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Last active October 5, 2023 16:38
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Complete Lambda@Edge function to inject metadata.
const path = require('path');
const https = require('https');
const zlib = require('zlib');
const downloadContent = (url, callback) => {
https.get(url, (res) => {
let response;
let body = '';
if (res.headers['content-encoding'] === 'gzip') {
response = res.pipe(zlib.createGunzip());
} else {
response = res;
response.on('data', (chunk) => {
body += chunk;
response.on('end', () => {
callback(true, body, res.headers);
}).on('error', (e) => callback(false, e));
const fetchMetaData = (url, callback) => {
downloadContent(url, (isOk, result, headers) => {
if (!isOk) {
console.log('Error fetching meta data:', result);
} else {
const metaData = JSON.parse(result);
let metaTags = '';
if (metaData) {
if (metaData.title) {
metaTags += '<title>' + metaData.title + '</title>';
metaTags += '<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"' + metaData.title + '\" />';
if (metaData.description) {
metaTags += '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"' + metaData.description + '\" />';
metaTags += '<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"' + metaData.description + '\" />';
if (metaData.images) {
for (let i = 0; i < metaData.images.length; i++) {
const image = metaData.images[i];
metaTags += '<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"' + image + '\" />';
metaTags += '<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https://' + domainName + originalUri + '\" />';
metaTags += '<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"website\" />';
callback(true, metaTags, headers);
const fetchIndexHtmlAndCreateCloudFrontResponse = (url, metaTags, metaHeaders, callback) => {
downloadContent(url, (isOk, result, headers) => {
if (!isOk) {
console.log('Error fetching content:', result);
} else {
// We have <title>House of Radon</title> inside the actual index.html. We use that part to replace with actual metadata.
const finalBody = result.replace('<title>House of Radon</title>', metaTags);
const buffer = zlib.gzipSync(finalBody);
const base64EncodedBody = buffer.toString('base64');
const responseHeaders = {
'content-type': [{key:'Content-Type', value: 'text/html'}],
'content-encoding' : [{key:'Content-Encoding', value: 'gzip'}],
'accept-ranges': [{key:'Accept-Ranges', value: 'bytes'}]
let eTag = '';
if (metaHeaders) {
const metaEtag = metaHeaders['etag'];
if (metaEtag) {
eTag = metaEtag.replace(/"/g, '');
if (headers) {
const lastModified = headers['last-modified'];
const cacheControl = headers['cache-control'];
const contentETag = headers['etag'];
if (lastModified) {
responseHeaders['last-modified'] = [{key:'Last-Modified', value: lastModified}]
if (cacheControl) {
responseHeaders['cache-control'] = [{key:'Cache-Control', value: cacheControl}]
if (contentETag) {
eTag += contentETag.replace(/"/g, '');;
if (eTag !== '') {
responseHeaders['etag'] = [{key:'ETag', value: eTag}]
const newResponse = {
status: '200',
statusDescription: 'OK',
headers: responseHeaders,
body: base64EncodedBody,
bodyEncoding: 'base64',
callback(true, newResponse);
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const { request, config } = event.Records[0].cf;
let originalUri = request.uri;
const parsedPath = path.parse(originalUri);
if (parsedPath.ext === '') {
request.uri = '/index.html';
let metaUrl = '';
if (parsedPath.dir === '/') {
metaUrl += '/api/meta?type=' + parsedPath.base;
} else if (parsedPath.dir === '/creative' || parsedPath.dir === '/venture') {
metaUrl += '/api/case/' + parsedPath.base + '/meta';
} else if (parsedPath.dir === '/join-us') {
metaUrl += '/api/career/' + parsedPath.base + '/meta';
} else {
metaUrl += '/api/meta?type=';
fetchMetaData(metaUrl, (isOk, metaTags, metaHeaders) => {
if (!isOk) {
return callback(null, request); // Return same request so CloudFront can process as usual.
} else {
const contentUrl = '';
fetchIndexHtmlAndCreateCloudFrontResponse(contentUrl, metaTags, metaHeaders, (isOk, newResponse) => {
if (!isOk) {
return callback(null, request);
} else {
return callback(null, newResponse);
} else {
return callback(null, request);
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Hi - thanks for sharing! Do you specify this as the lambda for origin-response, origin-request or something else?

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@ashleygwinnell I do it in the origin-request.

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Yes, it is specified as Origin Request.

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can we get some sample code how to configure this function in CDK stack?

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