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Created August 28, 2011 17:41
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Ruby corelib StringScanner ported to PHP
define('FLAG_MATCHED', 1 << 0);
class StringScanner implements ArrayAccess
$str = '',
$len = 0,
$curr = 0,
$prev = 0,
$matches = array();
public function __construct($str)
* Reset the scan pointer (index 0) and clear matching data.
public function reset()
$this->curr = 0;
$this->flags &= ~FLAG_MATCHED;
return $this;
* Set the scan pointer to the end of the string and clear matching data.
public function terminate()
$this->curr = $this->len;
$this->flags &= ~FLAG_MATCHED;
return $this;
* Returns the string being scanned.
protected function get_string()
return $this->str;
* Changes the string being scanned to +str+ and resets the scanner.
* Returns +str+.
protected function set_string($str)
$this->str = (string) $str;
$this->len = strlen($this->str);
return $this->str;
* Appends +str+ to the string being scanned.
* This method does not affect scan pointer.
* $s = new StringScanner("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s->scan('/Fri /'); # -> "Fri "
* $s->concat(" +1000 GMT");
* $s->string; # -> "Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39 +1000 GMT"
* $s->scan('/Dec/'); # -> "Dec"
public function concat($str)
$this->str = (string) $str;
$this->len = strlen($this->str);
return $this;
* Returns the position of the scan pointer. In the 'reset' position, this
* value is zero. In the 'terminated' position (i.e. the string is exhausted),
* this value is the length of the string.
* In short, it's a 0-based index into the string.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->pos; # -> 0
* $s->scan_until('/str/'); # -> "test str"
* $s->pos; # -> 8
* $s->terminate(); # -> #<StringScanner fin>
* $s->pos; # -> 11
protected function get_pos()
return $this->curr;
* Modify the scan pointer.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->pos = 7; # -> 7
* $s->rest; # -> "ring"
protected function set_pos($value)
$value = (int) $value;
if ($value < 0)
$value += $this->len;
if ($value < 0 || $value > $this->len)
throw new RangeException("index out of range");
return $this->curr = $value;
protected function do_scan($regex, $advance_pointer, $return_string, $headonly)
# Clear match status
$this->flags &= ~FLAG_MATCHED;
# Don't search pasted the end of the string
if ($this->len - $this->curr < 0) {
return null;
$ret = preg_match($headonly ? "{$regex}A" : $regex, $this->str, $this->matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->curr);
# There was an error during the preg_match operation
if ($ret === FALSE) {
throw new Exception("Unknown PCRE error");
# Not matched
if ($ret === 0) {
return null;
# Set the matched flag
$this->flags |= FLAG_MATCHED;
# Set the length of the match
$this->matches[0][2] = strlen($this->matches[0][0]);
# Handle advancing the pointer
$this->prev = $this->curr;
if ($advance_pointer) {
$this->curr = $this->matches[0][1] + $this->matches[0][2];
# Return the relevant match data
return $return_string ? ($headonly ? $this->matched : $this->pre_match . $this->matched) : $this->matches[0][2];
* Tries to match with +pattern+ at the current position. If there's a match,
* the scanner advances the "scan pointer" and returns the matched string.
* Otherwise, the scanner returns +nil+.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->scan(/\w+/); # -> "test"
* $s->scan(/\w+/); # -> null
* $s->scan(/\s+/); # -> " "
* $s->scan(/\w+/); # -> "string"
* $s->scan(/./); # -> null
public function scan($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 1, 1, 1);
* Tests whether the given +pattern+ is matched from the current scan pointer.
* Returns the length of the match, or +nil+. The scan pointer is not advanced.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s.match('/\w+/'); # -> 4
* $s.match('/\w+/'); # -> 4
* $s.match('/\s+/'); # -> nil
public function match($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 0, 0, 1);
* Attempts to skip over the given +pattern+ beginning with the scan pointer.
* If it matches, the scan pointer is advanced to the end of the match, and the
* length of the match is returned. Otherwise, +nil+ is returned.
* It's similar to #scan, but without returning the matched string.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->skip('/\w+/'); # -> 4
* $s->skip('/\w+/'); # -> nil
* $s->skip('/\s+/'); # -> 1
* $s->skip('/\w+/'); # -> 6
* $s->skip('/./'); # -> nil
public function skip($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 1, 0, 1);
* This returns the value that #scan would return, without advancing the scan
* pointer. The match register is affected, though.
* $s = new StringScanner("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s->check('/Fri/'); # -> "Fri"
* $s->pos; # -> 0
* $s->matched; # -> "Fri"
* $s->check('/12/'); # -> nil
* $s->matched ; # -> nil
* Mnemonic: it "checks" to see whether a #scan will return a value.
public function check($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 0, 1, 1);
* Tests whether the given +pattern+ is matched from the current scan pointer.
* Returns the matched string if +return_string_p+ is true.
