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Last active March 4, 2024 05:26
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CodeSpitz 74 - 6강 코드
<section id="stage">
<nav id="controller">
<button class="up"></button>
<button class="down"></button>
<button class="left"></button>
<button class="right"></button>
<button class="space"></button>
<section id="title" style="display:none">
<button class="start">START</button>
<section id="stageIntro" style="display:none">
<section class="stage"></section>
<section id="game" style="display:none">
<section class="next"></section>
<section class="play"></section>
<section class="stage">
<section class="stage"></section>
<section class="score">
<div>current: <span class="curr"></span></div>
<div>total: <span class="total"></span></div>
<section id="stageEnd" style="display:none">
<div>Stage: <span class="stage"></span></div>
<div>Current: <span class="curr"></span></div>
<div>Total: <span class="total"></span></div>
<button class="next">NEXT</button>
<section id="clear" style="display:none">
Thank you!
<button class="rank">Rank</button>
<button class="title">Title</button>
<section id="dead" style="display:none">
You are dead.
<button class="rank">Rank</button>
<button class="title">Title</button>
<ul id="ranking" style="display:none"></ul>
<script src="setting.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
const APP = (SET=>{
'use strict';
const repeat = (count, ...arg) => {
const f = arg.pop();
for(let i = 0; i < count; i++) f(i, ...arg);
const PROP = (self, ...v) => Object.assign(self, ...v);
const ERR = v => { throw v; };
const IS_OVERRIDE = _ => ERR('override!');
const TMPL = (self, method, ...arg) => '_' + method in self ? self['_' + method](arg) : ERR();
const HOOK = (p, method) => typeof p.prototype[method] === 'function' ? '_' + method : ERR();
const SubData = class{
constructor(listener) { PROP(this, {listener}); }
notify() { if(this.listener) this.listener(); }
clear() {
TMPL(this, 'clear');
const Stage = class extends SubData {
[HOOK(SubData, 'clear')]() {
this.stage = 0;
isNext() {
if(this.stage++ === SET.stage.max) return false;
else {
return true;
get speed() {
const {stage: {speed: [min, max], max: stageMax}} = SET;
return min - (min - max) * (this.stage - 1) / stageMax;
get count() {
const {stage: {count: [max, inc]}} = SET;
return max + inc * (this.stage - 1);
const Score = class extends SubData {
[HOOK(SubData, 'clear')]() {
this.curr = = 0;
add(line, stage) {
const Block = class {
static get() {}
constructor() {}
left() {}
right() {}
get block() {}
const Data = class extends Array {
constructor(row, col) {
PROP(this, {col});
cell() {}
row() {}
all() {}
const Renderer = class {
constructor() {}
clear() {
render(v) {
TMPL(this, 'render', v);
const TableRenderer = class extends Renderer {
[HOOK(Renderer, 'render')]() {}
[OVERRIDE(Renderer, 'clear')]() {}
const Panel = class {
constructor(game, _init, _render) {
PROP(this, {game, _init, _render});
init(...arg) {
return this.base = this._init(, ...arg);
render(...arg) {
this._render(this.base,, ...arg);
const Game = class {
constructor(col, row, basePanel) {
addState(state, {init, render}, f) {
this.state[state] = f;
this.panel[panel] = new Panel(this, init, render);
return {
init() {
const game = new Game(10, 20, {
init: ()=> sel('#stage'),
render: (base, game, panel, {base: el = panel.init()}) => {
base.innerHTML = '';
game.addState(Game.title, {
init: (game, ...arg) => {
sel('#title').style.display = 'block';
sel('#title.start').onclick =_=>game.setState(Game.stageIntro);
return sel('#title');
render: null
}, (_, {stage, score}) => {
const SET = {
stage: {
max: 10,
count: [10, 3],
speed: [500, 100]
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