cf. xiv , 40 ) pla/vate (
rarelyP. ti ; pf. pupluve Br. , 3. pl. vuH Hariv. ; aor. aplozwa Br. , aploQvam Pa1n2. 8-3 , 78 Sch. ; Prec. plozIzwa , vii , 2 , 43
Sch.; fut. plozyati , te Br. ; ind.p. -plU/ya S3Br. ; -plutya MBh. ) ,
tofloat , swim RV. to bathe MBh. Ragh. to go or cross in a boat , sail
,navigate MBh. Hariv. to sway to and fro , hover , soar , fly Br. MBh. blow (as the wind) MBh. Var. to pass away , vanish by degrees
S3Br.R. ( v.l. ) to be lengthened or prolated ( as a vowel pluta )
RPra1t.A1pS3r. Sch. ( older form pru ) to hop , skip , leap , jump ,
springfrom ( abl. ) or to or into or over or upon ( acc. ) MBh. R. :
Caus.plAvayati ( rarely te , or plAvayati ; aor. apiplavat Bhat2t2. ,
apuplGr. ) , to cause to float or swim , bathe , wash , inundate ,
submergeKa1tyS3r. MBh. (Page715,2) to overwhelm i.e. supply abundantly
with( instr. ) MBh. to wash away , remove (guilt , sin ) MBh. BhP. to
purifyMBh. to prolate (a vowel) **S3rS.** to cause to jump or stagger
Bhat2t2.: Desid. of Caus. piplAvayizati or puplAvayizati Pa1n2. 7-4 ,
81: Desid. puplUzate Gr. : Intens. poplUyate , to swim about or
rapidlyR. Var. [ cf. Gk. 1 , 2 , 3 ; Old Lat. per-plovere ; Lat. pluit
,pluvius ; Lith. plauti ; Angl.Sax. flovan ; Germ. , flawjan , flawe7n
,vlouwen ]
141540 plAvita mfn. lengthened , prolated ( as a vowel pluta )
141549 pluta mfn. protracted , prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to
3Ma1tra1s mAtrA s ( ) Pra1t. Pa1n2. 1-2 , 27 esp. **S3rS.** ( also
saidof a kind of measure Cat. )
141561 pluti f. prolation ( of a vowel pluta ) Pra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
142125 PAlguna mf( I/ )n. relating to the Nakshatra nakzatra Phalguni1
PalgunIS3Br. **S3rS.**
142413 baRqa mf( A )n. ( also written vaRqa ) maimed , defective ,
crippled( esp. in the hands or feet or tail) AV. **S3rS.** ( Sch. also
=impotent , emasculated ; paRqa )
142901 barAsI f. a partic. article of clothing or kind of woven cloth
MaitrS.Br. **S3rS.** ( also spelt varAsi and varASi ).
142904 baru m. N. of a descendant of An3giras aNgiras ( author of RV.
x, 96 ) Br. **S3rS.**
143096 balakAma mfn. desiring strength **S3rS.**
143172 balaBid m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
143908 bahuSruti f. the occurrence of the pl. in a text , **S3rS.**
144097 bahiHsadas ind. outside the Sadas sadas , **S3rS.**
144098 bahiHsadasam ind. outside the Sadas sadas , **S3rS.**
144204 bahizpavamAna m. N. of a Stoma stoma or Stotra stotra
(generallyconsisting of 3 Tricas trica s and sung outside the Vedi
vediduring the morning libation) TS. Br. **S3rS.** ChUp.
144272 bARavat mfn. ( bA/Ra- ) made of or containing reed , an arrow
144318 bAD cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. ii , 4 ) bADate/ , ep. and mc. also P.
ti( pf. babADe/ RV. ; aor. bADizwa ib. , bADizwAm TA1r. ; fut.
bADizyate, ti MBh. , bADitA Gr. ; inf. bA/De RV. , bADitum MBh. ;
ind.p.bADitvA s.v. , bA/Dya RV. ) , to press , force , drive away ,
repel, remove RV. ( with va/rIyas ) to force asunder RV. x , 113 , 5
toharass , pain , trouble , grieve , vex RV. to resist , oppose ,
check, stop , prevent MBh. Ka1v. to set aside (as a rule) , annul ,
invalidatePa1n2. Sch. Ni1lak. to suffer annoyance or oppression TS. :
Pass.bADyate , to be pressed to be acted upon , suffer Pan5cat. :
Caus.bADayati ( aor. ababADat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 2 ) , to oppress , harass ,
attack, trouble , vex R. Bhat2t2. : Desid. bibADizate , to wish to
removeor chase away A1pS3r. Sch. Batsate , to feel an aversion for ,
loathe, shrink from ( abl. ) Br. **S3rS.** ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 6 ) Intens.
bAbaDe( pra- bAD ) badboDe/ , to press hard , hem in , confine RV. pr.
p.badbaDAna/ , striking , knocking against ( acc. ) RV. vii , 69 , 1
(Page728,1)hemmed in , pent up , i , 52 , 10 [ Cf. vaD , also for
kindredwords. ]
144354 bADaka mf( I )n. belonging to or derived from the Ba1dhaka
bADakatree Shad2vBr. **S3rS.**
144443 bArhata mf( I )n. relating to the Sa1man sAman Br2ihat bfhat
VS.TS. Br. (Page728,3) **S3rS.**
145265 bila n. the hollow (of a dish) , bowl (of a spoon or ladle) AV.
VS.S3Br. **S3rS.**
145518 bIBatsa mf( A )n. ( fr. Desid. of bAD ) loathsome , disgusting
,revolting , hideous S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.** MBh.
145962 buDna mn. ( probably not connected with buD ; but Un2. iii , 5
)bottom , ground , base , depth , lowest part of anything (as the root
ofa tree ) RV. AV. S3Br. ( bu/Dna ) **S3rS.** ChUp.
146032 bfsI f. ( also written bfzI , vfsI , or vfzI ) a roll of
twistedgrass , pad , cushion , ( esp. ) the seat of a religious
studentor of an ascetic , **S3rS.** MBh.
146175 bfhatpfzWa mfn. having the Br2ihatsa1man bfhatsAman as the
basisof the Pr2isht2ha-stotra pfzWa-stotra AitBr. **S3rS.**
146203 bfhatI f. a symbolical expression for the number 36 **S3rS.**
146413 bfhaspatimat mfn. accompanied by Br2 Br2ihaspati bfhaspati ,
146423 bfhaspatisava m. N. of a festival lasting one day (said to
conferthe rank , of a Purohita purohita on those observing it) Br.
Ka1t2h.**S3rS.** BhP.
146483 bEdatrirAtra m. a partic. Tri-ra1tra tri-rAtra **S3rS.**
146889 brahmaBAga m. the share of a Brahman brahman or chief priest
AV.Br. **S3rS.**
147077 brahmasadana n. the seat of the chief priest , **S3rS.**
147095 brahmasAma n. N. of a Sa1man sAman (sung to a text recited by
thechief priest or by the Bra1hman2a1c-chan6sin brAhmaRAc-CaMsin ) TS.
147097 brahmasAman n. N. of a Sa1man sAman (sung to a text recited by
thechief priest or by the Bra1hman2a1c-chan6sin brAhmaRAc-CaMsin ) TS.
147203 brahmAsana n. the seat of the chief priest **S3rS.**
147231 brahmodya n. rivalry in sacred knowledge , playful discussion
oftheological questions or problems Br. **S3rS.**
147241 brahmOdana m. boiled rice distributed to Bra1hmans Brahmans and the chief priest at a sacrifice AV. TS. Br. **S3rS.**
147257.2 brahmaRvat mfn. including or representing the Bra1hmans
Brahmans(as Agni agni ) Br. **S3rS.**
147408 brAhmaRAcCaMsin m. ( fr. RAt-SaM ) reciting after the
Bra1hman2abrAhmaRa or the Brahman brahman , a priest who assists the
Brahmanbrahman or chief priest at a Soma soma sacrifice Br. **S3rS.**
147422 brAhmaRokta mfn. prescribed in a Bra1hman2a brAhmaRa **S3rS.**
147549 BakzaRa n. the act of eating , drinking , feeding **S3rS.**
147884 Bagin mfn. prosperous , happy , fortunate , perfect , splendid
,glorious AV. S3Br. ( superl. gi/-tama ) TBr. **S3rS.**
148747 BaratadvAdaSAha m. N. of a Partic. festival **S3rS.**
149379 BasmAnte ind. near ashes S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.** 2.
150066 BArgava mf( I )n. of various men ( esp. supposed authors of
hymns, viz. of It2a iwa , Kali kali , Kr2itnu kftnu , Gr2itsamada
gftsamada, Cyavana cyavana , Jamad-agni jamad-agni , Nema nema ,
Prayogaprayoga , Vena vena , Soma7huti somAhuti and Syu1ma-ras3mi
syUma-raSmi; but also of many other writers or mythological personages
e.g.of It2ala iwala , of R2ici1ka fcIka , of Dvi-gat dvi-gat , of
Dr2is3a1nadfSAna , of Ma1rkan2d2eya mArkaRqeya , of Pramati pramati )
Br.**S3rS.** MBh. RAnukr.
150181 BAva m. state , condition , rank ( with sTAvira , old age ;
anyamBAvam Apadyate , euphem. = he dies ; state of being anything ,
esp.ifc. e.g. bAlaBAva , the state of being a child , childhood bAlatA
or-tva ; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g.
tanutA-BAva, the state of thinness ) Up. **S3rS.** MBh.
150612 BAsa n. ( m. TBr. ) N. of a Sa1man sAman Br. **S3rS.**
150806 Binnakalpa mfn. having different rites **S3rS.**
151550 BU m. of an Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
151667.05 BUpati m. of Indra indra **S3rS.**
152799 Beda m. distinction , difference , kind , sort , species ,
variety**S3rS.** Up. MBh.
152931 Bezaja n. a spell or charm for curative purposes (generally
fromAtharva aTarva - veda veda ) **S3rS.**
153857 Breza m. tottering , slipping , going astray or amiss , failure
TS.Br. **S3rS.**
156390 maDyadeSa m. middle region , middle space , the central or
middlepart of anything **S3rS.**
156402.05 maDyaMdina m. the midday offering ( Savana savana or
Pavama1napavamAna ) Br. **S3rS.**
156670.2 mati f. opinion , notion , idea , belief , conviction , view
,creed **S3rS.** Mn. MBh. ( ( 156670.82 matyA ind. ) at will ; ifc. ,
underthe idea of e.g. vyAGra-m , under the idea of its being a tiger )
156812 manasaspati m. the lord or presiding genius of the mental
powersand life of men RV. Br. **S3rS.**
157368 mantravat mfn. attended with s sacred t text or hymns **S3rS.**
157575 manTana n. the act of kindling fire by rubbing pieces of wood
togetherChUp. **S3rS.**
157604 manTin m. Soma soma -juice with meal mixed in it by stirring
RV.TS. Br. **S3rS.**
158026 mayUKa m. ( prob. fr. 1. mi ) a kind of peg ( esp. for hanging
wovencloth or skins upon) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
158120 maraRa n. the act of dying , death , ( ifc. dying by ; RaM 1.
kfA1. kurute , to die ) **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
158160 marAya m. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
158328 marutvatIya mfn. related or belonging to Indra indra Marut-vat
marut-vat(said esp. of 3 Grahas graha s at the midday libation , the
S3astraSastra recited afterwards and the hymn forming the chief part
ofthat S3astra Sastra ) VS. Br. **S3rS.**
158339 marutstoma m. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha Ta1n2d2yaBr. **S3rS.**
158845 malimluca m. an intercalated 13th month ( introduced every 5th
yearto approximate the lunar and solar modes of computation ;
mala-mAsa) **S3rS.** Su1ryas.
159177 mahartvij maha/-rtvij or maha-rtvi/j , m. great priest , N. of
the4 chief priests or R2itvij ftvij (viz. the Hotr2i hotf , Udga1tr2i
udgAtf, Adhvaryu aDvaryu and Brahman brahman ) Br. **S3rS.**
159655 mahAtApaScita n. N. of a Sattra sattra **S3rS.**
159692 mahAtrikakud m. N. of a Stoma stoma **S3rS.**
159693 mahAtrikakuB m. N. of a Stoma stoma **S3rS.**
159723 mahAdivAkIrtya n. N. of a Sa1man sAman Br. **S3rS.**
159845 mahAnasa n. ( hA n ) a heavy waggon or cart , **S3rS.**
160349 mahAmarutvatIya m. ( with graha ) a partic. libation consisting
ofa cupful offered to Indra indra Marut-vat marut-vat **S3rS.**
160601 mahArAtra n. the time after midnight or near the close of night
,( accord. to some also ) midn midnight S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.** BhP.