* Advances the scan pointer if +advance_pointer_p+ is true.
* The match register is affected.
* "full" means "#scan with full parameters".
public function scan_full($re, $return_string, $advance_pointer)
return $this->do_scan($re, $advance_pointer, $return_string, 1);
* Scans the string _until_ the +pattern+ is matched. Returns the substring up
* to and including the end of the match, advancing the scan pointer to that
* location. If there is no match, +nil+ is returned.
* $s = StringScanner("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s->scan_until('/1/') # -> "Fri Dec 1"
* $s->pre_match # -> "Fri Dec "
* $s->scan_until('/XYZ/') # -> nil
public function scan_until($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 1, 1, 0);
* Looks _ahead_ to see if the +pattern+ exists _anywhere_ in the string,
* without advancing the scan pointer. This predicates whether a #scan_until
* will return a value.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->exist('/s/'); # -> 3
* $s->scan('/test/'); # -> "test"
* $s->exist('/s/'); # -> 6
* $s->exist('/e/'); # -> nil
public function exist($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 0, 0, 0);
* Advances the scan pointer until +pattern+ is matched and consumed. Returns
* the number of bytes advanced, or +nil+ if no match was found.
* Look ahead to match +pattern+, and advance the scan pointer to the _end_
* of the match. Return the number of characters advanced, or +nil+ if the
* match was unsuccessful.
* It's similar to #scan_until, but without returning the intervening string.
* $s = new StringScanner("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s->skip_until('/12/'); # -> 10
* $s #
public function skip_until($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 1, 0, 0);
* This returns the value that #scan_until would return, without advancing the
* scan pointer. The match register is affected, though.
* $s = new StringScanner("Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s->check_until('/12/'); # -> "Fri Dec 12"
* $s->pos; # -> 0
* $s->matched; # -> 12
* Mnemonic: it "checks" to see whether a #scan_until will return a value.
public function check_until($re)
return $this->do_scan($re, 0, 1, 0);
* Scans the string _until_ the +pattern+ is matched.
* Returns the matched string if +return_string_p+ is true, otherwise
* returns the number of bytes advanced.
* Advances the scan pointer if +advance_pointer_p+, otherwise not.
* This method does affect the match register.
public function search_full($re, $return_string, $advance_pointer)
return $this->do_scan($re, $advance_pointer, $return_string, 0);
* Scans one character and returns it.
* This method is multi-byte character sensitive.
* See also #get_byte.
* $s = new StringScanner('ab');
* $s->getch(); # => "a"
* $s->getch(); # => "b"
* $s->getch(); # => nil
* $s = new StringScanner("\244\242");
* $s->getch(); # => "\244\242" # Japanese hira-kana "A" in EUC-JP
* $s->getch(); # => nil
public function getch()
$this->flags &= ~FLAG_MATCHED;
if ($this->eos)
return null;
$len = 1;
if ($this->curr + $len > $this->len)
$len = $this->len - $this->curr;
$this->prev = $this->curr;
$this->curr += $len;
$this->matches[0] = array(
0 => mb_substr($this->str, $this->prev, $len),
1 => $this->prev,
2 => $len);
$this->flags |= FLAG_MATCHED;
return $this->matched;
* Scans one byte and returns it.
* This method is NOT multi-byte character sensitive.
* See also #getch.
* $s = new StringScanner('ab');
* $s->get_byte(); # => "a"
* $s->get_byte(); # => "b"
* $s->get_byte(); # => nil
* $s = new StringScanner("\244\242");
* $s->get_byte(); # => "\244"
* $s->get_byte(); # => "\242"
* $s->get_byte(); # => nil
public function get_byte()
$this->flags &= ~FLAG_MATCHED;
if ($this->eos)
return null;
$len = 1;
if ($this->curr + $len > $this->len)
$len = $this->len - $this->curr;
$this->prev = $this->curr;
$this->curr += $len;
$this->matches[0] = array(
0 => substr($this->str, $this->prev, $len),
1 => $this->prev,
2 => $len);
$this->flags |= FLAG_MATCHED;
return $this->matched;
* Extracts a string corresponding to <tt>string[pos,len]</tt>, without
* advancing the scan pointer.
* s ='test string')
* s.peek(7) # => "test st"
* s.peek(7) # => "test st"
public function peek($len)
if ($this->curr > $this->len)
return null;
if ($this->curr + $len > $this->len)
$len = $this->len - $this->curr;
return substr($this->str, $this->curr, $len);
* Set the scan pointer to the previous position. Only one previous position is
* remembered, and it changes with each scanning operation.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->scan('/\w+/'); # => "test"
* $s->unscan();
* $s->scan('/../'); # => "te"
* $s->scan('/\d/'); # => nil
* $s->unscan(); # ScanError: unscan failed: previous match had failed
public function unscan()
if (!$this->matched_p)
throw new Exception("unscan failed: previous match had failed");
$this->curr = $this->prev;
$this->flags &= ~FLAG_MATCHED;
return $this;
* Returns +true+ iff the scan pointer is at the beginning of the line.
