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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save funikk/9450545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Monadic Normal Form transform using shift/reset.
open Delimcc;;
type id = string
type exp =
| Var of id
| Fun of id * exp
| Const of int
| BinOp of exp * exp
| App of exp * exp
type value =
| VVar of id
| VFun of id * mnf
| VConst of int
and r_exp =
| RBinOp of value * value
| RApp of value * value
and mnf =
| Ret of value
| Let of id * r_exp * mnf
let counter = ref 0
let new_id prefix : id =
let s = prefix ^ (string_of_int !counter) in
counter := !counter + 1;
let new_var () = new_id "var:"
let p = new_prompt ()
let rec conv_exp e : mnf =
push_prompt p (fun () -> Ret (conv_exp' e))
and conv_exp' e : value =
match e with
| BinOp (e1, e2) ->
shift p (fun k ->
let v1 = conv_exp' e1 in
let v2 = conv_exp' e2 in
let x = new_var () in
Let (x, RBinOp (v1, v2), k (VVar x)))
| App (e1, e2) ->
shift p (fun k ->
let v1 = conv_exp' e1 in
let v2 = conv_exp' e2 in
let x = new_var () in
Let (x, RApp (v1, v2), k (VVar x)))
| Var v -> VVar v
| Fun (x, e) -> VFun (x, conv_exp e)
| Const i -> VConst i
\x. ((x + 3) + ((\y. 2 + y) x)) + 1
let p = Fun ("x",
BinOp (BinOp (BinOp (Var "x", Const 3),
App (Fun ("y", BinOp (Const 2, Var "y")),
Var "x")),
Const 1))
let rec conv_exp_cps e : mnf =
conv_exp_cps' e (fun x -> Ret x)
and conv_exp_cps' e k =
match e with
| BinOp (e1, e2) ->
conv_exp_cps' e1 (fun v1 ->
conv_exp_cps' e2 (fun v2 ->
let x = new_var () in
Let (x, RBinOp (v1, v2), k (VVar x))))
| App (e1, e2) ->
conv_exp_cps' e1 (fun v1 ->
conv_exp_cps' e2 (fun v2 ->
let x = new_var () in
Let (x, RApp (v1, v2), k (VVar x))))
| Var v -> k (VVar v)
| Fun (x, e) -> k (VFun (x, conv_exp_cps e))
| Const i -> k (VConst i)
let rec string_of_mnf = function
| Ret v -> "Ret " ^ string_of_value v
| Let (x, e1, e2) -> "let " ^ x ^ " = " ^ string_of_r_exp e1 ^ " in\n" ^ string_of_mnf e2
and string_of_value : value -> string = function
| VVar x -> x
| VFun (x, e) ->
"(fun " ^ x ^ " ->\n" ^ string_of_mnf e ^ ")"
| VConst i -> string_of_int i
and string_of_r_exp = function
| RBinOp (v1, v2) -> string_of_value v1 ^ " + " ^ string_of_value v2
| RApp (v1, v2) -> string_of_value v1 ^ " " ^ string_of_value v2
let print_mnf e = print_endline (string_of_mnf e)
Ret (fun x ->
let a = x + 3 in
let b = (fun y -> let c = 2 + y in c) x in
let d = a + b in
let e = d + 1 in
Ret e)
let _ = print_mnf (conv_exp p)
let _ = print_mnf (conv_exp_cps p)
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