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Last active April 22, 2020 01:54
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import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import os
import json
# 定義
targetPath = '/tmp/DataSet'
manifest = 'output.manifest'
# 彩度
def saturation(src, saturation):
# 一旦、BGRをHSVに変換して彩度を変換する
img = cv2.cvtColor(src,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
img[:,:,(1)] = img[:,:,(1)] * saturation
img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
return img
# 明度
def brightness(src, brightness):
# 一旦、BGRをHSVに変換して明度を変換する
img = cv2.cvtColor(src,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
img[:,:,(2)] = img[:,:,(2)] * brightness
img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
return img
# コントラスト
def contrast(src, alpha):
# 各色相をalphaで演算する
img = alpha * src
return np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
# モザイク
def mosaic(src, ratio):
# ratio倍でリサイズして戻す
img = cv2.resize(src, None, fx=ratio, fy=ratio, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
return cv2.resize(img, src.shape[:2][::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
# ガウスノイズ
def gaussian(src, sigma):
# ランダム値で生成した画像と合成する
row,col,ch = src.shape
mean = 0
gauss = np.random.normal(mean, sigma, (row, col, ch)).astype('u1')
gauss = gauss.reshape(row, col, ch)
return src + gauss
# ごま塩ノイズ
def noise(src, amount):
# ランダム値で生成したノイズと合成する
img = src.copy()
num_pepper = np.ceil(amount* src.size * (0.5))
coords = [np.random.randint(0, i-1 , int(num_pepper)) for i in src.shape]
img[coords[:-1]] = (0,0,0)
return img
# 1件のデータを表現するクラス
class Data():
def __init__(self, src):
# プロジェクト名の取得
for key in src.keys():
index = key.rfind("-metadata")
self.projectName = key[0:index]
# メタデータの取得
self.metadata = src[self.projectName + '-metadata']
class_map = self.metadata["class-map"]
# 画像名の取得
sourceRef = src["source-ref"]
imgFileName = os.path.basename(sourceRef)
self.s3Path = sourceRef.replace(imgFileName,"")
self.baseName = imgFileName.split('.')[0]
self.ext = imgFileName.split('.')[1]
# 画像サイズの取得
project = src[self.projectName]
image_size = project["image_size"]
self.img_width = image_size[0]["width"]
self.img_height = image_size[0]["height"]
self.annotations = []
# アノテーションの取得
for annotation in project["annotations"]:
class_id = annotation["class_id"]
top = annotation["top"]
left = annotation["left"]
width = annotation["width"]
height = annotation["height"]
"class_id": class_id,
"label": class_map[str(class_id)],
"width": width,
"top": top,
"height": height,
"left": left
def dumps(self):
dstJson = {}
dstJson["source-ref"] = "{}{}.{}".format(self.s3Path, self.baseName, self.ext)
dstJson[self.projectName] = {}
dstJson[self.projectName]["image_size"] = []
"width": self.img_width,
"height": self.img_height,
"depth": 3
dstJson["boxlabel"]["annotations"] = []
for annotation in self.annotations:
"class_id": annotation["class_id"],
"top": annotation["top"],
"width": annotation["width"],
"height": annotation["height"]
dstJson[self.projectName + '-metadata'] = self.metadata
return json.dumps(dstJson)
# 全てのJSONデータを読み込む
def getDataList(inputPath, manifest):
dataList = []
with open("{}/{}".format(inputPath, manifest), 'r') as f:
srcList ='\n')
for src in srcList:
if(src != ''):
json_src = json.loads(src)
return dataList
def main():
# 変換リスト
convertList = [
{"function": saturation, "param": 0.2}, # 彩度
{"function": saturation, "param": 3.0},
{"function": brightness, "param": 0.6}, # 明度
{"function": contrast, "param": 0.8}, # コントラスト
{"function": mosaic, "param": 0.05},# モザイク
{"function": mosaic, "param": 0.1},
{"function": mosaic, "param": 0.2},
{"function": gaussian, "param": 20.0},# ガウスノイズ
{"function": noise, "param": 0.1}, # ごま塩ノイズ
dataList = getDataList(targetPath, manifest)
print("全データ: {}件 ".format(len(dataList)))
outputManifest = ''
for data in dataList:
outputManifest += data.dumps() + '\n'
srcImage = "{}/{}.{}".format(targetPath, data.baseName, data.ext)
orgBaseName = data.baseName
for i,convert in enumerate(convertList):
baseName = "{}-{}".format(orgBaseName, str(i+1).zfill(3))
dstImage = "{}/{}.{}".format(targetPath, baseName, data.ext)
data.baseName = baseName
outputManifest += data.dumps() + '\n'
img = cv2.imread(srcImage)
img = convert["function"](img, convert["param"])
with open("{}/{}".format(targetPath, manifest), mode='w') as f:
print("増幅後データ: {}件 ".format(len(outputManifest.split('\n'))))
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