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Last active April 1, 2018 16:49
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  • Save fungusakafungus/eb2bdf39da73c03dcb2325b3350ff24b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fungusakafungus/eb2bdf39da73c03dcb2325b3350ff24b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
test -z "$1" && {
cat >/dev/stderr <<-HELP
Usage: $0 mod-name
Use this script from top level of Cataclysm checkout, with your changes to data/json not added to git.
It will try to make a mod out of those changes instead.
The script needs:
- python (2?)
- jsondiff from jsonpatch python package (
- jq (
- git
exit 2
set -x
git diff --name-only data/json |
grep '\.json$' |
while read f
DIR=$(dirname $f)
BASENAME=$(basename $f .json)
mkdir -p $MODDIR/$DIR
JQ_EXPR='[.[] | {, value: .}] | from_entries'
# make a fake json patch that retains item id information
jq "$JQ_EXPR" $f > $MODDIR/$DIR/$
jsondiff --indent=2 \
<(git show HEAD:$f | jq "$JQ_EXPR") \
> $MODDIR/$DIR/$BASENAME.patch.json
import json, sys
fn_by_id, fn_patch, fn_out = sys.argv[1:]
by_id = json.load(open(fn_by_id))
patch = json.load(open(fn_patch))
items = {}
for chunk in patch:
_, id, key = chunk['path'].split('/')
key = key.replace('~1~1', '//')
if id not in items:
items[id] = {}
item = items[id]
item['id'] = id
item['copy-from'] = id
item['type'] = by_id[id]['type']
item['name'] = by_id[id]['name']
item[key] = chunk['value']
with open(fn_out, 'w') as out:
json.dump(items.values(), out, indent=2)
test -z "$KEEP_FILES" && rm $MODDIR/$DIR/$ $MODDIR/$DIR/$BASENAME.patch.json
set +x
echo Written mod data to $MODDIR
test -f $MODDIR/modinfo.json || echo Warning: The mod still needs $MODDIR/modinfo.json
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