160833 mahAvedi f. the gr great Vedi vedi or altar i.e. the whole V
Vedivedi **S3rS.**
161180 mahAhavis n. the principal oblation at the Sa1kam-edha
sAkam-eDasacrifice S3Br. **S3rS.**
161448 mahiman m. du. N. of two Grahas graha s at the As3va-medha
aSva-meDasacrifice S3Br. **S3rS.**
161694 mAyu m. ( for 2. (p. 811 , col. 2) ) bleating , bellowing ,
lowing, roaring RV. AV. **S3rS.**
161965 mAgaDadeSIya mfn. belonging to or born in the land of the
MagadhasmagaDa s **S3rS.**
162364 mAtApitf m. du. ( Pa1n2. 6-3 , 25 Sch. ) mother and father ,
parents**S3rS.** Mn. MBh. ( pl. mAta/-pita/rah TS. )
162645 mADucCandasa mfn. relating to or coming from Madhu-cchanda
maDu-cCandas S3Br. **S3rS.**
162694 mADyaMdinIya mf( A )n. ( fr. mADyaMdina ) usual at the midday
oblation( also yaka ) **S3rS.**
162925 mAnasa mf( I , once A )n. expressed only in the mind ,
performedin thought i.e. silent , tacit (as a hymn or prayer)
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh.
163010 mAntravarRika mf( I )n. ( fr. mantra-varRa ) contained in the
wordsof Vedic hymns Ba1dar. **S3rS.** Sch. ( ( 163010.1 kI-tva n. )
Nya1yam.Sch. )
163305.20 mAruta m. a son of the Maruts marut s (applied to Va1yu vAyu
,U1rdhva-nabhas UrDva-naBas , Dyuta1na dyutAna or Nita1na nitAna ) VS.
TS.Br. **S3rS.**
163528 mArjAlIya m. ( scil. DizRya ) a heap of earth to the right of
theVedi vedi 09 which the sacrificial vessels are cleansed VS. Br.
163939 mAsApavarga mfn. lasting a m month at the most , **S3rS.** ( (
163939.01-tA f. ) ( 163939.02 -tva n. ) Ka1tyS3r. Sch. )
164084 mi ( 3. mA and mI ) cl.5. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 4 ) mino/ti
,minute ( pf. P. mimAya , mimyu/H RV. , mamO , Gr ,; A1. mimye Gr.
aor.amAsIt , sta ib. ; Prec. mIyAt , mAsIzwa ib. ; fut. mAtA , mAsyati
,te ib. ; p. mezyat [?] AitBr. ; ind.p. -mitya ib. , -mAya Gr. ) , to
fixor fasten in the earth , set up , found , build , construct RV. AV.
S3Br.**S3rS.** to mete out , measure VarBr2S. to judge , observe ,
perceive, know Ma1n2d2Up. MBh. to cast , throw , scatter Dha1tup. :
Pass.mIya/te ( aor. amAyi Gr. ) , to be fixed AV. : Caus. mApayati (
aor.amImapat ) Gr. : Desid. mitsati , te ib. : Intens. memIyate ,
memayIte, memeti ib.
164246 mitravindA f. N. of an Isht2i izwi S3Br. **S3rS.** Ma1rkP.
165912 muzwikaraRa n. clenching the fist **S3rS.**
165913 muzwikarman n. clenching the fist **S3rS.**
166182 mUta m. n. a woven basket TBr. Ka1t2h. **S3rS.**
166607 mf cl.6 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 110 ) mriya/te ( ep. and mc.
alsoP. ti ; cl.1 P. A1. marati , ma/rate RV. ; Impv. mara , Ca1n2. ;
pf.mamA/ra , mamruH RV. ; p. mamfva/s RV. ; A1. mamrire BhP. ; aor.
amftaSubj. mfTAh RV. AV. ; Pot. murIya . AV. ; mrizIzwa Pa1n2. 1-3 ,
61; fut. martA Gr. ; marizyati AV. ; te MBh. ; inf. martum MBh. R. ;
martaveAV.Paipp. ; ind.p. mftvA/ Br. ; -mAram MBh. ) , to die ,
deceaseRV. : Pass. mriyate ( cf. above ; sometimes used impers , with
instr.; pf. mamre ; aor. amAri ) Bhat2t2. : Caus. mAra/yati ( mc. also
te; aor. , amImarat ): Pass. mAryate , to cause to die , kill , slay
AV.: Desid. of Caus. mimArayizu : Desid. mumUrzati ( Pa1n2. 7-1 , 102
), to wish or be about to die , face death **S3rS.** : Intens.
memrIyate, marmarti Gr. ([ cf. Zd. mar , mareta ; Gk. 1 for 2 ; Lat.
mors, morior ; Slav. mre8ti ; Lith. mi4rti ; Goth. maurthr ; Germ.
Mord, morden ; Eng. murder .])
166833 mfgatIrTa n. animal-track , N. of the path by which the priests
atthe end of the Savana savana leave the sacred place to attend to
theirbodily wants **S3rS.**
167873 meDa m. a sacrificial animal , victim VS. Br. **S3rS.**
168166 mEtrAvaruRa m. N. of one of the officiating priests (first
assistantof the Hotr2i hotf ) Br. **S3rS.**
169248 yajYakratu m. sacrificial rite or ceremony , a complete rite or
chiefceremony TS. Br. **S3rS.**
169293 yajYapati m. ( yajYa/- ) lord of s sacrifice (applied to any
onewho institutes and bears the expense of a s sacrifice) RV. Br.
169452 yajYANga n. s sacrifice-limb , a part or means or instrument or
requisiteof a s sacrifice **S3rS.** Kum.
169660 yaTAkarma ind. acc according to actions S3Br. **S3rS.**
169704 yaTAgfhItam ind. just as taken or laid hold of , as come to
handS3Br. **S3rS.**
169716 yaTAcoditam ind. acc according to precept or injunction
169756 yaTAdeSam ind. acc according to places **S3rS.** Mn. BhP.
169810 yaTAprakfti ind. acc according to a scheme or rule **S3rS.**
169843 yaTAprezitam ind. accord. as called upon or invited to take
part(in liturgical ceremonies) **S3rS.**
170009 yaTAsanam ( TA s ) ind. each in proper place or seat accord. to
prproper position **S3rS.** Vas.
170048 yaTAstutam ind. -stomam **S3rS.** Vait.
170050 yaTAstomam ind. acc according to the order of the Stoma stoma
170068 yaTAsva ibc. each on (his , her , their) own account , e every
forhimself or in his own way , individually , properly **S3rS.** Gaut.
170068.1 yaTAsvam ind. each on (his , her , their) own account , e
everyfor himself or in his own way , individually , properly **S3rS.**
170076 yaTetam ( TA + 1. e ta ) ind. as come S3Br. **S3rS.** Ba1dar.
170104 yaTotsAham ind. acc according to p power , with all one's might
,**S3rS.** Mn.
170171 yaddevata ( **S3rS.** ) mfn. having which godhead or divinity.
170253 yaB cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 11 ) ya/Bati ( or A1. te Vet. ;
pf.yayABa Gr. ; aor. ayApsIt ib. ; fut. -yapsya/ti TBr. ; inf. yaBitum
BhP., -yabDum TBr. Sch. ) , to have sexual intercourse , futuere AV. :
Desid.yiyapsati , te , to desire sexual intercourse **S3rS.**
170716 yavAcita mfn. laden with b barley (or corn) TS. Br. **S3rS.**
170728 yavorvarA f. a field sown with barley **S3rS.**
170859 yaSaskAma mfn. ( ya/Sas- ) desirous of fame or glory ,
ambitiousTS. Br. **S3rS.**
171021 yAtsattra n. continuous sacrifice , N. of partic. solemn
ceremonies(which go on for a long period , also called Sa1rasvata
sArasvata) **S3rS.**
171283 yAjamAna n. ( fr. yajamAna ) the part of a sacrificial ceremony
performedby its institutor **S3rS.**
171313 yAjYika mf( I )n. relating or belonging to sacrifice ,
sacrificial**S3rS.** R. BhP.
171335 yAjyA f. ( scil. fc ) sacrificial text or verse , the words of
consecrationused at a sacrifice VS. **S3rS.**
171374 yATAkAmI f. ( **S3rS.** ) ( ib. S3am2k. ; fr. yaTA-kAma ) the
actingaccording to will or desire , arbitrariness.
171593 yAvajjIvam ( S3Br. **S3rS.** ) ind. during the whole of life ,
171609 yAvadaha n. the corresp corresponding day ( the how-manieth day
)S3Br. **S3rS.**
171632 yAvadDA ind. as often , as many times **S3rS.**
172296 yUpAvawa m. the pit in which a s sacrificial p post is fixed
172298 yUpAhuti f. an oblation at the erection of a s sacrificial p
172315 yeyajAmaha m. N. of the expression ye yajAmahe (which
immediatelyprecedes the Ya1jya1 yAjyA or formula of consecration) VS.
172341 yoga m. putting together , arrangement , disposition , regular
successionKa1t2h. (Page856,3) **S3rS.**
173139 rakzin mfn. id. ( often ifc. ; ( 173140.1 zi-tva n. ) )
174573 raTaMtarapfzWa mfn. having the Sa1man sAman Ratham2tara
raTaMtarafor a Stotra stotra called Pr2isht2ha pfzWa **S3rS.**
174575 raTaMtarasAman mfn. having a Rath Ratham2tara raTaMtara for a
Sa1mansAman **S3rS.**
174648 raTaSiras ( **S3rS.** Mcar. ) n. -muKa
174715 raTAhna (prob.) m. ( **S3rS.** ) a day's journey by carriage.
175266 rayi m. or (rarely) f. ( fr. rA ; the following forms occur in
theVeda veda , rayis , yi/m , yiBis , yIRAm ; rayyA/ , yyE/ , yyA/m ;
2.rE ) , property , goods , possessions , treasure , wealth (often
personified)RV. AV. VS. Br. **S3rS.** ChUp.
175291 rarAwI f. twisted grass used for the Havir-dha1na havir-DAna
175293 rarAwyA f. twisted grass ( rarAwI ) S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.**
176247.3 rAj m. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
176301 rAjakraya m. purchase of Soma soma **S3rS.**
176591 rAjarzi m. ( for -rizi ) a royal R2ishi fzi or saint , R2ishi
fziof royal descent , that holy and superhuman personage which a k
kingor man of the military class may become by the performance of
greatausterities ( e.g. Puru1-ravas purU-ravas , Vis3va1-mitra
viSvA-mitra; devarzi and brahma-rzi ) **S3rS.** Mn. Mbh.
176719 rAjasUyika mf( I )n. relating to the R Ra1ja-sin6ha rAja-siMha
sacrifice**S3rS.** Ma1rkP.
176944 rAjata mf( I )n. ( fr. rajata ) silvery , made of silver ,
silver**S3rS.** MBh.
176984 rAjIva mf( A )n. ( for 1. col. 1 ) streaked , striped ,
177108 rAtrisattra n. a sacrifice or ceremony at n night , **S3rS.**
177163 rAdDi f. accomplishment , perfection , completion , success ,
goodfortune AV. Br. **S3rS.**
177756 rASi m. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
178090 rePa m. a burring guttural sound , the letter r (as so
pronounced)Pra1t. **S3rS.**
178248 rukma m. what is bright or radiant , an ornament of gold ,
goldenchain or disc RV. AV. ( here n. ) VS. Br. **S3rS.**
178393 rucita mfn. shone upon (by the sun ) , bright , brilliant ,
glittering, S3Br. **S3rS.**
178960 ruh ( , 1. ruD ) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. N. xx , 29 ) ro/hati ( mc.
alsote and ruhati , te ; Ved. and ep. impf. or aor. aruhat ; Pot.
ruheyam, -ruheTAs , -ruhemahi ; Impv. ruha , p. ru/hARa ; pf. ruroha ,
ruruhu/HRV. ; ruruhe BhP. ; aor. a/rukzat RV. AV. ; fut. roQA Gr. ;
rokzya/ti, te Br. ; rohizye MBh. ; inf. roQum Br. ; rohitum MBh. ;
ro/hizyETS. ; ind.p. rUQvA/ AV. , -ru/hya ib. ; -rUhya AitBr. ;
-ru/hamRV. ; -ro/ham Br. ) , to ascend , mount , climb RV. AV. Br.
