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Last active March 2, 2016 09:43
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
static class Util
static public Vector2 CrossKey(float scale = 1f, bool extraEnable = true)
KeyCode[][] keys = new[]{
new[]{KeyCode.RightArrow, KeyCode.LeftArrow},
new[]{KeyCode.UpArrow, KeyCode.DownArrow},
var vec = new Vector2();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.Length; ++i)
var keyset = keys[i];
vec[i] = Input.GetKeyUp(keyset[0])
? 1f
: Input.GetKeyUp(keyset[1]) ? -1f : 0f;
var extraScale = (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt)
? 0.1f
: (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ? 10f : 1f)
return vec * scale * (extraEnable ? extraScale : 1f);
static public Vector3 WorldToGuiPoint(Vector3 pos)
var camera = Camera.main;
var screenPos = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(pos);
return new Vector3(screenPos.x, camera.pixelHeight - screenPos.y, screenPos.z);
static public T SelectRandomWithWeight<T>(List<T> list, System.Func<T, float> getWeight)
var total = list.Aggregate(0f, (s, data) => s + getWeight(data));
var corsor = Random.value * total;
var ret = list.ToList().Find(data => {
corsor -= getWeight(data);
return corsor <= 0f;
return ret;
static public T RandomSelect<T>(T[] list)
return list[Random.Range(0, list.Length)];
static public float Rate2Value(float rate, float min, float max)
return rate * (max - min) + min;
static public float Value2Rate(float v, float min, float max)
return (v - min) / (max - min);
static public float Value2RateClamp(float v, float min, float max)
return Mathf.Clamp01(Value2Rate(v, min, max));
public static System.Type GetType(string TypeName)
// Try Type.GetType() first. This will work with types defined
// by the Mono runtime, etc.
var type = System.Type.GetType(TypeName);
// If it worked, then we're done here
if (type != null)
return type;
// Get the name of the assembly (Assumption is that we are using
// fully-qualified type names)
var assemblyName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf('.'));
// Attempt to load the indicated Assembly
var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
if (assembly == null)
return null;
// Ask that assembly to return the proper Type
return assembly.GetType(TypeName);
public static int NamesToLayerMask(params string[] names)
return names.Aggregate(0, (s, name) => s |= 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(name));
public static T SelectWithWait<T>(List<T> list, System.Func<T, float> getWait) where T : class
var total = list.Aggregate(0f, (s, data) => s + getWait(data));
var corsor = Random.value * total;
var ret = list.Find(data =>
corsor -= getWait(data);
return corsor <= 0f;
return ret;
public static T EnumRandom<T>()
var values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));
return (T)values.GetValue(Random.Range(0, values.Length));
public class Stopwatch
public float last;
public float interval = 0f;
bool real = false;
float time { get { return real ? Time.realtimeSinceStartup : Time.time; } }
public Stopwatch(bool start = true) { if (start) Start(); }
public void Start() { if (!IsStarted()) last = Time.time; }
public void Check() { interval = count; last = Time.time; }
public bool IsStarted() { return last > 0f; }
public float count { get { return Time.time - last; } }
public class RandParam
public float offset = 0f;
public float randRange = 0f;
public float max { get { return offset + randRange; } }
public float value { get { return _value ?? Rand(); } }
float? _value;
public float Rand()
_value = offset + Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * randRange;
return _value.Value;
public RandParam() { }
public RandParam(float offset) { this.offset = offset; }
public class RandFloat : Rand<float>
public RandFloat() : this(0f, 0f) { }
public RandFloat(float min, float max) : base(min, max) { }
protected override float _rand(float min, float max) { return UnityEngine.Random.Range(min, max); }
public class RandInt : Rand<int>
public RandInt() : this(0, 0) { }
public RandInt(int min, int max) : base(min, max) { }
protected override int _rand(int min, int max) { return UnityEngine.Random.Range(min, max + 1); }
public abstract class Rand<T> where T : struct
public T _min;
public T _max;
T? _value;
public T value { get { return _value ?? Calc(); } }
public Rand() { }
public Rand(T min, T max) { _min = min; _max = max; }
public T Calc()
_value = _rand(_min, _max);
return _value.Value;
protected abstract T _rand(T min, T max);
public class KeepTimeFlag
public float switchTime = 5f;
bool flag = false;
float? startTime;
public KeepTimeFlag(float switchTime = 5f) { this.switchTime = switchTime; }
public void Set(bool f)
if (f)
if (!startTime.HasValue) startTime = Time.time;
if ((Time.time - startTime) >= switchTime)
flag = f;
else {
flag = f;
startTime = null;
public bool Get()
return flag;
public void Clear() { Set(false); }
public bool Check(float offset = 0f)
return offset == 0f ? Get() : (Time.time - startTime) >= (switchTime + offset);
public void Reset() { Set(false); Set(true); }
public static implicit operator bool(KeepTimeFlag x) { return x.Get(); }
//public static operator bool(KeepTimeFlag x){return x; }
public bool raw { get { return startTime.HasValue; } }
// あとremain秒でTrueになるように強制
public void SetRemain(float remain)
// Time.time+remain - startTime > switchTime
// より Time.time+remain - switchTime > startTime
startTime = Time.time + remain - switchTime; ;
public class Stopwatch
public float last;
public float interval = 0f;
bool real = false;
float time { get { return real ? Time.realtimeSinceStartup : Time.time; } }
public Stopwatch(bool start = true) { if (start) Start(); }
public void Start() { if (!IsStarted()) last = Time.time; }
public void Check() { interval = count; last = Time.time; }
public bool IsStarted() { return last > 0f; }
public float count { get { return Time.time - last; } }
public class LazyHolder<T>
T _value;
System.Func<T> getter;
public T value { get { return _value == null ? _value = getter() : _value; } }
public LazyHolder(System.Func<T> getter)
this.getter = getter;
public static implicit operator T(LazyHolder<T> self) { return self.value; }
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