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Last active June 6, 2022 23:10
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Vector types and functions for ziglang
const std = @import("std");
const Random = std.rand.Random;
const meta = std.meta;
const math = std.math;
/// Random value in [0, 1)
inline fn randomNum(comptime T: type, rand: *Random) T {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => rand.float(T),
.Int, .ComptimeInt => @compileError("Same as"),
else => unreachable,
/// Random value in [at_least, less_than)
inline fn randomNumRange(comptime T: type, rand: *Random, at_least: T, less_than: T) T {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Int, .ComptimeInt => rand.intRangeLessThan(T, at_least, less_than),
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => rand.float(T) * (less_than - at_least) + at_least,
else => unreachable,
/// Various vector operations, generic of vector type and size.
fn VectorOperations(comptime VecT: type) type {
const ScalarT = VecT.Child;
if (!meta.trait.isNumber(ScalarT)) @compileError("Expect number as vector child type.");
const fields = @typeInfo(VecT).Struct.fields;
return struct {
/// Init each component with random values in [0, 1).
pub inline fn random(rand: *Random) VecT {
var result: VecT = undefined;
inline for (fields) |f| {
@field(result, = randomNum(ScalarT, rand);
return result;
/// Init each component with random values in [at_least, less_than).
pub inline fn randomRange(rand: *Random, at_least: ScalarT, less_than: ScalarT) VecT {
var result: VecT = undefined;
inline for (fields) |f| {
@field(result, = randomNumRange(ScalarT, rand, at_least, less_than);
return result;
/// Access an element of a vector by index.
/// x = 0, y = 1, z = 2, w = 3
pub inline fn index(self: VecT, idx: usize) ScalarT {
inline for (fields) |f, i| {
if (idx == i) return @field(self, fields[i].name);
/// Negate the vector.
pub inline fn negate(self: VecT) VecT {
var result: VecT = undefined;
inline for (fields) |f| {
@field(result, = -@field(self,;
return result;
/// Length/magnitude of the vector.
pub inline fn mag(self: VecT) ScalarT {
return math.sqrt(self.magSqr());
/// Squared length/magnitude of the vector.
pub inline fn magSqr(self: VecT) ScalarT {
var result: ScalarT = 0;
inline for (fields) |f|
result += @field(self, * @field(self,;
return result;
/// Dot product of two vectors.
pub inline fn dot(self: VecT, b: VecT) ScalarT {
var result: ScalarT = 0;
inline for (fields) |f| {
result += @field(self, * @field(b,;
return result;
/// Normalize the vector.
/// vec.mag() == 1
pub inline fn unitVec(self: VecT) VecT {
return self.div(self.mag());
/// Convert a float vector to an int vector.
pub inline fn toInt(self: VecT, comptime IntT: type) Vec(VecT.Size, IntT) {
const ResultT = Vec(VecT.Size, IntT);
var result: ResultT = undefined;
inline for (fields) |f| {
@field(result, = @floatToInt(IntT, @field(self,;
return result;
/// Convert a int vector to a float vector.
pub inline fn toFloat(self: VecT, comptime FloatT: type) Vec(VecT.Size, FloatT) {
const ResultT = Vec(VecT.Size, FloatT);
var result: ResultT = undefined;
inline for (fields) |f| {
@field(result, = @intToFloat(FloatT, @field(self,;
return result;
// Add the function definition in doc comment as intellisense is lacking
// Probably will never be able to parse alias->closure
/// ```
/// a.add(b: Vec | Scalar) Vec
/// ```
/// Add a vector or offset by scalar.
/// Equiv. to: const c = a + b;
pub const add = compWiseOp(addOp, false);
/// ```
/// a.sub(b: Vec | Scalar) Vec
/// ```
/// Subtract a vector or offset by scalar.
/// Equiv. to: const c = a - b;
pub const sub = compWiseOp(subOp, false);
/// ```
/// a.mul(b: Vec | Scalar) Vec
/// ```
/// Multiply by vector or multiply scale by scalar.
/// Hadamard product.
/// Equiv. to: const c = a * b;
pub const mul = compWiseOp(mulOp, false);
/// ```
/// a.div(b: Vec | Scalar) Vec
/// ```
/// Divide by vector or divide scale by scalar.
/// Hadamard division.
/// Equiv. to: const c = a / b;
pub const div = compWiseOp(divOp, false);
/// ```
/// a.addEql(b: Vec | Scalar) void
/// ```
/// Add a vector or offset by scalar, in place.
/// Equiv. to: a += b
pub const addEql = compWiseOp(addOp, true);
/// ```
/// a.subEql(b: Vec | Scalar) void
/// ```
/// Subtract a vector or offset by scalar, in place.
/// Equiv. to: a -= b
pub const subEql = compWiseOp(subOp, true);
/// ```
/// a.mulEql(b: Vec | Scalar) void
/// ```
/// Multiply by vector or multiply/scale by scalar, in place.