**S3rS.**to reach to , attain (a desire) S3Br. to rise , spring up ,
grow, develop , increase , prosper , thrive RV. ( with na , to be
uselessor in vain MBh. ) to grow together or over , cicatrize , heal
(asa wound) AV. Katha1s. Sus3r. : Caus. roha/yati or (later) ropayati
,te ( aor. arUruhat or arUrupat Gr. ; Pass. ropyate MBh. aor. aropi
Ka1v.) , to cause to ascend , raise up , elevate RV. AV. Ra1jat. to
placein or on , fix in , fasten to , direct towards ( with acc. or
loc.) MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s. to transfer to , commit , entrust Ragh. (
ropita) to put in the ground , plant , sow MBh. R. VarBr2S. to lay out
(agarden) MBh. to cause to grow , increase Ra1jat. to cause to grow
overor heal AV. Katha1s. Sus3r. : Desid. ru/rukzati A- ruh : Intens.
roruhyate, roroQi Gr.
179379 reRu m. N. of the author of RV. ix , 70 and x , 81 ( with the
patr.vESvAmitra ) AitBr. **S3rS.**
179535 rE m. rarely f. ( fr. rA nom. rA/s acc. rA/yam or rA/m instr.
rAyA/dat. rAye/ ; abl. gen. rAya/s loc. rAyi/ ; du. rA/yO , rAByA/m ,
rAyo/s; pl. nom. rA/yas ; acc. rA/yas , rAya/s or rA/s ; instr. rABi/s
;dat. abl. rABya/s gen. rAyA/m loc. rAsu/ ; cf. the cognate stems 3.
rAand rayi/ and Lat. re1s , re1m ) , property , possessions , goods ,
wealth, riches RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.** BhP.
180021 roha m. growth , increase **S3rS.**
180304 rOhItaka mfn. rOhitaka **S3rS.**
182669 lepa m. spot , stain , impurity ( lit. and fig. ) , any grease
ordirt sticking to vessels , ( esp. ) particles or remnants wiped from
thehand after offering oblations to three ancestors (these remnants
beingconsidered as an oblation to paternal ancestors in the 4th , 5th
and6th degrees) **S3rS.** Gaut.
182982 lopa m. want , deficiency , absence , disappearance **S3rS.**
183780 loha mfn. ( prob. fr. a ruh for a lost ruD , to be red ; rohi ,
rohiRa) red , reddish , copper-coloured **S3rS.** MBh.
183976 lohitavAsas ( lo/hita .) mfn. having red or bloodstained
garmentsAV. **S3rS.**
183980 lohitasAraNga ( lo/hita- ) mfn. -Sabala , S3Br. **S3rS.**
184031 lohitozRIza mfn. wearing a red turban **S3rS.**
184063 lOkika mf( I )n. ( fr. loka ) worldly , terrestrial , belonging
toor occurring in ordinary life , common , usual , customary ,
temporal, not sacred ( as opp. to vEdika , Arza , SAstrIya (Page909,3)
;( 184069.1 lOkikezu ind. ) loke in ordinary or popular speech , opp.
tovEdikezu Nir. ) **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
184500 vaNkri f. a rib , the rib of any animal (as of a horse , said
tohave 34 ribs , or of an ox , said to have 26 , ) RV. Br. **S3rS.**
BhP.( also f( I ). )
184716 vacana n. statement , declaration , express mention AitBr.
185413 vatsacCavI f. a calf's skin S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.**
185414 vatsajAnu mfn. formed like a calf's knee **S3rS.**
185415 vatsajYu mfn. formed like a calf's knee **S3rS.**
185527 vadana n. ( ifc. f( A ). ) the act of speaking , talking ,
soundingS3Br. **S3rS.**
185660 vaDryaSva m. pl. the family of Va1dhry-as3va vADry-aSva
**S3rS.**( vADryaSva and braDnaSva ).
185990.25 vanaspati m. an offering made to the sacrificial post S3Br.
185994 vanahava m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
186172 vanizWu m. a part of the entrails of an animal offered in
sacrifice( accord. to Sch. either the rectum or a partic. part of the
intestinesnear the omentum ) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
186175 vanIvAhana n. ( anom. intens. form fr. 1. vah ) the act of
carryingor moving hither and thither S3Br. **S3rS.**
186317 vapAnta ( vapA nta ) m. the end of the offering of the omentum
186540 vayoDas mfn. -DA/ AV. VS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
186698 varuRapraGAsa m. pl. the second of periodical oblations offered
atthe full moon of A1sha1d2ha AzAQa for obtaining exemption from V
Varun2avaruRa 's snares (so called from eating barley in honour of the
godV Varun2a varuRa ) TS. Br. **S3rS.**
186707 varuRarAjan ( va/ ) mfn. having V Varun2a varuRa as king TS.
186779.08 vara mf( A )n. ( va/ra ) select , choicest , valuable ,
precious, best , most excellent or eminent among ( gen. loc. abl. , or
comp.) or for ( gen. ) **S3rS.** MBh.
186916 varavaraRa n. the act of choosing or requesting , **S3rS.**
188157 valUka mfn. ( Un2. iv , 40 ) red or black Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
(Sch. )
188546 vazaw ind. ( accord. to some fr. 1. vah ; 2. vaw and vOzaw ) an
exclamationuttered by the Hotr2i hotf priest at the end of the
sacrificialverse ( on hearing which the Adhvaryu aDvaryu priest casts
theoblation offered to the deity into the fire ; it is joined with a
dat.e.g. pUzRe vazaw ; with kf , to utter the exclamation vazaw ) RV.
VS.Br. **S3rS.** Mn. MBh. Pur.
188548 vazawkartf m. the priest who makes the oblation with V Vashat2
vazawS3Br. **S3rS.**
188677 vasizWa m. pl. the family of Vasisht2ha vasizWa RV. S3Br.
**S3rS.**( vasizWasyA NkuSaH N. of Sa1mans sAman s A1rshBr. )
188696 vasizWasaMsarpa m. a partic. Catur-aha catur-aha , **S3rS.**
189110 vasatIvarI f. pl. ( scil. Apas ) water left standing overnight
(drawnfrom a stream on the eve of the Soma soma sacrifice) TS. Br.
**S3rS.**( ibc. ri Ka1tyS3r. )
189295 vahantI f. ( of pr. p. of 1. vah ) flowing water TS. Ka1t2h.
189305 vahin mfn. bearing the yoke , drawing well TBr. **S3rS.**
189811 vAc f. Speech personified ( in various manners or forms e.g. as
Va1cvAc A1mbhr2in2i1 AmBfRI in RV. x , 125 ; as the voice of the
middlesphere in Naigh. and Nir. ; in the Veda veda she is also
representedas created by Praja1-pati prajA-pati and married to him ;
inother places she is called the mother of the Vedas veda s and wife
ofIndra indra ; in VP. she is the daughter of Daksha dakza and wife of
Kas3yapakaSyapa ; but most frequently she is identified with Bha1rati1
BAratIor Sarasvati1 sarasvatI , the goddess of speech ; vAcaH sAma and
vAcovratam N. of Sa1mans sAman s A1rshBr. ; vAcaH stomaH , a partic.
Eka7haekA ha **S3rS.** )
190068 vAgyamana n. restraint of speech , silence **S3rS.**
190167 vAcana n. the causing to recite **S3rS.**
190310 vAjapeya mn. the drink of strength or of battle , N. of one of
theseven forms of the Soma soma -sacrifice (offered by kings or
Bra1hmansBrahmans aspiring to the highest position , and preceding the
Ra1jarAja -su1ya and the Br2ihaspati bfhaspati -sava) AV. Br.
**S3rS.**MBh. R. Pur.
190375 vAjasaneyaka mfn. belonging or relating to Va1jasaneya
vAjasaneya, devoted to him , composed by him **S3rS.** Br2A1rUp.
190432 vAjin m. pl. the Coursers , a class of divine beings ( prob.
thesteeds of the gods , but accord. to TBr. Agni agni , Va1yu vAyu and
Su1ryasUrya ) RV. Br. **S3rS.** ( vAjinAM sAma N. of a Sa1man sAman
190485 vAw ind. ( g. cA di ) an exclamation on performing a sacrifice
(prob.= bring or take , fr. vAh vah ) VS. Br. **S3rS.**
190554 vARa m. a harp with 100 strings TS. Br. **S3rS.**
190722 vAdana n. -qaRqa **S3rS.**
191325 vAyumat mfn. attended with wind AV. **S3rS.**
191589 vAravantIya n. (fr. prec.) N. of a Sa1man sAman MaitrS. Br.
**S3rS.**( also indrasya vAravantIyam , vAravantIyA dyam , and
vAravantIyottaram ).
191798 vAruRapraGAsika mf( I )n. ( fr. varuRa-praGAsa ) **S3rS.**
192097 vAlaDAna n. a tail TS. **S3rS.**
192149 vAlaKilya n. ( also written bAl , of doubtful derivation ) N.
ofa collection of 11 ( accord. to some only 6 or 8 ) hymns of the R2ig
fg- veda veda ( commonly inserted after viii , 48 , but numbered
separatelyas a supplement by some editors ; they are also called
vAlaKilyAH, with or scil. mantrAH , or fcaH , and daSatI vAlaKilyakA )
192498 vAsizWa m. a son or descendant of V Vasisht2ha vasizWa (
appliedas a patr. to various R2ishis fzi s ) TS. Br. **S3rS.**
193005 vicCandas mfn. ( vi/- ) vi/-cCanda Br. **S3rS.**
193577.38 viSAKI f. a forked stick **S3rS.**
193663 visaMsTita mfn. not finished , unachieved **S3rS.**
193961 vikAra m. ( for 1. (p. 950 , col. 1) ) change of form or nature
,alteration or deviation from any natural state , transformation ,
modification, change ( esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental
condition, disease , sickness , hurt , injury , (or) perturbation ,
emotion, agitation , passion **S3rS.** MBh.
194108 vikalpa m. ( for 1. (p. 950 , col. 1) ) alternation ,
alternative, option **S3rS.** Mn. VarBr2S. ( ( 194123.1 pena ind. )
194316 vikliDa mfn. moist with perspiration (others having projecting
teethor leprous ) Br. **S3rS.** ( Sch. )
194535 vigrah P. A1. -gfhRAti , RIte ( Ved. also -gfBRAti , RIte ) ,
tostretch out or apart , spread out AV. to distribute , divide ( esp.
todraw out fluids at several times) RV. S3Br. TBr. Ka1tyS3r. to hold
apart, separate , isolate **S3rS.** (in gram.) to analyse ( vi-graha )
towage war , fight against ( acc. ) MBh. to quarrel , contend with (
instr.with or without saha , or sA rDam ) MBh. Ka1v. to seize , lay
holdof ( acc. or loc. ) MBh. Mr2icch. to receive in a friendly manner
,welcome MBh. to perceive , observe BhP. : Caus. -grAhayati , to cause
tofight , cause to wage war against , Das das . Bhat2t2. : Desid.
-jiGfkzati, to wish to fight against Bhat2t2.
194599 viGana m. N. of two Eka7has ekA ha s Br. **S3rS.** ( ( 194600.1
-tva/n. ) TBr. )
194682 vic ( cf. vij ) cl.7 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxix , 5 ) vina/kti ,
viNkte( 2. sg. vivekzi RV. vii , 3 , 4 ; pf. viveca AV. , p. vivikva/s
RV.aor. avEkzIt Gr. ; fut. vektA , vekzyati ib. ; inf. vektum MBh. ;
ind.-vicya . -vecam **S3rS.** Ka1v. ) , to sift , separate ( esp.
grainfrom chaff by winnowing) RV. AV. to separate from , deprive of (
instr.) Bhat2t2. to discriminate , discern , judge RV. iii , 57 , 1 :
Pass.vicya/te ( aor. aveci ) AV. : Caus. -vecayati ( aor. avIvicat )
vi-vic : Desid. vivikzati Gr. : Intens. ( or cl.3. Dha1tup. xxv , 12 )
vevektiKaus3. [ cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. vices ]
194714 vicAra m. ( ifc. f( A ). ) mode of acting or proceeding ,
procedure(also = a single or particular case) **S3rS.**
195176 vijiti f. ( vi/- ) contest for victory , conquest , triumph TS.
196665 viDyaparADa m. transgression of a rule **S3rS.** Jaim.
196775.4 viDfti m. a partic. Sattra sattra **S3rS.**
196858 vinaSana n. utter loss , perishing , disappearance ( with
sarasvatyAHN. of a district north-west of Delhi [said to be the same
asKuru-kshetra kuru-kzetra and adjacent to the modern Paniput] where
theriver Sarasvati1 sarasvatI is lost , in the sand ; also
sarasvatI-vin) Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
197109 viniveSa m. suitable apportionment or disposition **S3rS.**
197301 vinutti f. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
197581 vipaTa mn. a kind of chariot (fit for untrodden paths) AV.
