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Created July 6, 2011 09:40
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PHP, Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP). @author: wuzhenyu
function e($str){echo $str , "\n";}
class AOP
static function getInstance()
$args = func_get_args();
$class = array_shift($args);
$obj = new $class();
while ($advice = array_shift($args))
$obj = new self($obj, $advice);
return $obj;
private $instance;
private $func;
private $params;
* @var Advice $advice
private $advice;
function __construct($obj, $advice)
$this->instance = $obj;
$this->advice = $advice;
function __call($func, $params)
$this->func = $func;
$this->params = $params;
$ret = $this->advice->aroundAdvice($this);
return $ret;
catch(AdviceAroundException $e)
$ret = $this->proceed();
return $ret;
catch(Exception $e)
return $this->advice->throwAdvice($e);
function proceed()
return call_user_func_array(array($this->instance, $this->func), $this->params);
class AdviceAroundException extends Exception{}
abstract class Advice
abstract function beforeAdvice();
abstract function afterAdvice();
function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
throw new AdviceAroundException();
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
return $e;
class Log extends Advice
function beforeAdvice()
e('log before');
function afterAdvice()
e('log after');
function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
e('log around1');
e('log around2');
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
e('log throws');
class Cache extends Advice
function beforeAdvice()
e('cache before');
function afterAdvice()
e('cache after');
// function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
// {
// e('cache around1');
// $aop->proceed();
// e('cache around2');
// }
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
e('cache throws');
class Permission extends Advice
function beforeAdvice()
e('permission before');
function afterAdvice()
e('permission after');
// function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
// {
// e('permission around1');
// $aop->proceed();
// e('permission around2');
//// if (false)
//// {
//// // pass
//// $aop->proceed();
//// }
//// else
//// {
//// throw new Exception('no permission');
//// }
// }
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
return $e;
class User
function login()
$user = AOP::getInstance('user', new Cache(), new Log(), new Permission());
$ret = $user->login();
function e($str){echo $str , "\n";}
class AOP
static function getInstance($class, $advice = null)
$obj = new $class();
* @var Advice $advice
$obj = new self($obj, $advice);
}while ($advice = $advice->getPreAdvice());
return $obj;
* @var AOP
private $instance;
private $func;
private $params;
* @var Advice $advice
private $advice;
function __construct($obj, $advice)
$this->instance = $obj;
$this->advice = $advice;
function __call($func, $params)
$this->func = $func;
$this->params = $params;
$ret = $this->advice->aroundAdvice($this);
return $ret;
catch(AdviceAroundException $e)
$ret = $this->proceed();
return $ret;
catch(Exception $e)
return $this->advice->throwAdvice($e);
public $result;
function setAdviceResult($ar)
$this->result = $ar;
function getAdviceResult()
return $this->result;
function proceed()
if ($this->instance instanceof AOP)
return call_user_func_array(array($this->instance, $this->func), $this->params);
class AdviceAroundException extends Exception{}
class Advice
private $pre_advice = null;
function __construct($advice = null)
if ($advice)
$this->pre_advice = $advice;
function getPreAdvice()
return $this->pre_advice;
function beforeAdvice(){}
function afterAdvice(){}
function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
throw new AdviceAroundException();
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
return $e;
class Cache extends Advice
function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
$rs = $aop->getAdviceResult();
if ($rs['permission'])
$ret = $aop->proceed();
e('make cache');
return $ret;
throw new Exception('cache: no permission');
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
e('cache exception');
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
class Log extends Advice
function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
$rs = $aop->getAdviceResult();
if ($rs['permission'])
$ret = $aop->proceed();
return $ret;
e('no permission, do sth log');
throw new Exception('log: no permission');
