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Created May 9, 2023 19:13
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const config: CodegenConfig = {
// @ts-ignore TypeScript describes this as a string, but it also supports a
// function.
schema: {
customFetch: initCustomFetch({
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
"Content-Language": "en-us",
documents: ["src/**/*.(graphql|gql)"],
generates: {
"./src/graphql/contentful/__generated__/schemas.ts": {
plugins: ["typescript"],
config: {
typesPrefix: "Cf",
"./src/graphql/contentful/__generated__/operations.ts": {
preset: "import-types",
presetConfig: {
typesPath: "./schemas",
plugins: ["typescript-operations"],
config: {
typesPrefix: "Cf",
"./src/graphql/contentful/__generated__/hooks.tsx": {
preset: "import-types",
presetConfig: {
typesPath: "./operations",
plugins: ["typescript-react-apollo"],
config: {
withHOC: false,
withComponent: false,
withHooks: true,
typesPrefix: "Cf",
ignoreNoDocuments: true,
import {
type Collection,
type ContentFields,
type ContentType,
type ContentTypeProps,
} from "contentful-management";
import type {
} from "graphql";
import fetch, { Response } from "node-fetch";
* initCustomFetch
type ContentfulConfig = {
accessToken: string;
spaceId: string;
environmentId: string;
export default function initCustomFetch(contentfulConfig: ContentfulConfig) {
return async function customFetch(url: string, config: object) {
// Load schema from GraphQL and REST APIs in parallel.
const [schema, contentTypes] = await Promise.all([
// Load Contentful schema from GraphQL API.
fetchContentfulSchema(url, config),
// Load content types from Contentful REST API.
// Initialize required field validator.
const isValidRequiredContentTypeField =
const validContentTypeNames = new Set( => parseContentTypeName(contentType))
// Modify schema content types to enforce required fields. => {
if (!isIntrospectionObjectType(type)) return;
if (isContentType(type)) {
// Iterate over each field in the content type and check if it is
// required. If it is required, replace the field type with a
// non-null version of the field type.
type.fields.forEach((field) => {
if (!isValidRequiredContentTypeField(, return;
// @ts-ignore Allow assignment to read-only property.
field.type = makeNonNullType(field.type);
} else {
// If the type is a "collection", the items field must also be non-null.
const itemsField = type.fields.find((field) => === "items");
if (
itemsField &&
isNonNullType(itemsField.type) &&
isListType(itemsField.type.ofType) &&
// @ts-ignore Find a type for the nested
) {
// @ts-ignore Allow assignment to read-only property.
itemsField.type.ofType.ofType = makeNonNullType(
// Return the modified schema.
const buffer = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(schema));
return new Response(buffer);
* fetchContentfulSchema
type IntrospectionQueryResponse = {
data: IntrospectionQuery;
async function fetchContentfulSchema(url: string, config: object) {
const response = await fetch(url, config);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Bad response from API endpoint: ${response.status}.`);
const json = (await response.json()) as IntrospectionQueryResponse;
return json;
* fetchContentfulContentTypes
async function fetchContentfulContentTypes(config: ContentfulConfig) {
const { accessToken, spaceId, environmentId } = config;
const client = createClient({ accessToken });
const space = await client.getSpace(spaceId);
const environment = await space.getEnvironment(environmentId);
const contentTypes = await environment.getContentTypes();
return contentTypes;
* A naive type guard to determine if a type is a GraphQL IntrospectionObjectType.
* This type is used for Contentful content types and content type collections.
function isIntrospectionObjectType(
type: IntrospectionType
): type is IntrospectionObjectType {
return type.kind === "OBJECT";
* A naive validation for Contentful content types.
function isContentType(type: IntrospectionObjectType) {
return (
isIntrospectionObjectType(type) &&
type.fields.some((field) => === "sys")
* initIsValidRequiredContentTypeField
type RequiredFields = Set<string>;
type ContentTypeRequiredField = [string, RequiredFields];
type ContentTypeRequiredFields = Map<string, RequiredFields>;
function initIsValidRequiredContentTypeField(
contentTypes: Collection<ContentType, ContentTypeProps>
) {
// Create a mapping of content type IDs to required field IDs.
const requiredContentTypeFields: ContentTypeRequiredFields = new Map(
// Include Asset required fields.
new Set(["contentType", "fileName", "size", "url"])
* isValidRequiredContentTypeField
return function isValidRequiredContentTypeField(
contentType: string,
field: string
) {
return !!requiredContentTypeFields.get(contentType)?.has(field);
* parseRequiredContentTypeFields
function parseRequiredContentTypeFields(contentTypes: ContentType[]) {
// TODO determine if `__typename` should be considered a required field.
// TODO determine if `linkedFrom` should be considered a required field.
const requiredContentTypeFields: ContentTypeRequiredField[] = [];
contentTypes.forEach((contentType) => {
if (contentType.sys.type !== "ContentType") return;
const requiredFields = parseRequiredFieldIds(contentType.fields);
if (requiredFields.length === 0) return;
new Set(requiredFields),
return requiredContentTypeFields;
* parseRequiredFieldIds
function parseRequiredFieldIds(contentFields: ContentFields[]) {
const requiredFieldIds: string[] = [];
contentFields.forEach((field) => {
if (field.required) {
return requiredFieldIds;
* parseContentTypeName
function parseContentTypeName(contentType: ContentType) {
// Capitalize the type ID to match the name property in the GraphQL schema.
return capitalize(;
* capitalize
function capitalize(str: string) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
* makeNonNullType
type NonNullType<T extends IntrospectionTypeRef> =
IntrospectionNonNullTypeRef<T> & {
name: null;
function makeNonNullType<T extends IntrospectionTypeRef>(
ofType: T
): NonNullType<T> {
return {
name: null,
kind: "NON_NULL",
* isNonNullType
// TODO explore Contentful's types for more specific type guards.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function isNonNullType(type: any): type is IntrospectionNonNullTypeRef {
return type.kind === "NON_NULL";
* isListType
function isListType(
type: IntrospectionTypeRef
): type is IntrospectionListTypeRef {
return type.kind === "LIST";
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