197730 viparyAsa m. exchange , inversion , change , interchange
197878 vipratipatti f. divergence , difference or opposition (of
opinionor interests) , contrariety , contradiction , **S3rS.** Gaut.
197902 vipratizeDa m. opposition , contradiction , contrariety ,
conflict(of two statements) **S3rS.** S3am2k. ( esp. in gram. ,
pratizeDe, where there is a conflict between two rules Pa1n2. 1-4 , 2
;Dena , in consequence of a conflict of two rules , iv , 1 , 170
Va1rtt.1 ; pUrva-vipratizeDa , a conflict of two rules of which the
formerprohibits the latter , iv , 2 , 39 Va1rtt. 1 ; para-v , a
conflictof two rules of which the latter prohibits the former , ii , 2
,35 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. )
198026 vipruqQoma m. ( for 2. vipruz + homa ) an expiatory offering
designedto atone for the drops of Soma soma let fall at a sacrifice
198106 vibanD P. A1. -baDnAti , -baDnIte , to bind or fasten on
differentsides , stretch out , extend RV. AV. **S3rS.** to seize or
holdby ( instr. ) Kaus3. to obstruct (faeces) Car.
198470 viBUmat mfn. joined with the Vibhus viBu s or R2ibhus fBu s VS.
198767 vimita n. a square shed or large building resting on four posts
(ifc. any hall or building ) S3Br. **S3rS.** ChUp.
198867 vimfj P. A1. -mArzwi , -mfzwe ( pf. Pot. -mAmfjIta RV. ) , to
ruboff or out , purify , cleanse Br. **S3rS.** to rub dry TS. to rub
onor in , anoint , smear with ( instr. ) Gr2S3rS. to wipe off MBh. rub , stroke , caress MBh. R. A1. ( with tanva/m ) , to
adornor arm one's self RV. vii , 95 , 3.
198995 viyatam ind. separately , at intervals , intermittingly
199213 virAj f. excellence , pre-eminence , high rank , dignity ,
majestyTS. Br. **S3rS.**
199487 virohaRa m. growing out , shooting forth , budding **S3rS.**
200106 vivic P. -vinakti , to sift ( esp. grain by tossing or blowing)
,divide asunder , separate from ( instr. or abl. ) S3Br. **S3rS.** shake through ( acc. ) RV. i , 39 , 5 to cause to lose ,
depriveof ( abl. ) Bhat2t2. to distinguish , discern , discriminate
Kat2hUp.BhP. to decide (a question) MBh. to investigate , examine ,
ponder, deliberate Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP. to show , manifest , declare
MBh.: Pass. -vicyate , to go asunder , separate (in. trans.) AV. :
Caus.-vecayati , to separate , distinguish Mn. Sus3r. to ponder ,
investigate, examine Pan5car. Sa1h.
200344 vivfdDi f. growth , increase , augmentation , enlargement ,
furthering, promotion **S3rS.** MBh. ( acc. with gam , yA , to be
augmentedor increased )
200357 vivAna n. plaiting , twisting **S3rS.**
200505 viSAla m. a partic. Shad2-aha zaq-aha **S3rS.**
201081 viSvajicCilpa m. ( for jit + Silpa ) N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha
Pan5cavBr.(Page993,1) **S3rS.**
201087.3 viSvajyotis f. N. of partic. bricks (supposed to represent
fire, the wind , and the sun) TS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
201109.3 viSvadevyAvat mfn. accompanied by the Vis3ve viSve Deva1h2
devAHAitBr. **S3rS.**
201197 viSvaBaras ( vSva/- ) mfn. all-supporting , all-nourishing RV.
202180.1 vizuvat m. the central day in a Sattra sattra or sacrificial
sessionAV. Br. **S3rS.**
202388 vizWA f. place , position , station , form , kind RV. AV. TBr.
202421 vizRukrama m. pl. N. of the three steps to be taken by the
sacrificerbetween the Vedi vedi and the A1havani1ya AhavanIya TS.
S3Br.Gr2S. **S3rS.**
202676 vizyand ( for vi- syand ) A1. -zyandate ( accord. to Pa1n2. 8-3
,72 , vi-syandate is the only correct form when the reference is to
livingbeings ) , to overflow , flow out ( of a vessel ; pr. p.
vi-zyandamAna) VS. Br. **S3rS.** to flow in streams or abundantly
Hariv.Bhat2t2. to dissolve , melt (intr.) Car. to cause to flow MBh. :
Caus.-zyandayati , to cause to overflow ( in a-vizyandayat ) A1pS3r.
topour out , sprinkle S3Br. Kaus3. to dissolve , melt (trans.) Car.
202796 visarjana n. cessation , end RV. **S3rS.** Hariv.
203220 vihf P. -harati ( rarely A1. ) , to put asunder , keep apart ,
separate, open RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.** to distribute and transpose
(versesor parts of verses) Br. **S3rS.** to disperse ( clouds , opp.
tosaM- hf ) Hariv. ( with talAt talam ) to shift , let pass from hand
tohand MBh. to divide (also arithmetically) Ka1tyS3r. Gol. to
construct(in geom. ) S3ulbas. to cut off , sever MBh. to extract from
(abl. ) ib. to carry away , remove Ka1v. Ra1jat. to tear in pieces ,
lacerateRV. to move on , walk A1s3vS3r. to spend or pass (time) Gobh.
Mn.MBh. to roam , wander through ( acc. ) MBh. ( esp. ) to walk or
roamabout for pleasure , divert one's self Gaut. Mn. MBh. ( with
mfgayAm, to go about hunting R. ) to shed (tears) S3ak. : Desid.
vi-jihIrzA, zu ((p. 960 , col. 3)) .
203234 vihAra m. arrangement or disposition ( of the 3 sacred fires ;
alsoapplied to the fires themselves or the space between them ) ,
203277 vihfta mfn. transposed , varied (as words or Pa1das pAda s )
203421 vIkzaRa n. ( ifc. f( A ). ) looking at , seeing , inspection ,
investigation**S3rS.** MBh.
203606 vIrakAma mfn. desirous of male offspring S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.**
204508 vftti f. profession , maintenance , subsistence , livelihood (
oftenifc. ; uYCa-v ; vfttiM- kf or kxp [ Caus. ] with instr. , to live
onor by ; with gen. , to get or procure a maintenance for ; only
certainmeans of subsistence are allowed to a Bra1hman Brahman Mn. iv ,
4-6) **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
204769 vfnta n. the footstalk of a leaf or flower or fruit , any stalk
206094 veda m. ( perhaps connected with 1. ve , to weave or bind
together) a tuft or bunch of strong grass ( Kus3a kuSa or Mun5ja muYja
)made into a broom (and used for sweeping , making up the sacrificial
fire, in rites) AV. MS. Br. **S3rS.** Mn.
206124 vediSroRi f. (met.) the hip-like side of the Vedi vedi ,
206125 vediSroRI f. (met.) the hip-like side of the Vedi vedi ,
206714 vEguRya n. imperfection , defectiveness ( with janmanaH ,
inferiorityof birth ) **S3rS.** Mn.
207317 vEpruza mfn. ( fr. vi-pruz ) directed to the Soma soma drops (
homa) **S3rS.**
207607 vErAja mfn. belonging or analogous to the metre Vira1j virAj ,
consistingof ten , decasyllabic Br. **S3rS.** RPra1t.
207621 vErAjapfzWa mfn. having the Sa1man sAman V Vaira1ja vErAja for
aPr2isht2ha pfzWa ( ) **S3rS.**
207651 vErUpapfzWa mfn. having the Sa1man sAman Vairu1pa vErUpa for a
Pr2isht2hapfzWa ( ) **S3rS.**
207861 vESyastoma m. N. of an Eka7ha ekA ha Shad2vBr. **S3rS.**
207907 vESvadevastut m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
207937 vESvAnara mf( I )n. consisting of all men , full in number ,
completeRV. AV. **S3rS.**
207940 vESvAnara mf( I )n. relating or sacred to Agni agni
Vais3va1naravESvAnara TS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
207968 vESvAmitra m. patr. of various Vedic R2ishis fzi s (as of
Asht2akaazwaka , R2ishabha fzaBa ) Br. **S3rS.** BhP. ( also pl. )
207981 vEzamya n. inequality , oddness ( opp. to evenness ) ,
diversity, disproportion **S3rS.** MBh.
208245 vyarRa mfn. ( for 2 vy- ard ) waterless , without water
208462 vyaYjana n. a consonant Pra1t. **S3rS.**
208631 vyatyAsam ind. alternating , alternately S3Br. **S3rS.**
208734 vyapadeSa m. representation , designation , information ,
statementRPra1t. **S3rS.**
209056 vyavasTA f. respective difference ( AyAm loc. in each single
case) **S3rS.** Kap. S3am2k.
209241 vyavAya m. intervention , interposition , separation by
insertion, being separated by ( instr. or comp. ) **S3rS.** Pra1t.
209495 vyAKyA P. -KyAti , to explain in detail , tell in full ,
discussS3Br. **S3rS.** to relate , communicate MBh. Bhat2t2. to name ,
callS3rutab. Desid. -ciKyAsati , to wish to explain S3am2k.
209817 vyApatti f. falling into calamity or misfortune , suffering
injury, failure , loss , ruin , death **S3rS.** MBh.
210240 vyudDf ( -ud- hf ) P. -harati ( ind.p. udDAram ) , to
distributein drawing up or taking out TS. **S3rS.** Nya1yam. to
extract, draw out of ( abl. ) BhP.
210302 vyUh P. -Uhati ( ep. also te impf. avyUhata , hanta as if fr. a
vyUh) , to push or move apart , place asunder , divide , distribute
TS.S3Br. **S3rS.** I1s3Up. to arrange , place in order , draw up in
battle-arrayMn. MBh. to shift , transpose , alter AitBr. S3Br. separate , resolve (vowels , Sam2dhi saMDi ) Rpra1t.
210309 vyUha m. shifting , transposition , displacement S3Br.
210360 vyoman m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha **S3rS.**
210571 vrata n. mahA-vrata ( i.e. a partic. Stotra stotra , and the
dayfor it ) Br. **S3rS.** ;
210614 vrataprada mfn. presenting the Vrata vrata -milk Br. **S3rS.**
210615 vratapradAna n. the vessel wherein the Vratam Vrata vrata is
210622 vrataBft mfn. bearing the ordinance or oblation (said of Agni
agni) TS. Br. **S3rS.** ( samAna-v ).
210633.1 vratavat mfn. connected with the Vrata vrata called
Maha1-vratamahA-vrata **S3rS.**
210686 vratopAyanIya mfn. belonging to the Vrato7pa7yana vratopAyana
S3Br.**S3rS.** A1pS3r. Sch.
210701 vratya mfn. ( vra/tya ) , suitable or belonging to or fit for a
religiousobservance , engaged in a rel religious obs observance TS.
210736 vrAtapata mf( I )n. relating or belonging or sacred to
Vrata-pativrata-pati **S3rS.** Vas.
210759 vrAtyastoma m. N. of partic. Eka7has ekA ha s **S3rS.** Gaut.
210841 SaMs cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xvii , 79 ) Sa/Msati ( mc. also A1. ;
pf.SaSaMsa , se Br. ; SaMsuH , sire MBh. ; p. SaMsivas ; aor. aSaMsIt
RV., : Subj. SaMsizat RV. Br. ; 2. pl. Sasta RV. ; SastAt AitBr. ; 1.
sg.SaMsi RV. ; Prec. SasyAt . Gr. ; fut. SaMsitA ib. ; SaMsizyati Br.
;inf. SaMsitum MBh. ; -Sase RV. ; ind. p. SastvA/ , -Sasya , -SaMsam
Br.; -SaMsya MBh. ) , to recite , repeat ( esp. applied to the
recitationof texts in the invocations addressed by the Hotr2i hotf to
theAdhvaryu aDvaryu , when SaMs is written SoMs and the formulas
SoMsAmas, SoMsAvas , SoMsAva are used ; 2. A-hAva ) RV. Br.
(Page1044,1)**S3rS.** to praise , extol RV. to praise , commend ,
approveVarBr2S. to vow , make a vow (?) RV. x , 85 , 9 to wish
anything( acc. ) to ( dat. ) ib. 124 , 3 to relate , say , tell ,
report, declare , announce to ( gen. or dat. ; who or where anybody is
acc.; also with two acc , to declare anybody or anything to be- ) AV.
toforetell , predict , prognosticate R. Kum. to calumniate , revile W.
tohurt , injure Dha1tup. to be unhappy ib. : Pass. Sasya/te , to be
recitedor uttered or praised or approved RV. : Caus. SaMsayati ( aor.
aSaSaMsat) , to cause to repeat or recite AitBr. La1t2y. BhP. to
predict, foretell R. : Desid. SiSaMsizati Gr. : Intens. SASasyate ,
SASaMstiib. [ cf. Lat. carmen for casmen ; casme1na came1na ; censeo
210885 Sastra n. ( for 2. under Sas ) invocation , praise ( applied to
anyhymn recited either audibly or inaudibly , as opp. to stoma , which
issung , but esp. the verses recited by the Hotr2i hotf and his
assistantas an accompaniment to the Grahas graha s at the Soma soma
libation) VS. Br. **S3rS.** ChUp.