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
e('log exception');
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
class Permission extends Advice
function aroundAdvice(AOP $aop)
$permission = doPermissionCheck();
e('permission: ' . var_export($permission, true));
$ret = $aop->proceed();
return $ret;
function throwAdvice(Exception $e)
e('permission exception');
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
class User
function foobar()
return 'hello result';
function doPermissionCheck()
return false;
* @var User $user
$user = AOP::getInstance('user', new Cache(new Log(new Permission())));
$ret = $user->foobar();
echo 'foobar function result:';
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
if (!function_exists('o'))
function o($str)
echo $str , "\n";
class NoAroundAdviceEventException extends Exception{}
class LazyAdviceException extends Exception{}
$aop_config = array(
'event' => 'before',
'point' => array('class'=>'User', 'method'=>'foobar'),
'advice'=> array('class'=>'Permission', 'method'=>'thisBefore')
'event' => 'before',
'point' => array('class'=>'User', 'method'=>'foobar'),
'advice'=> array('class'=>'Log', 'method'=>'thatBefore')
'event' => 'after',
'point' => array('class'=>'User', 'method'=>'foobar'),
'advice'=> array('class'=>'Cache', 'method'=>'myAfter')
'event' => 'around',
'point' => array('class'=>'*', 'method'=>'*'),
'advice'=> array('class'=>'Baaa', 'method'=>'hisAround')
// array(
// 'event' => 'before',
// 'point' => array('class'=>'User', 'method'=>'sayHello'),
// 'advice'=> array('class'=>'Permission', 'method'=>'thisBefore')
// ),
// array(
// 'event' => 'before',
// 'point' => array('class'=>'User', 'method'=>'sayHello'),
// 'advice'=> array('class'=>'Log', 'method'=>'thatBefore')
// ),
// array(
// 'event' => 'after',
// 'point' => array('class'=>'User', 'method'=>'sayHello'),
// 'advice'=> array('class'=>'Cache', 'method'=>'myAfter')
// ),
// array(
// 'event' => 'around',
// 'point' => array('class'=>'*', 'method'=>'*'),
// 'advice'=> array('class'=>'Baaa', 'method'=>'hisAround')
// ),
class AdviceContainer
* @var AdviceContainer $target
private $target;
* @var Advice $advice
private $advice;
private $method, $params;
private $advice_result = array();
private $lazy_advices = array();
private $last_lazy_advices = array();
private $original_method = true;
function __construct($target, $advice = null)
$this->target = $target;
$this->advice = $advice;
function addAdvice($advice)
return new self($this, $advice);
private function lazyAdvices()
if (method_exists($this->target, $this->method) && ! $this->target instanceof AdviceContainer)
if ($this->lazy_advices)
if ($this->last_lazy_advices != $this->lazy_advices)
$target = clone $this->target;
$container = new AdviceContainer($target);
$this->last_lazy_advices = array_reverse($this->lazy_advices);
$this->advice = array_pop($this->lazy_advices);
foreach ($this->lazy_advices as $lazy_advice)
$container = $container->addAdvice($lazy_advice);
$this->target = $container;
// 重置
$this->lazy_advices = array();
throw new Exception('bad code, loop advices');
private function call()
if (method_exists($this->target, $this->method) && ! $this->target instanceof AdviceContainer)
if ($this->original_method)
$ret = $this->proceed($this->method, $this->params);
return $ret;
return null;
if ($this->target instanceof AdviceContainer)
$ret = $this->advice->around($this);
return $ret;
catch(NoAroundAdviceEventException $e)
$ret = $this->proceed();
return $ret;
catch(LazyAdviceException $e)
$this->lazy_advices[] = $this->advice;
$ret = $this->proceed();
return $ret;
catch(Exception $e)
return $this->advice->exception($e);
throw new Exception('method ' . $this->method . ' is not defined');
function __call($method, $params)
$this->method = $method;
$this->params = $params;
return $this->call();
function proceed($method = null, $params = null)
if ($this->target instanceof AdviceContainer)
if ($method !== null)
$this->method = $method;
if ($params !== null)
$this->params = $params;
$ret = call_user_func_array(array($this->target, $this->method), $this->params);
if ($this->target instanceof AdviceContainer)
return $ret;
function setAdviceResult($key, $val)
$this->advice_result[$key] = $val;
function getAdviceResult($key)
return $this->advice_result[$key];
function getAdviceResults()
return $this->advice_result;
function setAdviceResults($result)
$this->advice_result = $result;
function issetAdviceResult($key)
return array_key_exists($key, $this->advice_result);
