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Created May 3, 2015 06:38
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(* A tagless-final embedding of the language with shift/reset
operators and fully supported answer-type modification (ATM).
This implementation is based on the prompt-passing translation
described in the paper "ATM without tears: prompt-passing style
transformation for typed delimited-control operators"
open Delimcc;;
The Symantics of Source Calculi
module type Sym = sig
type 't pure (* pure expression *)
type ('t, 'a, 'b) eff (* effectful expression *)
type ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun (* effectful function *)
type ('s, 't) pfun (* pure function *)
val const : 't -> 't pure
val lam : ('s pure -> ('t, 'a, 'b) eff) -> ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun pure
val app : (('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun, 'b, 'c) eff -> ('s, 'c, 'd) eff -> ('t, 'a, 'd) eff
val appP : ('s, 't) pfun pure -> 's pure -> 't pure
val shift : (('t, 'a) pfun pure -> 'b pure) -> ('t, 'a, 'b) eff
val reset : ('s, 's, 't) eff -> 't pure
val exp : 't pure -> ('t, 'a, 'a) eff
val run : 't pure -> 't
Interpretation with Prompt-Passing Style Transformation
module R = struct
(* Translation for types and typings *)
type 't pure = unit -> 't
type ('t, 'a, 'b) eff = 'b prompt -> 'a prompt -> 't
type ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun = 's pure -> ('t, 'a, 'b) eff
type ('s, 't) pfun = 's pure -> 't pure
(* lambda v. Omega *)
let coerce _ = failwith "unreachable"
let wrap x : 'a pure = fun () -> x
let unwrap : 'a pure -> 'a = fun x -> x ()
let const x = wrap x
let lam f = wrap f
let app e1 (e2: ('s, 'c, 'd ) eff) : ('t, 'a, 'd) eff =
fun p q ->
let r, s = new_prompt (), new_prompt () in
let v2 = wrap @@ e2 p r in
let v1 = e1 r s in
v1 v2 s q
let appP e1 e2 : 't pure =
fun () ->
let v2 = unwrap e2 in
let v1 = unwrap e1 in
v1 (wrap v2) ()
let shift f : ('t, 'a, 'b) eff =
fun p q ->
Delimcc.shift p
(fun k' ->
unwrap @@ f @@ wrap (fun y ->
wrap @@ push_prompt q (fun () -> coerce (k' @@ unwrap y ))))
let reset e =
fun () ->
let p, q = new_prompt (), new_prompt () in
push_prompt p (fun () -> abort q @@ e p q)
let exp e =
fun p q -> Delimcc.shift p (fun k -> push_prompt q (fun () -> k @@ unwrap e))
let run (x: 't pure) : 't = x ()
module T1 (S: Sym) = struct
open S
let res1 = run (const 10)
let res2' = reset (shift (fun k -> appP k (appP k (const 1))))
let res2 = run res2'
let res3 = run @@ reset @@ app (exp @@ lam @@ fun x -> exp @@ x) (exp @@ const 10)
let _ = let module M = T1(R) in M.res1 (* => 10 *)
let _ = let module M = T1(R) in M.res2 (* => 1 *)
let _ = let module M = T1(R) in M.res3 (* => 10 *)
Symantics for the Extended Language
module type SymP = sig
include Sym
(* 2-arg primitive *)
val p2E : ('s -> 't -> 'u) -> ('s, 'a, 'b) eff -> ('t, 'b, 'c) eff -> ('u, 'a, 'c) eff
(* 1-arg primitive *)
val pE: ('t -> 'u) -> ('t, 'a, 'a) eff -> ('u, 'a, 'a) eff
(* if *)
val ifE : (bool, 'b, 'c) eff -> ('t, 'a, 'b) eff -> ('t, 'a, 'b) eff -> ('t, 'a, 'c) eff
(* fixpoint operator *)
val fixE : (('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun pure -> 's pure -> ('t, 'a, 'b) eff) -> ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun pure
module RP = struct
include R
let p2E f e1 e2 = fun p q ->
let r = new_prompt () in
let v2 = e2 p r in
let v1 = e1 r q in
f v1 v2
let pE f x = fun p q -> f (x p q)
let ifE b e e' = fun p q ->
let r = new_prompt () in
if b p r then e r q else e' r q
let rec fixE (f: ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun pure -> 's pure -> (('t, 'a, 'b) eff)) : ('s, 't, 'a, 'b) efun pure =
lam (fun x -> f (fun x -> fixE f x) x)
Examples for List Operations
These examples are taken form [AK07]
module LIST (S: SymP) = struct
open S
(* List Operatoins *)
let list x = const x
let (@*) x y = p2E (fun x y -> x :: y) x y
let head x = pE List.hd x
let tail x = pE x
let null x = pE (fun x -> x = []) @@ exp x
(* Turn pure functions (continuations) to effectful functions *)
let exp2 f = exp @@ lam (fun x -> exp @@ appP f x)
let append = fixE (fun f x ->
ifE (null x)
(shift (fun k -> k))
(head (exp x) @* app (exp f) (tail @@ exp x)))
let res1 = run @@ reset @@ app (exp2 @@ reset (app (exp append) (exp @@ list [1;2;3])))
(exp @@ list [4;5;6])
let prefix = fixE (fun f x ->
ifE (null x)
(shift (fun k -> list []))
(head (exp x) @* shift (fun k -> reset @@
(exp (appP k (list [])))
@* (exp (reset @@ app (exp2 k)
(app (exp f) (tail @@ exp x)))))))
let res2 = run @@ reset @@ app (exp prefix) (exp @@ list [1;2;3])
let _ = let module M = LIST(RP) in M.res1 (* => [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6] *)
let _ = let module M = LIST(RP) in M.res2 (* => [[1]; [1; 2]; [1; 2; 3]] *)
The sprintf example taken from [As09]
In this implementation, embedded functions are restricted to monomorphic.
module SPRINTF (S: SymP) = struct
open S
let s_int = lam (fun x -> pE string_of_int (exp x))
let fmt = exp @@ lam (fun to_str ->
shift (fun k ->
lam (fun x -> exp @@ appP k (reset @@ app (exp to_str) (exp x)))))
let lit = exp @@ lam (fun str -> exp str)
let (^^) = p2E (^)
let res = run @@ reset @@
app (exp @@ reset ((app lit (exp @@ const "Hello")) ^^ (app fmt (exp @@ s_int))))
(exp @@ const 100)
let _ = let module M = SPRINTF(RP) in M.res (* => "Hello100" *)
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