212124 SatarAtra m. n. a festival of ah hundred days Pan5cavBr.
212318 SatArha mfn. SatA rGa/ **S3rS.**
212330 SatASva mfn. numbering a h hundred horses ( saha/sraM SatA Svam
,a thousand cattle with a h hundred horses ) RV. **S3rS.** Vait.
213011 SamIgarBa m. born in the S Sami sami , the As3vattha aSvatTa
treeor [Ficus] [Religiosa] (which strikes root in the fissures of
othertrees) Br. **S3rS.** MBh.
213073 SaMyorvAka m. the sacred formula beginning with the words ta/c
Ca/M-yo/rA vfRImahe Br. **S3rS.**
213201 SamBu mfn. being or existing for happiness or welfare ,
grantingor causing happiness , beneficent , benevolent , helpful ,
kindRV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
213821 SarAva m. a measure equal to two Prasthas prasTa s or one
Kud2avakuqava TS. Br. **S3rS.**
214793 SAkala m. or n. a chip , piece , fragment , splinter S3Br.
214889 SAktya m. patr. of Gaura-vi1ti gOra-vIti AitBr. S3Br. **S3rS.**
215089 SAwyAyanabrAhmaRa n. the Bra1hman2a brAhmaRa of S3
S3a1t2ya1yanaSAwyAyana **S3rS.**
215092 SAwyAyanaka n. the Bra1hman2a brAhmaRa of S3a1t2ya1yana
SAwyAyanaor a passage from it **S3rS.**
215578 SAmitra n. the place for the above fire **S3rS.**
216014 SAlAmuKIya m. a kind of sacrificial fire **S3rS.**
216470 SAsa m. ( for 1. (p. 1068 , col. 3) ) a butcher's knife Br.
217440 Silpa n. a partic. kind of S3astra Sastra or hymn (of a highly
artificialcharacter , recited on the 6th day of the Pr2isht2hya pfzWya
Shad2-ahazaq-aha , at the Vis3vajit viSvajit ) Br. **S3rS.**
218104 Siz cl.7 P. ( Dha1tup. xxix , 14 ) Sinazwi ( in TBr. also
SiMzati, in later lang. pr. p. Sezat ; Impv. SiRqQi or SiRQi Ka1s3.
Pa1n2.8-4 , 65 ; pf. SiSeza Gr. ; SiSize Br. ; aor. aSiS-hat ib. ;
Prec.SizyAt Gr. ; fut. SezwA ib. ; Sekzyati , te Br. ; ind.p. SizwvA
A1s3vS3r.; Sizya , -Sezam Br. ) , to leave , leave remaining TBr.
**S3rS.**( accord. to Dha1tup. also to distinguish ) : Pass. Sizya/te
,to be left , remain ( with na , to be lacking ) AV. : Caus. (or
cl.10.; Dha1tup. xxxiv , 11 ) Sezayati , te ( aor. aSISizat ) , to
causeor allow to remain , leave , spare MBh. Ka1v. : Desid. SiSikzati
Gr.: Intens. SeSizyate , SeSezwi ib.
218947 Sukra n. juice , the essence of anything Br. **S3rS.** ( also
219321 SuRWa mf( A )n. (applied to a bull or cow) TS. MaitrS. Ka1t2h.
**S3rS.**( accord. to Sch. either white coloured or of small stature
orAvezwita-karRa )
219572.1 SunAsIrIya n. or f( A ). N. of partic. oblations Br.
219573.1 SunAsIrya n. or f( A ). N. of partic. oblations Br. **S3rS.**
219593 Sunaka m. pl. the family or race of S3unaka Sunaka **S3rS.** (
219884 Sulba (or Sulva ) n. ( accord. to some also m. and A or f( I ).
)a string , cord , rope **S3rS.** Su1ryas. BhP.
219891 Sulva (or Sulba ) n. ( accord. to some also m. and a or f( I ).
)a string , cord , rope **S3rS.** Su1ryas. BhP.
219999 SuzkAgra mf( A )n. having a dry tip or point TS. Br. **S3rS.**
222186 SyAmAka mf( I )n. made of Pan [Panicum] Frum [Frumentaceum] TS.
222249 Syeta mf( Sye/nI , or SyetA )n. ( prob. connected with Sveta )
reddishwhite , white AV. S3Br. **S3rS.**
223393 Sru cl.5 P. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 44 ) SfRo/ti ( Ved. and ep. also
A1.SfRute , and in RV. 3. sg. SfRve/ , 2. sg. vize/ , 3. pl. vire/ [
cf.below ] ; Impv. SfRu , RuDI/ and RuhI/ pl. SfRutA/ , Rota and
RotanaRV. ; pf. SuSrA/va [ once in R. with pass. sense ] , SuSruve [ SuSroTa , 1. pl. SuSruma , in Up. also mas ; SuSravat ,
SuSrUyA/sRV. , p. SuSruva/s ] ; aor. Ved. a/Sravam , a/Srot , 2. sg.
Sro/zi; Subj. Sra/vat , vaTaH ; [?] Sruvam TA1r. ; Impv. SruDI/ ,
Sro/tuRV. ; aSrOzIt Br. ; Subj. Srozan Impv. Srozantu RV. [ cf.
Sro/zamARa] ; Prec. SrUyA/sam AV. ; fut. SrotA MBh. ; Srozyati , te
Br.; inf. Srotum MBh. ; ind.p. SrutvA/ RV. ; -Sru/tya AV. ; SrAvam
Gr2S3rS.) , to hear , listen or attend to anything ( acc. ) , give ear
toany one ( acc. or gen. ) , hear or learn anything about ( acc. ) or
from( abl. gen. instr. , muKAt or SakASAt ) , or that anything is (
twoacc. ) RV. to hear (from a teacher) , study , learn **S3rS.** MBh.
tobe attentive , be obedient , obey MBh. R. : Pass. SrUya/te ( ep.
alsoti ; and in RV. SfRve [ cf. above ] with pass. meaning ; aor.
aSrAvi, SrAvi ) , to be heard or perceived or learnt about ( acc. ) or
from( gen. abl. or muKAt ; in later language often 3. sg. SrUyate is heard , one hears or learns or reads in a book , = it is
said, it is written in ( with loc. ) ; Impv. SrUyatAm , let it be
heard= listen! ) RV. to be celebrated or renowned , be known as , pass
for, be called ( nom. ) RV. (Page1101,1) to be heard or learnt (from a
teacher)Pan5cat. to be taught or stated (in a book) Sarvad. to be
heardi.e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) TPra1t. Sch. :
Caus.SrAva/yati ( ep. also te , in RV. also Srava/yati ; aor. aSuSravi
,vuH RV. ; aSuSruvat Br. ; aSiSravat Gr. ; Pass. SrAvyate below ) , to
causeto be heard or learnt , announce , proclaim , declare RV. to
causeto hear , inform , instruct , communicate , relate , tell ( with
acc.of thing , and acc. gen. , or dat. of pers. , or with instr. in
senseof through ) Mn. MBh. : Pass. of Caus. SrAvyate , to be informed
of( acc. ) MBh. : Desid. Su/SrUzate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 57 ; ep. or mc.
alsoti ; Pass. SuSrUzyate ) , to wish or like to hear ( acc. ) ,
desireto attend or listen to ( dat. ) RV. to attend upon , serve ,
obey( acc. , rarely gen. ) Mn. MBh. : Caus. of Desid. SuSrUzayati , to
waitupon , be at the service of ( acc. ) Kull. on Mn. ii , 243 :
Desid.of Caus. SiSrAvayizati or SuSrAvayizati Gr. : Intens. SoSrUyate
,SoSravIti , SoSroti Gr. ([ cf. Gk. 1 , 2 SruDi/ , 3 Sruta/ ; Lat.
cluo, in-clutus ; Slav. sluti ; Germ. laut ; Eng. loud .])
223543 Sruti f. that which has been heard or communicated from the
beginning, sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Bra1hmans
Brahmansfrom generation to generation , the Veda veda ( i.e. sacred
eternalsounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called
R2ishisfzi s , and so differing from smf/ti or what is only remembered
andhanded down in writing by human authors Mn. ii , 10 ; it is
properlyonly applied to the Mantra mantra and Bra1hman2a brAhmaRa
portionof the Vedas veda s , although afterwards extended to the
Upanishadsupanizad s and other Vedic works including the Dars3anas
darSanas ; iti SruteH , because it is so taught in the Veda veda ,
accordingto a Sruti or Vedic text ; pl. sacred texts , the Vedas veda
s, also rites prescribed by the Vedas veda s ) AitBr. **S3rS.** Mn.
MBh.IW. 144
225027 zawpragATa n. a hymn consisting of six Praga1thas pragATa s ,
225156 zaqgava mn. a yoke of six oxen TS. Ka1t2h. S3Br. **S3rS.**
225186 zaqQotf ( fr. zaz + hotf ; za/q- ) m. relating to six Hotr2is
hotfs , N. of the verses TA1r. iii , 4 ( to be recited at an animal
sacrifice, also -QotArA huti Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ) Br. **S3rS.** Baudh.
225216.1 zaqyoga mfn. ( ga/ ) drawn by six (horses) AV. **S3rS.**
225252 zaqviMSati f. ( za/q- ) 26 ( ( 225252.11 -rAtra n. ) Ka1tyS3r.
)Br. **S3rS.** VarBr2S. BhP.
225285 zaRmAsya mfn. ( za/R- ) six m months old , of six m months
standingBr. Ka1t2h. **S3rS.**
225374 zazWI f. the sixth or genitive case , **S3rS.** Nir.
225461 zoqaSAkzara mfn. ( for 1. under 1. zo-qaSa/ ) having 16
syllablesVS. Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
225491 zoqaSimat ( Si/- or -ma/t ) mfn. connected with the
Shod2as3i-stotrazoqaSi-stotra TS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
225495 zoqaSika mfn. in a-zaq , not connected with the 16-partite
Stotrastotra **S3rS.**
225603 saMyaj P. A1. -yajati , te , to worship together , offer
sacrificesat the same time RV. Br. **S3rS.** to sacrifice , worship ,
adore, honour Hariv. BhP. to consecrate , dedicate Bhat2t2. : Caus.
-yAjayati, to cause to sacrifice together , ( esp. ) to perform the
Patni1-sam2ya1jaspatnI-saMyAja s ( ) Br. to perform a sacrifice for (
acc.) MBh.
225607.1 saMyAjyA f. N. of the Ya1jya1 yAjyA and Anuva1kya1 anuvAkyA
Mantrasmantra s (recited in the Svisht2a-kr2it svizwa-kft ceremony)
226027.2 saMvatsarasammita n. and f( A ). N. of partic. sacrificial
days(in the middle of which occurs the Vishuvat vizuvat -day)
226077 saMvap cl.1 P. A1. -vapati , le , to throw together , mix ,
pourin VS. TS. **S3rS.** to scatter , sow MW.
226373 saMvarga mfn. rapacious , ravenous RV. S3Br. Up. **S3rS.**
226521 saMvraScam ind. in pieces , piece by piece S3Br. **S3rS.**
226782 saMsad P. -sIdati ( Ved. also te and -sadati ) , to sit down
togetherwith ( instr. ) or upon ( acc. ) , sit down RV. VS. to sink
downcollapse , be discouraged or distressed , pine away ( with kzuDA ,
toperish with hunger ) Mn. MBh. : Caus. -sAdayati , to cause to sit
downtogether RV. TS. Br. **S3rS.** to meet , encounter ( acc. ) BhP.
toweigh down , afflict , distress R.
226783.1 saMsad f. ( saMsadAm ayana n. a partic. ceremony or festival
of24 days , **S3rS.** )
226797 saMsava m. ( 3. su ) a simultaneous Soma soma sacrifice ,
comminglingor confusion of libations (when two Bra1hmans Brahmans
performthe Soma soma sacrifice on the same spot and at the same time
heldto be sinful) AitBr. **S3rS.**
226917 saMsarga m. ( ifc. f( A ). ) mixture or union together ,
commixture, blending , conjunction , connection , contact ,
association, society , sexual union , intercourse with ( gen. instr.
withand without saha loc. , or comp. ) **S3rS.** Pra1t. MBh.