/// Hadamard product.
/// Equiv. to: a *= b
pub const mulEql = compWiseOp(mulOp, true);
/// ```
/// a.divEql(b: Vec | Scalar) void
/// ```
/// Divide by vector or divide/scale by scalar, in place.
/// Hadamard division.
/// Equiv. to: a /= b
pub const divEql = compWiseOp(divOp, true);
/// ```
/// a.equalTo(b: Vec | Scalar) bool
/// ```
/// Vector is equal to a vector or a scalar, component wise.
/// Equiv. to: a == b
pub const equalTo = compWiseCmp(eqlCmp);
/// ```
/// a.lessThan(b: Vec | Scalar) bool
/// ```
/// Vector is less than a vector or a scalar, component wise.
/// Equiv. to: a < b
pub const lessThan = compWiseCmp(lessCmp);
/// ```
/// a.gterThan(b: Vec | Scalar) bool
/// ```
/// Vector is greater than a vector or a scalar, component wise.
/// Equiv. to: a > b
pub const gterThan = compWiseCmp(gtrCmp);
/// ```
/// a.lessEqual(b: Vec | Scalar) bool
/// ```
/// Vector is less than or equal to a vector or a scalar, component wise.
/// Equiv. to: a <= b
pub const lessEqual = compWiseCmp(lessEqlCmp);
/// ```
/// a.gterEqual(b: Vec | Scalar) bool
/// ```
/// Vector is greater than or equal to a vector or a scalar, component wise.
/// Equiv. to: a >= b
pub const gterEqual = compWiseCmp(gtrEqlCmp);
/// The format string will carry over to printing the components of the vector.
pub fn format(value: VecT, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void {
try writer.writeAll("(");
inline for (fields) |f, i| {
// Apply the format string to the scalar types within the vector
try writer.print("{" ++ fmt ++ "}", .{@field(value,});
// No trailing comma
if (i + 1 < fields.len) try writer.writeAll(", ");
try writer.writeAll(")");
// Op functions since no first class operators
// Probably could be replaced with a switch in compWiseOp()
inline fn addOp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) ScalarT {
return a + b;
inline fn subOp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) ScalarT {
return a - b;
inline fn mulOp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) ScalarT {
return a * b;
inline fn divOp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) ScalarT {
return switch (@typeInfo(ScalarT)) {
// Don't know which integer division to use.
.Int => @divTrunc(a, b),
else => a / b,
// My hope is that after all this is done, itll be inlined as a simple Vec3{.x = a + b...}, but who knows...
/// Apply component wise operation to two, varying size, vectors
/// or a vector and a scalar.
fn compWiseOp(op: fn (a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) ScalarT, comptime in_place: bool) fn (a: if (in_place) *VecT else VecT, b: anytype) if (in_place) void else VecT {
const ReturnT = if (in_place) void else VecT;
const ResultT = if (in_place) *VecT else VecT;
const Closure = struct {
pub inline fn applyOp(a: ResultT, b: anytype) ReturnT {
const B = @TypeOf(b);
var result: ResultT = if (in_place) a else undefined;
inline for (fields) |f| {
if (@typeInfo(B) == .Struct) {
// This allows one to e.g., add a vec3 with a vec2, no field means no change.
// But, there is basically no type checking
// Adding any struct here, without matching field names, would just do nothing
// Possible solution:
if (!@hasField(B, "x") or !@hasField(B, "y")) @compileError("Struct type rhs is not a vector.");
@field(result, = op(@field(a,, @as(ScalarT, if (@hasField(B, @field(b, else 0));
} else
@field(result, = op(@field(a,, @as(ScalarT, b));
if (!in_place) return result;
return Closure.applyOp;
inline fn eqlCmp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) bool {
return a == b;
inline fn gtrCmp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) bool {
return a > b;
inline fn lessCmp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) bool {
return a < b;
inline fn gtrEqlCmp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) bool {
return a >= b;
inline fn lessEqlCmp(a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) bool {
return a <= b;
/// Compare two vectors or a vector and a scalar component wise.
