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Created December 15, 2016 10:32
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System;
public class TimeDebugger : MonoBehaviour
#region TypeDefine
public class NamedFloat
public string name;
public float time;
public List<NamedFloat> _presets = new List<NamedFloat>();
int _skipSec = 1;
bool _isSkipping;
float _startTime;
public float modeTime { get { return Time.time - _startTime; } }
void Start()
public void Reset()
_startTime = Time.time;
float? _beforePauseTimeScale;
// call from OnGUI()
public void DebugMenu()
Indent(() =>
GUI.enabled = !_isSkipping;
using (var h = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
GUILayout.Label("Time:[" + modeTime.ToString("f") + "]");
Time.timeScale = float.Parse(GUILayout.TextField(Time.timeScale.ToString(), GUILayout.MinWidth(70f)));
if (GUILayout.Button("Reset")) Time.timeScale = 1f;
var isPausing = _beforePauseTimeScale.HasValue;
if (GUILayout.Button(isPausing ? "Play" : "Pause", GUILayout.Width(100)))
if (isPausing)
Time.timeScale = _beforePauseTimeScale.Value;
_beforePauseTimeScale = null;
_beforePauseTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
Time.timeScale = 0f;
using (var h2 = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
using (var v = new GUILayout.VerticalScope())
using (var h3 = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
GUILayout.Label("Slow", GUILayout.Width(50f));
Time.timeScale = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(Time.timeScale, 0f, 1f, GUILayout.MinWidth(200));
using (var h4 = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
GUILayout.Label("FF", GUILayout.Width(50f));
Time.timeScale = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(Time.timeScale, 1f, 100f, GUILayout.MinWidth(200));
using (var h = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
if (GUILayout.Button("Skip[sec]"))
_skipSec = (int)Slider(_skipSec, 0, 100, "");
if (_presets.Any())
using (var h = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
_presets.ForEach(p =>
var enabled = GUI.enabled;
GUI.enabled = GUI.enabled && (p.time > modeTime);
if (GUILayout.Button( + "(" + p.time + ")"))
StartCoroutine(Skip(p.time - modeTime));
GUI.enabled = enabled;
GUI.enabled = true;
IEnumerator Skip(float sec)
_isSkipping = true;
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
var audioAndTimes = FindObjectsOfType<AudioSource>()
.Where(a => a.isActiveAndEnabled && a.clip != null)
.Select(a => new { audio = a, targetSample = a.timeSamples + Mathf.CeilToInt(a.clip.samples * sec / a.clip.length) })
audioAndTimes.ForEach(at =>;
float remain = sec;
while (remain > 0f)
Time.timeScale = Mathf.Min(100f, remain / Time.deltaTime); // timeScale range 0~100
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
remain -= Time.deltaTime;
Time.timeScale = 1f;
audioAndTimes.ForEach(at =>
if ( < at.targetSample)
else { = at.targetSample;;
_isSkipping = false;
public static float Slider(float v, float min, float max, string label = "")
using (var h = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) GUILayout.Label(label);
v = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(v, (float)min, (float)max, GUILayout.MinWidth(200));
v = float.Parse(GUILayout.TextField(v.ToString(), GUILayout.MinWidth(70f)));
return v;
public static void Indent(Action action)
const int TAB = 20;
using (var h = new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
using (var v = new GUILayout.VerticalScope())
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