function setLastLazyAdvices($last_lazy_advices)
$this->last_lazy_advices = $last_lazy_advices;
* @param Bool $bool
* @return void
* 设置original method是否运行开关
* 与原值与操作
function setOriginalMethod($bool)
$this->original_method = $bool && $this->original_method;
function getOriginalMethod()
return $this->original_method;
function getLazyAdvices()
return $this->lazy_advices;
function setLazyAdvices($lazy_advices)
$this->lazy_advices = $lazy_advices;
function getMethod()
return $this->method;
function getParams()
return $this->params;
class AdviceProxy
* 4 events
* @var Advice
private $before, $after, $around, $exception;
private $method;
function __construct($event, $advice, $method)
$this->$event = $advice;
$this->method = $method;
function __call($event, $params)
if ($this->$event)
return $this->$event->{$this->method}($params[0]);
return null;
function around(AdviceContainer $container)
if ($this->around)
return $this->around->{$this->method}($container);
throw new NoAroundAdviceEventException();
function exception(Exception $e)
if ($this->exception)
return $this->exception->{$this->method}($e);
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
class AOP
private static $instances = array();
private static $advice_containers = array();
public static function getInstance($class)
if (! isset(self::$instances[$class]))
self::$instances[$class] = new self($class);
return self::$instances[$class];
public static function getAdvices($class, $method)
global $aop_config;
$aop_config = array_reverse($aop_config);
$advice_configs = array();
foreach ($aop_config as $config)
if (($config['point']['class'] == $class || $config['point']['class'] == '*') && ($config['point']['method'] == $method || $config['point']['method'] == '*'))
$advice_configs[] = $config;
return $advice_configs;
function __construct($class)
$this->class = ucwords($class);
function __call($method, $params)
if (! isset(self::$advice_containers[$this->class][$method]))
$advice_configs = self::getAdvices($this->class, $method);
$advice_container = new AdviceContainer(new $this->class());
foreach ($advice_configs as $config)
$advice_proxy = new AdviceProxy($config['event'], new $config['advice']['class'], $config['advice']['method']);
$advice_container = $advice_container->addAdvice($advice_proxy);
self::$advice_containers[$this->class][$method] = $advice_container;
$advice_container = self::$advice_containers[$this->class][$method];
$ret = call_user_func_array(array($advice_container, $method), $params);
return $ret;
interface Advice
function before(AdviceContainer $container);
function after(AdviceContainer $container);
function around(AdviceContainer $container);
function exception(Exception $e);
class Permission
function thisBefore(AdviceContainer $container)
o('call permission before');
$permission = getPermissionResult();
$container->setAdviceResult('permission', $permission);
if (! $permission)
class Log
function thatBefore(AdviceContainer $container)
o('call log before');
if ($container->issetAdviceResult('baaa'))
$baaa = $container->getAdviceResult('baaa');
o('baaa:' . $baaa);
o('do log here');
$container->setAdviceResult('log', 'sth');
o('log need baaa state');
throw new LazyAdviceException();
class Cache
function myAfter(AdviceContainer $container)
o('call cache after');
class Baaa
function hisAround(AdviceContainer $container)
o('call baaa around1');
if ($container->issetAdviceResult('permission'))
$permission = $container->getAdviceResult('permission');
o('permission:' . $permission);
$container->setAdviceResult('baaa', 'xxx');
$ret = $container->proceed();
// print_r($container->getAdviceResults());
o('call baaa around2');
return $ret;
o('baaa need permission state');
throw new LazyAdviceException();
class User
function foobar()
return 'ok';
function sayHello()
return 'bye';
function getPermissionResult()
return false;
$user = AOP::getInstance('User');
* @var User $user
$ret = $user->foobar();
// $ret = $user->sayHello();
// var_dump($ret);
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
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md2perpe commented Jul 6, 2011

Note: array_shift() returns the first element (the one which is shifted out of the array).

    $class = $args[0];

can be changed to

    $class = array_shift($args);

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fundon commented Jul 7, 2011

Thanks,Your suggestion is very good

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