226981 saMsarpa m. a partic. Caturaha caturaha **S3rS.**
227174 saMsTA A1. -tizWate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 ; ep. and mc. also P.
-tizWati; Ved. inf. -sTAtos A1pS3r. ) , to stand together , hold
together( pf. p. du. -tasTAne/ , said of heaven and earth ) RV. to
comeor stay near ( loc. ) ib. VS. S3Br. to meet (as enemies) , come
intoconflict RV. to stand still , remain , stay , abide ( lit. and
fig.; with vAkye , to obey ) MBh. R. to be accomplished or completed (
esp.applied to rites) Br. **S3rS.** Mn. MBh. BhP. to prosper , succeed
,get on well MBh. to come to an end , perish , be lost , die MBh.
Ka1v.BhP. to become , be turned into or assume the form of ( acc. )
Lalit.: Caus -sTApayati ( Subj. aor. tizwipaH S3Br. ) , to cause to
standup or firm , raise on their legs again (fallen horses) MBh. to
raiseup , restore (dethroned kings) ib. to confirm , encourage ,
comfort( AtmAnam , or hfdayam , one's self i.e. take heart again )
Ka1v.Pan5cat. to fix or place upon or in ( loc. ) Kaus3. MBh. to put
oradd to ( uparI ) Ya1jn5. to build (a town) Hariv. to heap , store up
(goods)VarBr2S. to found , establish , fix , settle , introduce , set
afoot MBh. R. Ra1jat. to cause to stand still , stop , restrain ,
suppress(breath , semen ) AitBr. to accomplish , conclude , complete (
esp.a rite) Br. Kaus3. MBh. to put to death , kill S3Br. MBh. to
performthe last office for i.e. to burn , cremate (a dead body) put to subjection , subject MW. : Desid. of Caus.
-sTApayizati, to wish to finish or conclude S3a1n3khBr.
227193 saMsTA f. a complete liturgical course , the basis or essential
formof a sacrifice (the Jyotih2-sht2oma jyotiH-zwoma , Havir-yajn5a
havir-yajYa, and Pa1ka-yajn5a pAka-yajYa consist of seven such forms)
227261 saMsTita mfn. finished , concluded , completed , ready Br.
227269 saMsTitahoma m. a final sacrifice , **S3rS.**
227296 saMspfS P. -spfSati ( rarely A1. te ) , to touch , bring into
contactwith ( A1. touch one's self ) AV. ( with or without salilam ,
apas) to touch water , sprinkle , wash MBh. R. to touch , come into
contact(in astrol , sense) VarBr2S. to reach or penetrate to , attain
MBh.Katha1s. BhP. Ja1takam. to come into close relation with ( acc. ) come upon , visit , afflict R. to take out of ( abl. ) MBh.
viii, 788 : Caus. -sparSayati , to bring into contact TS. Br.
227365 saMsvf P. -svarati , to sound or sing together , sing with one
accord, praise in chorus RV. **S3rS.** : Caus. -svarate ( only 2. sg.
aor.-svarizIzWAH ) , to pain , afflict , torment Bhat2t2. ( Sch. )
227501 saMhf P. A1. -harati , te , to bring or draw together , unite ,
compress, collect , contract , abridge RV. to throw together , mix up
**S3rS.**to close , clench (the fist) MBh. to concentrate (the mind)
on( loc. ) ib. to support , maintain Ja1takam. to take or fetch from (
abl.) R. to lay hold of , attract , take for one's self , appropriate
Mn.MBh. to take away , carry off , rob AitBr. MBh. to lay or draw
aside, withdraw , withhold from ( abl. ) MBh. Ka1v. to restrain , curb
,check , suppress ib. (Page1123,2) to crush together , crumple up ,
destroy, annihilate ( often opp. to sfj , to emit or create ) Up. MBh.
Pass.-hriyate , to be brought or put together MBh. Ka1v. : Caus.
-hArayati, te , to bind t together ( A1. one's own hair , also cut )
Gr2S3rS.Car. : -jihIrzati , to wish to bring together S3Br. : Intens.
-jarIharti, to destroy repeatedly Cat.
227541 saMhArya mfn. to be brought or drawn together or collected
(fromvarious places) S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.**
227542 saMhArya mfn. to be transported , transportable Pan5cavBr.
227792 sakASa m. presence , propinquity , vicinity , nearness (used in
thesense of a preposition , esp. after verbs of motion , such as to go
,come , , with a gen. [ or rarely abl. ] of a person , or ifc.
(Page1124,3); e.g. sakASam , to , towards , near ; sakASe , in the
presenceof , before ; sakASAt or Satas , from the presence of , from ;
AsakASAt , as far as , up to [the fire]) **S3rS.** Up. MBh.
227795 sakft ind. at once , suddenly , forthwith , immediately RV. Br.
**S3rS.**Mn. MBh.
227881 saguRa mf( A )n. furnished with partic. attributes or
228068 saMkfti m. N. of various men ( pl. the family of S Sa4m2-kr2iti
;g. gargA di ) **S3rS.** MBh.
228396 saMKAd P. -KAdati , to chew thoroughly , eat up , devour ,
consume**S3rS.** Mr2icch.
228453 saMKyAna n. reckoning up , enumeration , calculation Ka1t2h.
228532 saMgava m. ( fr. sam and go ) the time when grazing cows are
collectedfor milking or when they are together with their calves ( the
secondof the five divisions of the day , three Muhu1rtas muhUrta s
afterPra1tastana prAtastana ) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
229069 saMcar P. -carati ( rarely A1. te ; Pa1n2. 1-3 , 54 Sch. ) , to
goor come together , meet , join Gi1t. to come near , approach ,
appearRV. AV. to go or wander about , walk about , roam , go or drive
orride in or on ( instr. ) AV. to reach to ( A ) Kum. to go in or
through, enter , traverse , pervade AV. to pass over to , pass from
oneto another ( gen. ) Pan5cat. to issue from ( abl. ) S3Br. to move ,
live, exist , be S3Br. **S3rS.** Bhartr2. to practise , perform BhP. :
Caus.-cArayati , to cause to come together , make to meet , bring into
contactVS. S3Br. La1t2y. to cause to go , set in motion Ka1lid. Hit.
tolead about , turn out (to graze) S3ak. BhP. to cause to pass through let pass , hand round Car.
229072 saMcara m. ( ifc. f( A ). ) passage , a way , road , path ,
placefor walking ( esp. the space assigned to each person who takes
partin a rite) TS. S3Br. **S3rS.** Ka1lid. Katha1s.
229155 saMci P. A1. -cinoti , -cinute , to heap together , pile up ,
heapup S3Br. **S3rS.** to arrange , put in order ib. Bhat2t2. to
accumulate, gather together , collect , acquire Mn. MBh.
229171 saMcitakarman n. the rites to be performed after arranging the
sacrificialfire **S3rS.**
229326 saMjiti f. complete victory AitBr. **S3rS.**
229341 saMjIvaka mf( ikA )n. making alive , vivifying , animating
229373 saMjYapana n. killing a sacrificial animal ( by suffocation ;
above) S3Br. **S3rS.** MBh. BhP.
229841 satya n. ( also with prajApateH ) N. of Sa1mans sAman s
229878 satyajiti f. a true victory **S3rS.**
229939 satyapuzwi f. true or permanent prosperity **S3rS.**
230076 satyaSravas n. ( satya/- ) true renown S3Br. **S3rS.**
230310 sadvat mfn. ( sa/d- ) containing or accompanied with a verse
contcontaining some form of as or BU TS. Br. **S3rS.**
230609 sanna mfn. set down VS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
230885 sadyaHkrI m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha (during which an abridged
formof the Di1ksha1 dIkzA , Upasad upasad , and Sutya1 sutyA
ceremoniesis performed) AV. S3Br. **S3rS.**
231023 san cl.1 P. , cl.8. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xiii , 21 ; xxx , 2 )
sa/nati, te or sano/ti , sanute ( A1. rare and only in
non-conjugationaltenses ; pf. sasA/na RV. ; p. sasava/s ib. f.
sasanu/zIBr. ; sasanivas or senivas Gr. ; sene ib. ; aor. asAnizam [
Subj.sanizat A1. sanizAsmahe , sa/nizanta ] RV. ; Impv. sa/nizantu SV.
;sezam , set MaitrS. Br. ; asAta Gr. ; Prec. sanyAt , sAyAt ib. ; fut.
sanitAib. ; sanizya/ti RV. Br. ; inf. sanitum Gr. ) , to gain ,
acquire, obtain as a gift , possess , enjoy RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.** to
gainfor another , procure , bestow , give , distribute RV. ( A1. ) to
besuccessful , be granted or fulfilled ib. : Pass. sanyate or sAyate
Pa1n2.6-4 , 43 : Caus. sAnayati ( aor. asIzaRat ) Gr. : Desid. of
Caus.sisAnayizati . ib. : Desid. sisanizati ( Gr. ) or si/zAsati ( ?
sIzatIAV. iv , 38 , 2 ), to wish to acquire or obtain RV. TS. AV. to
wishto procure or bestow RV. AV. : Intens. saMsanyate , sAsAyate ,
saMsanti( Gr. ) , to gain or acquire repeatedly ( only 3. pl.
sanizRataRV. i , 131 , 5 ).
231181 saMtakz P. -takzati ( rarely A1. te ) , to cut out together ,
cutout , form or fashion by cutting **S3rS.** VarBr2S. to compose ,
construct(hymns) RV. ii , 31 , 7 to cut through , cut to pieces ,
woundMBh. to hurt with words Pa1n2. 3-1 , 76 Sch.
231221 saMtAna m. coherence , connection , transition (in recitation )
231730 saMDizAman ( for -sAm ) n. a Sa1man sAman belonging to the
Stotrasstotra s called Sam2dhis saMDi s Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
231775 saMDyakzara n. a compound vowel , diphthong , **S3rS.** RPra1t.
231860 saMDAv A1. -DAvate , ( ind.p. -DAvya ) , to. cleanse or wash
one'sself **S3rS.**
231949 saMnahana n. a band , cord , rope TBr. **S3rS.** MBh.
232024 saMnipAta m. conjunction , aggregation , combination , mixture
Pra1t.**S3rS.** MBh.
232302 saputra mf( A )n. having (or accompanied by) a son or children
(alsosaid of animals) **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
232383 saprEza mfn. together with the Prai9sha prEza ( ) , **S3rS.**
232416 sapatnIka mfn. accompanied with a wife or wives , **S3rS.**
232477 saptatriMSadrAtra n. a partic. ceremony **S3rS.**
232487 saptadaSa n. a group or collection of 17 **S3rS.**
232584 saptarAtra m. a partic. Ahi1na ahIna AV. **S3rS.** Mas3.
232753 saptati f. 70 ( with the counted noun in apposition or in gen.
pl.or ibc. or ifc. ) RV. AV. **S3rS.** ; 70 years Mn. Sus3r.
232769 saptamI f. ( of saptama/ above ) the 7th Tithi tiTi or lunar
dayof the fortnight ( on which day in the light fortnight there is a
festivalin honour of the 7th digit , of the moon ; often ifc. gaNgA-s
,jayantIs ) **S3rS.** MBh. VarBr2S.
233819 samavattaDAnI f. a vessel containing the gathered fragments
233886 samavAya m. collision **S3rS.** Gaut. Sarvad.
233954 samAsa m. ( for 2. sam- As ) throwing or putting together ,
aggregation, conjunction , combination , connection , union , totality
(ena , fully , wholly , summarily ) Br. **S3rS.** Mn.
234133 samAdiS P. -diSati , to assign , allot Mn. MBh. R. to point out
,indicate , announce , communicate , declare Ka1v. VarBr2S. BhP. to
appoint, name , designate MBh. R. to foretell , foreshow Ka1v. direct , advise , order , command to ( dat. inf. , or
-arTam) **S3rS.** MBh. : Caus. -deSayati , to order , command Pan5cat.
234230 samAna mf( I/ , or A )n. common , general , universal , all RV.
Br.**S3rS.** BhP.
