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Created May 3, 2020 18:21
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// FirstProtocols.swift
// simple-viper-example-ios
// Created by Furkan Kaplan on 3.05.2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Furkan Kaplan. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
protocol FirstPresenterProtocol {
var view: FirstPresenterOutputProtocol? { get set }
var interactor: FirstInteractorProtocol? { get set }
var router: FirstRouterProtocol? { get set }
func routeToSecondModuleButtonTapped()
protocol FirstPresenterOutputProtocol {
func firstListFetched(with data: String)
func firstListFetchedFailed(with errorMessage: String)
protocol FirstRouterProtocol {
func routeToSecondModule(from: FirstPresenterOutputProtocol?)
protocol FirstInteractorProtocol {
var presenter: FirstInteractorOutputProtocol? { get set }
func fetchFirstList()
protocol FirstInteractorOutputProtocol {
func firstListFetched(with data: String)
func firstListFetchedFailed(with errorMessage: String)
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