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Created March 27, 2013 15:39
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require-intellisense.js as referenced in this article: This enables intellisense with AMD modules.
/// <reference path="require.js" />
(function () {
var DEBUG = 3, WARN = 2, ERROR = 1, NONE = 0;
//Set the logging level
var logLevel = DEBUG;
function log(level) {
var msg =, 1);
if (logLevel >= level) {
msg.splice(0, 0, level == DEBUG ? 'DEBUG' : level == WARN ?
'WARN' : level == ERROR ? 'ERROR' : 'UNKNOWN');
log(DEBUG, "Re-read _references.js ");
//Redirect errors to intellisense log
requirejs.onError = function (e) {
var modules = e.requireModules && e.requireModules.join(',');
switch (e.requireType) {
case 'scripterror':
log(WARN, modules, "Dependency script not yet loaded, check the stated define name matches the require.");
log(ERROR, e.requireType, modules, e.toString());
var originalDefine = define;
var lastDefine;
var currentDocumentId = "_@ROOT";
define = function (name, deps, callback) {
//Disallow anonymous modules - unfortunately we can't handle them
//without turning everything to guesswork.
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
log(ERROR, "Intellisense not supported for anonymous modules");
//Make use of the fact that VS seemingly invokes the current document
//code twice. On the second call, rename the module to ensure this
//specific code will be evaluated and then require it to evaluate it.
if (lastDefine === name) {
log(DEBUG, "Define current document");
originalDefine(currentDocumentId, deps, callback);
log(DEBUG, "Require current document");
require([currentDocumentId], function () {
//This log message may never get printed as VS stops execution of
//the current document once it hits the node at which auto-
//completion has being invoked.
log(DEBUG, "Loaded current document and all dependencies");
} else {
log(DEBUG, "Define module", name);
originalDefine(name, deps, callback);
lastDefine = name;
intellisense.annotate(window, {
define: function () {
/// <signature>
/// <summary>Defines a named module, with optional dependencies, whose value is determined by executing a callback.</summary>
/// <param name="name" type="String">The name of the module</param>
/// <param name="deps" type="Array" elementType="String" optional="true">An array of modules that this module depends on</param>
/// <param name="callback" type="Function">The callback that will be called when your module is asked to produce a value</param>
/// </signature>
/// <signature>
/// <summary>Defines a named module, with optional dependencies, whose value is determined by executing a callback.</summary>
/// <param name="name" type="String">The name of the module</param>
/// <param name="callback" type="Function">The callback that will be called when your module is asked to produce a value</param>
/// </signature>
require: function () {
/// <signature>
/// <summary>Defines a callback function that will be triggered after a set of dependency modules have been evaluated</summary>
/// <param name="deps" type="Array" elementType="String"></param>
/// <param name="callback" type="Function"></param>
/// </signature>
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