234257 samAnajana m. a person of the same rank Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
234265 samAnatantra mfn. having the same chief , action , proceeding
inone and the s same line of action **S3rS.**
234292 samAnabarhis ( na/- ) mfn. having the same sacrificial grass
234929 samiD f. samid-ADAna **S3rS.**
234964 samIkzaRa n. looking at or looking about thoroughly , **S3rS.**
235357 samudanta mfn. rising above the edge , about to overflow
MaitrS.Br. **S3rS.**
235698 samupahve P. A1. -hvayati , te ( ind.p. -hUya , or -hAvam ) ,
tocall together , invite TS. Br. **S3rS.** to challenge (to fight)
235786.1 samUQa mfn. regularly arranged , restored to order ( as opp.
tovy-UQa , disarranged , transposed ) Br. **S3rS.**
235957 sampAta m. -sU kta AitBr. **S3rS.**
235963 sampAtasUkta n. pl. certain hymns which are contiguous in the
Sam2hita1saMhitA and ritual **S3rS.**
235993 sampatti f. concord , agreement **S3rS.**
236176 sampuzwi f. perfect prosperity **S3rS.**
236192 sampf Caus. -pArayati 1. to bring or convey over to the further
side, bring to an end , accomplish , perform Br. **S3rS.**
236711 samprez ( -pra- 1 iz ) P. -pre/zyati , to send forth , throw ,
fling, cast MW. (in Vedic ritual) to summon , invite ( 2. pre z ) Br.
**S3rS.**: Caus. -pre zayati , to send forth together , send away ,
despatch, send , dismiss MBh. R. to send a message to ( gen. ) MBh. to
direct(the thoughts) towards ( loc. ) Lalit.
236718 samprEza m. summons , invitation , direction (to an officiating
priest)S3Br. **S3rS.**
236761 sambanDa m. ( ifc. f( A ). ) binding or joining together ,
closeconnection or union or association , conjunction , inherence ,
connectionwith or relation to ( instr. with or without saha , or comp.
;in phil. relation or connexion is said to be of three kinds , viz
samavAya , saMyoga , and sva-rUpa ) **S3rS.** S3am2k. Sarvad. :
personalconnection (by marriage) , relationship , fellowship ,
friendship, intimacy with ( instr. with and without saha loc. , or
comp.) Pa1rGr2. Mn. MBh.
237018 samBaraRIya mfn. ( ifc. ) relating to the preparation of
237031 samBArya mfn. to be put together or composed of various parts
237139 sammahas n. (prob.) common or mutual joy ( mahas ) , **S3rS.**
237260 sammArga m. a wisp of grass (for tying faggots together)
237264 sammArjana n. the act of sweeping or cleansing thoroughly ,
cleansing, scouring , purifying , brushing **S3rS.** Mn. MBh.
237287 sammarSana n. stroking S3Br. **S3rS.**
237401 samrAqAsandI f. a chair or stool used foe the Pravargya-gharma
pravargya-Garma( ) S3Br. **S3rS.**
237425 sayuj mfn. united , a companion , comrade RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
238011 sarpasattra n. (prob.) sarpARAm , ayanam ( sarpa/ ) Pan5cavBr.
238132 sarvakAma mfn. wishing everything S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.** BhP.
238305 sarvajyAni f. the complete loss of all one's property AV. Br.
238504 sarvaBakza mf( A )n. being entirely eaten up **S3rS.**
238591 sarvameDa m. a universal sacrifice (a 10 days' Soma soma s
sacrifice)S3Br. **S3rS.**
238637.1 sarvarUpa mf( A )n. having all colours S3Br. **S3rS.**
238740 sarvavedasa mfn. accompanied by a gift of all one's goods ( as
asacrifice ; also m. [ scil. kratu ] a sacrifice of the above kind )
MaitrS.Br. **S3rS.**
238742 sarvavedasa n. all one's prop property TS. Br. Kat2hUp.
238743 sarvavedasadakziRa mf( A )n. attended with a gift of all one's
propproperty as a fee (at a sacrifice) **S3rS.** Mn.
238893 sarvastoma mf( A )n. ( sa/rva- ) provided with all the (6)
Stomasstoma s TS. Br. **S3rS.**
239194.3 sarvatas ind. sarvasmAt or sarveByas , from all , from every
one, **S3rS.** Mn. Ya1jn5.
239456 savanIya mfn. relating to the Soma soma libation or to any
sacrificialrite , fit for it Br. **S3rS.**
240203 sahatva n. ( for 1. ib. ) id. **S3rS.**
240881 sAMvatsara mf( I )n. ( fr. saM-vatsara ) yearly , annual ,
perennial, lasting or occupying year ( with Bfti , f. annual wages )
**S3rS.**MBh. BhP.
240959 sAkameDa m. pl. N. of the third Parvan parvan of the
Ca1turma1syascAturmAsya s TS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
240962 sAkamprasTAyya ( **S3rS.** ) m. a partic. ceremony ( also
yya-yajYaVait. )
241497 sAdyaHkra m. N. of a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha Shad2vBr. **S3rS.**
241958 sAMtapana mfn. ( fr. saM-tapana ) heating , warming , warm
(saidof the Maruts marut s ) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
243210 sArparAjYa mf( I )n. belonging to or coming from Sarpa-ra1jn5i1
sarpa-rAjYI(the serpent-queen) **S3rS.**
243212 sArparAjYI f. pl. the verses attributed to Sarpa-ra1jn5i1
243644 sAhasra m. ( pl. ) N. of four Eka7has ekA ha s at which a th
thousand(cows) are given as a fee **S3rS.**
245267 sutya n. ( with or scil. ahan ) the day of Soma soma extraction
(also ( 245268.1 sutyA ha , m. ) ) **S3rS.** MBh.
245269 sutyA f. ( for 2. below ) the extraction or solemn preparation
ofSoma soma VS. Br. **S3rS.**
246469 sutrAman mfn. guarding or protecting well RV. AV. S3Br.
247609.1 supUrvAhRe ind. early in the forenoon AitBr. **S3rS.**
247949 subrahmaRya m. N. of one of the three assistants of the
Udga1tr2iudgAtf priest Br. **S3rS.** MBh.
247953 subrahmaRyA f. a partic. recitation of certain Mantras mantra s
bythe Udga1tr2i udgAtf priests (sometimes also the priest himself) Br.
249092 suvimuc f. right unyoking or loosening **S3rS.**
250694 suhfd m. good-hearted , kindhearted , well-disposed , a friend
,ally ( also said of planets ; suhfdo janAH , friends ) **S3rS.** Mn.
250876 sUktavAka m. pronouncing a speech or hymn , recitation RV. VS.
251708 sUryastut m. a partic. Eka7ha ekA ha S3Br. **S3rS.** Vait.
251924 sfj ( 1. 2. sarj ) cl.6 P. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 121 ) sfja/ti (
Ved.and ep. also te , and once in AV. sa/rjati ; pf. sasarja , sasfje/
[2. sg. accord. to Pa1n2. 7-2 , 65 , sasarjiTa and sasrazWa , in BhP.
oncesasarkTa ] ; Vedic forms are sasfjma/he , jrire , sasfjyAt ,
asasfgram; p. sasfjAna/ ; sasfgma/he ; aor. asrAkzIt ; a/sfkzi ,
a/sfzwa[ Ved. also a/sfgram or ran ; a/sarji ; asrAk , asrAw ; srAs ;
srakzat; p. sfjAna/ ] ib. (Page1245,2) ; fut. srazwA Pan5cavBr. ;
srakzyati, te Br. ; inf. srazwum MBh. ; ind.p. sfzwvA Br. ; -sf/jya
ib.; -sa/rgam or -sa/rjam Br. ) , to let go or fly , discharge , throw
,cast , hurl at ( acc. or dat. ) RV. to cast or let go (a measuring
line)RV. to emit , pour forth , shed , cause to flow (rain , streams ) utter (a sound) Katha1s. to turn or direct (glances) Kum. to let
loose, cause (horses) to go quickly A1. to speed , run , hasten RV. to
release, set free ib. AV. Kaus3. to open (a door) Kaus3. to publish ,
proclaimAitBr. to draw out and twist (a thread) , twist , wind , spin
(lit. and fig. ; A1. sfjyate , for one's self ; Pat. on Pa1n2. 3-1 ,
87Va1rtt. 15 and Dha1tup. xxvi , 69 ) TS. AV. S3Br. **S3rS.** ( in
olderlanguage only A1. ) to emit from one's self i.e. create ,
procreate, produce , beget RV. to procure , grant , bestow MBh. R. to
use, employ Ra1jat. to get , acquire , obtain , take (interest on
moneylent) Mn. viii , 140 to hang on , fasten to ( loc. ) MBh. iii ,
2218( perhaps asfjat , w.r. for asajat ; saYj ): Pass. sfjyate ( aor.
a/sarji) , to be let loose or emitted or created RV. : Caus. sarjayati
,te ( aor. asasarjat or asIsfjat ) , to cause to let loose , let go ,
createBr. : Desid. sisfkzati , te , to wish to send forth or hurl or
throwHariv. ( A1. ) to wish to produce or create Ka1t2h. BhP. :
Intens.sarIsfjyate , sarIsfzwi Gr.
252008 sfp cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 14 ) sa/rpati ( ep. and mc. also
te; p. sa/rpat [ see s.v. ] and sarpamARa ; pf. sasarpa [ 1. du.
sasfpiva] Br. ; aor. asfpat AV. Br. ; asfpta Br. ; asArpsIt or
asrApsItGr. ; fut. sarptA or sraptA ib. ; sarpsyati Br. ; srapsyati
ib.; inf. sarpitum MBh. ; sarptum or sraptum Gr. ; -sf/pas Br. ;
ind.p.sfptvA ib. ; -sf/pya AV. ; -sarpam Br. ) , to creep , crawl ,
glide, slink , move gently or cautiously ( sarpata , depart! Ra1jat. ) slip into ( acc. ) AitBr. (in ritual) to glide noiselessly and
withbended body and hand in hand ( esp. from the Sadas sadas to the
Bahish-pavama1nabahiz-pavamAna ) Br. **S3rS.** ChUp. : Pass. sfpyate (
aor.asarpi ) , to be crept MBh. : Caus. sarpayati ( aor. asIsfpat or
asasarpat) , to cause to creep ( ava- , anu-pra- , vi- sfp ): Desid.
si/sfpsati( ut- sfp ): Intens. sarIsfpyate ( AitA1r. ) , sarIsarpti ,
p.sarIsfpat ( BhP. ) , to creep along or hither and thither , glide
about[ cf. Gk. 1 ; Lat. serpere ; also sarpa .]
252643 sopaDAna mfn. possessing a pillow , cushioned **S3rS.**
252778 somacamasa m. a cup or ladle for taking up the S Soma soma ,
cupof Soma soma Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
252869 somapAtra n. a vessel for holding Soma soma **S3rS.**
252993 somalipta n. a Soma soma -utensil **S3rS.** Vait.
253018 somavAmin mfn. vomiting S Soma soma TS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
253114 somAtipavita mfn. excessively purged by the Soma soma -juice
(which, if drunk in excess , is supposed to pass through the nose ,
ears, and other apertures of the body) Pan5cavBr. **S3rS.**
253115 somAtipUta mfn. id. S3Br. **S3rS.**
253165 somejyA f. a S Soma soma sacrifice **S3rS.**
253375 sOtya mfn. ( fr. sutya and sutyA ) relating or devoted to Soma
soma-pressing ( with ahan n. a day devoted to Soma soma -pressing )
**S3rS.**Hariv. BhP.
253393 sOtrAmaRI f. a partic. sacrifice in honour of Indra indra (
su-trAman; described as the 6th or 7th ; of the 7
Havir-yajn5a-sam2stha1shavir-yajYa-saMsTA s ; in the S3Br. it is said
thatevery one consecrated by the Sautra1man2i sOtrAmaRi enters among
thegods and is born sarva-tanUH i.e. with his entire body ; ( 253394.1
-tva/n. ) S3Br. ) AV. VS. Br. **S3rS.** BhP.
253653 sOmika mf( I )n. relating to Soma soma -juice or a Soma soma
sacrifice, performed with Soma soma ( with maKa m. a Soma soma
sacrifice) **S3rS.** Mn. Jaim.
253758 sOra mfn. ( fr. surA ) consisting of spirituous liquor ,
253942 sOvarRa mf( I , or A )n. ( fr. su-varRa , of which it is also
theVr2iddhi vfdDi form in comp. ) made or consisting of gold , golden
**S3rS.**Ya1jn5. MBh.
254134 skandana n. failing to succeed , miscarrying **S3rS.** TBr.
254451 stambayajus n. N. of a partic. formula and religious observance
onremoving clumps of grass **S3rS.**
254715 stotra n. (in ritual) N. of the texts or verses which are sung
(incontradistinction to the S3astras Sastra s [q.v.] which are
recited)TS. Br. **S3rS.**
254732 stotriya m. ( scil. tfca or pragATa ) the first part of the
Bahish-pavama1nabahiz-pavamAna Br. **S3rS.**
254735 stotrIya m. ( scil. tfca or pragATa ) the first part of the
Bahish-pavama1nabahiz-pavamAna Br. **S3rS.**
254738 stoma m. (in ritual) a typical form of chant ( 7 such forms are
usuallyenumerated ; but accord. to La1t2y. Sch. the Stoma stoma
consistsof 5 parts , viz. prastAva , udgITa , pratihAra , upadrava ,
andniDana ) TS. Br. **S3rS.** ChUp.