* $s = new StringScanner("test\ntest\n");
* $s->bol; # => true
* $s->scan('/te/');
* $s->bol; # => false
* $s->scan('/st\n/');
* $s->bol; # => true
* $s->terminate();
* $s->bol; # => true
protected function get_bol()
return ($this->curr === 0 || $this->str[$this->curr - 1] === "\n");
* Returns +true+ if the scan pointer is at the end of the string.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->eos; # => false
* $s->scan('/test/');
* $s->eos; # => false
* $s->terminate();
* $s->eos # => true
protected function get_eos()
return ($this->curr >= $this->len);
* Returns +true+ iff the last match was successful.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->match('/\w+/'); # => 4
* $s->matched_p; # => true
* $s->match('/\d+/'); # => nil
* $s->matched_p; # => false
protected function get_matched_p()
return (bool) ($this->flags & FLAG_MATCHED);
* Returns the last matched string.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->match('/\w+/'); # -> 4
* $s->matched; # -> "test"
protected function get_matched()
if (!$this->matched_p)
return null;
return substr($this->str, $this->matches[0][1], $this->matches[0][2]);
* Returns the size of the most recent match (see #matched), or +nil+ if there
* was no recent match.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->check('/\w+/'); # -> "test"
* $s->matched_size; # -> 4
* $s->check('/\d+/'); # -> nil
* $s->matched_size; # -> nil
protected function get_matched_size()
return $this->matched_p ? $this->matches[0][2] : null;
* Return the n-th subgroup in the most recent match.
* $s = new"Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s.scan('/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /'); # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
* $s[0]; # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
* $s[1]; # -> "Fri"
* $s[2]; # -> "Dec"
* $s[3]; # -> "12"
* $s.post_match; # -> "1975 14:39"
* $s.pre_match; # -> ""
public function offsetGet($index) {
return $this->matched_p ? $this->matches[$index][0] : null;
public function offsetUnset($index) {}
public function offsetExists($index) {}
public function offsetSet($index, $value) {}
* Return the pre-match (in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->scan('/\w+/'); # -> "test"
* $s->scan('/\s+/'); # -> " "
* $s->pre_match; # -> "test"
* $s->post_match; # -> "string"
protected function get_pre_match()
if (!$this->matched_p)
return null;
return substr($this->str, 0, $this->matches[0][1]);
* Return the post-match (in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
* $s = new StringScanner('test string');
* $s->scan('/\w+/'); # -> "test"
* $s->scan('/\s+/'); # -> " "
* $s->pre_match; # -> "test"
* $s->post_match; # -> "string"
protected function get_post_match()
if (!$this->matched_p)
return null;
return substr($this->str, $this->matches[0][2], $this->len);
* Returns the "rest" of the string (i.e. everything after the scan pointer).
* If there is no more data (eos = true), it returns "".
protected function get_rest()
if ($this->eos)
return '';
return substr($this->str, $this->curr, $this->len);
* Equivalent to strlen(s->rest).
protected function rest_size()
return $this->eos ? 0 : $this->len - $this->curr;
* Returns a string that represents the StringScanner object, showing:
* - the current position
* - the size of the string
* - the characters surrounding the scan pointer
* $s = new"Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39");
* $s->inspect(); # -> '#<StringScanner 0/21 @ "Fri D...">'
* $s->scan_until('/12/'); # -> "Fri Dec 12"
* $s->inspect(); # -> '#<StringScanner 10/21 " 12" @ " 1975...">'
public function inspect()
if (empty($this->str)) {
return sprintf("#<%s (uninitialized)>", __CLASS__);
if ($this->eos) {
return sprintf("#<%s fin>", __CLASS__);
if ($this->bol) {
$a = substr($this->str, 0, 8);
if (strlen($a) > 5)
$a = substr($a, 0, 5) . "...";
return sprintf("#<%s %d/%d @ %s>", __CLASS__, $this->curr, $this->len, "\"$a\"");
$a = substr(substr($this->str, 0, $this->curr), -7);
$b = substr($this->str, $this->curr, 8);
if (strlen($a) > 5)
$a = "..." . substr($a, -5);
if (strlen($b) > 5)
$b = substr($b, 0, 5) . "...";
return sprintf("#<%s %d/%d %s @ %s>", __CLASS__, $this->curr, $this->len, "\"$a\"", "\"$b\"");
public function __toString()
return $this->inspect();
public function __get($name)
if (method_exists($this, "get_$name"))
$name = "get_$name";
return $this->$name();
public function __set($name, $value)
if (method_exists($this,"set_$name"))
$name = "set_$name";
return $this->$name($value);
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