fn compWiseCmp(cmp: fn (a: ScalarT, b: ScalarT) bool) fn (a: VecT, b: anytype) bool {
const Closure = struct {
pub inline fn applyCmp(a: VecT, b: anytype) bool {
const B = @TypeOf(b);
inline for (fields) |f| {
if (@typeInfo(B) == .Struct) {
if (!cmp(@field(a,, @as(ScalarT, @field(b,
return false;
} else if (!cmp(@field(a,, @as(ScalarT, b)))
return false;
return true;
return Closure.applyCmp;
/// Vector2(double)
pub const V2d = Vec2(f64);
/// Vector2(float)
pub const V2f = Vec2(f32);
/// Vector2(long)
pub const V2l = Vec2(i64);
/// Vector2(int)
pub const V2i = Vec2(i32);
pub fn Vec2(comptime ScalarT: type) type {
return extern struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const Size = 2;
pub const Child = ScalarT;
usingnamespace VectorOperations(Self);
x: ScalarT,
y: ScalarT,
// Init with x and y components
pub inline fn init(x: ScalarT, y: ScalarT) Self {
return Self{ .x = x, .y = y };
// Cross product of two Vec2s
pub inline fn cross(self: Self, b: Self) ScalarT {
return self.x * b.y + self.y * b.x;
pub const zero = Self.init(0, 0);
pub const one = Self.init(1, 1);
pub const up = Self.init(0, 1);
pub const down = Self.init(0, -1);
pub const right = Self.init(1, 0);
pub const left = Self.init(-1, 0);
/// Vector3(double)
pub const V3d = Vec3(f64);
/// Vector3(float)
pub const V3f = Vec3(f32);
/// Vector3(long)
pub const V3l = Vec3(i64);
/// Vector3(int)
pub const V3i = Vec3(i32);
pub fn Vec3(comptime ScalarT: type) type {
return extern struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const Size = 3;
pub const Child = ScalarT;
usingnamespace VectorOperations(Self);
x: ScalarT,
y: ScalarT,
z: ScalarT,
/// Init with x, y, and z components.
pub inline fn init(x: ScalarT, y: ScalarT, z: ScalarT) Self {
return .{ .x = x, .y = y, .z = z };
/// Init with a Vec2, z will be zero.
pub inline fn initV2(vec2: Vec2(ScalarT)) Self {
return .{ .x = vec2.x, .y = vec2.y, .z = 0 };
/// Cross product of two Vec3s
pub inline fn cross(self: Self, b: Self) Self {
return .{
.x = self.y * b.z - self.z * b.y,
.y = self.z * b.x - self.x * b.z,
.z = self.x * b.y - self.y * b.x,
pub const zero = Self.init(0, 0, 0);
pub const one = Self.init(1, 1, 1);
pub const up = Self.init(0, 1, 0);
pub const down = Self.init(0, -1, 0);
pub const foward = Self.init(0, 0, 1);
pub const backward = Self.init(0, 0, -1);
pub const right = Self.init(1, 0, 0);
pub const left = Self.init(-1, 0, 0);
/// Vector4(double)
pub const V4d = Vec4(f64);
/// Vector4(float)
pub const V4f = Vec4(f32);
/// Vector4(long)
pub const V4l = Vec4(i64);
/// Vector4(int)
pub const V4i = Vec4(i32);
pub fn Vec4(comptime ScalarT: type) type {
return extern struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const Size = 4;
pub const Child = ScalarT;
usingnamespace VectorOperations(Self);
x: ScalarT,
y: ScalarT,
z: ScalarT,
w: ScalarT,
/// Init with x, y, z and w components
pub inline fn init(x: ScalarT, y: ScalarT, z: ScalarT, w: ScalarT) Self {
return Self{ .x = x, .y = y, .z = z, .w = w };
/// Init with a Vec2, z and w will be zero.
pub inline fn initV2(vec2: Vec2(ScalarT)) Self {
return Self{ .x = vec2.x, .y = vec2.y, .z = 0, .w = 0 };
/// Init with a Vec3, w will be zero.
pub inline fn initV3(vec3, Vec3(ScalarT)) Self {
return Self{ .x = vec3.x, .y = vec3.y, .z = vec3.z, .w = 0 };
pub const zero = Self.init(0, 0, 0, 0);
pub const one = Self.init(1, 1, 1, 1);
pub const up = Self.init(0, 1, 0, 0);
pub const down = Self.init(0, -1, 0, 0);
pub const foward = Self.init(0, 0, 1, 0);
pub const backward = Self.init(0, 0, -1, 0);
pub const right = Self.init(1, 0, 0, 0);
pub const left = Self.init(-1, 0, 0, 0);
pub fn Vec(comptime size: comptime_int, comptime ScalarT: type) type {
return switch (size) {
2 => Vec2(ScalarT),
3 => Vec3(ScalarT),
4 => Vec4(ScalarT),
else => unreachable,
test "Vec3 operations" {
const a = V2i.up; // 0, 1, 0
const b = a.add(2); // 2, 3, 2
const c = b.add(V2i.init(3, 2)); // 5, 5, 5
const d = c.sub(1); // 4, 4, 4
const e = d.mul(3); // 12, 12, 12
const f = e.negate(); // -12, -12, -12
const g = f.mul(-2); // 24, 24, 24
std.testing.expect(g.gterEqual(V2i.init(24, 24)));
test "Vec3 random" {
var rand = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(1337).random;
std.testing.expect(V3f.random(&rand).unitVec().magSqr() == 1);
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