254755.1 stomaBAga m. pl. N. of partic. verses (29 in number , which
belongto the Soma soma sacrifice and are employed while laying the
fifthlayer of bricks) TS. VS. Br. **S3rS.**
254778 stoka m. ( accord. to some for skota fr. Scut ; Nir. ii , 1 ) a
drop(of water ) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.** BhP.
254794 stokIya mf( A )n. relating to or connected with drops (applied
tothe oblations of ghee and the verses employed while drops of it are
falling)Br. **S3rS.**
254795 stokya mf( A )n. relating to or connected with drops (applied
tothe oblations of ghee and the verses employed while drops of it are
falling)Br. **S3rS.**
254804 stoBa m. a chanted interjection in a Sa1man sAman ( such as hum
,ho , oha ) , hum , hurrah , hymn Br. **S3rS.** MBh. BhP.
254842 stf ( or stF ). cl.5.9. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 6 ; xxxi , 14
)stfRo/ti , stfRute or stfRAti , stfRIte/ ( Ved. and ep. also sta/rati
,te ; pf. tastAra , tastare [ 3. pl. tastaruH , tastarire ] Br. ; 3.
sg.[with pass. sense] tistire/ RV. ; 3. pl. tastrire AV. ; p. A1.
tistirARa/RV. ; aor. a/star , star ib. ; astfzi , astfta AitBr. ;
astarItAV. ; astArzIt , astarI zwa , astIrzwa Gr. ; Prec. stfzIya AV.
;staryAt or stIryAt ; stfzIzwa , starI zIzwa , stIrzIzwa Gr. ; fut.
startAGr. ; starizyati , te [ Gr. also starIz ] Br. ; inf. startum or
starItum Gr. ; sta/rtave , tavE , starI tavE/ Br. ; sta/rItave AV. ;
-sti/re, -stfRIza/Ri RV. ; ind.p. stIrtvA/ or stftvA/ Br. ; -stIrya
ib.; -stftya MBh. ) , to spread , spread out or about , strew ,
scatter( esp. the sacrificial grass ; in this sense in older language
onlycl.9 P. A1. ) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.** R. to spread over , bestrew ,
coverKa1tyS3r. MBh. ( cl.5. P. A1. ) to lay low , overthrow , slay (an
enemy)RV. AV. Br. Up. : Pass. stIryate ( ti ) or striya/te ( Gr. also
staryate; aor. a/stAri ) , to be spread or strewn RV. : Caus.
stArayati( aor. atastarat ) , to spread , cover Bhat2t2. : Desid.
tistIrzateor tu/stUrzate ( Gr. also P. and tistarI zati , te ) , to
wishto spread or strew or lay low Br. Up. : Intens. tAstaryate ,
testIryate, tAstarti Gr. ([ cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. sternere ; Goth.
straujan; Germ. streuen ; Angl.Sax. streowian ; Eng. strew .])
254842.1 stF ( or stf ). cl.5.9. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 6 ; xxxi ,
14) stfRo/ti , stfRute or stfnAti , striRIte/ ( Ved. and ep. also
sta/rati, te ; pf. tastAra , tastare [ 3. pl. tastaruH , tastarire ]
Br.; 3. sg. [with pass. sense] tistire/ RV. ; 3. pl. tastrire AV. ; p.
A1.tistirARa/ RV. ; aor. a/star , star ib. ; astfzi , astfta AitBr. ;
astarItAV. ; astArzIt , astarI zwa , astIrzwa Gr. ; Prec. stfzIya AV.
;staryAt or stIryAt ; stfzIzwa , starI zIzwa , stIrzIzwa Gr. ; fut.
startAGr. ; starizyati , te [ Gr. also starIz ] Br. ; inf. startum or
starItum Gr. ; sta/rtave , tavE , starI tavE/ Br. ; sta/rItave AV. ;
-sti/re, -stfRIza/Ri RV. ; ind.p. stIrtvA/ or stftvA/ Br. ; -stIrya
ib.; -stftya MBh. ) , to spread , spread out or about , strew ,
scatter( esp. the sacrificial grass ; in this sense in older language
onlycl.9 P. A1. ) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.** R. to spread over , bestrew ,
coverKa1tyS3r. MBh. ( cl.5. P. A1. ) to lay low , overthrow , slay (an
enemy)RV. AV. Br. Up. : Pass. stIryate ( ti ) or striya/te ( Gr. also
staryate; aor. a/stAri ) , to be spread or strewn RV. : Caus.
stArayati( aor. atastarat ) , to spread , cover Bhat2t2. : Desid.
tistIrzateor tu/stUrzate ( Gr. also P. and tistarI zati , te ) , to
wishto spread or strew or lay low Br. Up. : Intens. tAstaryate ,
testIryate, tAstarti Gr. ([ cf. Gk. 1 , 2 ; Lat. sternere ; Goth.
straujan; Germ. streuen ; Angl.Sax. streowian ; Eng. strew .])
254844 staraRa n. the act of spreading or strewing or scattering (
esp.the sacrificial grass) **S3rS.**
255074 strIliNga mfn. having the characteristics of a w women
255171 sTaRqila n. a piece of open ground (levelled , squared , and
preparedfor a sacrifice) , S3a1n3khBr. **S3rS.**
255288 sTAla n. ( fr. sTala , of which it is also the Vr2iddhi vfdDi
formin comp. ) any vessel or receptacle , plate , cup , bowl , dish ,
caldron, pot **S3rS.**
255299 sTAlI f. an earthen dish or pan , cooking-vessel , caldron AV.
255324 sTapati m. ( accord. to some sTapati , fr. caus. of 1. sTA )
place-lord, a king , chief , governor , head official ( accord. to
Ka1tyS3r., a Vais3ya vESya or even a person of lower caste , who has
celebratedthe Go-sava go-sava sacrifice after being chosen king ; others , an A1yogava Ayogava who is a town official ;
nizAda-sT) AV. VS. Br. **S3rS.** R. S3is3.
255392 sTAna n. the pitch or key of the voice , note , tone ( of which RPra1t. , there are three [ see mandra ] , or accord. to
TPra1t., seven ; vInA cyutA sTAnAt , a lute out of tune ) **S3rS.**
255396 sTAna n. occasion , opportunity for ( gen. or comp. ; (
255404.1ne ind. ) occasionally ) **S3rS.** MBh.
257058 sPyAgra mfn. having a point like the Sphya sPya (said of a
sacrificialpost) **S3rS.**
257564 srakti f. ( accord. to some fr. 1. sfj ) a corner , edge ( esp.
ofthe Vedi vedi ) RV. S3Br. **S3rS.**
259782 svAhAkfti ( svA/hA- ) f. consecration with Sv Sva1ha1 svAhA
(alsoas a deity presiding over the Praya1ja prayAja ) Br. **S3rS.**
259783 svAhAkftI ( svA/hA- ) f. consecration with Sv Sva1ha1 svAhA
(alsoas a deity presiding over the Praya1ja prayAja ) Br. **S3rS.**
259871 svara m. tone in recitation (either high or low) , accent ( of
whichthere are three kinds , udAtta , anudAtta qq. vv. , and svarita ,
col.3 ) , a note of the musical scale (of which seven [rarely six or
eight]are enumerated , 1. nizAda ; 2. fzaBa ; 3. gAnDAra ; 4. zaqja ;
5.maDyama ; 6. DEvata ; 7. paYcama [ described as resembling
respectivelythe notes of an elephant , bull , goat , peacock , curlew
orheron , horse , and [Koil] (Page1285,2) ; and designated by their
initialletters or syllables thus , ni ; f ; ga ; za ; ma ; Da ; pa ] ,
butthe order is sometimes changed , zadja being placed first , and
nizAdalast ) Pra1t. **S3rS.** Sam2gi1t. MBh.
259876 svara m. a vowel ( either dIrGa , long ; or hrasva , short ; or
pluta, prolated ) Pra1t. **S3rS.** MBh.
259904 svarapfzWa mfn. having the Svara-sa1man svara-sAman for a
Pr2isht2hapfzWa ( ) **S3rS.**
259957 svarasAman m. ( sva/ra- ) N. of the three days before and after
theVishuvat vizuvat of the Gava1mayana gavAmayana ( i.e. the last
threedays of the first , and the first three days of the second
half-year) Br. **S3rS.**
260140 haMsamuKa mf( I )n. formed like a goose's beak , **S3rS.**
261584 hAriyojana m. a partic. Soma soma graga VS. S3Br. **S3rS.**
261922 havirucCizwaBuj mfn. eating the res residue of an obl oblation
261963 havizkft mfn. preparing the oblation RV. S3Br. **S3rS.**
261964 havizkft m. the exclamation ha/viz-kfd e/hi ( VS. i , 15 )
262008 havyavAhana mfn. -vah RV. **S3rS.**
262547 hIna mfn. brought low , broken down in circumstances **S3rS.**
262715 hAhA m. ( for hA hA under 1. hA , p.1296 , col , 1 ) a
GandharvaganDarva or N. of a Gandharva ganDarva **S3rS.** MBh. Hariv.
262803 hiNkAra m. the sound or cry hiN (used also in ritual) VS. Br.
**S3rS.**a tiger (as making a lowing or roaring sound) L. - kf P.
-karoti( ind.p. -kfSya ; p.p. -krita ) , to make the sound hiN RV. AV.
263545.5 hUm ind. in Vedic ritual used immediately before the singing
ofthe Prasta1va prastAva or prelude as well as during the chanting of
thePratiha1ra pratihAra or response **S3rS.** MBh. Ka1v.
263546.2 hum ind. in Vedic ritual used immediately before the singing
ofthe Prasta1va prastAva or prelude as well as during the chanting of
thePratiha1ra pratihAra or response **S3rS.** MBh. Ka1v.
264101 hEmantika mfn. prec. VS. Br. **S3rS.** Car.
264436 hEmahA ind. an exclamation **S3rS.**
264484 hotfcamasa m. the ladle or other vessel used by the Hotr2i hotf
TS.Br. **S3rS.**
264493 hotfzadana ( for -sad ) n. the Hotr2i hotf 's seat or place
wherethe Hotr2i hotf sits at a sacrifice ( said to be near the
uttara-vedi) RV. AV. Br. **S3rS.**
264511 hotrA f. ( for 2. (p. 1308 , col. 3) ) the function or office
ofa priest ( esp. of the Hotrakas hotraka s , also applied to the
personsof the Hotrakas hotraka s ) Br. : **S3rS.**
264513 hotrASaMsin m. reciting the part of the Hotr2i hotf , an
assistantof the Hotr2i hotf , Hotraka hotraka Br. **S3rS.**
264582 hOtra n. the function or office of the Hotr2i hotf (also as N.
ofwk. ) , **S3rS.**
264692 hrasva mf( A )n. prosodically or metrically short ( as opp. to
dIrGa; laGu ) **S3rS.** RPra1t. Pa1n2.
264881 hUtavat mfn. containing the word hUta **S3rS.**
S3r. = श्रौतसूत्र
Occurs in 6 records of MW
96520 deSa m. ( 1. diS ) point , region , spot , place , part ,
portionVS. AitBr. **S3r.** Gr2S. Mn.
96904 dEvata mf( I )n. ( fr. devatA ) relating to the gods or to a
partic.deity , divine **S3r.** and Gr2S.
102037 DenukA f. any female animal (also a woman) AV. Br. **S3r.** and
109047 nimfj P. A1. -mArzwi , -mfzwe , -mfjati , te ( Pot. -mfjyAt Mn.
;-mfYjyAt S3Br. ; Impv. -mfQvam TS. ; pf. -mAmfjur , je RV. [ for
mimfkzurRV. i , 64 , 4 read mimikzur and under ni-myakz ] ; aor.
-amfkzAmaib. ; -amfzwa S3Br. ) , to rub in or upon ( loc. ) , wipe off cleanse one's self TS. S3Br. **S3r.** Gr2S. Mn. to lead or bring
orattach to ( loc. ) A1. to take to one's self , appropriate RV.
144207 bahizpavitra mfn. destitute of or wanting the Pavitra pavitra (
s.v.) **S3r.**
222734 SrAdDada m. the offerer of a **S3r.** W.
Sam2g. = ? संगीतकलिका
Occurs in 2 records of MW
218907 Suktipawwa m. a partic. musical instrument , **Sam2g.**
243102 sArikA f. the bridge of a stringed instrument , **Sam2g.**
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